European Parliament resolution on the Barcelona Process revisited (2005/2058(INI))
The European Parliament,
–having regard to the Barcelona Declaration adopted at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference of 27-28 November 1995, establishing a Euro-Mediterranean Partnership with a detailed work programme,
–having regard to the Commission's communication to the Council and the European Parliament entitled 'Tenth Anniversary of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: A work programme to meet the challenges of the next five years' (COM(2005)0139) and the annexes thereto (SEC(2005)0482 and SEC(2005)0483,
–having regard to the Commission's communication to the Council and the European Parliament entitled 'Wider Europe - Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours' (COM(2003)0104), its European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) strategy paper (COM(2004)0373), its proposal for a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (COM(2004)0628), its communication on action plans under the ENP (COM(2004)0795), and the action plans for Israel, Jordan, Morocco, the Palestinian Autonomous Authority and Tunisia,
–having regard to the conclusions of all the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conferences and Sectoral Ministerial Conferences that have taken place since the launch of the Barcelona Process, and particularly the conclusions of the VIIth Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in Luxembourg on 30-31 May 2005,
–having regard to the Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean and the Middle East, which the European Council decided on in June 2004,
–having regard to the declarations of the five plenary sessions of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Forum issued between its establishment in November 1998 until its transformation into the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) on the occasion of the VIth Ministerial Conference in Naples on 2-3 December 2003,
– having regard to the political priorities of the European Parliament's Presidency of the EMPA (declared on 21 April 2005) to increase the dialogue on human rights with parliaments of the partner countries,
–having regard to the resolution of 15 March 2005, which the first Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly adopted in Cairo,
–having regard to its resolution of 12 February 2004 on 'Reinvigorating EU actions on human rights and democratisation with Mediterranean partners'(1),
–having regard to its resolution of 20 November 2003 on 'Wider Europe - Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours'(2),
–having regard to its earlier resolutions on the Mediterranean Policy of the European Union,
–having regard to the annual Arab Human Development Reports of 2002, 2003 and 2004 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
–having regard to the report 'Barcelona Plus: Towards a Euro-Mediterranean Community of Democratic States' by the Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission of April 2005,
–having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,
–having regard to the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on International Trade and the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (A6-0280/2005),
A. whereas the promotion of and respect for democracy, human rights, the rule of law and fundamental freedoms are core principles and priorities of the European Union and are an essential basis for the development of the Mediterranean region,
B. taking into consideration the content of the Euro-Mediterranean association agreements, especially Article 2, which stipulates that respect for democratic principles and fundamental rights inspire the domestic and external policies of the parties and, moreover, constitute an essential element of the agreements,
C. whereas in its resolution of 23 February 2005 on the Euro-Mediterranean partnership(3) Parliament calls on the Council and the Commission to make a renewed effort to enhance democracy and to contribute to and promote the necessary political, economic and social reforms in the Mediterranean countries,
D. whereas Mediterranean policy constitutes one of the main priorities of EU foreign policy; whereas the Barcelona Process can only gain in efficiency through a consistent common foreign and security policy of the European Union, which would thus also enhance its credibility,
E. whereas an enlarged Europe has a keen interest in the establishment of a coherent system of relations with the neighbouring countries in the Mediterranean region and the Middle East based on the abovementioned principles and values, and on dialogue between cultures and religions, and aims at a comprehensive partnership which includes political and economic liberalisation, sustainable economic growth and shared prosperity,
F. whereas the democratic and prosperous development of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership depends substantially on the will of the partner countries and their peoples to share the common values of democracy and respect for human rights, in a true spirit of symmetrical cooperation, equality, joint participation and ownership as well as co-responsibility,
G. whereas the European Neighbourhood Policy is aimed at enhancing such partnership, providing a further opportunity to deepen relations, strengthen the political dialogue and integrate partner countries in EU policies,
H. whereas the Barcelona Declaration of 28 November 1995 marked a turning-point in relations between the European Union and its Mediterranean neighbours,
I. whereas the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, which combines bilateral and multilateral consultation mechanisms and decision-making channels, is unique in its scope and philosophy and thus needs to be preserved, reactivated, re-evaluated in the light of the results achieved and further implemented in order to work towards the ambitious objectives originally assigned to it,
J. whereas, however, little progress has been made with the regional dimension of the partnership, which should be seriously developed and accorded increased financial resources, as was planned at the beginning of the process,
K. whereas the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza is to be regarded as just one step on the Road Map, albeit an important one, towards a comprehensive settlement of the Middle East conflict and if followed by further steps on both sides could give new impetus to the Barcelona process,
L. whereas the result of the review after ten years of Partnership is a mixed one, with many positive achievements on the one hand and much still to be done on the other, in order to realise the full potential of the Barcelona Declaration,
M. whereas bilateral relations have prevailed over the multilateral framework due also to the weakness of partner countries and the difficulties in developing and strengthening south-south relations,
N. whereas at the Barcelona Summit on 27 and 28 November 2005 clear and manageable priorities should be set for the near future, taking into account lessons of past failures and deadlocks, and aiming at achieving concrete results in the short and medium-term,
O. whereas aid for educational reform, joint management of movement of people and migration, as well as the intensification of dialogue - also between the different religions - and assistance on concerted counter-terrorism strategies appear to be potential areas for increased cooperation between Euro-Mediterranean partners,
P. whereas the successful first meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly in March 2005, as well as other institutional developments of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, will make it possible to strengthen its multilateral political dimension,
Q. whereas it is important also to strengthen that dimension through greater participation of civil society and non-governmental actors in the process,
R. whereas the celebration of 2005 as the Year of the Mediterranean should increase the visibility of the Barcelona Process and increase citizens" awareness of its activities,
1. Welcomes the recent communication by the European Commission reviewing ten years of Partnership and singling out specific areas of cooperation – human rights and democracy, sustainable economic growth and economic reforms, and education – to be further developed over the next five years;
2. Shares the conviction that even if the Partnership has not as yet produce the expected benefits and has not contributed to the lowering of tensions in the area to its full potential, there is room for improvement and thus the Barcelona Process continues to be the appropriate framework for Mediterranean policy, in which changes are needed to obtain better results;
3. Points out that, to be effective, Euro-Mediterranean policy must be allocated a budget commensurate with its ambitions;
4. Regrets that the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership has not to date had any direct effect on the major unresolved conflicts in the Mediterranean region, although dialogue has been initiated on concrete endeavours within the framework of working groups;
5. Points out that developing democracy is one of the aims of the Barcelona Process and must be achieved by promoting political reform with the support of civil society and of all political groups and movements that reject the use of violence;
6. Considers that one of the main issues to be addressed is greater participation by all Mediterranean partner countries in the decision-making process of the Partnership, in order to encourage joint initiatives and to strengthen co-responsibility;
7. Welcomes in this regard the creation of the EuroMed Non-Governmental Platform, which held its constitutive meeting in the context of the April 2005 Civil Forum in Luxembourg; stresses in this respect the importance of involving and developing close cooperation with that platform in order to broaden participation in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and to raise the awareness of the public about this process;
8. Considers it vital for the political dialogue to be supplemented by closer cooperation at cultural and social level, with a view also to placing greater emphasis on the viewpoints and priorities to be found in a growing number of analyses from the Arab and Mediterranean worlds, as reflected in the recent annual reports of the UNDP;
9. Welcomes the creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and calls for it to be endowed in future with the resources and administrative structures needed to ensure it makes its presence felt and operates effectively;
10. Is convinced not only that future cooperation must be guided by the EU's security policy requirements or other related needs, but also that the connection between the three areas of cooperation – peace, trade and civil society – needs highlighting; particularly acknowledges here the connection between security and development and the special importance of social and economic issues for people on the Mediterranean's southern rim;
11. Regrets that the proposal in the original Barcelona Declaration that the Commission organise an annual meeting of city and regional representatives "to take stock of common challenges and exchange experiences" has never been implemented, and calls on the Commission to realise this initiative within the framework of the revised Euro-Mediterranean Partnership;
12. Considers that the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), which is building on the achievements of the Barcelona Process and is based on the principles of co-ownership and differentiation, should reinforce existing forms of cooperation within the Euromed framework with the objective of offering partner countries the possibility of participating in EU programmes and policies on the basis of jointly agreed priorities and objectives, through consistent application of the principle of regional and subregional (as well as local and communal) cooperation both by the Euro-Mediterranean partners and by the Member States;
13. Points out that south-south regional integration is essential to the setting-up of a stable framework for shared prosperity, and that this is the example and experience of the EU;
14. Recalls that one of the main goals of EU Mediterranean policy as well as the ENP is to support and promote political reforms (progress with the process of democratisation, strengthening pluralism and the rule of law, and greater respect for human rights) together with economic and social reforms;
15. Welcomes the setting-up of a sub-committee on human rights with Jordan and with Morocco in the framework of the relevant association agreements and calls for the setting up of such sub-committees on human rights also in the framework of the other association agreements so as to develop a structured dialogue on human rights and democracy; believes that such sub-committees constitute a key element of the action plans; emphasises the importance of consulting and involving civil society in the work of those sub-committees in order to better monitor the human rights situation; stresses also the need for Parliament to be closely associated in the work and the follow-up of those sub-committees;
16. Reiterates its support for human rights defenders and welcomes the adoption of the Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders; calls in this respect on the Council to put the necessary pressure on the Mediterranean partners to perform their obligation to respect the rights of human rights defenders and to ensure their protection;
17. Recalls that the creation of an area of shared prosperity is a central objective of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and that this objective needs to make progress in reducing poverty in the region and bridging the social and economic gap between north and south; notes that partner countries have made substantial progress towards the achievement of macroeconomic stability and that the liberalisation of trade in goods is largely improving;
18. Welcomes in that respect the establishment in 2002 of the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership within the framework of the European Investment Bank, but calls for further discussion between the Member States of the Union and their Euro-Mediterranean partners with the aim of developing that initiative into a genuine financial instrument for cooperation, open to the participation of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region concerned;
19. Emphasises the importance of bringing a free-trade area into being by 2010 and hopes that the principle of cumulation of origin will be swiftly applied – a system which will grant free access to the Community market for products manufactured from components originating in more than one Mediterranean country, since that would promote greater south-south integration;
20. Takes note of the steps forward towards the creation of a free trade area by 2010 and of the beginning of a strategy for the liberalisation of trade in agriculture; calls for the integration of sustainable development criteria in the process and for a correct and in-depth environmental assessment of every stage; calls on the Commission to draw up a study on the impact of liberalisation of trade in agricultural and fisheries products in the Euro-Mediterranean region;
21. Notes that, while there has been significant progress in the liberalisation of the market in goods, the trade deficit of the European Union's Mediterranean partners is increasing;
22. Notes that, despite the hopes which existed when the Partnership began, the Mediterranean partner countries have not benefited from the commercial openings in terms of economic well-being and remain in a parlous economic situation, with the unemployment rate very high and the investment rate low, and that, because the average age of the population of those countries is very low, that situation is having a distinct influence on migratory flows;
23. Takes the view that the economic aspect of the Partnership must be redirected towards social cohesion and sustainable economic development, given that trade liberalisation cannot be the sole objective thereof and must have an appropriate legal framework;
24. Demands that the Commission and the Member States ensure that the next financial perspectives include sufficient funds to support the economic transition of the Mediterranean partner countries and that the financial reference amount allocated to the new neighbourhood and partnership financial instrument enables a degree of stability and continuity to be injected into EU assistance within the Mediterranean area (cf. the former MEDA programme);
25. Considers it necessary for the Commission's working programme also to focus on and address the social consequences of transition in the southern Mediterranean countries, taking into account the different needs and priorities of the partner countries;
26. Considers that, in view of the Mediterranean partner countries' economic situation, significant support is required for infrastructure projects, particularly in the fields of transport, housing and the supply of drinking water;
27. Takes the view that the revenue resulting from oil and natural gas discoveries in this region should be made available to a greater extent for the economic and social development of the region and used with complete transparency in the interests of the population as a whole;
28. Calls for an improvement in freight and passenger transport infrastructures in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with particular emphasis on ports;
29. Recalls the importance of fostering concrete small-scale cooperation projects on the ground; considers that small and medium-sized enterprises can contribute considerably to increased prosperity in the partner countries, and therefore recommends the adoption of measures to enhance economic growth and consumption, in particular through the use of loans and micro-credit facilities;
30. Stresses the importance of responding to the problems encountered by the textile sector by supporting the Euro-Mediterranean partnership - a partnership which encourages cooperation by the sector and helps to make it more competitive by means of a pro-active policy in support of training, R&D, technological innovation, the spread of sound practice and the exchange of information concerning markets; recommends that a Euro-Mediterranean networks of schools, training institutes and technical centres specialising in textiles and clothing be set up in for the purpose of promoting technical partnership, training and joint research programmes;
31. Considers that decentralised cooperation between local and regional authorities can contribute to local institution and capacity building, as well as greater visibility and ownership of the partnership; points out that concrete small-scale cooperation projects between cities, whether bilateral or in regional or trans-regional networks, on a range of issues related to sustainable urban development (e.g. waste and water management, clean water provision) can produce tangible results for citizens and immediate improvements in their quality of life;
32. Notes that over recent years substantial progress has been made on speeding up project and programme implementation in the framework of MEDA, notably due to a radical overhaul of the Commission's assistance programming and thanks to the major role given to the actors on the ground; regrets, however, that the Council has reduced the amounts earmarked for the MEDA Programme in the draft budget for 2006, and in particular the line intended for institutional reform, democratic development and human rights, economic and social reform and sub-regional cooperation; considers that such a reduction would not be consistent with the impetus that the Barcelona Process requires;
33. Considers that this is the right moment to upgrade the activities of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and to take into account the opportunities provided by the ENP in order to bring it closer to the people;
34. Recommends that in future particular focus be placed on a selected number of activities at multilateral and bilateral levels to be jointly agreed, for which the pace should be speeded up and where action should be more result-oriented;
35. Considers that the growth of democracy in the region is one of the key issues for Europe: the Mediterranean Partnership exists not only with the partner countries but also with non-state actors and civil society; recommends, therefore, that greater use be made, for example, of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) – a Community programme which funds various projects – to start up a variety of democracy projects;
36. Considers that cooperation on civil and environmental protection and in tackling natural disasters should be one of the basic priorities; considers that, within this framework, procedures should be accelerated to establish an early warning system in the Mediterranean basin to prevent such disasters;
37. Points out that in recent years the Mediterranean basin and many of the Member States have seen a decline in the environmental balance, greater pollution, growing water shortages and uncontrolled urban growth and speculation, especially on the coast; and considers that greater impetus needs to be given to creating policies in the environmental field throughout the Mediterranean, particularly as it is proving to be of crucial importance to any policy for sustainable development;
38. Considers that one of the main priorities is the development of education and vocational training, which is of paramount importance for the economic and social development of the Mediterranean countries; calls for specific attention to be given to women and underprivileged groups such as illiterate populations, girl students, refugees and displaced people and populations in rural and suburban areas; takes the view that a more strategic approach is required to support the efforts of the Mediterranean partners on education reform and institutional modernisation in that field; in particular, calls upon the Council, the Member States and the Commission to create and support exchange programmes for pupils, students and scholars and partnerships between towns and geographical areas, and to intensify exchanges on parliamentary levels; stresses in this regard the importance of further developing the initiative of Erasmus Mundus, as well as of the Youth in Action programme for 2007-2013 so as to reinforce inter-cultural exchanges in the Mediterranean countries;
39. Welcomes the setting-up and inauguration of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures; is convinced that its action can make a decisive contribution to increasing mutual understanding and make the most of our common heritage;
40. Invites the Commission, the Member States and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership countries to explore ways and mechanisms for supporting the establishment, strengthening and development of the Anna Lindh Foundation's national networks in all 35 partner countries; invites the Foundation to contribute to the visibility and co-ownership of the Barcelona process, so as to give the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership a face at the national as well as regional level;
41. Calls for freedom of the press and freedom of opinion to be protected and encouraged in the Mediterranean region, so as to enable media professionals to carry on their occupation in freedom and to guarantee democratic development, which in that region has so far proved inadequate;
42. Is convinced that in view of the present world situation there must be a serious intercultural dialogue between the partners, which should include measures such as those that the High-Level Advisory Group on Dialogue between Peoples and Cultures, set up by Romano Prodi in 2003, recommends in its report;
43. Considers that the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, which is based on joint responsibility, should promote religious dialogue between Christianity, Islam and Judaism, not only for the purposes of education and dissemination of knowledge, but also as part of the fight against terrorism, one of the global challenges needing to be met;
44. Recommends the joint implementation of academic activities by experts and technicians on the role of Islam in democratic and open societies and consideration of the reasons that can sometimes induce members of a cultural and religious community to take violent action;
45. Stresses that migration and social integration of migrants is another key issue of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership; takes the view that association agreements and Neighbourhood Action Plans are adequate tools to promote joint management of the movement of people and migration flows; suggests in that respect that the new European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument (ENPI) be used to support cross-border cooperation among the partners; stresses the need to address the problem and serious negative effects of illegal migration, including essential aspects such as the negotiation of re-admission agreements or the need to vigorously oppose human trafficking, which is causing loss of life and a great deal of suffering; recalls the need to consult local and regional authorities in this area, given their experience in and responsibility for social integration of immigrants, reception of asylum seekers and the sensitive issue of dealing with undocumented residents and refused asylum claimants;
46. Recalls that all cooperation on migration must be in compliance with international humanitarian and human rights law; insists on the need for all re-admission agreements to be public and for the principle of non-refoulement, as laid down in Article 33 of the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, to be respected; rejects the principle of creating migration "portals" and/or camps in the neighbouring countries of the EU;
47. Stresses that encouraging the participation of women in economic, social and cultural fields and in the political activity of each country must be the essential mechanism for consolidating democracy and dealing with discrimination against women; and also calls for the perspective of gender equality to be included across the board in the main activities of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership;
48. Calls therefore on the governments of the partner countries to recognise, respect and protect the fundamental rights and the status of women as codified in international treaties, and appeals to the governments of those countries to speed up legislative, administrative and other reforms with a view to establishing legal equality between women and men in family and public life, and to incorporate equality of the sexes in all their policies with short and long-term objectives;
49. Calls on the Commission to supply qualitative and quantitative information regarding the implementation and actual enforcement of financial commitments made in the context of bilateral cooperation (association agreements) and in the context of MEDA II regional cooperation (current phase) with a view to supporting the active participation of women in political, economic and social life;
50. Welcomes the recent launch of the first regional programme for the participation of women in economic and social life and development (the establishment of which was decided as long ago as 2001), and calls on the Commission to expand its scope and the range of topics to include information and awareness-raising activities on the image of women and the importance of their role in the democratisation process;
51. Expresses its concern at the severe discrimination against women on the labour market, in education and professional training systems and in participation in politics and civil society, and at the serious problems, such as violence, they are confronted with; calls on the partner countries to show genuine political will and operational effectiveness in order to bring about a change in mentalities and promote equality between women and men.
52. Underlines the need for Euro-Mediterranean partners to establish new programmes in order to encourage cooperation both between police authorities and between judicial authorities and to ensure a joint approach to the fight against organised crime and terrorism; calls for all countries to ratify the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its additional protocols against trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants; stresses the fact that Euro-Mediterranean partners share a commitment both to human rights and to fundamental freedoms and therefore calls on the Council, the Member States and the Commission to actively support the aim of the Euro-Mediterranean agreement to ensure observance of human rights by means of a permanent political dialogue with the partner countries; also stresses that they share a common experience of terrorism, which should allow them to work together in dissuading disaffected groups from choosing terrorist methods and carrying out violent attacks, in developing state capacity to combat terrorism and in defending human rights in the struggle against terrorism; points out that terrorist acts, of whatever kind, essentially involve a direct attack on citizens" rights and freedoms as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on democracy and on the rule of law;
53. Stresses once again, in this respect, that the fight against terrorism must in no way be pursued at the expense of civil liberties and human rights; welcomes the increasing cooperation in this field but calls for more open and transparent procedures; endorses, in this respect, the proposal for a code of conduct in this field;
54. Regrets that no substantial progress has been achieved in the field of democracy and human rights and stresses in this regard the importance of ENP action plans which aim at defining clear commitments for action for partner countries so as to improve the democratisation process as well as respect for human rights; highlights the fact that priorities in these action plans will constitute benchmarks which must be monitored and assessed on a regular basis;
55. Calls in this regard on the Commission to fully involve Parliament in the assessment of the implementation of the ENP action plans, which should provide for clear suspension clauses covering the eventuality that the benchmarks included in respect of democratisation and human rights are not respected;
56. Calls on the Commission to take human rights issues as assessment criteria when assessing compliance with agreements between the European Union and partner countries, and hopes that the Commission will annually report on its findings within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership;
57. Calls on the Council and the Commission to invoke the clauses suspending Euro-Mediterranean association agreements in the event of violations of human rights and democratic freedoms;
58. Calls once again on all contracting parties to the Euro-Mediterranean association agreements to translate the human rights and democracy clause into a programme for action to enhance and promote respect for human rights and to put in place a mechanism for the regular assessment of compliance with Article 2 of the association agreement; calls in this respect on the Commission to set up subcommittees on human rights whose role would be to monitor the implementation of the human rights clause and to fully involve the European Parliament and civil society in such subcommittees; calls on the Commission, in view of the 10th anniversary of the Barcelona process, to draw up a public report on the implementation of the human rights and democracy policy in the Mediterranean countries upon which to develop the partnership further;
59. Proposes that cooperation between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries on security matters should continue and be consolidated; welcomes the inclusion of Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction clauses in the latest agreements and action plans; points out that such measures must be implemented by all the partner countries without exception with a view to declaring the Mediterranean a WMD-free area; calls for further involvement of partner countries in the European Security and Defence Policy; with that aim in view, calls on the Council to envisage the possibility of consulting our Mediterranean partners, whenever they are concerned, on CFSP issues on the agenda, by involving them whenever necessary in meetings of the General Affairs and External Relations Council;
60. Takes the view that, given the past shortcomings of the Barcelona Process, political will and a pragmatic vision are more than ever a fundamental condition for a successful outcome to the Partnership;
61. Points out that the EMPA is an essential element of the Euro-Mediterranean political dialogue and that the role of the Assembly's proceedings in decision-making in the Euro-Mediterranean process should be strengthened in future;
62. Reminds those participating in the Extraordinary High-Level Meeting to be held in Barcelona on 27-28 November 2005 that the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership must be accompanied by the definition of a clear and committed set of priorities and actions for the future; considers also that it must reaffirm the constituent principles of the Barcelona Declaration and the will of the Member States to create a community of democratic countries that will give impetus to relations between the countries of the Mediterranean, and calls specifically on all the Member States of the European Union to centre their efforts on conferring a new impetus on the Barcelona Process for the future;
63. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the forthcoming Extraordinary High-Level Meeting, the Council, the Commission, the governments and national parliaments of the Member States and partner countries participating in the Barcelona Process and the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly.