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Texts adopted
Tuesday, 14 May 2002 - Strasbourg
 Trans-European telecommunications networks ***I (procedure without debate)
 Income and living conditions ***I (procedure without debate)
 EC/India scientific and technological cooperation agreement* (procedure without debate)
 Statute of the Court of Justice * (procedure without debate)
 EC/Guinea fishing agreement * (procedure without debate)
 EC/Seychelles fishing agreement * (procedure without debate)
 Parliamentary register
 Civil aviation security ***II
 Distance marketing of consumer financial services ***II
 Protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer ***II
 European Year of Education through Sport ***I
 TEMPUS III (2000-2006) *
 European tourism
 A new impetus for European Youth
 Appointment of an ECB Vice-President
 European Parliament estimates for 2003
Texts (368 kb)
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