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Procedure : 1999/2573(RSP)
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Thursday, 22 July 1999 - Strasbourg

Resolution on the situation in Kosovo and the reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe

The European Parliament,

-  having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in Kosovo and the former Yugoslavia,

-  having regard to the conclusions of the Presidency of the European Council in Cologne on 3 and 4 June 1999,

-  having regard to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999), the full withdrawal of all Serb security forces, the end of NATO's air campaign, as well as the development of the Kosovo International Security Force (KFOR) and the setting up of the UNMIK (UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo),

-  having regard to the Military Technical Agreement between KFOR and the governments of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia, agreed on 9 June 1999,

-  having regard to the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe signed by the Council on 10 June 1999,

-  having regard to the "Western-Balkans" chapter, as stated in the conclusions of the EU General Affairs Council held in Luxembourg on 21-22 June 1999,

-  having regard to the report of the United Nations Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Mission (16-27 May 1999) and the IMF/World Bank reports on the economic consequences of the Kosovo crisis,

-  having regard to the Commission's announced intention of setting up a European Agency for Reconstruction in Kosovo,

A.  noting with deep satisfaction that close cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, the USA and the Russian Federation has made it possible to reach an agreement, putting an end to the conflict concerning Kosovo,

B.  aware of the immense human suffering that was caused by this conflict, especially as regards the brutality of the process of ethnic cleansing against the population of Kosovo, resulting in the brutal destruction of human lives and property and hundreds of thousands of people being forced to leave their homes,

C.  recalling its resolutions of 14 April 1999(1) on the results of the Berlin Summit and the Financial perspective and 6 May 1999(2) on the Financial Perspective; whereas the Commission should present in accordance with the declaration on heading 4 of the interinstitutional agreement of 6 May 1999, on the basis of the estimated requirements for the Balkans and especially for Kosovo, a draft programme with the necessary proposals in the budget framework together with a proposal for the revision of the financial perspective;

1.   Considers that the reconstruction of Kosovo, as well as the development of a comprehensive EU policy, together with an extended Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe would make the Region part of "the European Peace in the Balkans area" and should therefore be considered as an absolute priority for the EU;

2.   Calls on all parties to cooperate fully with KFOR in the implementation of UNSCR 1244 (1999) and therefore to cease all ethnic violence from whatever quarter;

3.   Calls on the KLA to honour the commitments it has made to NATO and therefore to comply with the international community's demands to work together with all residents of Kosovo for the future of this region and the creation of a democratic, multi-ethnic Kosovo;

4.   Urges the Council to apply the necessary pressure so that KFOR makes full use of its mandate to disarm all the military and paramilitary groups, with regard in particular to the KLA, and to set up gradually joint police units;

5.   Calls on the Commission and the Council to come forward with the necessary proposals to provide for substantial financial and other aid to assist the safe return of all refugees and displaced persons to their homes in Kosovo;

6.   Recognises the urgent need to bring to justice the perpetrators of atrocities, ethnic cleansing and genocide in order to rebuild in the region the common sense of rule of law, respect for human rights and order and justice for the victims, and thereby to establish the basis for interethnic reconciliation;

7.   Calls on the Council and the Member States to give their cooperation to the investigations being carried out by the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia and furthermore to use all suitable means to bring the main criminals, including Mr Milosevic, before the Tribunal in The Hague, in accordance with the arrest warrant issued on 24 May 1999;

8.   Calls on all parties concerned in the region to set up a special enquiry commission to investigate with a view to identification the bodies found in dozens of mass graves in order to help relieve the sorrow of relatives and honour the victims;

9.   Welcomes the proposal by the Commission and the Council to start up the process of economic and social reconstruction in Kosovo, and urges them to put the necessary proposals as soon as possible to the European Parliament for a rapid decision; therefore calls on the EU and other donors to provide the funds needed for the reconstruction of Kosovo, while seeking to avoid doing it exclusively by reallocating from funds to other recipients of foreign aid;

10.   Asks the Council and the Member States to play their part in implementing as soon as possible all the relevant measures according to the political settlement as stated in the Peace Plan for Kosovo, and to make available the necessary financial resources, with the utmost priority being given to the reconstruction of Kosovo and the return of those who have fled the Province and to the Kosovar prisoners who have been taken to Serbia;

11.   Notes the importance of the role being undertaken by the European Union in the rebuilding of Kosovo; expresses concern about the multiplicity of international agencies involved in this extensive task; calls for a hearing to be organised in the early autumn jointly by its Foreign Affairs and Budgets committees to suggest how the funds being proposed for the reconstruction of Kosovo should best be used;

12.   Urges the Commission and the Council to ensure, in cooperation with the other donors, close coordination of all support efforts to Kosovo and the other countries in the region, in order to make the joint support for the region as effective and efficient as possible; therefore rejects the Council's decision to locate the seat of the Reconstruction agency for Kosovo in Thessaloniki (Greece);

13.   Gives full support to the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAFR) to be set up in Kosovo but believes that, bearing in mind what happened in Bosnia-Herzegovina, its structure must be decentralized and flexible in order to improve its effectiveness, encourage the involvement of local firms and facilitate the growth of a self-sustainable and self-centered economy; underlines, in this respect, that all the procedures must be transparent and that adequate measures must be taken to avoid the mismanagement of financial resources;

14.   Stresses the urgent need to establish structures for temporary administration, together with the inhabitants of Kosovo, in the towns and villages, and for an international police force and judicial organisation for Kosovo;

15.   Welcomes the decision by the UN Secretary-General to appoint an EU citizen as civil administrator for Kosovo, and urges all European institutions to collaborate closely with Bernard Kouchner in the accomplishment of his duties;

16.   Underlines the importance of the presence of Mr Ibrahim Rugova in Kosovo, and calls on the ethnic Albanian leaderships to put an end to the debilitating divisions among themselves in order to achieve the establishment of stable, civil democracy in Kosovo with a view to general reconciliation and future new free elections in the province;

17.   Believes that no reconstruction aid should be given to Serbia as long as Mr Milosevic remains in power, except for humanitarian aid, but calls for creative ways of supporting the political forces seeking to bring Yugoslavia into the community of democratic nations;

18.   Stresses the importance of launching actions in favour of democratisation in all the countries of the region, including FRY, especially at the local level, by developing cooperation between local authorities; wishes to make clear once again to the Government of Yugoslavia that the lifting of EU sanctions is directly linked to compliance with UN resolutions, including full cooperation with the International War Crime Tribunal;

19.   Calls on the Council to reiterate its support for the democratic government of Montenegro and its President, Mr Djukanovic; underlines the legal position of Montenegro as a sovereign republic within the Yugoslav Federation, and demands that the Serb authorities and the army of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia respect the autonomy of Montenegro;

20.   Calls on the Council and the Commission to provide compensation for the economic and financial losses suffered because of the Kosovo war by the surrounding states, FYROM, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and to take account of the special needs of Montenegro;

21.   Urges the Commission and the Council furthermore to fully involve the countries of the region in all aspects of the preparation and implementation of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe; calls on them to present rapidly to the European Parliament a proposal for a common strategy for Eastern Europe in order to strengthen relations between the European Union and the countries of South-Eastern Europe and between the countries of the region;

22.   Believes that the recent crisis also demonstrates the importance of speeding up preparations for the enlargement of the Union;

23.   Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the UN, the UN Interim Civil Administration in Kosovo, the President and Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Kosovo Transitional Council and the governments of Albania, Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.

(1)Minutes of that Sitting, Part II, Item 23.
(2)Minutes of that Sitting, Part II, Item 17(e).

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