Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament
7th parliamentary term - December 2009
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Arabic numerals refer to Rules. Annexes are denoted by Roman numerals and the Arabic or Roman numerals or the letters that follow them refer to sections, Articles or paragraphs of these Annexes.
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to chamber 145
to documents 39, 103 - 104, 148, VIII.B, VIII.C, XV
to gallery 145
to Parliament 9, XVI
negotiations 74 c, 200, XIV.II
treaties 74 c, 200
Accounting 79, 80, VII.IV, VII.V
Acts adopted 73 - 74
Adjournment of debate and vote 172, 177
amendments 20, 66, 157, 161
questions 116
Questions for written answer 117
consultation 126
adoption 140 - 141
amendment 140, 175, 177
draft 25, 137 - 138
final draft 122, 138, 140, XIV
inclusion of items on 7, 52, 57 - 58, 64, 69, 97, 115, 122, 137 - 138, 141 - 142, 175, 188, 204, II, IV, VI.4
of committee 4, 63, 117 - 118, 193, VIII.A
seats in chamber 34
speaking time 122, 149, IV
Allowances 153
Amendments 156
admissibility 20, 87, 157
adoption 57
Commission's position 54, 57 - 58, 61, 66, XIV
committee 162, 195
committee consideration of plenary amendments 162
compromise 57, 63, 66, 160 - 161
deadlines 156
distribution 156
languages 146 - 147, 156
lapsing 156 - 157
moving 156
oral 97, 156, 195
order of voting 161
printing 156
procedure without 46, 138
tabling 156, 195
taken over 156
withdrawal 156
Annexes 212, 215
Annual General Report 119
Annual legislative programme 35, 42 - 43
Annual report on application of Community law 119
Anthem 213
Appeal procedures 153 - 154
European Central Bank 109
Head of Commission external delegations 95
Members of Court of Auditors 108
Special Representatives for CFSP 93
voting procedure 169
Archives 179, 203
Assistants X.2
Associated committees 50, 88
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Blue card 149
of fundamental principles 74 c
of human rights, democracy and the rule of law 122, 137, IV
Budget 75 a - 75 f, 78, VI, VII.IV, VII.V
control over implementation 78, 112
discharge 76 - 77, 112, VI, VII.V
examination of in Parliament 75 - 75 f
supplementary 75 - 75 f
Bulletin 29
accountability 29
committees 185, 191, VIII.A
composition 17 - 18, 22
duties 23, 146 - 147, 153 - 154, 209
preliminary draft 23, 79
questions 29
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Censure 107
Chamber (access to) 145
Charter of Fundamental Rights 36, 103
Closer cooperation between Member States - see Enhanced cooperation
Code of conduct 9, X
Codification of Community legislation 86
Comitology XIII
adoption of amendments to proposal 57
annual general report 119
annual report on Community law 119
discharge 76
election 106
follow-up 58 - 59
implementing powers 88, XIII, XIV.I
information to Parliament XIV
legislative and work programme 35
Members 106, XIV
modification of proposal 53
motion of censure 107
negotiating mandate 90
position on amendments 54, 57 - 58, 61, 66, XIV
President 105
programme of nominated Commission 105
questions 115 - 117, II
rejection of proposal 56, 87
request for opinions 43
resignation of a Member XIV
speaking time 149
statements 110 - 111
withdrawal of proposal 39, 56, 58, 65
Committee coordinators 192
Committee of the Regions 125
Committees 45 - 50, 52, 183 - 191, 193 - 197, VII
asked for an opinion 49, 188, 195
associated 50, 88
bureau 52, 191
chairman 27, 52, 88, 185, 191
composition 25, 186
conciliation (Article 251 EC) 67 - 69
conflicts of competence 188
corrigenda 216
dialogue with the Council 63
duties 25, 188, VII
emergency meeting 97
first reading 37 - 38, 39, 53 - 54
joint meetings 51, 188
joint parliamentary 200
meetings 23, 46, 63, 96, 103, 106, 108 - 109, 113, 135, 162, 187, 190 - 191, 193 - 194, VIII.A
members 186, 191
minutes 103, 194
of inquiry 25, 185 - 186, 188, IX
opinions 49 - 50
plenary amendments 162
powers and responsibilities 183 - 184, 188, VII
procedure 63, 193 - 197
question time 197
referral back 175
report 45, 47 - 48, 50, 52, 56 - 57
responsible 42 - 43, 63
rights 186 - 187
second reading 61 - 63
setting up 183 - 185, IX
standing 183
subcommittees 188, 190
substitutes 187
temporary (see special committees)
third reading 67 - 68
venue 135
verification of credentials 3, 189, VII.XVI
voting 195 - 196
Common foreign and security policy (CFSP) 96 - 97, VII.I, VIII.B
Special representatives 93
Vice President of the Commission/High Representative 96
Compromise amendments 57, 63, 66, 160 - 161
budgetary 75 d
composition and procedure of committee 68
third reading 67 - 69
code of conduct 9, X, XVI
of sittings 23, 145 - 154
standards of conduct 9, 152, XVI
Conference of Committee Chairs 27
Conference of Delegation Chairs 28
Conference of Presidents
accountability 29
composition 24
duties 25, 153, 210
questions 29
Conferences of Parliaments 132
Confidentiality 5, 29, 103, 185, 205, VIII.A, VIII.B, VIII.C, IX, XV
Conflict of interest
Consent procedure 74 a - 74 e, 90
Constitutive sitting 3, 12, 134
Consultation 43 - 44
Article 122 EC 83
Committee of the Regions 125
Economic and Social Committee 124
EU (or European) bodies 126
legislative initiatives from Member States 44
renewed 59
report 45
committees 193
Parliament 134
enhanced cooperation 74 g
Corrigenda 180, 216
Corruption 10, XII
consultations 43, 45
dialogue of committee responsible with 58, 63
meetings of 40
position 61
questions 115 - 117, II
recommendations to 97, 121
speaking time 149
statements 110
Council of Europe 199
Council position
amendments 66
approval 72
communication 61 - 63
rejection 65
Court of Auditors VI.1, VII.V
appointment of members 108
statements 112
Court of Justice of the European Union (nominations) 107 a
Court of Justice of the European Union (proceedings before) 128, 204, 206, VI.6
Court proceedings 128
Credentials (verification) 3, 12, 189
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amendments 156, 161
debate and vote 144
extension 62, 67, 69
report 52
roll-call votes 167
split votes 163
adjournment 172, 177
breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law 122, 137, IV
closure 172, 176
extraordinary 141
joint 143
procedure without 46, 138
to wind up a statement 110
Delegated acts 87 a
Delegations 23, 146
ad-hoc 25
chair 28
interparliamentary 198, VII.II
standing 25, 198
to joint parliamentary committees 200
Democracy 36, 122, 209 - 210, IV
Dialogue between management and labour 84
Dialogue with the Council 58, 63
Commission 76
decisions VI
other bodies 77
Parliament 80
President of Parliament 77
statement by Court of Auditors 112
Disruption outside the Chamber 153, XVI
Distribution 144, 148, 179, IV
Disturbances 152, 154, XVI
immediate measures 152
access to 103 - 104, 148, VIII.A, VIII.B, VIII.C, XV
confidential VIII
distribution 144, 148
lapsing 214
legislative 43
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Economic and Social Committee 124
Economic policies 114
Commission 106, XVII
Commission President 105
Ombudsman 204
Parliament 1, 214
President 13 - 14, 17 - 18
Quaestors 13, 16 - 18
Vice-Presidents 13, 15, 18
Election of officers
President 14
Quaestors 16
Vice-President 15
Electronic register of petitions 202
Emergency sitting of Parliament 134
Enhanced cooperation between Member States
Establishment plan (Secretariat) 23, 207
Estimates 79 - 79 a
Eurogroup II
European Central Bank
nominations 109
questions for written answer 118
statements 113
European Council 110
Europol VII.XVII
from a committee 193, VIII.A
from a delegation 153
from the Chamber 153
Explanations of vote 20, 170
Extraordinary debate 141
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Finance 80
Financial compatibility 38, 45, 47
Financial implications 36, 96
Financial interests
of Members 9, I
of the Communities 10, XII
Financial protocol 90
Financial statements 45, 47
Financial trilogue 75 c
First reading 36 - 37, 38 a - 39, 43, 53 - 59, 71
agreements 70 - 71
committee stage 37 - 38, 39, 45 - 50, 52 - 54
conclusion 53, 55
follow-up procedure 58 - 59
plenary stage 55 - 57
vote 55
First-reading agreements 70 - 71, XX
Flag 213
Follow-up procedure to Parliament's position 58 - 59
Foreign policy 96 - 97, VII.I
Former Members 9
Fraud 10, XII
Fundamental principles 9, VII.XVIII
Fundamental rights 36, VII.XVII
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Governing bodies 22 - 29
Groups 30 - 31, 33 - 34
Activities 31
Formation 30
Legal situation 31
Members changing 186 - 187
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Hearings 23, 185, 193, 202, XVII
Human rights 74 e, 98, 122, 209 - 210, IV
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Immunity 5 - 7, VII.XVI
Implementing measures 88, 128, XIII
Inadmissibility (moving) 172, 174
legislative 35 - 36, 41 - 42
originating from a Member State 44
own-initiative report 41, 48, 50
pursuant to Article 225 EC 42
Inquiry 185, IX
Inspection of files 5
Intergroups 32, I
Interim report
Interinstitutional agreements 127, 215, VIII.B, VIII.C, XIV.II
Interinstitutional negotiations in legislative procedures 70
International agreements 90 - 91
Interparliamentary delegations 198
Interpretation 146
Interruptive and procedural motions 172 - 178
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Joint debate 143
Joint motion for a resolution 110, 115, 122
Joint parliamentary committees 200
Joint text 69
Justifications 45, 47, 49, 156, 212
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Languages 23, 146 - 147, 185, 201, XI
amendments 156 - 157
documents 214
Legal basis
Commission proposals (modification) 59
committee responsible VII.XVI
Constitutive sitting
first reading 37
international agreements 90
legislative initiative under Article 225 EC 42
Legal-linguistic finalisation 71, 74, 180
Legislative and work programme 35
Legislative documents 43
Legislative initiative 35, 41 - 42, 44
Legislative procedures 35 - 38, 39 - 40, 42 - 50, 52 - 59, 61 - 69, 71 - 73, 83 - 87, 88, 128, 216, XIV.I
Legislative resolution 44 - 45, 55 - 57, 158
List of speakers 176
Lobbyists 9, X
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Majorities (qualified) and minimum numbers of Members required
 draft amendments and proposed modifications at first reading of budget
 draft amendments at second reading of budget
 final draft agenda 140
 objection to voting an amendment not distributed in all official languages 146 - 147, 156
 Rules of Procedure 212
 tabling 156
Annexes 215
 Commission (Members) 106
 Commission (President) 105
 Court of Auditors (request to postpone vote) 108
 European Central Bank (request to postpone vote) 109
 Ombudsman (appointment) 204
 Ombudsman (dismissal) 206
Decisions of Parliament
 accessions 74 c
 assent procedure
 common position
amendments 66
rejection 65
 international agreements 90
 joint text 69
 legislative initiative 42, 44
 maintaining an action brought before the Court of Justice 128
 motion of censure (adoption) 107
 on whether to vote on compromise amendment 161
Determination of a breach 74 c
Election of officers
 nominations 13
 President 13
 Quaestors 13
 Vice-President 13
Formation of committees and groups
 committees of inquiry 185 - 186
 political groups 30
items taken without amendment or debate 138
 change in voting order 161
 committee recommendations on common foreign and security policy 97
 interpretation of Rules of Procedure 211
 vote on amendment not distributed in all official languages 156
political parties at European level 210
Recommendations to the Council 121
 adjournment of debate 177
 adjournment of vote 177
extraordinary debate 141
for item to be open to amendment 138
to debate item without amendment 138
 closure of debate 176
 convening of Parliament 134
 debates on breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law 122
 establishment of quorum 155
 referral back to committee 175
 renewed consultation 59
 roll-call vote 167
 setting up of a committee of inquiry 185
 suspension or closure of sitting 178
 urgent procedure 142
Tabling of motions
 for resolutions
debates on breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law 122
questions for oral answer with debate 115
refusing discharge VI.4
statements by Commission, Council and European Council 110
 of censure 107
 proposal for a decision fixing a new maximum rate
 proposal for total rejection of budget
Termination (early) of office 19
Mandate 2, VII.XVI
Members 1 - 9, 136
assistants X
Commission 106, XIV
committee 185 - 186, IX
Court of Auditors 108
European Central Bank 109
exclusion 153
expenses 8
financial interests 9, I
non-attached 33
term of office 4
Minority opinions 52, 185
Bureau 29
committees 194, VIII.A
Conference of Presidents 29
sittings 179
Legislative proposal 36, 53
Rules of Procedure 211 - 212
Monetary Policy 113
for resolutions 47 - 49, 58, 78, 85, 98, 110, 115, 120, 122, 157, 202, 214, IV
of censure on Commission 107
procedural 172
Motto 213
amendments 156
inadmissibility 172, 174
Multiannual financial framework 75
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National parliaments
reasoned opinions 38 a
Negotiating mandate 90
Commissioners-designate 106
committees 186
European Central Bank 109
officers of Parliament 13 - 16, 186
Ombudsman 204
President of Parliament 14
President of the Commission 105
Quaestors 16
Vice-Presidents 15
Non-attached Members 33
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Observers 11
Officers 12 - 18, 20 - 21, 152 - 153
Ombudsman 205 - 206
activities 205, XI
dismissal 206
One-minute speeches 150
Openness and transparency 29, 103 - 104, I
minority 52, 185
of committees 37 - 38, 46, 49 - 50, 121, 188, 202 - 203, VI.1, VII
of Parliament 55, 90, 96, 105, 108 - 109, 119, 142, 195
on Council recommendations 83
requests for 43 - 44
Order in the Chamber 145, 152 - 154, XVI
Order of business 137 - 138, 140, 142 - 144
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Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe 199
Parliamentary term 133
conferences of 132
of Member States 25, 130 - 131
Part-sessions 133 - 134
Passes 5, 9, X.1
Penalties 153 - 154
Personal statements 151
Petitions 201 - 203, 214, VII.XX
amendments 49 - 50, 156, 162
budget 75 a - 76
first reading 55 - 57, 69
minutes 179
second reading 64 - 66, 72
third reading 69
verbatim report 181
Points of order 20, 173
Political Groups - see Groups
Political parties at European level 208 - 210
committee of independent eminent persons 210
exclusion from funding 209
implementing rules 23
powers and responsibilities of the Bureau 209
powers and responsibilities of the committee responsible 210
powers and responsibilities of the President 208
programme 210
recovery of amounts wrongly paid 209
technical assistance 209
common 61
of Commission 44, 54, 57 - 58, 61, 66, XIV
of Council 58
President of Parliament
duties 20, 23, 73, 111, 116, 122, 126, 128, 149 - 150, 153, 156 - 157, 171, 173, 208, 210, 216, II, XVI
election 13 - 14, 17 - 18
President of the Commission (election) 105
Prevention of fraud and corruption 10, XII
Privileges and immunities 5 - 7, 207, VII.XVI
budget 75 - 76, 78, VII.IV
conciliation 67 - 69, 75 d
discharge 76 - 77, 80
follow-up 58 - 59, 185
for voting 138, 158 - 159, 195
in committee 45 - 50, 52, 63, 67 - 68, 162, 191, 193 - 195, 197, 216, VIII.A
legislative 35 - 38, 39 - 40, 42 - 50, 52 - 59, 61 - 69, 71 - 73, 83 - 87, 88, 128, 216
motions 20, 172
scrutiny of voluntary agreements 85
simplified 46, 138
urgent 142
without amendment and debate 46, 138
Proceedings before the Court of Justice 128, 204, 206, VI.6
Proportionality 38 a
Provisional chair 12
Provisional twelfths system 75 f
Public access to documents 29, 103 - 104, XV
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accountability 29
duties 9, 22 - 23, 26, I, X
election 13, 16 - 17
financial interests I
questions to 29
brief and concise 110 - 111
for oral answer with debate 115
for written answer 117 - 118, III
priority 117
Question Time 116
to Bureau, Conference of Presidents and Quaestors 29
to Council and Commission 20, 115 - 117, II
to the European Central Bank 118, III
unfinished 214
Question time
in committee 197
in plenary 116, II
Quorum 155, 195
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Readings 37 - 38, 39 - 40, 42 - 50, 52 - 59, 61 - 69, 71 - 73
Recast of Community legislation 87
Recommendations 42, 64, 120 - 121, 123
accession treaties 74 c, 200
broad guidelines of economic policies 114
CFSP 96 - 97
following inquiry 185
for second reading 63 - 64
from the Council pursuant to Article 122 EC 83
negotiating mandate 90
to the Council 97, 121
Referral back to committee
Commission proposals
 postponement of vote (amendment not taken over by Commission) 57
 rejection 56
 second reading 63
corrigenda 216
Council's common position 43
discharge VI.5
procedural motions 172
Referral to committee
corrigenda 216
first reading 43
second reading 63
of lobbyists 9, X
of Members' interests I
of Parliament documents 104, XV
of petitions 201 - 202
Commission proposal 56, 87
common position 65
Relations with other institutions 25, 34, 105 - 107, 108 - 125, 127
Renewed referral to Parliament 59
application of Community law 119
based on motion for resolution 120
by Commission 119
by committee of inquiry 185, IX
draft 52
from other institutions 119
legislative 45, 55
minority opinions 52, 185
non-legislative 47
on consultation 45
on initiatives originating from Member States 44
oral 52, 56 - 57, 142
own-initiative 25, 41 - 42, 48, 50, 74 c, 119 - 120
second 56 - 57
Representation of Parliament in Council meetings 40
Rule of law 38 a, 74 e, 122, 209 - 210, IV
Rules of Procedure
amendment 212, VII.XVIII
application 211, VII.XVIII
interinstitutional agreements 127
points of order 173
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Scientific opinions 126
Scientific research and surveys 126
Second reading 43, 61 - 66, 72
agreements 70, 72
committee stage 61 - 63
conclusion 64
extension of time-limits 62
plenary stage 64 - 66, 72
recommendation for 63 - 64
vote 64 - 66, 72, 158
Second-reading agreements 70, 72, XX
Second report 56 - 57, 175
Secrecy 5, VIII.B, VIII.C, XV
Secretariat 23, 207
non-attached Members 33
Political Groups 31
Secretary-General 4, 23, 73, 79, 145, 147, 152, 207, 209
Sensitive information 5, VIII.B, VIII.C, XV
Sessions 133 - 134
Shadow rapporteurs 192
Short presentation procedure 48, 139
Signature of adopted acts 73
Simplification of Community legislation 86 - 87
Simplified procedure 46, 138
Sittings 133
conduct 23, 145 - 154
minutes 179
public conduct 96, 179, 181, 193 - 194, VIII.A
public record 179, 181 - 182
suspension or closure 140, 152, 154, 172, 178
venue 135
verbatim report 181
allocation of speaking time 122, 149, IV
speaking list 176
speaking time 110, 115, 140 - 142, 150 - 151, 153, 172 - 173
Special committees 184, 188, 190
Standards of conduct 9, 152
Statements 110, 113, 123
Commission 53, 110
Council 110
Court of Auditors 108, 112
declaration of financial interests 9, I
European Central Bank 109, 113
European Council 110
nominee for President of Commission 105
Study and fact-finding missions 188
Subcommittees 188, 190
Subsidiarity 37, 38 a, 44
Substitutes 187
Supervisory powers 88, 128
Symbols of the Union 213
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Termination (early) of office 19, 153
Term of office
Members 4
officers 17
Texts adopted 180
Third countries
Accession negotiations 74 c, 200, XIV.II
Accession Treaties 74 c
associated with Community 200
relations with 25, 200
Third reading
conciliation 67 - 68, 79 a
joint text 69
plenary stage 69
Tied votes 159
Transmission of sensitive information VIII.B
Transparency 9
in legislative process 39
in Parliament 103 - 104
Members' financial interests
Treaties 74 a - 74 c, VII.XVIII
ordinary revision 74 a
simplified revision 74 b
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Unfinished business 214
Union law
application 128, 185, VII.XVI, IX, XIV.I
codification 86
recast 87
simplification 86 - 87
Unofficial groupings of members 32, I
Urgent procedure 142
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Vacancies 4, 18
Venue of sittings and meetings 135
Verbatim report 181
credentials 3, 12, 189, VII.XVI
legal basis 37
Verification of credentials VII.XVI
Vice President of the Commission/High Representative 96, II
duties 21 - 22, 25, 68, 104
election 13, 15, 17 - 18
Voluntary agreements 85
Voting 158 - 161, 163 - 165, 167 - 171, 176
adjournment 56
amendments 156, 161 - 162
collectively 20, 83, 160 - 161
committee 195
disputes 171
electronic 168
explanations 20, 170
first reading 55
order 20, 158, 161
principles 160
procedure 158, 195
right to vote 164
roll call 20, 160, 167 - 169, 195
second reading 64 - 66, 72
secret 169
show of hands 165
sitting and standing 165
split 20, 160, 163
third reading 69
tie 14 - 15, 22, 159
validity 155
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Waiver of immunity 6 - 7
Withdrawal from the Union 74 d
Work programme 35
Written declarations
appended to the Verbatim Report 149
included in the register 123
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