Corrections to votes and voting intentions submitted in the two weeks following the part-session are shown in the section relating to the vote concerned. They are published for information only and in no way alter the outcome of the vote announced in plenary.
Key to symbols: + (in favour), - (against), 0 (abstention)
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1. Iran: in particular the poisoning of hundreds of school girls - RC-B9-0170/2023 - After § 1 - Am 1
Berlato, Bourgeois, Fidanza, Gemma, Ilčić, Kanko, Lundgren, Nesci, Nissinen, de la Pisa Carrión, Procaccini, Roos, Sofo, Stancanelli, Terheş, Tertsch, Tošenovský, Van Overtveldt, Vondra, Vrecionová, Weimers, Zahradil
6. Tunisia: Recent attacks against freedom of expression and association and trade unions, in particular the case of journalist Noureddine Boutar - RC-B9-0171/2023/rev - § 1 - Am 1