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Procedure : 2005/2032(INI)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A6-0284/2005

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Votes :

PV 15/11/2005 - 9
PV 15/11/2005 - 9.9

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Tuesday, 15 November 2005 - Strasbourg
European eels

European Parliament resolution on the development of a Community Action Plan for the recovery of European eels (2005/2032(INI))

The European Parliament,

‐   having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, 'Development of a Community Action Plan for the management of European eel' (COM(2003)0573),

‐   having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

‐   having regard to the report of the Committee on Fisheries (A6-0284/2005),

1.  Calls on the Commission to ask the Member States as soon as possible to draw up national management plans, which should comprise the following elements:

   a) technical measures to be taken where obstacles exist in waterways, in order to optimise the migration - i.e. upstream colonisation and downstream movement towards the sea - of eels;
   b) gathering of data on, monitoring of and, if appropriate, limits, where justified by historic and scientific data, on fishing effort by both professional and recreational fishermen by means of temporary bans on fishing and/or limits on catch capacity, with due regard for national differences in types of fishing and for credible self-regulation;
   c) increasing restocking with glass eels and fattened farmed eels in the managed areas in European inland waters;
   d) ensuring that eel farming is not so extensive as to disturb the viability of wild eel fisheries, either by depriving them of glass eels which naturally replenish stocks or by failing to ensure escapement of mature silver eels for natural spawning;
   e) measures relating to the management of cormorant populations to reduce eel mortality;

2.  Calls on the Commission to have research conducted into the role of climate change in the decline of eel stocks;

3.  Calls on the Commission to investigate any obstacles in the oceans to the natural migration of eels to the Sargasso Sea;

4.  Notes the ICES scientific reports on this subject;

5.  Calls on the Commission to carry out research into the health of eels and the obstacles which such external factors as PCBs and fish diseases may present to successful migration and breeding;

6.  Calls on the Commission to carry out research into the biogeographical distribution of stocks of this species of eel;

7.  Calls on the Commission to carry out research into pollution as a factor in assessing possible causes of mortality among eel stocks in freshwater waterways;

8.  Calls on the Commission to investigate the scope for supporting the process of change, inter alia by means of access to the European Fisheries Fund;

9.  Calls on the Commission to adjust the policy on catches and exports of eel in such a way that enough glass eels are available for natural migration and enough glass eels are available at a reasonable price for restocking of natural eel habitats in accordance with sustainable fisheries management in Europe;

10.  Calls on the Commission to propose measures to manage fishing and marketing and to monitor the quantities of glass eels offered for sale by means of a system of documentation of catches, in order to combat illegal fishing more effectively, this being responsible for a substantial reduction in young and adult eel stocks;

11.  Calls on the Commission to make proposals to mitigate the socioeconomic impact of limits on catches and exports of glass eels;

12.  Calls on the Commission, as soon as possible, to insert in the fisheries budget a separate entry for cofinancing of the restructuring of inland fisheries in Europe and to mitigate the impact of a change of policy in the glass eel sector;

13.  Calls on the Commission, after the implementation of the Action Plan, to inform the European Parliament and Council annually about the progress made and the results achieved per Member State;

14.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission.

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