Resolution on the draft supplementary and amending budgets 1, 3 and 4 to the budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial year (C5-0021/1999, C5-0074/1999 and C5-0136/1999)
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Citizens' freedoms and rights, justice and home affairs ***I (procedure without debate)
Legislative resolution of the European Parliament on current legislative procedures in the field of citizens’ freedoms and rights, justice and home affairs (Commission communication to the European Parliament and the Council - Effects of the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty - SEC(1999) 581 - C4-0219/1999)
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Employment and social affairs ***I (procedure without debate)
Legislative resolution of the European Parliament on current legislative procedures in the field of employment and social affairs (Commission communication to the European Parliament and the Council – Effects of the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty - SEC(1999) 581 – C4-0219/1999)
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Environment, public health and consumer policy ***I (procedure without debate)
Legislative resolution of the European Parliament on current legislative procedures in the field of the environment, public health and consumer protection (Commission communication to the European Parliament and the Council - Effects of the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty - SEC(1999) 581 – C4-0219/1999)
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Agriculture and rural development ***I (procedure without debate)
Legislative resolution of the European Parliament on current legislative procedures in the sphere of agriculture and rural development (Commission communication to the European Parliament and the Council - Effects of the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty - SEC(1999) 581 - C4‑0219/1999)
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Regional policy, transport and tourism ***I (procedure without debate)
Legislative resolution of the European Parliament on current legislative procedures in the field of regional policy, transport and tourism (Commission communication to the European Parliament and the Council – Effects of the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty - SEC(1999) 581 - C4-0219/1999)
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Women's rights and equal opportunities ***I (procedure without debate)
Legislative resolution of the European Parliament on current legislative procedures in the field of women’s rights and equal opportunities (Commission communication to the European Parliament and the Council - Effects of the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty – SEC(1999) 581 - C4-0219/1999)
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Accidental marine pollution ***I
Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Decision setting up a Community framework for cooperation in the field of accidental marine pollution (COM(1998) 769 - C4-0075/1999 - 1998/0350(COD) (ex 1998/0350(SYN))
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Environmental inspections ***I
Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Recommendation providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections in the Member States (COM(1998) 772 - C4-0073/1999 - 1998/0358(COD)(former 1998/0358(SYN))
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European Reconstruction Agency *
Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1628/1996 relating to aid for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in particular through the setting-up of the European Agency for Reconstruction (COM(1999) 312 - C5-0062/1999 - 1999/0132(CNS))
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10th EC-UNRWA Convention (1999-2001) *
Proposal for a Council decision approving the text of a 10th EC-UNRWA Convention covering the years 1999-2001, prior to the signature of the Convention by the Commission and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (COM(1999) 334 – C5‑0059/1999 – 1999/0143(CNS)