1. Subcommittees may be set up in accordance with Rule 212. A standing or special committee may also, in the interests of its work and subject to prior authorisation by the Conference of Presidents, appoint one or more subcommittees, at the same time determining their composition, in accordance with the relevant provisions laid down in Rule 216, as well as their areas of responsibility, which must fall within the areas of responsibility of the parent committee. Subcommittees shall report to their parent committee.
2. Unless otherwise specified in these Rules, the procedure for subcommittees shall be the same as for committees.
3. Full members of a subcommittee shall be chosen from among the members of the parent committee.
4. Substitutes shall be allowed to sit on subcommittees under the same conditions as on committees.
5. The Chair of the parent committee may involve the Chairs of the subcommittees in the work of the coordinators or may allow them to chair debates in the parent committee on issues specifically dealt with by the subcommittees in question, provided that this way of proceeding is submitted to the committee bureau for its consideration and approved.