Texts adopted
Wednesday, 15 March 2006 - Strasbourg
Partnership Agreement between the Community and the Federated States of Micronesia on fishing *
 Minimum information to be contained in fishing licences *
 Evaluation of the European arrest warrant
 Human rights in Chad
 Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities *
 Forced prostitution in the context of world sports events
 Fourth World Water Forum
 Restructuring and employment
 Social protection and inclusion
 Guidelines for the 2007 budget procedure - Sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and VIII (B)
 More environmentally friendly fishing methods
 Preparations for the European Council: the Lisbon Strategy

Partnership Agreement between the Community and the Federated States of Micronesia on fishing *
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European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation concerning the conclusion of the Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Federated States of Micronesia on fishing in the Federated States of Micronesia (COM(2005)0502 – C6-0353/2005 – 2005/0206(CNS))

(Consultation procedure)

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the proposal for a Council regulation (COM(2005)0502)(1),

–   having regard to Articles 37 and 300(2) of the EC Treaty,

–   having regard to Article 300(3), first subparagraph, of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0353/2005),

–   having regard to Rules 51 and 83(7) of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Fisheries and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Development (A6-0035/2006),

1.  Approves the proposal for a Council regulation as amended and approves conclusion of the agreement;

2.  Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission, and the governments and parliaments of the Member States and the Federated States of Micronesia.

Text proposed by the Commission   Amendments by Parliament
Amendment 1
Recital 2 a (new)
(2a) It is important to improve the information provided to the European Parliament; to that end, the Commission should draw up an annual report on the implementation of the Agreement.
Amendment 2
Article 2 a (new)
Article 2a
During the final year of the Protocol's validity and before another agreement is concluded on its renewal, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council a report on the implementation of the Agreement.
Amendment 3
Article 2 b (new)
Article 2b
On the basis of the report referred to in Article 2a and after consulting the European Parliament, the Council shall, where appropriate, give the Commission a negotiating mandate with a view to the adoption of a new protocol.
Amendment 4
Article 2 c (new)
Article 2c
The Commission shall report to the European Parliament and the Council on the carrying-out of the multiannual sectoral programme and the application of its implementing rules referred to in Article 5(2) of the Protocol.

(1) Not yet published in OJ.

Minimum information to be contained in fishing licences *
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European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation repealing Regulation (EC) No 3690/93 establishing a Community system laying down rules for the minimum information to be contained in fishing licences (COM(2005)0499 – C6-0354/2005 – 2005/0205(CNS))

(Consultation procedure)

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2005)0499)(1),

–   having regard to Article 37 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0354/2005),

–   having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Fisheries (A6-0037/2006),

1.  Approves the Commission proposal as amended;

2.  Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty;

3.  Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;

4.  Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially;

5.  Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.

Text proposed by the Commission   Amendments by Parliament
Amendment 1
Recital 3 a (new)
(3a) Regulation (EC) No 1281/2005 modifies the provisions of Community law applying to fishing licences in order to adapt the minimum information requirements and to clarify the role of the fishing license in the management of fleet capacity.
Amendment 2
Recital 3 b (new)
(3b) A number of stocks in Community waters have continued to decline and it is consequently necessary to improve and extend existing conservation measures; in this respect fishing licences provide a flexible and useful management tool.
Amendment 3
Recital 3 c (new)
(3c) The objective should be to provide for rational and responsible exploitation of living aquatic resources, while recognising the interest of the fisheries sector in its long-term development and its economic and social conditions and the interest of consumers, taking into account the biological constraints with due respect for the marine eco-system.
Amendment 4
Recital 3 d (new)
(3d) Conservation decisions have important effects on the economic and social development of those regions of the Member States where fishing is an important industry.

(1) Not yet published in OJ.

Evaluation of the European arrest warrant
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European Parliament recommendation to the Council on the evaluation of the European arrest warrant (2005/2175(INI))

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the proposal for a recommendation to the Council by Adeline Hazan on behalf of the PSE Group on evaluation of the European arrest warrant (B6-0455/2005),

–   having regard to the Treaty of Amsterdam, which enshrined, for the first time, the objective of establishing a European judicial area,

–   having regard to the Presidency conclusions of the Tampere European Council of 15 and 16 October 1999, which established the principle of mutual recognition as the cornerstone of judicial cooperation,

–   having regard to its position of 6 February 2002 on the draft Council framework decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States(1),

–   having regard to Council Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States(2),

–   having regard to the Commission's report of 23 February 2005 based on Article 34 of Council Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA (COM(2005)0063),

–   having regard to the Commission's report of 24 January 2006 based on Article 34 of Council Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA (COM(2006)0008),

–   having regard to the judgments of the constitutional courts of Poland (27 April 2005), Germany (18 July 2005) and Cyprus (7 November 2005) and the various procedures under way, notably that before the Belgian Court of Arbitration,

–   having regard to the parliamentary meeting held on 17 and 18 October 2005 on improving parliamentary scrutiny of judicial and police cooperation in Europe, with the participation of 100 national parliamentarians and members of its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs,

–   having regard to Rule 114(3) of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (A6-0049/2006),

A.   having regard to the innovative and exemplary role of the European arrest warrant in the development of judicial cooperation and the strengthening of mutual trust, as well as its direct impact on civil liberties,

B.   whereas the European arrest warrant remains one of the EU's key instruments for judicial cooperation and the fight against terrorism and large-scale crime,

C.   whereas the Commission's initial evaluation shows that the European arrest warrant has demonstrated its effectiveness by comparison with the slow, cumbersome and out-of-date extradition procedure, while also making it possible to reduce the risks of a defendant or sentenced person eluding justice for reasons of 'legal sovereignty', as well as to fight organised crime and terrorism more effectively,

D.   whereas one of the advances introduced by the European arrest warrant is the removal of interference by the political authorities in the procedure, by contrast with the extradition procedure,

E.   having regard to the wishes expressed by several Member States concerning retention of certain elements of the traditional extradition system (controls to avoid double jeopardy, intervention of the political authorities in the judicial procedure) or the introduction of additional grounds for refusal which would be contrary to Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA, such as political reasons, national security or human rights arguments,

F.   having regard to the practical obstacles that have been encountered in the operation of the European arrest warrant, including problems of translation, transmission or use of differing forms incompatible with its criteria,

G.   having regard to the difficulties of transposition encountered by several Member States (especially Germany) and to the need to bring national constitutions into line with Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA in order to permit the surrender of nationals (in particular in Poland and Cyprus),

H.   concerned that these problems may undermine mutual trust and lead to a chain reaction which could threaten the implementation of the European arrest warrant by other Member States, as is demonstrated by the fact that, following the decision by the German Constitutional Court to annul the legislation transposing the Framework Decision, a number of Member States have indicated that they will have to return to applying, on a transitional basis, the extradition instruments that existed before the European arrest warrant, pending adoption of a new transposing law that is compatible with the German Basic Law,

I.   whereas the lack of mutual trust between courts is associated with the shortage of common minimum standards in criminal procedures, which hampers effective judicial cooperation,

J.   whereas the creation of the European area of freedom, security and justice based on mutual trust cannot be conceived without a minimum degree of harmonisation of national laws, as Parliament stressed in its recommendation of 22 February 2005(3),

K.   whereas the Commission's first evaluation (COM(2005)0063) concerned only 24 Member States and was completed for Italy, the last Member State to transpose Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA, only recently (COM(2006)0008),

L.   whereas the transposition problems encountered by Member States are essentially of a similar nature, as is evident from the debates which took place at the parliamentary meeting of 17 and 18 October 2005; whereas in future fuller exchanges of information and closer cooperation between the national parliaments and the European Parliament will be necessary with a view to ensuring the transposition in correct conditions of Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA and of other texts still under consideration,

M.   whereas the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe includes a number of improvements in police and judicial cooperation in Europe; whereas, among those improvements, the abolition of the "pillars" and the communitarisation of procedures are such as to enhance the EU's capacity for action as well as the democratic and transparent nature of the decisions taken; whereas this part of the Treaty was not a subject for debate or opposition during the recent ratification campaigns,

N.   regretting the fact that the role of Parliament in the adoption of the European arrest warrant and in its evaluation, and the Court of Justice's scrutiny of its enforcement, are limited by its status as a third-pillar instrument based on Articles 31 and 34 of the EU Treaty (Title VI),

O.   having regard to the need to apply the Treaties currently in force in full, and, accordingly, to give effect to Article 42 of the EU Treaty, pursuant to which the Member States may decide to bring the European arrest warrant under the first pillar, in order to ensure democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament and judicial scrutiny by the European Court of Justice,

P.   whereas the Convention establishing a Nordic arrest warrant was signed on 15 December 2005 by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Norway; whereas, although it is based on the principles and structure of the European arrest warrant, the Nordic arrest warrant integrates a number of advances on it, with a more effective set of rules on surrender, thanks, notably, to the reduction in the number of optional grounds for non-execution and to procedural deadlines that are shorter than those for the European arrest warrant; whereas the EU could usefully take inspiration from the Nordic arrest warrant to improve the effectiveness of the European arrest warrant,

1.  Addresses the following recommendations to the Council:

   Transposition and implementation in practice
   a) adopt, as soon as possible, the proposal for a framework decision on certain procedural rights in criminal proceedings throughout the European Union, taking account of Parliament's amendments in its position of 12 April 2005(4); this measure is essential in order to ensure the same standard of legal protection for all European citizens, and its guarantees will facilitate the surrender by a Member State of one of its nationals to another Member State;
   b) ensure that, in the transposition of Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA, Member States do not reinstate systematic checks regarding double jeopardy for their nationals, as this would undermine both the effectiveness of the European arrest warrant and erode mutual trust between Member States;
   c) ensure that no political authority may interfere in the operation of the European arrest warrant, such interference having created problems in extradition procedures; recalls that, in future, the central authority should not go beyond its role of facilitator in the surrender of suspects or sentenced persons;
   d) ensure that the difficulties persisting in some Member States over the application ratione temporis of Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA are resolved and that they do not affect its implementation by those Member States that have thus far been applying it correctly;
   e) ensure that the Member States take, without delay, the appropriate measures so as to avoid any constitutional or legal obstacles to the application of the European Arrest Warrant to their nationals,
   f) submit an annual report to Parliament on the measures it has taken to encourage Member States to ensure the proper transposition and effective implementation of the European arrest warrant, as recommended in (b), (c), (d) and (e) above,
   g) ensure with Parliament, in the context of the powers of the two branches of the budgetary authority, that the Commission, in its capacity as guardian of the Treaties, has the resources needed for the detailed monitoring of the quality of transposition;
   h) undertake, with the Commission's support and in coordinated fashion, an objective, impartial and more detailed evaluation of the problems encountered by legal professionals in the various Member States, backing it up with a qualitative assessment arrived at via a breakdown of the European arrest warrants by type of offence;
   i) avoid a proliferation of parallel research activities on the same subject, even if the Council is tempted to carry out its own study, on the grounds that this is a third-pillar measure (Title VI of the Treaty on European Union);
   j) inform and consult regularly the European Parliament and national parliaments on the progress achieved in the implementation of the European arrest warrant, involving them in the evaluation process, in the spirit of Article III-260 of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe;
   Fundamental rights
   k) ensure that the Member States, when transposing the Framework Decision, do not require the judicial authority executing a European arrest warrant systematically to check whether the warrant complies with fundamental rights, since this would entail the risk of discrimination, whereas the system is based on the principle of mutual recognition and the issuing Member State carries out that check;
   l) pay close attention to the issue of respect for human rights and individual freedoms in the implementation of the European arrest warrant, a task to which the proposed Agency for Fundamental Rights should be asked to contribute;
   Effectiveness and democracy
   m) ensure that effect is given promptly to Article 42 of the EU Treaty, thus bringing the European arrest warrant under the first pillar, so as to make the measures taken in connection with the European area of freedom, security and justice truly democratic and more effective;

o   o

2.  Instructs its President to forward this recommendation to the Council and, for information, to the Commission and the governments and parliaments of the Member States.

(1) OJ C 284 E, 21.11.2002, p. 193.
(2) OJ L 190, 18.7.2002, p. 1.
(3) OJ C 304 E, 1.12.2005, p. 109.
(4) OJ C 33 E, 9.2.2006, p. 159.

Human rights in Chad
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European Parliament resolution on the human rights situation in Chad

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (the Cotonou Agreement), and in particular Article 8 thereof on political dialogue,

–   having regard to the exchange of views at the meeting of its Committee on Development of 20 February 2006,

–   having regard to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly emergency resolution on the situation in Sudan, adopted in Bamako (Mali) on 21 April 2005(1),

–   having regard to its resolutions of 16 September 2004 on the Darfur region in the Sudan(2) and of 12 May 2005 on the situation in Sudan(3),

–   having regard to the report of the European Parliament ad hoc delegation visit to Sudan and Chad from 2 to 7 September 2004,

–   having regard to its resolution of 14 June 2001 on the Presidential Elections in Chad(4),

–   having regard to its resolution of 20 January 2000 on human rights violations in connection with the Chad/Cameroon oil and pipeline project(5),

–   having regard to the document entitled "Cooperation Strategy and Indicative Programme 2002-2007", ratified by the Government of the Republic of Chad and the Commission on 11 February 2002,

–   having regard to its resolution of 18 June 1998 on the Chad-Cameroon project and human rights violations perpetrated during the period from October 1997 to March 1998(6),

–   having regard to United Nations Security Council resolution 1590 (2005) of 24 March 2005 on the establishment of the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS),

–   having regard to the decision of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union of 20 October 2005 to increase the number of soldiers in the African Union Observation Mission in Sudan (AMIS) from 300 men in 2004 to 6964 men at present,

–   having regard to the report of the Commission of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union on the situation in Darfur, of 12 January 2006,

–   having regard to the decision of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union of 12 January 2006 to extend the mandate of AMIS until 31 March 2006,

–   having regard to the agreement between Chad and Sudan signed on 8 February 2006 in Tripoli following tensions observed between the two countries,

–   having regard to all the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, in particular resolution 1593 (2005) of 31 March 2005 on the situation in Sudan, and the report of the international commission of inquiry on Darfur to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, pursuant to Security Council resolution 1564 (2004),

–   having regard to the action plan for Darfur concluded between the United Nations and the Sudanese Government on 5 August 2004,

–   having regard to the United Nations report on the situation in Sudan of 26 April 2005,

–   having regard to the Agreement signed in 1999 between Chad and the World Bank on the oil revenue management programme,

–   having regard to the African Charter on Human and Peoples" Rights,

–   having regard to Chad Law 001/PR/99 of 11 January 1999 on the management of oil revenues,

–   having regard to the report of its Committee on Development and Cooperation of 22 February 2001 on the plan to build a Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline, accompanied by a report on the visit by the delegation to Chad and Cameroon from 23 to 30 March 2000,

–   having regard to Rule 91 and Rule 90(4) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.   whereas presidential elections are due to be held in Chad in May or June 2006,

B.   whereas the parliamentary elections scheduled for April-May 2006 have been postponed,

C.   having regard to the approval by the Chad National Assembly of the revision of the above-mentioned Law 001/PR/99 on the management of oil revenues,

D.   having regard to the commitment by the World Bank in Chad to combat poverty, lay the foundations for sustainable growth and provide an opportunity to improve development prospects,

E.   whereas the Chad Government wishes to extend use of the 10% of funds earmarked for future generations to territorial administration and security and whereas, as a result, the World Bank has suspended disbursement of appropriations equal to US $ 124 million allocated to Chad by the International Development Association (IDA) to finance eight ongoing projects amounting to a total of US $ 297 million,

F.   whereas the Chad Government has reacted to the World Bank's decision by signing agreements with China and Taiwan for the exploitation of its other oil fields,

G.   whereas Chad is one of the poorest countries in the world and whereas only 27% of the population have access to drinking water,

H.   whereas Chad has a wealth of resources in agriculture, stock-breeding, fisheries and, above all, mining and oil resources, in which several countries and multinational companies have a keen interest,

I.   stressing that living conditions are extremely difficult owing to the combined effects of war, drought and famine and that the country's institutions and infrastructure have seriously deteriorated,

J.   whereas approximately 80% of the population of Chad are illiterate, suffering from all forms of food shortages owing to the climate and water-borne and epidemic diseases,

K.   having regard to the restrictions on freedom of expression, as illustrated by the Ministry of the Interior's closure on two occasions of Radio FM Liberté,

L.   concerned at the threats against human rights organisations in Chad,

M.   having regard to the expropriation of land from farmers without compensation in oil regions,

N.   alarmed at the various armed incursions at Chad's eastern border, where Sudan is accused of arming and financing rebels, and at the frequent violent clashes between Chad and Sudan,

O.   whereas the Sudanese Government, the Janjaweed militia and the rebel movements form the subject of an investigation opened on 6 June 2005 by the International Criminal Court for crimes committed in violation of international law in Darfur,

P.   alarmed at the conclusions of 11 December 2005 of Juan Mendez, Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, according to whom the missions of the United Nations (UNMIS) and the African Union (AMIS) to Sudan have totally failed, given that human rights violations have not diminished but actually increased,

Q.   whereas the Darfur crisis constitutes a crucial test for the African Union's Peace and Security Council,

R.   whereas the members of the African Union have neither sufficient human, material and financial resources nor the necessary mandate to deal with this situation over such a vast area,

S.   whereas the financial needs of AMIS, which has been expanded for the period from 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006, amount to US $ 252.4 million, i.e. 54% of the total budget, and whereas the amount received up to 31 October 2005 was only US $ 65.4 million, i.e. a quarter of the total requirement,

T.   whereas the funds received to date for the expanded AMIS have almost run out and financial constraints are such that the African Union has had to reduce the allowances paid to military observers,

U.   whereas an additional sum of US $ 4.6 million is required to cover other budget lines and support the AMIS mission until 31 March 2006,

V.   whereas on 3 February 2006 the United Nations Security Council called for plans to be drawn up for a United Nations force to replace that of the African Union in Darfur,

W.   whereas the move from an African Union force to a United Nations operation in Darfur is now inevitable, as is the deployment of a much larger force capable of preventing attacks against civilians and disarming the Janjaweed militia,

X.   concerned at the growing number of attacks against villages in Chad and camps and humanitarian workers in Western Darfur, which are making the region extremely dangerous for international humanitarian organisations, of which only a few are currently operating in the border area,

Y.   whereas the Darfur conflict, which is not over, has caused several thousands of deaths, around 1.65 million displaced persons and 200 000 refugees in Chad and whereas the total number of people affected by the conflict is around 2.5 million,

Z.   whereas most displaced persons in Chad have lost a large proportion of their crops following attacks and are living in makeshift shelters, and whereas serious food shortages are likely once food reserves run out,

AA.   having regard to the worsening human rights situation in the country, as illustrated by continuing acts of violence, restrictions and freedom of expression, extra-judicial killings by the security forces and the poverty and ill-treatment afflicting, in particular, women and children,

AB.   whereas, on 24 January 2005, the African Union decided to set up a group of legal experts to consider 'available options' for bringing to trial Mr Hissène Habré, the former Chad dictator who has been a refugee in Senegal since 1990,

1.  Expresses its deepest concern at the general situation in Chad, in particular as regards human rights;

2.  Recalls with concern that the civilian population, already suffering from drought and famine, derive no benefits from the above-mentioned Law 001/PR/99 and the billions of dollars arising from the sale of oil, and stresses that Chad's oil resources should primarily benefit the people of Chad;

3.  Condemns the fact that 10% of oil revenues have been withdrawn from the fund for future generations and subsequently allocated to the list of 'priority areas', which now include military spending;

4.  Calls on the Government of Chad to give a clear and transparent account of how oil revenues are being used;

5.  Calls on the Government of Chad to allocate the money from oil revenues to development, in particular to the supply of drinking water, health, education and the organisation of elections;

6.  Calls on the Government of Chad to establish the country's annual development plan and to make it public;

7.  Notes that the Government of Chad is prepared in principle to take account of the opinions of the international community, but stresses the need for a deeper dialogue and a more open approach;

8.  Welcomes the establishment of a Ministry for Human Rights in Chad, calls on those in charge of this ministry to cooperate with civil society and to implement the national action programme on human rights policy, and calls on the Commission closely to monitor this process;

9.  Calls on the Council, the Commission and the Member States to bring pressure to bear on the Government of Chad with a view to it consolidating the rule of law and putting a stop to the climate of impunity and human rights violations, in particular against opponents of the bill for the revision of Law 001/PR/99;

10.  Calls on the Government of Chad to put a stop to the forced recruitment of young soldiers to the government army;

11.  Is concerned at the reprisals by the security forces and armed bands against the population and opposition activists; urges the security forces and the army to refrain from any ill-treatment of the civilian population and to put an end to the activities of armed bands;

12.  Calls on AMIS to introduce immediate changes to improve the protection of civilians and show that it is capable of protecting the civilians in Darfur;

13.  Calls on the Council, the Commission, the Member States, the United Nations and the African Union to bring all the necessary pressure to bear on the Government of Sudan to ensure that it ceases to jeopardise the effectiveness of AMIS operations;

14.  Urges the Council, the Commission, the Member States, the United Nations and the African Union to provide the African Mission in Sudan (AMIS), weakened by serious financial, logistical and other constraints, with far more substantial financial, material and military resources;

15.  Condemns the attacks carried out by the Janjaweed militia since mid-December 2005, which may in some cases operate with the support of the Sudanese Government, in particular with assistance from fighter helicopters, against forty of the eighty-five villages in the Chad region of Borota, south of Adré, all of which were subsequently abandoned by their inhabitants, who are now homeless;

16.  Welcomes the agreement signed by Chad and Sudan in Tripoli on 8 February 2006 and calls on both countries to honour all the undertakings they have made;

17.  Calls on the Governments of Chad and Sudan to keep stricter control over the trade in small arms and light weapons in the region;

18.  Stresses the seriousness of the problem of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) in southern Sudan, and calls on the Council, the Commission, the Governments of Chad and Sudan, the United Nations and the other parties concerned to clear mined areas without delay, assist victims and raise people's awareness of the risks in order to clear roads and enable displaced persons and refugees to return to their homes;

19.  Urges the Government of Chad to respect democratic debate on the situation in the country and on the oil extraction project in the Doba region;

20.  Calls on the Government of Chad to set the official timetable for the forthcoming presidential and parliamentary elections as soon as possible, in accordance with its constitutional obligations, and to guarantee the impartiality of the independent national electoral commission;

21.  Is convinced that an electoral process cannot be conducted effectively and transparently in a situation where the most basic rights of expression are under threat;

22.  Calls for the European Union, provided the necessary conditions are met, to send an electoral observation mission to Chad, in order to monitor and promote the smooth conduct of the electoral process;

23.  Urges the Government of Chad, in the light of Transparency International's report of 18 October 2005, according to which Chad is one of the financially least transparent countries, to combat and put a stop to the phenomenon of corruption as soon as possible and to act transparently with regard to government expenditure;

24.  Encourages the government to hold information campaigns on the conduct of elections and promote the smooth conduct of the election campaign in a peaceful and democratic manner;

25.  Urges major and urgent economic and social progress to be encouraged, in particular in education and training, health and social security;

26.  Expresses the wish that this progress will be accompanied by progress in the consolidation of democracy, the rule of law and human rights, in particular freedom of expression, freedom of association and media independence;

27.  Calls on the Government of Chad to create favourable conditions for achieving the Millennium Development Goals set and adopted by the United Nations;

28.  Calls on the Government of Chad to put an end to acts of submission and segregation of women and the exploitation of child labour, in particular the forced recruitment of young soldiers;

29.  Considers that respect for human rights and political pluralism are essential conditions for the population to be able to defend their legitimate interests and to take part in the decision-making process, and in the final analysis for combating poverty;

30.  Calls on the Council, the Commission and the international community to continue their humanitarian and development aid for the Sudanese refugee population and the Chad host population, and to continue associating civil society in Sudan and Chad as peace partners;

31.  Asks all oil companies to comply fully with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and international voluntary security principles; calls on the Commission to monitor this in relation to its policies on corporate social responsibility;

32.  Calls for Mr Hissène Habré, the former dictator of Chad, who has been a refugee in Senegal since 1990, to be finally brought to trial in Africa, or otherwise extradited and tried in Belgium with a view to a fair and equitable trial, in accordance with the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;

33.  Calls on the African Union to honour its obligations in relation to the trial of Mr Hissène Habré, in order to avoid criticisms from the international community;

34.  Calls on the Commission to hold a structured dialogue within the meaning of Article 8 of the Cotonou Agreement and to inform the Committee on Development of the progress and outcome of this dialogue;

35.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States, the ACP-EU Council of Ministers, the Presidents, Governments and Parliaments of Chad and Sudan, the World Bank and the non-governmental organisation 'Chad Association for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights' (ATPDH).

(1) OJ C 272, 3.11.2005, p. 43.
(2) OJ C 140 E, 9.6.2005, p. 153.
(3) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0178.
(4) OJ C 53 E, 28.2.2002, p. 404.
(5) OJ C 304, 24.10.2000, p. 211.
(6) OJ C 210, 6.7.1998, p.210.

Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities *
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Proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (COM(2005)0181 – C6-0234/2005 – 2005/0090(CNS))

(Consultation procedure)

The proposal was amended as follows(1):

Text proposed by the Commission   Amendments by Parliament
Amendment 1
(1)  Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002, hereinafter "the Financial Regulation", lays down the legal foundations of the financial management reform. As such, its essential elements should be maintained and strengthened. Moreover, it establishes budgetary principles which should be respected by all legislative acts and from which derogations should be kept to a strict minimum.
(1)  Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002, hereinafter "the Financial Regulation", lays down the legal foundations of the financial management reform. As such, its essential elements should be maintained and strengthened. Moreover, it establishes budgetary principles, derived from Article 268 et seq. of the EC Treaty, which should be respected by all legislative acts and from which derogations should be kept to a strict minimum.
Amendment 2
(2)  Certain amendments are justified in light of practical experience in order to facilitate budget implementation and the realisation of the underlying policy objectives and to adjust some procedural and documentary requirements so as to make them more proportionate to the risks and cost involved.
(2)  Certain amendments are justified in light of practical experience in order to facilitate budget implementation and the realisation of the underlying policy objectives and to enshrine expressly the principle of proportionality of administrative action set forth in Article 5 of the EC Treaty, so as to make it clear that it is proportionate to the risks and cost involved.
Amendment 3
(3)  All amendments must contribute to achieving the objectives of the Commission's reforms, should help improve or ensure sound financial management, and should enhance the protection of the Communities" financial interests against fraud and illegal activities, thus contributing to obtaining a reasonable assurance of the legality and regularity of financial operations.
(3)  All amendments must contribute to achieving the objectives of the Commission's reforms, should help improve or ensure sound financial management, and should protect the Communities" financial interests more effectively against fraud and illegal activities, thus contributing to obtaining a reasonable assurance of the legality and regularity of financial operations.
Amendment 4
RECITAL 5 A (new)
(5a) Pursuant to point 1 of the Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, annexed to the EC Treaty and appended to the Treaty of Amsterdam of 2 October 1997, each institution, in exercising the powers conferred on it, is required to comply with the principle of proportionality, according to which any action by the Community must not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Treaty.
Amendment 5
(6)  On certain points, more efficiency and transparency is needed with regard to the application of budgetary principles, in order better to suit operational needs.
(6)  Practical experience of applying the Financial Regulation has shown that, when exercising their powers in individual instances, financial actors make too little use of their discretion. Yet exercising those powers means also that they may use their discretion to decide independently, in individual instances, when a measure is proportionate within the meaning of Article 5 of the EC Treaty and the Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, annexed to the EC Treaty and appended to the Treaty of Amsterdam of 2 October 1997.
Amendment 6
(12)  At present, the Commission must be authorised by the budgetary authority before accepting donations, such as gifts or bequests, which involve a charge. To avoid unnecessary and cumbersome procedures, authorisations should be made compulsory only in the case of significant charges.
(12)  At present, the Commission must be authorised by the budgetary authority before accepting donations, such as gifts or bequests, which involve a charge. To avoid unnecessary and cumbersome procedures, authorisations should be made compulsory where there are follow-up costs.
Amendment 7
(13)  In relation to the principle of specification of the budget, the rules governing transfers of appropriations should be simplified and clarified on certain points because in practice they have proven cumbersome or unclear. The intention was for Article 22 of the Financial Regulation to apply to institutions other than the Commission since the Commission has its own regime. That provision should therefore be amended accordingly.
Amendment 8
(14)  As regards the 'notification procedure', the Commission and the other institutions notify their transfer proposals to the budgetary authority, which may invoke the normal procedure if it wishes to raise objections. In such cases, in theory, the normal deadlines apply for the decision of the budgetary authority on the transfer. However, the text does not state when time for the purposes of the deadline is to be deemed to start running, and that omission should be remedied.
Amendment 9
(16)  For reasons of efficiency, the Commission should be allowed to decide autonomously on transfers from the reserve in cases where no basic act, within the meaning of Article 49 of the Financial Regulation, exists for the action concerned at the time when the budget is established, but where the basic act is adopted in the course of the year.
Amendment 10
(17)  The rules on the Commission's administrative transfers should be adapted to the new Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB) structure. Thus, the "notification procedure" should be limited to transfers between articles, within the administrative chapter of each title, which exceed 10% of the appropriations of the year. On the other hand, transfers between articles of different titles financing expenditure of identical nature should be decided autonomously by the Commission.
Amendment 11
RECITAL 22 A (new)
(22a) The rules on the liability of authorising officers should be more clearly defined in the interests of greater legal certainty.
Amendment 12
(27)  A period of limitation on the validity of claims should be introduced. The Community, unlike many of its Member States, is not subject to a period of limitation under which financial claims are extinguished after a certain period of time. Nor is the Community restricted by a period of limitation in the pursuit of its claims against third persons. The introduction of such a period of limitation in a new Article 73b corresponds to sound financial management.
(27)  A period of limitation on the validity of claims should be introduced. The Community, unlike many of its Member States, is not subject to a period of limitation under which financial claims are extinguished after a certain period of time. Nor is the Community restricted by a period of limitation in the pursuit of its claims against third persons. The introduction of such a period of limitation in a new Article 73b corresponds to sound financial management. However, perpetrators of deliberate damage should not be able to invoke limitation to the same extent as other debtors. The start of the limitation period should therefore be confined to the point in time when the entire scope of a claim has been established.
Amendment 13
RECITAL 27 A (new)
(27a) Award procedures should, where possible and appropriate, be carried out on an interinstitutional basis so as to ease the administrative burden on smaller entities too.
Amendment 14
RECITAL 27 B (new)
(27b) Supply and service contract award procedures must be streamlined and brought more into line with the needs of tenderers. In this connection, attention should be paid in particular to ensuring that the principle of proportionality also extends to documentation efforts. Framework contracts should be reflected in the Financial Regulation. Competition should not be constrained as a result of unnecessarily long contractual ties in framework contracts, and small and medium-sized undertakings should not be effectively debarred right from the outset, because of their size, from contract award procedures.
Amendment 15
(29)  The Financial Regulation rules on the exclusion of tenderers impose a stricter regime for the Community institutions than that provided for in Directive 2004/18/EC. The Financial Regulation makes no distinction between the most serious grounds for exclusion and other grounds. Directive 2004/18/EC, on the other hand, does make such a distinction and that distinction should be made available for the Community institutions. Articles 93 and 94 of the Financial Regulation should provide for mandatory exclusion in the most serious cases, while allowing the possibility for the contracting authority, on the basis of a risk assessment, to add other cases of exclusion. The same distinction should be made in Article 114 of the Financial Regulation, as regards grants. The rules on penalties, laid down in Article 96 of that Regulation, should be adjusted accordingly.
(29)  The Financial Regulation rules on the exclusion of tenderers impose a stricter regime for the Community institutions than that provided for in Directive 2004/18/EC. The exclusion of tenderers should be subject to the principle of proportionality. The exclusion period should be limited to no more than 10 years so as to prevent disproportionate penalties. Exclusions for more than five years should take place only on the basis of an unappealable judgment.
Amendment 16
RECITAL 30 A (new)
(30a) The requirement to provide supporting documents should be confined to what is necessary. The documentation effort required should be based, inter alia, on the value of the contract concerned.
Amendment 17
RECITAL 30 B (new)
(30b) To preserve the institutions' reputation for administrative fairness and propriety, Community servants involved in grant procedures should always notify their superiors accordingly so as to rule out any conflict of interest.
Amendment 18
RECITAL 32 A (new)
(32a) Tenderers who have been passed over should have effective legal safeguards, which the Member States are also required to provide. To that end, independent vetting bodies should be set up which can verify award procedures quickly, without disproportionate effort, and provide effective legal protection.
Amendment 19
RECITAL 32 B (new)
(32b) Protecting the Union's financial interests must not demand too much of contractors. The provision of security by contractors should therefore be restricted to instances where this is justified and must not go beyond the purpose of providing the security.
Amendment 20
(34)  As regards grants, simplification of the rules is needed. Requirements for checks and guarantees should be more proportionate to the financial risks involved. Some essential changes need to be made first in the Financial Regulation, so that detailed provision can later be made in the implementing rules. The scope of grants needs to be clarified in Article 108 of the Financial Regulation, in particular as regards financing related to loan activities and share-holdings. The principle of proportionality has to be added.
(34)  As regards grants, simplification of the rules is needed. The requirements which the administrative procedure imposes on the parties involved in it must be proportionate at all times. Accordingly, unsuccessful applications should be screened out at the earliest possible stage in the procedure, in order to spare applicants needless efforts. The scope of grants needs to be clarified in Article 108 of the Financial Regulation, in particular as regards financing related to loan activities and share-holdings. Particularly in the case of small amounts, it must be possible to provide assistance on the basis of an individual decision instead of a voluminous, complex assistance agreement.
Amendment 21
(36)  The rule that grants should be awarded on the basis of calls for proposals has proved its worth. Experience has shown, however, that in certain situations the nature of the action leaves no choice in the selection of beneficiaries, and Article 110 of the Financial Regulation should expressly recognise that such exceptional cases arise.
(36)  The rule that grants should be awarded on the basis of calls for proposals has proved its worth. In this connection, it should be ensured in the interests of both legal and planning certainty that requirements notified to applicants at the start of the tendering process do not change during the procedure. Experience has shown, however, that in certain situations the nature of the action leaves no choice in the selection of beneficiaries, and Article 110 of the Financial Regulation should expressly recognise that such exceptional cases arise.
Amendment 22
(37)  The rule that the same action should not give rise to more than one grant to any one beneficiary should be adjusted because some basic acts do permit Community funding to be combined and such cases may increase in future in order to ensure the effectiveness of expenditure. However, the opportunity should be taken to make clear in Article 111 of the Financial Regulation that the same costs can never be financed twice by the Community budget.
(37)  The opportunity should be taken to make clear in Article 111 of the Financial Regulation that the same costs can never be financed twice by the Community budget and that cost eligibility may not exceed 100%.
Amendment 23
(39)  For reasons of clarity and transparency, the use of flat-rate payments should be authorised in a new Article 113a of the Financial Regulation, to co-exist with the more traditional method of reimbursing costs actually incurred.
(39)  For reasons of clarity and transparency, the use of flat-rate payments should be authorised in a new Article 113a of the Financial Regulation, to co-exist with the more traditional method of reimbursing costs actually incurred. There should be a clearer definition of eligible costs.
Amendment 24
(40)  In Article 114 of the Financial Regulation, certain restrictions on the eligibility of beneficiaries should be removed in order to allow for grants to natural persons and certain types of entity which lack legal personality.
(40)  The obligation for grant beneficiaries to provide supporting documents and the penalties to which they are subject should at all times be proportionate to the risk involved. Furthermore, certain restrictions on the eligibility of beneficiaries should be removed in order to allow for grants to natural persons and certain types of entity which lack legal personality.
Amendment 25
RECITAL 40 A (new)
(40a) To enhance information for applicants, a joint service should be set up to deal with standardising applications for similar types of funding, providing applicants with information, and benchmarking for awarding funding.
Amendment 26
(47)  It is necessary to allow appropriations which have been decommitted as a result of total or partial non-implementation of the projects for which they were earmarked to be made available again. However, that should be possible only under strict conditions, and only in the area of research, since research projects present a higher financial risk than those in other policy areas.
(47)  Because of the special importance of research support for European Union competitiveness, it is necessary to allow commitment appropriations which have not been used or have been decommitted as a result of total or partial non-implementation of the projects for which they were earmarked to be made available again.
Amendment 27
Article 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Any provision concerning the implementation of the revenue and expenditure of the budget, contained in another legislative act, must comply in particular with the budgetary principles set out in Title II.
Any provision concerning the implementation of the revenue and expenditure of the budget, contained in another legislative act, must comply with the budgetary principles set out in Article 268 et seq. of the EC Treaty.
Amendment 28
Article 2, paragraph 1 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
All measures taken by institutions to implement the budget pursuant to this Regulation shall comply with the principle of proportionality laid down in Article 5 of the EC Treaty.
Amendment 29
Article 2, paragraph 1 b (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
If the Commission, in a proposal for another legislative act, intends to depart from the provisions of the Financial Regulation, it must explicitly and separately inform the European Parliament committee responsible for budgetary matters of this fact.
Amendment 136
ARTICLE 1, POINT 5 A (new)
Article 9, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(5a) In Article 9, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
"1. Appropriations which have not been used at the end of the financial year for which they were entered shall in principle be cancelled.
However, they may be carried over to the following year only, by a decision taken by the institution concerned by 15 February at the latest, in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3, or be carried over automatically in accordance with paragraph 4.
However, commitment appropriations not used and the commitment appropriations corresponding to the amount of the commitments decommitted as a result of total or partial non-implementation of projects for which they were earmarked, may, in duly substantiated cases provided for by a joint decision of the budgetary authority, by a basic act or by agreement of the budgetary authority, be made available again, up to a maximum amount of EUR [...] a year, where it is essential to carry out the programmes originally planned or to have funds available to finance new actions."
Amendment 30
Article 12, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
However, in duly substantiated exceptional cases, the appropriations for the purposes of crisis management aid and humanitarian aid operations may be committed as from 15 December of each year against the appropriations provided for the following financial year. Such commitments may not exceed one quarter of the appropriations on the corresponding budget line for the last adopted budget.
However, in duly substantiated exceptional cases, the appropriations for the purposes of crisis management aid and humanitarian aid operations may be committed as from 15 December of each year against the appropriations provided for the following financial year. Such commitments may not exceed one quarter of the appropriations on the corresponding budget line for the last adopted budget. The budgetary authority shall be notified of these commitments.
Amendment 31
ARTICLE 1, POINT 6 A (new)
Article 14, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(6a) In Article 14, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
"2. Without prejudice to Article 46(1)(4), the European Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, as well as the bodies set up by the Communities as referred to in Article 185, may not raise loans except in the case of direct financing necessary for the acquisition of immovable property intended to be used by the institutions on which the budgetary authority has issued a favourable opinion under Article 179(3)."
Amendment 32
Article 16, paragraph 2, sentence 2 (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Currency conversion operations shall be carried out in such a way that there is no major change to Union cofinancing for project grants.
Amendment 33
Article 19, paragraph 2, sentence 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Acceptance of donations which involve a significant financial charge shall be subject to the authorisation of the European Parliament and the Council, both of which shall act on the matter within two months of the date of receipt of the request from the Commission.
Acceptance of donations which involve follow-up costs shall be subject to the authorisation of the European Parliament and the Council, both of which shall act on the matter within two months of the date of receipt of the request from the Commission.
Amendment 34
Article 22, paragraph 1, point (ba) (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(ba) from one article to another without limit.
Amendment 35
Article 22, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
2.  Three weeks before making the transfers referred to in paragraph 1, the institutions shall inform the budgetary authority and the Commission of their intentions. In the event of duly substantiated reasons being raised within this period by either branch of the budgetary authority, the procedure laid down in Article 24 shall apply.
2.  Three weeks before making the transfers referred to in paragraph 1, the institutions shall inform the budgetary authority of their intentions. In the event of reasons being raised within this period by either branch of the budgetary authority, the procedure laid down in Article 24 shall apply.
Amendment 36
Article 22, paragraph 2, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
The budgetary authority shall take decisions on these transfers within the time limits laid down in Article 24, which shall be deemed to begin on the date on which the budgetary authority was informed by the institution of the intended transfer.
Amendment 37
Article 22, paragraph 3 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
3.  Any institution other than the Commission may propose to the budgetary authority, within its own section of the budget, transfers from one title to another exceeding the limit of 10% of the appropriations for the financial year on the line from which the transfer is to be made. The budgetary authority shall inform the Commission accordingly. Those transfers shall be subject to the procedure laid down in Article 24.
3.  Any institution other than the Commission may propose to the budgetary authority, within its own section of the budget, transfers from one title to another exceeding the limit of 10% of the appropriations for the financial year on the line from which the transfer is to be made. Those transfers shall be subject to the procedure laid down in Article 24.
Amendment 38
Article 22, paragraph 4 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
4.  Any institution other than the Commission may, within its own section of the budget, make transfers within chapters without first informing the budgetary authority.
Amendment 39
Article 23, paragraph 1, point b (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(i) point (b) is replaced by the following:
'(b) as regards staff and operating expenditure, transfer appropriations from one title to another only between articles financing expenditure of identical nature';
Amendment 40
Article 23, paragraph 1, point d (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(ii) the following point (d) is added:
'(d) transfer appropriations from the 'provisions' title referred to in Article 43 for the cases where no basic act exists for the action concerned when the budget is established but is adopted during the course of the budget year';
Amendment 41
Article 23, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(iii) the second subparagraph is deleted;
(iii) the second subparagraph is replaced by the following:
"Three weeks before making the transfers referred to in points (b) and (c), the Commission shall inform the budgetary authority of its decision. In the event of duly justified reasons being raised within this period by either branch of the budgetary authority, the procedure laid down in Article 24 shall apply.
Three months before the end of the budgetary year, the Commission shall report to the budgetary authority on the implementation of expenditure referred to in point (b), and shall announce its intention to make transfers regarding staff, external staff and other agents in accordance with point (b). If, within the six weeks following the announcement, the budgetary authority does not object to the intended transfers, the Commission may proceed and shall inform the budgetary authority of the transfers in the following month."
Amendment 42
Article 23, paragraph 1 a (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(b) the following paragraph 1a is inserted:
'1a. The Commission shall inform the budgetary authority three weeks before making the following:
(a) transfers between articles within the chapter corresponding to administrative appropriations of the same title which exceed 10% of the appropriations of the year shown on the article from which the transfer is made;
(b) transfers referred to in point (c) of paragraph 1.
In the event of duly substantiated reasons being raised within that three-week period by either branch of the budgetary authority, the procedure laid down in Article 24 shall apply. The budgetary authority shall take decisions on these transfers within the time limits laid down in Article 24, which shall be deemed to begin on the date on which the budgetary authority was informed by the Commission of the intended transfer.'
Amendment 43
Article 23, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(c) in paragraph 2, 'paragraph 1(c)' is replaced by 'paragraphs 1 and 1a'.
Amendment 44
Article 26, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(12)  In Article 26(2), the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:
"Decisions on transfers to allow the utilisation of the reserve for emergency aid shall be taken by the budgetary authority on a proposal from the Commission. A separate proposal must be submitted for each individual operation."
Amendment 45
ARTICLE 1, POINT 12 A (new)
Article 27, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(12a) In Article 27, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
'1. Budget appropriations shall be used in accordance with the principle of sound financial management, namely in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness and proportionality.'
Amendment 46
ARTICLE 1, POINT 12 B (new)
Article 27, paragraph 2, subparagraph 3 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(12b) In Article 27(2), the following subparagraph is added:
"The principle of proportionality is concerned with an appropriate relationship between effort, including effort on checks, and the amounts and risks involved."
Amendment 47
ARTICLE 1, POINT 12 C (new)
Article 27, paragraph 4 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(12c) In Article 27, the following paragraph is added:
"4a. For carrying out programmes and activities, procedure shall be governed by their content. The requirements of this Article shall be specified in the implementing rules."
Amendment 48
ARTICLE 1, POINT 12 D (new)
Article 27, paragraph 4 b (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(12d) In Article 27, the following paragraph is added:
'4b. Institutions shall set up systems for measuring and comparing efficiency and effectiveness as regards procurement procedures and the procedure for the award of grants.'
Amendment 49
ARTICLE 1, POINT 12 E (new)
Article 28, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(12e) In Article 28, paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:
"2. During the budgetary procedure, institutions and other bodies shall provide the necessary information for a comparison between changes in the appropriations required and the initial forecasts made in the financial statements. This information shall include progress made and the stage reached by the legislative authority in its consideration of proposals presented. The appropriations required shall, where appropriate, be revised in the light of the progress of deliberations on the basic act."
Amendment 50
ARTICLE 1, POINT 12 F (new)
Article 28, paragraph 3 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(12f) In Article 28, paragraph 3 shall be replaced by the following:
"3. In order to prevent risk of fraud or irregularity, institutions and other bodies shall record in the financial statement any information regarding existing and planned fraud prevention and protection measures."
Amendment 51
Article 29, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(13)  In Article 29, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
(13)  Article 29 is replaced by the following:
"Article 29
1.  The budget shall be established and implemented and the accounts presented in compliance with the principle of transparency.
'2. The President of the European Parliament shall have the budget and amending budgets, as finally adopted, published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The budget shall be published within three months following the date on which the budget is declared finally adopted.
The consolidated annual accounts and the report on budgetary and financial management drawn up by each institution shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.'
2.  The President of the European Parliament shall have the budget and amending budgets, as finally adopted, published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The budget shall be published within three months following the date on which the budget is declared finally adopted.
The Commission reports shall also contain information on action taken on the remarks in the budget."
Amendment 52
ARTICLE 1, POINT 13 A (new)
Chapter 9 and Article 30a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(13a) The following Chapter and Article are added in Title II of Part One:
"Chapter 9
Principle of effective and efficient internal control
Article 30a
1.  The implementation of the budget shall be ensured through effective and efficient internal control in accordance with each management mode.
2.  For the purpose of implementation of the budget, internal control is defined as a process applicable at all levels in the chain of control and designed to provide reasonable assurance on the achievement of the following objectives:
(a) effectiveness and efficiency of operations,
(b) reliability of financial reporting,
(c) safeguarding of assets and information, and prevention and detection of fraud and irregularities,
(d) adequate management of the risks related to the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions."
Amendment 53
Article 43, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(a) in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, 'Article 24' is replaced by 'Articles 23 and 24';
Amendment 54
Article 43, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(b) in paragraph 2, 'Article 24' is replaced by 'Articles 23 and 24'.
Amendment 55
Article 46, paragraph 1, point (1) (f) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(ii) point (f) is deleted;
Amendment 56
Article 46, paragraph 1, point (2) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(b) point (2) is replaced by the following:
'2. In the section for each institution, the revenue and expenditure shall be shown in the same structure as in point 1';
Amendment 57
Article 46, paragraph 1, point (3) (c) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(c) in point (3), point (c) is replaced by the following:
'(c) as regards scientific and technical staff, the classification may be based on groups of grades, in accordance with the conditions laid down in each budget; the establishment plan must specify the number of highly qualified technical or scientific personnel who are accorded special advantages under the specific provisions of the Staff Regulations;'
Amendment 58
Article 46, paragraph 1, point 5 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(d) point (5) is replaced by the following:
'(5) the budget lines under revenue and expenditure necessary for implementing the Guarantee Fund for external actions.'
Amendment 59
ARTICLE 1, POINT 20 A (new)
Article 48, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(20a) In Article 48, paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following:
'1. The institutions shall implement the revenue and expenditure of the budget in accordance with this Regulation, on their own responsibility and within the limits of the appropriations authorised.'
Amendment 60
Article 53, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2, introduction (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
In order to ensure in shared management that the funds are used in accordance with the applicable rules and principles, the Member States shall take all the measures necessary to:
In order to ensure in shared management that the funds are used in accordance with the applicable rules and principles, the Member States shall take all the legislative, regulatory, administrative or other measures necessary for protecting the Communities" financial interests in order to:
Amendment 61
Article 53, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2, point (b) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(b) prevent and deal with irregularities and fraud;
(b) prevent and deal with irregularities, mismanagement and fraud;
Amendment 62
ARTICLE 1, POINT 23(B) (-1) (new)
Article 54, paragraph 2, introduction (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(– i) the introduction is replaced by the following:
"2. Where the Commission implements the budget on a centralised and indirect basis, pursuant to Article 53(2), or pursuant to Article 53(4), it may, subject to compliance with the restrictions laid down in paragraph 1, delegate sovereign tasks, in particular budget implementation tasks, to the following bodies:"
Amendment 63
ARTICLE 1, POINT 23 (C A) (new)
Article 54, paragraph 3 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(ca) the following paragraph is added:
"3a. When exercising the powers conferred on it by the Commission pursuant to Article 50, the European Parliament may, in keeping with the provisions of its Rules of Procedure, and by adopting specific rules, delegate implementation tasks to its political groups for well defined appropriations.
This specific regulation may not deviate from Article 56, unless the specific operating needs of the political groups require it."
Amendment 64
Article 56, paragraph 1, introduction (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
1.  Where the Commission implements the budget by indirect centralised management, it shall first obtain evidence of the existence, relevance and proper operation within the entities to which it entrusts implementation, in accordance with the rules of sound financial management, of the following:
1.  Where the Commission or the European Parliament implements the budget by indirect centralised management, they shall first obtain evidence of the existence, relevance and proper operation within the entities to which they entrust implementation, in accordance with the rules of sound financial management, of the following:
Amendment 65
Article 56, paragraph 3 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
3.  The Commission shall ensure supervision, evaluation and control of the implementation of the tasks entrusted. It shall take the equivalence of control systems into account when it carries out controls using its own control systems.
3.  The Commission and/or the European Parliament shall ensure supervision, evaluation and control of the implementation of the tasks entrusted. They shall take the equivalence of control systems into account when they carry out controls using their own control systems.
Amendment 66
Article 60, paragraph 7, sentence 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(27)  In Article 60, the first sentence of paragraph 7 is replaced by the following:
'7. The authorising officer by delegation shall report to his/her institution on the performance of his/her duties in the form of an annual activity report together with financial and management information and a declaration of assurance certifying that the information contained in the report presents a true and fair view.'
(27)  In Article 60, paragraph 7 is replaced by the following:
'7. The authorising officer by delegation shall report to his/her institution on the performance of his/her duties in the form of an annual activity report together with financial and management information and any reservations in relation to the latter accompanied by a declaration of assurance certifying that the information contained in the report presents a true and fair view.
This report shall indicate the results of the operations by reference to the objectives set, the risks associated with these operations, the use made of the resources provided and the way the internal control system functions. The internal auditor shall take note of the annual report and any other pieces of information identified. No later than 15 June each year the Commission shall send to the budgetary authority a summary of the annual reports for the previous year. These reports shall set out details of the measures taken to limit the risk of errors in connection with the operations dealt with in the report and an assessment of the effectiveness of those measures.'
Amendment 67
ARTICLE 1, POINT 28 (-A) (new)
Article 61, paragraph 1, point (e a) (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(-a) in paragraph 1, the following point (ea) is inserted:
'(ea) the effective functioning of these systems;'
Amendment 68
Article 61, paragraph 2 a (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
2a. The accounting officer shall prepare the accounts on the basis of the information presented under paragraph 2. The final accounts drawn up under Article 129(2) and (3) shall be accompanied by a certificate established by the accounting officer, by which he declares that they were prepared in accordance with Title VII and with the accounting principles, rules and methods set out in annex to the financial statements.
2a. Before their adoption by the institution, the accounting officer shall sign off the accounts, certifying that they present a true and fair view of the financial situation of the institution.
For this purpose the accounting officer shall satisfy himself that the accounts have been prepared in accordance with the accounting rules, methods and accounting systems established under his responsibility as laid down in this Regulation for the accounts of his institution, and that all revenue and expenditure is entered in the accounts.
He shall be empowered to check the information received as well as to carry out any further checks he deems necessary in order to sign off the accounts.
He shall make reservations if necessary, explaining exactly the nature and scope of such reservations.
The authorising officers by delegation shall forward all information the accounting officer needs in order to fulfil his duties. The authorising officers shall remain fully responsible for the proper use of the funds they manage as well as the legality and regularity of the expenditure under their control.
The accounting officers of the other institutions and agencies shall sign off their annual accounts and send the certificate to the Commission's accounting officer.
Amendment 69
Article 66, paragraph 1, sentence 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(a) in paragraph 1, the first sentence is replaced by the following:
"The authorising officer shall be liable for payment of compensation as laid down in the Staff Regulations, which specify that a member of staff covered by the relevant provisions may be required to make good, in whole or in part, any damage suffered by the Communities as a result of serious misconduct on his/her part in the course of or in connection with the performance of his/her duties, in particular if he/she determines entitlements to be recovered or issues recovery orders, commits expenditure or signs a payment order without complying with this Regulation and the implementing rules."
(a) paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
"1. The authorising officer shall be liable for payment of compensation as laid down in the Staff Regulations.
The requirement to pay compensation shall apply in particular if:
– the authorising officer, whether intentionally or through serious negligence on his part, determines entitlements to be recovered or issues recovery orders, commits expenditure or signs a payment order without complying with this Regulation and the implementing rules,
the authorising officer, whether intentionally or through serious negligence on his part, omits to draw up a document establishing a debt, neglects to issue a recovery order or is late in issuing it or is late in issuing a payment order, thereby rendering the institution liable to civil action by third parties.
When the case and the degree of misconduct are considered, all circumstances, in particular the resources made available to the authorising officer to enable him to perform his duties, must be taken into account.
In keeping with the principle of proportionality, the level of liability of the authorising officer shall be assessed primarily on the basis of the degree of misconduct. If the authorising officer acts negligently, the liability shall be restricted to a maximum of 12 months" salary. If the authorising officer acts intentionally or deliberately, he shall be liable for the entire loss suffered."
Amendment 70
ARTICLE 1, POINT 32 (B A) (new)
Article 66, paragraph 4, subparagraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(ba) in paragraph 4, the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:
'4. Each institution shall set up or participate in the joint establishment of a specialised financial irregularities panel which shall function independently and determine whether a financial irregularity has occurred and what the consequences, if any, should be. Joint panels may be set up by a group of institutions. The members of a specialised panel may be appointed from any institution.'
Amendment 71
ARTICLE 1, POINT 33 A (new)
Article 72, paragraph 2 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(33a) In Article 72, the following paragraph is added:
'2a. Unduly paid amounts belong to the Community budget and should be recovered, taking into account the principle of proportionality, and entered in the budget.
When recovery procedures are dealt with by the Member States or by other institutions, the Community budget may be used to reimburse the costs associated with these recoveries. Such reimbursements shall be governed by the implementing rules.'
Amendment 72
Article 73b (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Without prejudice to the provisions of specific regulations and the application of the Council Decision relating to the Communities' own resources system, entitlements of the Communities in respect of third parties and entitlements of third parties in respect of the Communities shall be subject to a limitation period of five years.
Without prejudice to the provisions of specific regulations and the application of the Council Decision relating to the Communities' own resources system, entitlements of the Communities in respect of third parties and entitlements of third parties in respect of the Communities shall be subject to a limitation period of five years.
If the entitlement is the result of deliberate damage to the Communities" interests, the limitation period shall commence at the earliest on the date on which the damage and the justification for and level of the entitlement to compensation were actually and legally recognised and placed on record. The limitation period shall be interrupted by the assertion of the claim in the courts. If a number of debtors are jointly and severally liable, the interruption with regard to one debtor shall apply to all those jointly and severally liable.
The date for calculating the limitation period and the conditions for interrupting this period shall be laid down in the implementing rules.
The date for calculating the limitation period and the conditions for interrupting this period shall otherwise be laid down in the implementing rules.
Amendment 73
ARTICLE 1, POINT 35 A (new)
Article 74, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(35a) In Article 74, the first paragraph is replaced by the following:
"Revenue received by way of fines, agreements, periodic penalty payments and other penalties, amounts recovered and any accrued interest shall not be finally recorded as budgetary revenue as long as the decisions imposing them may be annulled by the Court of Justice."
Amendment 74
ARTICLE 1, POINT 37 A (new)
Article 79, paragraph 1 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(37a) In Article 79, the following paragraph is added:
"Claims for payment shall give rise to payments by the Commission only in duly substantiated cases."
Amendment 75
ARTICLE 1, POINT 37 B (new)
Article 80, paragraph 1 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(37b) In Article 80, the following paragraph is added:
"Where periodic payments are made with regard to services rendered or goods delivered and subject to his risk analysis, the authorising officer may order the application of a direct debit system."
Amendment 76
ARTICLE 1, POINT 37 C (new)
Article 83, paragraph 1 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(37c) In Article 83, the following paragraph is added:
'The institutions shall submit to the budgetary authority a report on compliance with the time-limits laid down in the implementing rules and on the suspension of those time-limits."
Amendment 77
ARTICLE 1, POINT 39 (A A) (new)
Article 88, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(aa) in paragraph 1, the following subparagraph is added after the first subparagraph:
'A start may be made on implementing the contract only after it has been signed.'
Amendment 78
ARTICLE 1, POINT 39 A (new)
Article 89, paragraphs 2 a and 2 b (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(39a) In Article 89, the following paragraphs are added:
"2a. With a view to minimising marginal costs and avoiding parallel procurement procedures, the contracting authority shall take appropriate measures to ensure that procurement procedures are carried out on an interinstitutional basis.
2b. Due account shall be taken of the interests of small and medium-sized undertakings primarily by splitting contracts, where appropriate, into specialist or part-lots. The thresholds laid down in Articles 105 and 167 may not be circumvented by means of such splitting."
Amendment 79
ARTICLE 1, POINT 39 B (new)
Article 90, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, sentence 2 (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(39b) In Article 90(1), the following sentence is added to the first subparagraph:
"This shall also apply to contracts concluded under a framework contract if, as a result of the conclusion of an individual contract or of the aggregate volume of the contracts concluded under the framework contract, the thresholds provided for in Articles 105 and 167 are exceeded."
Amendment 80
ARTICLE 1, POINT 41 A (new)
Article 91 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(41a) The following article is inserted:
"Article 91a
1.  If the contracting authority establishes that:
(a) the likely administrative costs of implementing several simultaneous or successive procurement procedures in respect of similar items exceed the likely savings to be achieved by implementing those procurement procedures and are therefore inefficient, or
(b) the subject of the contract necessitates such a step, and
(c) competition would not be disproportionately restricted as a result,
it may decide to conclude a framework contract. The authorising officer must include a copy of the duly substantiated decision to conclude a framework contract in the relevant files.
2.  The duration of the framework contract for the provision of services may not exceed 24 months, although tacit extension for a period of up to 24 months shall be admissible (basic duration). Provision may be made for partial termination, provided that this is consistent with the purpose of the contract.
3.  The contract may be tacitly extended only if the requirements laid down in paragraph 1 have been met at the time the decision to extend the contract is taken. The authorising officer must check that the requirements have been met and include a document setting out the results in the relevant files.
4.  If, on the basis of an assessment carried out at the time when the contract is concluded, the purpose of the contract can be achieved only if the contract is concluded for a period in excess of the basic duration, the authorising officer must also include a document setting out the reasons for exceeding that basic duration in the relevant files.
5.  If the contract is for the supply of goods, when the framework contract is concluded, and notwithstanding the requirements laid down in paragraph 1, suitable arrangements must be made to ensure that the contracting authority does not suffer any economic disadvantage for the period of the framework contract."
Amendment 81
ARTICLE 1, POINT 41 B (new)
Article 92 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(41b) Article 92 is replaced by the following:
"Article 92
1.  A full, clear and precise description of the subject of the contract must be given in the documents relating to the invitation to tender.
2.  The selection criteria for evaluating the capability of candidates or tenderers and the award criteria for evaluating the content of the tenders shall be defined in advance and set out in the call for tender.
3.  Candidates or tenderers shall be informed in advance of the grounds for exclusion (Articles 93 and 94).
4.  Subject to the provisions of Article 93a, candidates' or tenderers' attention shall be drawn to the requirement that they must notify the contracting authority without delay if one or more of the exclusion criteria applies to them and, if necessary, confirm that none of the criteria applies. Attention shall be drawn to the legal implications of Article 96.
5.  In the case of a framework contract, candidates' or tenderers' attention shall be drawn to the fact that other institutions are also entitled to receive deliveries on the basis of the terms and conditions laid down in the framework contract."
Amendment 82
Article 93, paragraph 1, point (a) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(a) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interests;
(a) during a period of five years prior to the date on which the invitation to tender is issued they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or a similar criminal activity; the duration of the exclusion may be extended to up to 10 years if the candidate or tenderer has been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for an action detrimental to the Communities' financial interests;
Amendment 83
Article 93, paragraph 3, (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
3.  The situations of exclusion shall be defined in advance and communicated to candidates or tenderers.
Amendment 84
Article 93, paragraph 4, subparagraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
4.  Candidates or tenderers must certify that they are not in one of the situations listed in paragraph 1 and, as appropriate, that they are not in one of the situations listed in paragraph 2.
4.  Subject to the provisions of Article 93a, candidates or tenderers must certify that they are not in one of the situations listed in paragraph 1 and, as appropriate, that they are not in one of the situations listed in paragraph 2.
Amendment 85
Article 93, paragraph 4, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Where the candidate or tenderer is a legal entity, information on the ownership or on the management, control and power of representation of the legal entity must be provided, whenever requested by the contracting authority.
Amendment 86
Article 93a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Article 93a
1.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 89, at all stages of the procurement procedure administrative requirements and requirements to produce supporting documents must be clearly defined and directly linked to the procedure in question.
In particular:
(a) except in the case of contracts involving small amounts for which a single tender lodged under the negotiated procedure is admissible, authorising officers may, on the basis of their risk assessment, waive the requirement to supply one or more supporting documents;
(b) in the case of other procurement procedures conducted pursuant to Article 91(3), the contracting authority may require a certificate and/or other supporting documents which prove that the candidate is not in one of the situations listed in Articles 93 and 94 and that he meets the other award criteria;
(c) in all other cases, the contracting authority may require candidates or tenderers to produce those supporting documents which it regards as essential to the implementation of the procurement procedure.
In addition, at the request of the contracting authority, candidates or tenderers must state who owns the legal entity submitting a tender, or who makes up its management, or who exercises control or power of representation.
2.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4, payments on account may not be retained on the sole grounds that no use was made of the possibility of requiring candidates or tenderers to produce supporting documents.
Amendment 87
Article 94, paragraph 1 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Notwithstanding any other provisions concerning conflicts of interest, in particular those laid down in Article 52, a conflict of interest within the meaning of point (a) shall be presumed to exist if, at any stage of a procedure relating to the award of a grant, the candidate or tenderer was an employee of the Communities, unless his participation in the procurement procedure was authorised in advance by his superior.
Amendment 88
Article 95, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(43)  In Article 95, the following paragraph is added:
(43)  Article 95 is replaced by the following:
"However, for cost-effectiveness reasons, two or more institutions may agree to use a common database."
"Article 95
1.  Each institution shall communicate the details of candidates and tenderers who are in one of the situations described in Articles 93 and 94 to a central database operated by the Commission.
2.  The database shall be consulted by authorising officers in all institutions and agencies before awarding a tender. Access to the database shall be granted also to the relevant authorities of the Member States. Access may be granted to third countries and international organisations if this is necessary on important public interest grounds without prejudice to Community rules on the processing of personal data.
3.  Member States shall communicate to the Commission details of economic operators in one of the situations referred to in Article 93(1)(a) and (2)(b) and (c) where the conduct of these operators was detrimental to the Communities' financial interests and the Communities have not already been part of judicial proceedings. Member States' authorities shall consult the Commission's databases when awarding a contract if financial resources from EU funds are involved and use the information accordingly."
Amendment 89
Article 96, paragraph 2 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
2a. A candidate or tenderer may be excluded for a period of more than five years only on the basis of a judgment or analogous decision against the candidate or tenderer which has the force of res judicata for an action justifying exclusion which is detrimental to the Communities" interests.
Amendment 90
ARTICLE 1, POINT 44 A (new)
Bofore Article 97, Section 3a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(44a) Before Article 97, the following new Section 3a is inserted:
"Section 3a
Rights of parties involved in procurement procedures"
Amendment 91
ARTICLE 1, POINT 44 B (new)
Article 97, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(44b) In Article 97, paragraph 1 is deleted.
Amendment 92
ARTICLE 1, POINT 46 (A A) (new)
Article 98, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(aa) paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
"2. Only in duly justified cases, the contracting authority may require tenderers, as provided in the implementing rules, to lodge a security in advance as a guarantee that the bids made will not be withdrawn."
Amendment 93
ARTICLE 1, POINT 46 A (new)
Article 100, paragraph 2 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(46a) In Article 100, the following paragraph is added:
"2a. The contract may not be signed prior to the expiry of a period of 14 weekdays commencing on the date on which the candidate or tenderer was notified of the rejection of its tender (paragraph 2, first phrase), provided that the Communities would not suffer a significant financial loss as a result. The time-limit shall begin to run only once the candidate or tenderer has been informed in writing of the legal remedies available against the decision, in particular as regards the instance, time-limit and form. A contract signed prior to expiry of the time-limit shall be null and void."
Amendment 94
ARTICLE 1, POINT 46 B (new)
Article 100 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(46b) The following article is inserted:
"Article 100a
1.  The Commission shall take the necessary measures to ensure that, as regards procedures for the award of public contracts falling within the scope of the Financial Regulation, decisions taken by the contracting authorities may be reviewed effectively and, in particular, as rapidly as possible in accordance with the conditions set out, in particular, in Article 100b(7) in order to determine whether such decisions have infringed Community law in the field of public procurement or other provisions implementing that law.
2.  The Commission shall ensure that the review procedure is available, in accordance with conditions to be laid down in the implementing rules, at least to any person having or having had an interest in obtaining a particular public supply or public works contract and who has been or risks being harmed by an alleged infringement. In particular, the Commission may require that the person seeking the review must have previously notified the contracting authority of the alleged infringement and of his intention to seek review."
Amendment 95
ARTICLE 1, POINT 46 C (new)
Article 100 b (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(46c) The following article is inserted:
"Article 100b
1.  The Commission shall ensure that the measures taken concerning the review procedures specified in Article 100a include provision for the powers required to:
(a) take, at the earliest opportunity and by way of interlocutory procedures, interim measures with the aim of correcting the alleged infringement or preventing further damage to the interests concerned, including measures to suspend or to ensure the suspension of the procedure for the award of a public contract or the implementation of any decision by the contracting authority;
(b) either set aside or ensure the setting aside of decisions taken unlawfully, including the removal of discriminatory technical, economic or financial specifications in the invitation to tender, the contract documents or in any other document relating to the contract award procedure;
(c) award damages to persons harmed by an infringement.
2.  The powers specified in paragraph 1 may be conferred on separate bodies responsible for different aspects of the review procedure.
3.  Review procedures need not in themselves have an automatic suspensive effect on the contract award procedures to which they relate.
4.  The Commission may provide that when considering whether to order interim measures the body responsible may take into account the probable consequences of the measures for all interests likely to be harmed, as well as the public interest, and may decide not to grant such measures where their negative consequences could exceed their benefits. A decision not to grant interim measures shall not prejudice any other claim of the person seeking these measures.
5.  The Commission may provide that where damages are claimed on the grounds that a decision was taken unlawfully, the contested decision must first be set aside by a body having the necessary powers.
6.  The effects of the exercise of the powers referred to in paragraph 1 on a contract concluded subsequent to its award shall be laid down in the implementing rules.
Furthermore, except where a decision must be set aside prior to the award of damages, the Commission may provide that, after the conclusion of a contract following its award, the powers of the body responsible for the review procedures shall be limited to awarding damages to any person harmed by an infringement.
7.  The Commission shall ensure that decisions taken by bodies responsible for review procedures can be effectively enforced.
8.  Where bodies responsible for review procedures are not judicial in character, written reasons for their decisions shall always be given. Furthermore, in such a case, provision must be made to guarantee procedures whereby any allegedly illegal measure taken by the review body or any alleged defect in the exercise of the powers conferred on it can be the subject of judicial review or review by another body which is a court or tribunal within the meaning of Article 234 of the EC Treaty and independent of both the contracting authority and the review body.
The members of such an independent body shall be appointed and leave office under the same conditions as members of the judiciary as regards the authority responsible for their appointment, their period of office, and their removal. At least the President of this independent body shall have the same legal and professional qualifications as members of the judiciary. The independent body shall take its decisions following a procedure in which both sides are heard, and these decisions shall, by means determined by the Commission, be legally binding."
Amendment 96
ARTICLE 1, POINT 46 D (new)
Article 102 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(46d) Article 102 is replaced by the following:
"Article 102
In certain duly substantiated cases, the contracting authority may require contractors to lodge a guarantee in advance in order to:
(a) ensure full performance of the contract;
(b) limit the financial risks connected with pre-financing and payments on account. In the case of payments on account, guarantees shall be required only if the payment does not relate to supplies already delivered or services provided on the basis of instalments agreed in advance."
Amendment 97
ARTICLE 1, POINT 50 (-A) (new)
Article 108, paragraph 1, introduction (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(-a) in paragraph 1, the introduction is replaced by the following:
"1. Grants are direct financial contributions, by way of donation, from the budget of the European Communities in order to finance:"
Amendment 98
ARTICLE 1, POINT 50(-A A) (new)
Article 108, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(-aa) in paragraph 1, the second subparagraph is replaced by the following:
"Grants shall be the subject of a written award agreement or an award decision to be notified to the applicant. The decision to award a grant may lay down terms and conditions, requirements or time-limits provided that those provisions could also have been the subject of a grant award agreement."
Amendment 99
Article 108, paragraph 2, points g a and g b (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(ga) expenditure on organisations consisting of members and former members and staff and former staff of an Institution that:
- promote the interests or support the functioning of the institution; and/or
- organise cultural, sporting, social and other activities for the benefit of the institution and/or its members and former members and staff and former staff; and
(gb) expenditure in the framework of cooperation with third persons, not governed by the provisions on procurement, and related to the information policy of the institution.
These categories are considered administrative expenditure within the meaning of Article 49. They shall be dealt with in a separate budget item.
Amendment 100
Article 109, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
They may not be cumulative or awarded retrospectively and they must involve co-financing.
They may not be cumulative or awarded retrospectively; notwithstanding the provisions governing the award of grants as lump sums or on the basis of flat-rate financing (Article 113a(1)(b) and (c)), they must involve co-financing.
Amendment 101
Article 109, paragraph 3, point d (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(d) low-value grants taking one of the forms provided for in points (b) or (c) of Article 113a(1), or a combination thereof, in accordance with the implementing rules.
(d) grants taking one of the forms provided for in points (b) or (c) of Article 113a(1), or a combination thereof, in accordance with the implementing rules.
Amendment 102
Article 109, paragraph 3, point (d a) (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(da) own resources, in particular contributions and membership fees, aggregated in the annual operations of a political party at European level in accordance with Article 2(1) and (2) of Regulation (EC) No 2004/20031, which exceed the 25% of eligible cost to be borne by the beneficiary according to Article 10(2) of that Regulation.
1 Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding (OJ L 297, 15.11.2003, p. 1).
Amendement 103
Article 109 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(52a) The following Article is inserted:
"Article 109a
A joint service shall have the task of providing information and advice to applicants. In particular, this service shall:
- lay down joint standards for application forms for similar grants and monitor the size and readability of the application forms,
- supply information to potential applicants (in particular by means of seminars and the provision of handbooks), and
- maintain a database with the help of which the Commission can notify
Amendment 104
ARTICLE 1, POINT 52 B (new)
Article 110, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(52b) In Article 110(1), the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:
"1. Grants shall be the subject of an annual programme, to be published at the start of the financial year, and at all events not later than 15 March. This provision shall not apply to crisis management aid and humanitarian aid operations.
Operating grants as defined in Article 112 shall also be the subject of an annual programme, which may already be published during the previous year, subject to the availability of appropriations in the following year."
Amendment 105
Article 110, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
That work programme shall be implemented through the publication of calls for proposals save in duly substantiated exceptional cases of urgency or where the characteristics of the beneficiary or of the action leave no other choice for a given action.
That work programme shall be implemented through the publication of calls for proposals save in duly substantiated exceptional cases of urgency or where the characteristics of the beneficiary or of the action leave no other choice for a given action. The call for proposals may already be published in the previous year, subject to the availability of appropriations in the following year. Irrespective of the time of publication and notwithstanding Article 115, it shall indicate all the rules which apply to the award of the grant (particularly the exclusion criteria as referred to in Articles 93 and 94), in which connection references to provisions are permissible. Throughout the procedure, the rules to be applied shall be binding in the version applicable at the time of the announcement.
Amendement 106
Article 110, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(53a) In Article 110, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
"2. All grants awarded in the course of a financial year shall be published annually, where appropriate by electronic means, with due observance of the requirements of confidentiality and security."
Amendment 107
ARTICLE 1, POINT 53 B (new)
Article 110, paragraph 2 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(53b) In Article 110, the following paragraph is added:
"2a. Simultaneously with publication pursuant to paragraph 2, the Commission shall forward to the European Parliament a report on:
(a) the number of applicants in the past year;
(b) the number and percentage of successful applications per call for proposals and per subsidising agency;
(c) the mean duration of the procedure from publication of the call for proposals to the conclusion of the grant agreement or the issuing of a decision on awarding a grant per call for proposals and per subsidising agency;
(d) the mean period until the final assessment and final payment (Article 119(1))."
Amendment 108
Article 111 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
One action may give rise to the award of only one grant from the budget to any one beneficiary, except where otherwise authorized by the basic acts concerned.
1.  One action may give rise to the award of only one grant from the budget to any one beneficiary, except where otherwise authorised by the basic acts concerned.
A beneficiary may be awarded only one operating grant from the budget per financial year.
2.  A beneficiary may be awarded only one operating grant from the budget per financial year. The applicant shall immediately inform the authorising officers of any multiple applications and multiple grants for the project.
In any case, the same costs shall not be financed twice by the budget.
3.  In any case, the same costs shall not be financed twice by the budget. On no account may the combined total costs eligible for financing be exceeded.
Amendment 109
ARTICLE 1, POINT 55 A (new)
Article 113, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(55a) In Article 113, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
"2. Unless otherwise specified in the basic act with regard to bodies pursuing an objective of general European interest and notwithstanding the provisions governing the award of grants as lump sums or on the basis of flat-rate financing (Article 113a(1)(b) and (c)), when operating grants are renewed, they shall be gradually decreased in a proportionate and equitable manner."
Amendment 110
Article 113 a, paragraph 1, point a (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(a) reimbursement of a specified proportion of the eligible costs actually incurred;
(a) reimbursement of a maximum or specified proportion of the eligible costs actually incurred;
Amendment 111
Article 113 a, paragraph 1 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
1a. The following, in particular, may be claimed as costs eligible for financing:
(a) the costs of a bank guarantee or comparable surety to be lodged by the beneficiary of the grant pursuant to Article 118;
(b) the amounts of turnover tax which the beneficiary of the grant cannot claim as a deduction of input tax;
(c) the costs of an external audit (Articles 117 and 119)
(d) administrative expenditure and staff and equipment costs;
(e) depreciation.
Amendment 112
Article 114, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Applicants must certify that they are not in one of the situations referred to in the first subparagraph.
Applicants shall certify, in keeping with the principles referred to in Article 109, at the request of the authorising officer, that they are not in one of the situations referred to in the first subparagraph.
Amendment 113
Article 114, paragraph 4, subparagraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
Such penalties may also be imposed on beneficiaries who, during the implementation of the grant agreement, have made false declarations in supplying the information required by the authorising officer or fail to supply this information.
Such penalties may also be imposed on beneficiaries who, during the implementation of the grant agreement, intentionally or through gross negligence, have made false declarations in supplying the information required by the authorising officer or fail to supply this information.
Amendment 114
Article 114, paragraph 4 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
4a. The authorising officer shall propose that declarations be issued, applications be made or declarations or applications be corrected if it is clearly only due to an oversight or ignorance that they have not been issued or made or have been issued or made incorrectly. In so far as necessary and feasible and permissible in the light of the possibilities available, he shall provide information about the rights and obligations of the participants in the procedure.
The authorising officer shall keep appropriate records of contacts with applicants during the procedure.
Amendment 115
ARTICLE 1, POINT 57 A (new)
Article 115, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(57a) In Article 115, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
"1. Taking account of the principles referred to in Article 109(1) and using selection criteria stated in advance in the call for proposals, the applicant's ability to complete the proposed action or work programme shall be evaluated. This shall be without prejudice to Article 110(1).
The award criteria shall give a picture of the specific characteristics of the projects and their quality and implementation."
Amendment 116
ARTICLE 1, POINT 57 B (new)
Article 115, paragraphs 2 a (new) and 2 b (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(57b) In Article 115, the following paragraphs are added:
"2a. The award procedure shall as a matter of principle be divided into several procedural stages, the first of which shall comprise solely an approximate evaluation of the permissible applications submitted. If an application has already no prospect of success after this stage of the procedure, the applicant shall be informed accordingly in accordance with Article 116(3). Each subsequent stage of the procedure must be clearly distinct from the previous one, particularly as regards the quantity and substance of the evidence to be submitted by the applicant. If evidence is required from an applicant, it may be required only once in the course of the procedure. Data which have been obtained shall be stored in a database (Article 109a). Efforts shall be made to complete the procedure speedily.
2b. Notwithstanding the principles referred to in Article 109(1), the authorising officer shall, throughout the procedure, take particular care to ensure that the effort required of an applicant for purposes of publication, documentation and the provision of other compulsory evidence pertaining to a grant is not disproportionate to the value of the grant to be awarded."
Amendment 117
Article 116, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
1.  Proposals shall be evaluated, on the basis of pre-announced selection and award criteria, with a view to determining which proposals may be financed.
1.  Proposals shall be evaluated within two months on the basis of pre-announced selection and award criteria, with a view to determining which proposals may be financed.
Amendment 118
ARTICLE 1, POINT 58 A (new)
Article 116, paragraph 3 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(58a) In Article 116, paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
"3. The authorising officer responsible shall inform applicants in writing of the decision concerning their application and sign the contract after expiry of the period referred to in Article 100(2a).
If the grant requested is not awarded, the institution shall give the reasons for the rejection of the application, with reference in particular to the selection and award criteria already announced."
Amendment 119
ARTICLE 1, POINT 58 B (new)
Article 117 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(58b) Article 117 is replaced by the following:
"Article 117
1.  The pace of payments shall be determined by the financial risks involved, the duration and progress of the action or the costs incurred by the beneficiary. Payments must be made within a reasonable period.
If the schedule of payments is laid down contractually or by a decision, payments shall be made without any further demand when they fall due. This shall be without prejudice to Article 119(2).
2.  In order to ascertain the financial risks, the authorising officer may, taking account of the principles referred to in Article 109(1), require the beneficiary of the grant to submit an attestation by an independent auditor. The implementing provisions may provide for cases in which an attestation is to be obtained from an external auditor or in which an attestation is not required."
Amendment 120
ARTICLE 1, POINT 58 C (new)
Article 118 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(58c) Article 118 is replaced by the following:
"Article 118
The authorising officer responsible may, if other equally effective ways of minimising risk are not available, require the beneficiary to lodge a guarantee in advance in order to limit the financial risks connected with the payment of pre-financing."
Amendment 121
ARTICLE 1, POINT 58 D (new)
Article 119 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(58d) Article 119 is replaced by the following:
"Article 119
1.  The amount of the grant shall not become final until after the institution has accepted the final reports and accounts, without prejudice to subsequent checks by the institution. In this case the limitation period (Article 73b) against the institution shall commence when the last payment is made. The limitation period (Article 73b) against the beneficiary shall commence when the amount of the grant becomes final.
2.  Should the beneficiary fail to comply with his/her legal or contractual obligations or with obligations laid down in the decision on the award of a grant, the grant may be suspended, reduced or terminated in accordance with the provisions provided for by the implementing rules after the beneficiary has been given the opportunity to make his/her observations.
Reductions must be proportionate to the error objected to.
If the breach of duty is not due to the conduct of the beneficiary, the grant shall be suspended, reduced or terminated only in exceptional cases, particularly if implementing or upholding the grant would result in the ceiling for project costs eligible for financing being exceeded or if the dereliction of duty has the effect of making it impossible for the aim of the grant to be achieved any longer."
Amendment 122
Article 120, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
1.  Where implementation of the action requires the award of procurement contracts by the beneficiary, the relevant procedures shall be as set out in the implementing rules.
1.  Where implementation of the action requires the award of procurement contracts, this shall be subject to the principles in Title V of this Part.
The implementing provisions may provide for arrangements for a simplified procedure, depending on the size of the contract.
Amendment 123
Article 122 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(61)   In Article 122, 'Article 185' is replaced by 'Article 121'.
(61)  Article 122 is replaced by the following:
"Article 122
A report on budgetary and financial management in the financial year concerned shall be attached to the accounts of the institutions and of the bodies referred to in Article 121, which gives an account, inter alia, of the rate of implementation of the appropriations and of transfers of appropriations among the various budget items."
Amendment 124
ARTICLE 1, POINT 68 A (new)
Article 139, paragraph 2 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(68a) In Article 139, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
"2. The institutions shall forward their internal financial rules to the Court of Auditors and the budgetary authority, for information."
Amendment 125
ARTICLE 1, POINT 68 B (new)
Article 143, paragraph 3 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(68b) In Article 143, paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
"3. The annual report shall contain an assessment of the soundness of financial management. It shall contain an evaluation of the efficiency and regularity of budgetary and economic management."
Amendment 126
Article 153, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
75.  In Article 153, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
'1. Where the Commission may transfer appropriations pursuant to Article 23, it shall take its decision by 31 January of the following financial year at the latest and shall inform the budgetary authority three weeks before making the transfers referred to in point (a) of Article 23(1).'
Amendment 127
ARTICLE 1, POINT 82 A (new)
Article 160 b (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(82a) The following Article 160b is inserted:
"Article 160b
Notwithstanding Article 110, a call for proposals may already be published in the previous year, subject to the availability of appropriations in the following year. Irrespective of the time of publication and notwithstanding Article 115, the Commission shall indicate all the rules which apply to the award of the grant (particularly the exclusion criteria as referred to in Articles 93 and 94), in which connection references to provisions are permissible. Throughout the procedure, the rules to be applied shall be binding in the version applicable at the time of the announcement."
Amendment 128
ARTICLE 1, POINT 85 A (new)
Article 168, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(85a) In Article 168(1), the following subparagraph is added :
"As regards Community external assistance, the rules for the participation in tendering procedures laid down in Regulation( EC) No 2110/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2005 on access to Community external assistance1 and Council Regulation (EC) No 2112/2005 of 21 November 2005 on access to Community external assistance2 shall apply.
1 OJ L 344, 27.12.2005, p. 1.
2 OJ L 344, 27.12.2005, p. 23."
Amendment 129
Article 169a, paragraph 1a (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
The following, in particular, may be claimed as costs eligible for financing:
(a) the costs of a bank guarantee or comparable surety to be lodged by the beneficiary of the grant pursuant to Article 118;
(b) the amounts of turnover tax which the beneficiary of the grant cannot claim as a deduction of input tax;
(c) the costs of an external audit (Articles 117 and 119);
(d) the costs of administrative expenditure and staff and equipment costs;
(e) depreciation.
Amendment 130
ARTICLE 1, POINT 94 A (new)
Article 179, paragraph 3, subparagraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(94a) In Article 179(3), the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:
"3. The institutions shall inform the two branches of the budgetary authority as soon as possible, but at least 3 weeks prior to any deadline before which a decision has to be taken by the budgetary authority, of any building project likely to have significant financial implications for the budget."
Amendment 131
ARTICLE 1, POINT 94 B (new)
Article 183, sentence 2 (new) (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(94b) In Article 183, the following sentence is added:
"It shall seek the opinion of the budgetary authority and take due account thereof, where appropriate."
Amendment 132
ARTICLE 1, POINT 94 C (new)
Article 185, paragraph 1 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
(94c) In Article 185, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
"1. The Commission shall adopt a framework financial regulation for the bodies set up by the Union and having legal personality. The financial rules governing these bodies may not depart from the framework regulation except where their specific operating needs so require and with the Commission's prior consent."
Amendment 133
Article 185, paragraph 3 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
3.   Each body referred to in paragraph 1 shall establish an internal audit function which must be performed in compliance with the relevant international standards. The Commission's internal auditor shall certify that the operation of the audit function respects international audit standards and, for that purpose, may conduct quality audits.
3.   The Commission's internal auditor shall conduct the audits for the bodies referred to in paragraph 1. The bodies referred to in paragraph 1 may establish an internal audit function. The Commission's internal auditor may, in duly substantiated cases, delegate his task to their internal auditors. This delegation shall be made in writing, setting out the reasons for delegation and the names of the responsible auditors (delegating and delegate). Notwithstanding the delegation, the Commission's internal auditor may conduct internal audits for the bodies referred to in paragraph 1 and revoke the delegation at any time he thinks fit.
In cases in which an internal audit function is set up by the bodies referred to in paragraph 1, it shall be performed in compliance with guidelines established by the Commission's internal auditor. These guidelines shall include a duty to submit all and any reports made to the Commission's internal auditor. The Commission's internal auditor shall certify that the operation of the audit function meets internal audit standards and, for that purpose, may conduct quality audits.
Amendment 134
Article 185, paragraph 4 (Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002)
4.  The bodies referred to in Article 121 shall apply the accounting rules set out in Article 133 so that their accounts can be consolidated with the Commission's accounts.

(1) The matter was then referred back to committee pursuant to Rule 53(2) (A6-0057/2006).

Forced prostitution in the context of world sports events
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European Parliament resolution on forced prostitution in the context of world sports events

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to International Women's Day on 8 March 2006,

–   having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union(1), and in particular Article 5(3) thereof, which states that 'trafficking in human beings is prohibited',

–   having regard to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, which entered into force on 4 January 1969,

–   having regard to the United Nations Convention of 18 December 1979 on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,

–   having regard to the recent communication from the Commission entitled 'Fighting trafficking in human beings - an integrated approach and proposals for an action plan' (COM(2005)0514),

–   having regard to the Council's EU action plan on best practices, standards and procedures for combating and preventing trafficking in human beings(2),

–   having regard to its resolution of 17 January 2006 on strategies to prevent the trafficking of women and children vulnerable to sexual exploitation(3),

–   having regard to the Council of Europe's Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings,

–   having regard to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ILO Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour,

–   having regard to Rule 108(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.   whereas trafficking in human beings, particularly women and children, for sexual or other forms of exploitation, is one of the most serious human rights violations and whereas such trafficking is increasing as organised crime expands and becomes more profitable,

B.   whereas forced prostitution, as a form of exploitation of women and children, is a major problem and is harmful not only to the women and children concerned but also to society as a whole,

C.   whereas experience has shown that any major sporting event at which large numbers of people congregate results in a temporary and spectacular increase in the demand for sexual services,

D.   whereas most trafficked women are victims of organised crime, having been recruited with the help of false documents, lured by job offers and often deceived by false promises of legitimate employment, before being forced to work as prostitutes,

E.   whereas, if all Member States followed practices such as effective use of communications tools and coherent awareness campaigns, with the involvement of the media and well-known sports personalities, this could have a positive influence on changing the way people think and behave,

1.  Welcomes the campaign launched by the German National Council of Women and calls for cross-border cooperation and exchanges of best practice; stresses the need for an integrated Europe-wide campaign and therefore calls on the Member States to launch and promote the campaign in close cooperation with all parties concerned, in other words the relevant NGOs, the police, law enforcement agencies, sports associations and organisations, churches, and social and medical services;

2.  Calls on Germany and the other Member States to set up a multilingual telephone hotline followed by a high-profile publicity campaign designed to provide the necessary information, counselling, safe housing and legal aid to women and children and other victims forced into prostitution and in order to inform other victims, who frequently find themselves isolated in residential units or industrial zones, unable to speak the language of the country of transit or destination and with no basic information on whom to turn to or what to do;

3.  Calls on the International Olympic Committee and sports associations, including FIFA, UEFA, the German Football Association and others, as well as sportsmen and -women themselves, to support the 'Red card' campaign and roundly condemn trafficking in human beings and forced prostitution;

4.  Calls on the Commission and Member States to launch a Europe-wide campaign during international sports events to inform and educate the general public, and particularly sports people, sports fans and supporters, about the scale of the problem of forced prostitution and trafficking in human beings and, most importantly, to seek to curb demand by raising awareness among potential clients;

5.  Calls on the Commission and Member States to launch a prevention campaign targeting potential victims and informing them of the risks and dangers of becoming caught up in human trafficking networks and thus becoming victims of forced prostitution and sexual exploitation, and also providing them with information as to their rights and where they can obtain assistance in countries of destination;

6.  Reiterates its requests for the launch in 2006 of an Anti-Trafficking Day to raise awareness on the issue of trafficking in all its aspects, as well as for the introduction of free telephone help lines; recalls the need to gather data concerning trafficking in human beings at EU level and for the close association of Europol and Eurojust in the fight against this scourge;

7.  Urges all Member States to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, which sets out minimum standards for the protection of the victims of trafficking in human beings for the purposes of sexual exploitation, as well as to implement Council Directive 2004/81/EC on residence permits for victims of trafficking(4);

8.  Urges those Member States which have not respected the deadline of 1 August 2004 for the implementation of Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA(5) on combating trafficking in human beings to take immediate action, and calls the Commission and the Council to produce urgently the assessment report provided for in the Framework Decision;

9.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the governments of the Member States, the German Football Association, and the accession and candidate countries.

(1) OJ C 364, 18.12.2000, p. 1.
(2) OJ C 311, 9.12.2005, p. 1.
(3) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2006)0005.
(4) OJ L 261, 6.8.2004, p. 19.
(5) OJ L 203, 1.8.2002, p. 1.

Fourth World Water Forum
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European Parliament resolution on the Fourth World Water Forum in Mexico City (16-22 March 2006)

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the Fourth World Water Forum which will take place in Mexico City on 16 to 22 March 2006,

–   having regard to the final declarations of the first three World Water Forums in respectively Marrakesh (1997), The Hague (2000) and Kyoto (2003),

–   having regard to the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the final report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Water and Sanitation entitled 'Health, dignity and development: what it will take' and published in 2005,

–   having regard to the second UN World Water Development Report entitled 'Water, a shared responsibility',

–   having regard to the G8 Water Action Plan adopted at the Evian Summit in 2003, as confirmed in the G8 Gleneagles Declaration of 7 July 2005,

–   having regard to the EU Water Initiative launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002,

–   having regard to the ACP-EU Water Facility launched in 2004,

–   having regard to its resolution of 4 September 2003 on water management in developing countries(1),

–   having regard to its resolution of 11 March 2004 on the Internal market strategy - Priorities 2003-2006(2), paragraph 5 of which states that 'since water is a shared resource of mankind, the management of water resources should not be subject to the rules of the internal market',

–   having regard to Rule 108(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.   whereas half of the world's population suffers from a lack of sanitation or access to drinking water and there is clear evidence of a looming global water crisis threatening not only sustainable development but also peace and security; whereas millions of women and children suffer disproportionately from insufficient access to drinking water and sanitation,

B.   whereas one of the main targets of the MDGs is to cut in half, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation,

C.   whereas the main theme of the Fourth World Water Forum is 'local actions for a global challenge'; whereas distribution of water is inegalitarian when it should be a universal public service planned and managed at local level, which is the most appropriate level for it; whereas innovative and democratic communal governance can develop around such local public services; whereas control over water and its quality is vital for the sustainable development of the most deprived populations,

D.   whereas water quality, which is essential to life, is one of the major factors in mortality in developing countries, causing millions of deaths every year, half of the casualties being children; whereas over a billion people do not have access to drinking water and two and a half billion have no access to sanitation,

E.   whereas the European Union and its Member States provide around EUR 1,4 billion per year for water and sanitation in developing countries, making the EU the largest aid provider in the world in this sector,

F.   whereas the above-mentioned ACP-EU Water Facility aims, within the framework of the MDGs and the WSSD targets, to 'boost the sustainable delivery of water and sanitation infrastructure and improve water governance and Integrated Water Resources Management practices in ACP countries by helping to address the financing gap',

1.  Declares that water is a shared resource of mankind and that, as such, access to water constitutes a fundamental human right; calls for all necessary efforts to be made to guarantee access to water for the most deprived populations by 2015;

2.  Calls for the Commission to represent the European Union at the Fourth World Water Forum with a mandate to seek recognition in the final ministerial declaration that access to drinking water is a fundamental human right; calls, in this context, for the European Union and its Member States to propose, under the auspices of the United Nations, the drafting of an international treaty on water and the management of water resources which recognises the right to access to drinking water;

3.  Regrets the low level of incorporation of World Water Forum actions in the work of the United Nations; recalls that 21 international agencies deal in various ways with the water issue and, in this connection, calls for the establishment of a Water Coordination Agency under the direct responsibility of the United Nations;

4.  Stresses that this Water Coordination Agency should integrate protection of public health and the environment into water resource management and have the task of developing strategies that encourage forms of economic and agricultural development compatible with maintaining or restoring a high standard of water quality;

5.  Emphasises that the management of water resources should revolve around a participatory and integrated approach that associates users and decision-makers in establishing water policies at the local level and in a democratic manner;

6.  Calls for all programmes on water supply and sanitation to include specific actions directed at addressing gender inequalities so as to ensure equal distribution of benefits and the opportunities resulting from them and at supporting women's role in the supply, management and maintenance of water resources;

7.  Welcomes the allocation of EUR 500 million from the 9th European Development Fund (EDF) made, together with another allocation of EUR 475 million from the same EDF for water supply and sanitation, for the launching of the above-mentioned ACP-EU Water Facility; calls for water supply and sanitation to be adequately funded in the 10th EDF; hopes that international institutions will increase the role of water in their action plans and that debt relief will also benefit investment in water;

8.  Underlines and supports the findings of the above-mentioned UN Millennium Project Task Force on Water and Sanitation, according to which the main MDG targets will be missed unless a number of preconditions are met, including

   - increased development assistance for and increased targeting of the least developed countries,
   - a reallocation of resources from low- and middle-income developing countries to the poorest,
   - increased involvement of all relevant actors so as to create real ownership of water supply and sanitation initiatives and focus on community mobilisation;

9.  Calls for local authorities in the European Union to be encouraged to allocate a proportion of the charges paid by users for the supply of water and sanitation services to decentralised cooperation measures and for the Union to set aside the necessary resources to enable it to support and back up such measures, in particular with regard to coordinating data and exploiting and disseminating results;

10.  Calls on the Commission and the Council to recognise the fundamental role of local authorities in water protection and management and regrets that the skills, experience and resources of local authorities are insufficiently exploited by EU funding programmes since, given their technical competences, know-how and experience, local authorities in the EU are particularly suited to helping local communities in developing countries;

11.  Underlines that action to improve water supply and sanitation must not be taken in isolation, but should rather be part of a coherent, cross-cutting development strategy that includes other policy areas such as health and education, infrastructure, capacity-building and good governance as well as sustainable development strategies;

12.  Underlines the importance of early prevention of regional water-related conflicts, especially in regions where countries share a common basin; calls, in this context, for further EU and international efforts to improve regional water policy coordination and to promote the setting-up of regional water management bodies;

13.  Underlines the increased risk of water scarcity due to climate change; recalls that desertification, melting glaciers, lowered water-tables and rising saltwater threaten water supplies in many parts of the world; calls on the EU and its Member States and the international community to implement measures against climate change in order to halt these negative trends;

14.  Calls for shared management of environmental and prevention policies in order to create a truly common water management policy implemented in all EU external policies, guided by the principles of the Water Framework Directive, which aims to achieve medium- and long-term conservation of the quality of water resources, and in this regard considers that all EU financing of cooperation projects and bilateral endeavours with regard to water should comply with the general approach of the EU's environmental legislation;

15.  Welcomes and encourages the work done by European and international civil society organisations in seeking solutions to problems relating to access to water, particularly for the poorest populations; recommends that the participants at the Fourth World Water Forum take an interest in the activities of civil society organisations while the Forum is taking place and that they seriously consider the proposals made by those organisations;

16.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the ACP-EU Council of Ministers, the UN Secretary-General and the general secretariat of the Committees for the Global Water Contract.

(1) OJ C 76 E, 25.3.2004, p. 430.
(2) OJ C 102 E, 28.4.2004, p. 857.

Restructuring and employment
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European Parliament resolution on restructuring and employment (2005/2188(INI))

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the Commission Communication of 31 March 2005, entitled 'Restructuring and employment: Anticipating and accompanying restructuring in order to develop employment: the role of the European Union' (COM(2005)0120) and the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee of 14 December 2005 (CESE 1495/2005),

–   having regard to the 1989 Charter of Fundamental Social Rights for Workers and the action programme relating to it,

–   having regard to Council Directive 94/45/EC of 22 September 1994 on the establishment of a European Works Council or a procedure in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees(1),

–   having regard to Council Directive 98/59/EC of 20 July 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to collective redundancies(2),

–   having regard to Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees" rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses(3),

–   having regard to Directive 2002/14/EC of 11 March 2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community(4),

–   having regard to its resolutions of 28 October 1999(5), 17 February 2000(6) and 15 February 2001(7) on business restructuring in Europe,

–   having regard to Council Recommendation 92/443/EEC of 27 July 1992 concerning the promotion of participation by employed persons in profits and enterprise results (including equity participation)(8),

–   having regard to the Presidency conclusions of the Lisbon European Council of 23 and 24 March 2000 and to the resolutions of the European Parliament, in particular its resolution of 15 March 2000(9) on that subject and its resolution of 9 March 2005 on the mid-term review of the Lisbon strategy (10),

–   having regard to the Commission communication 'Working together for growth and jobs: A new start for the Lisbon Strategy' (COM(2005)0024),

–   having regard to the Presidency conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 22 and 23 March 2005 and the European Parliament resolution of 13 April 2005(11) on that subject,

–   having regard to the Commission communication entitled 'Fostering structural change: an industrial policy for an enlarged Europe' (COM(2004)0274) and the European Parliament resolution of 9 June 2005(12),

–   having regard to the own-initiative opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee of 29 September 2005 entitled "Social dialogue and employee participation, essential for anticipating and managing industrial change" (CESE 1073/2005),

–   having regard to the Commission communication on the Social Agenda (COM(2005)0033) and the European Parliament resolution of 26 May 2005 on the Social Agenda for the period 2006-2010(13),

–   having regard to the Commission communication to the Council and the European Parliament entitled 'Common Actions for Growth and Employment: The Community Lisbon Programme' (COM(2005)0330),

–   having regard to the initiative taken by the Commission to designate 2006 as the European Year of Workers' Mobility and to the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy(14),

–   having regard to the Commission communication entitled 'Building our common Future: Policy challenges and Budgetary means of the Enlarged Union 2007-2013' (COM(2004)0101), the Commission communication entitled 'Financial Perspectives 2007-2013' (COM(2004)0487) and the European Parliament resolution of 8 June 2005 on Policy Challenges and Budgetary Means of the enlarged Union 2007-2013(15),

–   having regard to the Presidency conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 15 and 16 December 2005 on the Financial Perspective 2007-2013,

–   having regard to the proposal for a Council regulation laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund (COM(2004)0492),

–   having regard to the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on the European Social Fund (COM(2004)0493),

–   having regard to Articles 87(3), 127, 136 and 158 of the EC Treaty,

–   having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (A6-0031/2006),

A.   whereas a social and economic approach to risks is the key element characterising the European social models and whereas it is applied in a variety of forms as part of the different national policies designed to build a welfare state based on the idea of solidarity and social security,

B.   whereas these risks, if they are not anticipated, can affect and impact on employees, for whom work is one of the essential elements of their liberty and dignity, and employers and their productive assets, which evolve in the context of the competition inherent to an open economy,

C.   whereas a distinction should be made between, on the one hand, the restructuring of businesses linked to changes in specific industrial sectors and, on the other, the relocation of businesses, most often for the purpose of reducing production costs, and whereas these two issues require different responses,

D.   whereas economic change is inevitable, whether in the form of foreseeable or unforeseen evolution, through adopted policies or as a result of crises; whereas these transformations affect all European States, whatever their level of economic development and social protection, though the challenges they face may differ and be met with specific responses according to the nature of their productive assets and long-term strategic investment and research choices, and, in a broader sense, their recent economic and political history,

E.   whereas restructuring is a specific form of economic change and may be a sudden and reluctant process of adaptation by a business to changes in consumer needs and the constraints of the globalised economic climate, with a view to enabling it to remain competitive or regain its competitiveness, and whereas businesses and workers must constantly adapt to create growth and employment,

F.   whereas there are various levels of restructuring (inter-sector, within a single sector, within an individual company and at worker level); whereas, at company level, various types of restructuring may be observed (changes in production processes, outsourcing, relocation, site closure, job cuts, mergers and acquisitions etc.); whereas restructuring at worker level takes place when increased demands are placed on workers" skills; whereas these differing levels and types of restructuring call for different responses,

G.   whereas one of the consequences of globalisation is increased concentration, regrouping and the creation of large international groups, sometimes in sectors of vital strategic interest; whereas, therefore, assistance to businesses should no longer be conceived solely on a national and local authority scale but at international level; whereas, furthermore, small and medium-sized enterprises are also dependent on globalisation and should receive the same attention as large groups in that regard,

H.   whereas the difficulties which cause businesses to undertake restructuring are most often due to an opening up to international trade, but are also linked to the capacity of businesses to prepare themselves and their workers for modernisation and restructuring processes; sharing and supporting the Commission's position that it is appropriate for the EU, together with the Member States, to bear the cost, and face up to the legislative implications, of policies it implements;

I.   whereas the consequences of restructuring sometimes run counter to the Lisbon objectives seeking to promote full employment, quality of jobs, social and territorial cohesion and sustainable development, and whereas workers must be guaranteed opportunities for upgrading of skills and lifelong learning,

J.   whereas the recognition that economic and social renewal is at the heart of the Lisbon strategy is vital; and whereas restructuring is also fundamental to the process of wealth creation and the raising of living standards;

K.   whereas the social partners and public authorities have an essential role to play in accompanying restructuring, both at an overall level by creating new jobs and at an individual level by providing the workers concerned with opportunities to adapt to a new activity, in particular by means of training, but also in anticipating it and seeking alternative solutions wherever possible,

L.   whereas mobility in Europe is too low, which means that business potential is insufficiently exploited; whereas workers who are willing to move are often deterred from taking up their activities abroad as a result of administrative and linguistic obstacles; whereas insufficient use is made of national measures for lifelong learning;

M.   whereas the weakness of European growth and business competitiveness are in part due to the weakness of investment in production and research; whereas the EU should promote and support the investment capacity of businesses as well as Research and Development,

N.   whereas, in view of their responsibility for adequately anticipating restructuring, businesses should guarantee the best possible training conditions for their workers in respect of:

   - initial practical training periods and apprenticeship;
   - the ongoing training of their employees;
   - the recognition of work experience; bearing in mind that workers only gain real benefit from training if they have the opportunity to apply their new knowledge immediately;

and whereas, in order to meet these objectives, businesses should draw up plans and schedules of responsibility for training and the development of qualifications, negotiated between the social partners on the one hand, and the institutions awarding professional qualifications on the other,

O.   whereas the principal source of information at European level is the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, which manages the ERM (European Restructuring Monitor) and whereas its use should be optimised, particularly as regards the visibility and accessibility of information in all EU languages,

P.   whereas one of the reasons why European businesses are in difficulty is the absence, at international level, of adequate rules on intellectual property protection or effective measures to combat counterfeiting,

1.  Welcomes the Commission's decision to opt for a global, transversal approach to an issue which is as important for businesses as it is to workers and their social and working environment;

2.  Agrees with the Commission that restructuring is not necessarily synonymous with social decline and a loss of economic substance provided that it is properly anticipated, that firms can manage it quickly and effectively in dialogue with trade unions, and respecting national customs and practice, that anticipatory measures at business level together with public action help ensure that the change is carried out in sound conditions and that businesses prepare for restructuring by providing ongoing training for their workers; considers that these conditions are not often met;

3.  Considers that business restructuring should only take place if warranted by the circumstances, namely in order to save jobs or improve the competitiveness and the economic development of firms;

4.  Notes that continual processes of adaptation to changing circumstances are unavoidable if businesses are to develop; accordingly, considers it important – as the European social partners also noted in their joint document of 16 October 2003, entitled "Orientations for reference in managing change and its social consequences'– to explain in good time to workers and/or their representatives the need for changes, and to take the interests of the workers into account;

5.  Considers that, in line with the European Economic and Social Committee's above-mentioned opinion of 29 September 2005, while the success of restructuring is certainly measured in terms of businesses" competitiveness and innovative capacity, it is equally measured in terms of job preservation and the good social management of any negative consequences;

6.  Considers that, since the European Union promotes the opening-up of the market, it should propose measures and financial resources better to anticipate and accompany restructuring and its social consequences, as well as to promote innovation and the search for new entrepreneurial potential, and the maintenance of working conditions;

7.  Considers that the Union needs to rise to challenges of a global dimension, such as restructuring, by improving the competitiveness of Europe's economy and businesses through better coordination and more consistent application of four existing Community instruments:

   - competition policy, particularly the issue of State aid,
   - internal market policy, particularly the "Societas Europea" and the Community patent,
   - enterprise policy, particularly support for SMEs,
   - solidarity policy, particularly by reorienting the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) to regions affected by actual or planned restructuring;

8.  Agrees with the Commission that the ESF and, to a lesser extent, the ERDF in respect of SMEs undergoing restructuring, which are too often overlooked, have a crucial role to play in anticipating and managing restructuring; proposes that the financial programmes under discussion for 2007-2013 should be geared more closely to anticipating and managing restructuring, especially in areas where a high proportion of industry is accounted for by a limited number of sectors, and that the Funds will be allocated a budget adequate to this task;

9.  Considers – in view of the unpredictability of some restructuring events and the difficulty of foreseeing their impact on the local area, and given the extent to which the Union's policies are responsible for this – that a European globalisation adjustment fund and a contingency reserve should be set up, and welcomes in this connection the abovementioned Presidency conclusions on the Financial Perspective 2007-2013;

10.  Urges that

   a) the size of an undertaking in which restructuring has taken place or its geographical location within the Union should not be used as the sole selection criteria for potential EU aid and that appropriate account should also be taken of the interests of SMEs;
   b) another criterion should be whether a firm includes provision for adjustment processes as part of its business planning, and in particular whether it is committed to initial and further training;

11.  Considers that the EU is an essential partner, whose role is to assist the conversion process in regions where restructuring (industrial, tertiary, intersectoral, intrasectoral, etc.) has taken place:

12.  Calls on the EU to support geographical mobility and mobility of employment in order to make better use of the available workforce of every category and, in particular, of young people, women and persons above 45 years of age; also calls on the EU to help remove administrative and linguistic barriers to mobility;

13.  Calls on the Commission to submit a proposal concerning the 14th Company Law Directive on the cross-border transfer of the registered office of limited companies, under which the transfer of registered offices must not be used to restrict workers" rights; considers that the protection of workers" acquired rights regarding their participation in company decisions (employee participation) must be both a fundamental principle and a declared objective of the directive;

14.  Suggests that environmental issues should be taken into account in the context of European assistance during restructuring, in particular by promoting the conversion of industrial or agricultural processes to activities which are less polluting and hence less dangerous for the surrounding population and for the workers;

15.  Notes, furthermore, that the people most affected by restructuring are those employees made redundant and that they should always receive priority aid as should the economic activities dependent on the business undergoing restructuring, particularly sub-contracting SMEs; stresses the need to take better account of the "hidden effects" of restructuring, such as those to workers" health; notes that individuals directly threatened by redundancy suffer medical and psychological problems, and that, during the first five years following their dismissal, the mortality rate among such employees is twice as high as among those who are not dismissed; considers, therefore, that financial assistance should not be limited to the structural aspect of restructuring and that the human dimension of these challenges should be taken into account by prioritising personally-tailored assistance for workers;

16.  Welcomes the Commission's attitude to restructuring in its communication of 31 March 2005 entitled 'Restructuring and Employment: Anticipating and accompanying restructuring in order to develop employment: the role of the European Union' (COM(2005)0120); highlights, in this connection, the joint work of the European social partners on the topic of restructuring, which provides important restructuring guidelines, which should become part of business practice;

17.  Condemns also, among the hidden effects of restructuring, the early retirement of employees, who then, on account of their age, are the least employable, giving rise to significant financial costs to society, the loss of their professional skills and a senseless risk of labour shortage;

18.  Calls for better monitoring and better traceability of the use of Community funds, so as to ensure that they are properly used, to prevent their being diverted to related, speculative or administrative purposes and to prevent their being used to fund relocations; calls in particular for firms subsidised from EU funds which relocate part or all of their activities to be barred from receiving any further Community aid for a period of seven years and for them to be required possibly to reimburse aid so as to prevent subsidy tourism;

19.  Reaffirms the essential character of the Community acquis in the social field and the particular importance of existing legal instruments, which must be fully applied and better monitored by the Member States, who are responsible for their proper transposition and application. This concerns in particular the following:

   - Directive 94/45/EC on the establishment of a European Works Council,
   - Directive 98/59/EC on collective redundancies,
   - Directive 2001/23/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees" rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses,
   - Directive 2002/14/EC establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees;

20.  Regrets that the second-phase consultation on the European Works Council only forms in a small part of the extensive Commission Communication of 31 March 2005, and calls on the Commission, if it intends to revise Directive 94/45/EC, to launch a proper second phase consultation offering social partners the opportunity to negotiate in accordance with article 138 of the EC Treaty and the principle of transparency.

21.  Reiterates its request for the Commission to submit a proposal to amend Directive 94/45/EC to strengthen the rights of employees working for Europe-wide groups;

22.  Shares the Commission's opinion that the European social partners should occupy a central place in accompanying and managing restructuring with a view to promoting worker mobility in Europe and the putting in place of structures for lifelong learning wherever appropriate;

23.  Calls on the Commission to continue to work towards a Community framework for the protection of workers" rights in the event of restructuring; notes in this connection the work already undertaken by the social partners and calls on them to find ways of applying the good practices they have identified; calls on the Commission to submit a proposal for a directive in the absence of an adequate response from social partners;

24.  Calls on the Commission to put in place, in accordance with the spirit of the Lisbon Agenda, an open method of coordination (OMC) in this area, with a view to providing the Member States with broad guidelines on restructuring;

25.  Calls for a reform of State aid in order to target it as much as possible towards the areas which contribute most to growth and employment, thus preventing its use to fund unjustified relocations or restructuring; also, calls for State aid to be authorised more easily in weakened sectors requiring specific or transitional rules where it does not distort competition in the internal market;

26.  Calls on the Member States to set up specific measures adapted to the tradition of each Member State, which may take the form of permanent conversion units, where necessary, to assist employees affected by restructuring and guarantee equal treatment whatever the employee's nationality, sex or age; considers that these conversion units may be based, in particular, on the regional employment pacts; calls on the Member States to adopt, as a matter of urgency, measures for the mutual recognition of professional training diplomas, the certification of atypical qualifications and the recognition of experience; considers it essential that action plans be adopted to support workers who are made redundant; considers also that aid for training and re-training should be given as quickly as possible;

27.  Considers that equity participation by employees may be an appropriate way to secure their greater involvement in decisions leading up to restructuring; calls, therefore, on the social partners – and on the Commission and Member States – to move forward in this debate and to put this subject back on the agenda of the broad debate on the future of social Europe launched by the British presidency in 2005;

28.  Calls on the European Union, in deepening the internal market and concluding international trade agreements, to take into account the difficulties facing enterprises so that the consequences of its policies are predictable;

29.  Considers, with a view to anticipating and accompanying as effectively as possible the difficulties firms may face, that use should be made of all relevant sectoral analysis tools so as to permit the monitoring and ongoing evaluation of each sector of economic activity in Europe; welcomes, therefore, the willingness expressed in the above-mentioned communication of 31 March 2005 to give an enhanced role to the European Monitoring Centre on Change (EMCC) and stresses the need for EU citizens to have greater access to the EMCC's work;

30.  Calls on the Commission to propose a European one-stop Internet shop for all citizens, local authorities, social partners and businesses affected, enabling them to find information on the problems related to restructuring, on the opportunities which exist for anticipating and properly managing restructuring, and on their rights (including access to various types of assistance) and obligations;

31.  Underlines the need for analyses of the monitoring of past restructuring events, with a view to ascertaining their real impact on the businesses concerned, so as to permit a more effective approach to future restructuring;

32.  Calls on the EU's commercial partners to implement laws on intellectual property protection, and on the Member States to do their utmost to combat counterfeiting effectively;

33.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission.

(1) OJ L 254, 30.9.1994, p. 64.
(2) OJ L 225, 12.8.1998, p. 16.
(3) OJ L 82, 22.3.2001, p. 16.
(4) OJ L 80, 23.3.2002, p. 29.
(5) OJ C 154, 5.6.2000, p. 139.
(6) OJ C 339, 29.11.2000, p. 280.
(7) OJ C 276, 1.10.2001, p. 260.
(8) OJ L 245, 26.8.1992, p. 53.
(9) OJ C 377, 29.12.2000, p. 164.
(10) OJ C 320 E, 15.12.2005, p. 164.
(11) OJ C 33 E, 9.2.2006, p. 487.
(12) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0230.
(13) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0210.
(14) MEMO/05/229.
(15) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0224.

Social protection and inclusion
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European Parliament resolution on social protection and social inclusion (2005/2097(INI))

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the Commission communication entitled 'Draft Joint Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion' (COM(2005)0014),

–   having regard to the Commission staff working paper entitled 'Annex to the Draft Joint Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion' (SEC(2005)0069),

–   having regard to the Commission staff working paper on social inclusion in the new Member States: a synthesis of the joint memoranda on social inclusion (SEC(2004)0848),

–   having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 22 and 23 March 2005,

–   having regard to its resolution of 9 March 2005 on the mid-term review of the Lisbon strategy(1),

–   having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Santa Maria da Feira European Council of 19 and 20 June 2000 and especially to the agreement that indicators should be defined as common references in the fight against social exclusion and the eradication of poverty,

–   having regard to the Commission communication on the Social Agenda (COM(2005)0033),

–   having regard to Council Decision 2005/600/EC of 12 July 2005 on Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States(2),

–   having regard to Decision No 50/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 December 2001 establishing a programme of Community action to encourage cooperation between Member States to combat social exclusion(3),

–   having regard to Article 27(1) of the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child by which the States Parties recognise the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development,

–   having regard to Article 27(2) and (3) of the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child recognising parents' primary responsibility in this issue and governments' roles in taking appropriate measures to assist them to implement this right and, in case of need, provide material assistance and support programmes, particularly with regard to nutrition, clothing and housing,

–   having regard to the Commission communication on Strengthening the social dimension of the Lisbon strategy: Streamlining open coordination in the field of social protection (COM(2003)0261),

–   having regard to the Commission communication on modernising social protection for the development of high-quality, accessible and sustainable health care and long-term care: support for the national strategies using the "open method of coordination" (COM(2004)0304),

–   having regard to the Commission Green Paper entitled "Confronting demographic change: a new solidarity between the generations" (COM(2005)0094),

–   having regard to its resolution of 11 June 2002 on the communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Draft Joint Report on social inclusion(4),

–   having regard to its resolution of 5 June 2003 on the application of the open method of coordination(5),

–   having regard to its resolution of 24 September 2003 on the Joint Report by the Commission and the Council on adequate and sustainable pensions(6),

–   having regard to its resolution of 28 April 2005 on modernising social protection and developing good quality health care(7),

–   having regard to its resolution of 26 May 2005 on the Social Agenda for the period 2006-2010(8),

–   having regard to its resolution of 9 June 2005 on social inclusion in the new Member States(9),

–   having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (A6-0028/2006),

A.   whereas, at the Lisbon European Council in March 2000, the European Union set out a comprehensive strategy aimed at long-term economic growth, full employment, social cohesion and sustainable development in a knowledge-based society based on know-how and innovation; whereas five years later the objectives of that strategy remain far from being achieved,

B.   whereas, at the Nice European Council in 2000, the Member States undertook to show a significant and measurable reduction in poverty and social exclusion by the year 2010,

C.   whereas social inclusion is a matter of human dignity, as a fundamental right,

D.   whereas, under certain conditions, social inclusion may make a direct and telling contribution to economic development,

E.   whereas social inclusion is a matter of social cohesion, a basic value of the European Union and a tool for combating social exclusion and discrimination that means fighting against wasting human resources and the severe consequences of demographic change,

F.   whereas, according to statistics from OECD sources, the population of the countries belonging to that organisation is ageing and, while there are currently 38 people in retirement for every 100 workers, if employment policy remains unchanged this figure could rise to as many as 70 people in retirement for every 100 workers,

G.   whereas the modernisation of social protection should not just be about ensuring financial sustainability, but sharing risks that individuals cannot face on their own and promoting economic growth and employment so as to make them sustainable,

H.   reaffirming, therefore, that social protection based on universality, equity and solidarity is an essential component of the European social model,

General points

1.  Welcomes the abovementioned joint report which covers both social protection and social inclusion for the first time at the level of the EU-25 and which looks at the progress of the Member States towards achieving the objectives agreed by the Lisbon European Council; notes that the report aims at making key inroads into the fight against social exclusion and the eradication of poverty by 2010 and also at helping Member States to reform social protection systems with a view to ensuring their ability to provide high-quality services and their adequacy and sustainability in the future;

2.  Notes that the joint report states that the fight against poverty and social exclusion remains a major challenge for the Union and its Member States, as the income-based figures relating to poverty and social exclusion across the Union are very significant, with more than 68 million, or 15% of the EU population living at risk of poverty in 2002;

3.  Notes that, despite significant structural improvements in the EU labour markets over the last decade, EU employment and participation levels remain insufficient and unemployment remains high in a number of Member States, especially amongst certain categories of people, such as the young, older workers, women, and people with specific disadvantages; notes also that labour market exclusion has a national but also a local and regional dimension;

4.  Draws attention to the fact that the recent economic slowdown, with rising unemployment and fewer job opportunities, puts more people at risk of poverty and exclusion and worsens the position of those already affected; this is particularly the case in some Member States that suffer from long-term unemployment or inactivity;

5.  Emphasises that employment must be viewed as the most effective safeguard against poverty and, consequently, that the financial attractiveness of work should be maintained through incentives for the employment of women and the setting of qualitative objectives for the jobs that are offered;

Social inclusion

6.  Considers that efforts against poverty and social exclusion must be sustained and extended to improve the situation of those people most at risk of poverty and exclusion, such as those in casual employment, the unemployed, single parent households (usually headed by women), older people living alone, women, families with several dependants, disadvantaged children, as well as ethnic minorities, sick or disabled people, the homeless, victims of trafficking and victims of drug and alcohol dependency;

7.  Considers it crucial to recognise the difficulties faced by people at a disadvantage, including disabled people, ethnic minorities and immigrants, in accessing or remaining on the labour market; calls on the Member States to support the integration of people at a disadvantage in order to prevent and combat social exclusion, as well as to promote education, encourage job creation, professional training and career development, the reconciliation of professional and family life and the right to equal access to health care and decent accommodation and ensure the sustainability of social protection systems; points in this regard to the necessity of improving comparable data;

8.  Highlights the fact that tackling disadvantages in education and training and improving the qualifications of the labour force regardless of age, for men and women and ethnic and national minorities, are key tools for combating unemployment; notes also that addressing those inequalities is of particular importance for achieving the Lisbon targets regarding employment, quality of work and social inclusion;

9.  Stresses in this respect that, as regards the Roma minority, it is desirable that members of that minority be given every motivation to have an interest in the further education of their children, the development of their children's positive qualities and skills;

10.  Calls on the Member States to exchange best practice to prevent early departure from education, raise the level of education, especially in languages and new technologies, facilitate the transition from school to work, increase access to education and training for disadvantaged groups, including less skilled and older workers, and lay the ground for access to lifelong learning for all; stresses that these strategies should involve all the stakeholders concerned, including the social partners, but also civil society and learning providers, while reserving a key role for the state in guaranteeing high-quality public education;

11.  Recommends that, in order to limit the exclusion of persons over the age of 50 and to help them remain on the job market, Member States guard against the risks of exclusion from the world of work by developing access to lifelong learning;

12.  Considers, in this respect, that, given the benefits that a qualified workforce brings to employers, it goes without saying that employers should be more involved in the process of lifelong learning;

13.  Points out, however, that in certain cases neither a sufficient level of education nor repeated requalification guarantee employment; emphasises, therefore, the need to make greater use of not-for-profit public service work;

14.  Stresses that in fourteen out of the seventeen Member States for which data are available(10) child poverty rose during the 1990s; draws attention to the fact that persistent child poverty mainly concentrates on single-parent families, large families with three or more dependent children, immigrants and people from ethnic minorities, and families with unemployed or under-employed parents; stresses that priority attention at EU and Member State level should be given to the prevention and elimination of the intergenerational transmission of poverty and that this should be underpinned by appropriate financial resources (such as increased use of the Structural Funds, especially the European Social Fund); underlines that indicators have to be approached from the child's perspective and that of people living alone, even if it is known that child poverty cannot be reduced without reducing household poverty and ensuring access to high-quality services for all;

15.  Points out that, according to Eurostat sources, a third of births in the EU now occur outside the institution of marriage and this figure is increasing annually; considers that this trend bears witness to the need to find effective mechanisms to promote the proper functioning of different types of family as an institution;

16.  Considers that social services dealing with children and childcare are an important precondition for the prevention and reduction of child poverty, social exclusion and discrimination, and the facilitation of the reconciliation of work and family life; stresses the need to ensure easy and equal access to education for all children; recognises the vital role of private operators in supplying services in this regard;

17.  Calls on the Commission to put forward a Green Paper on child poverty, setting out clear targets and appropriate measures to eliminate child poverty as steps towards the social inclusion of poor children;

18.  Calls on the Commission to step up its efforts to introduce a "Children's Charter" that seeks to achieve progress in upholding the rights of the child as part of the EU's internal and external policies;

19.  Draws attention to the needs of young people, who face particular difficulties as regards economic and social integration on leaving education and entering the world of work, and who are more susceptible to falling victim to social exclusion; calls on the Member States to ensure that youth unemployment is addressed specifically, as a priority in its own right, through specific policy measures and training, inter alia, to encourage the taking of initiative and the development of entrepreneurial spirit;

20.  Calls on the Member States to develop integrated strategies seeking to promote, in economic, social, cultural and environmental terms, the development of geographically remote and underdeveloped urban, island and rural areas, with a view to confronting the problems of exclusion and poverty and not allowing them to endure from one generation to the next;

21.  Emphasises the need to increase the participation of women in employment by eliminating obstacles that prevent women from entering it, and particularly by encouraging older women to remain longer in the labour market;

22.  Recommends that the Member States support a policy of growth and female employment by facilitating women's access to quality jobs and promoting equal-wage conditions;

23.  Emphasises that increasing female activity rates must be viewed not only as a necessary safeguard against the risk of poverty, which primarily affects women, but also as a means to maintain the balance between the number of persons economically active and those inactive, which is endangered by the ageing of the population;

24.  Calls, in this regard, on the Member States to focus on the elimination of inequalities on the labour market, such as gender gaps in employment, unemployment and atypical employment, gender segregation in sectors and occupations, gender pay gaps, unequal status and the limited participation of women in decision-making positions; considers that, in doing so, Member States should facilitate personal choices in terms of the reconciliation of work and family life and access to quality and affordable care services for children and other dependants; further believes that it is essential to ensure the mainstreaming of a gender perspective in all policies and programmes;

25.  Furthermore, calls on the Member States to take action to ensure that when their pension entitlement is calculated women are not penalised for gaps in their employment record caused by maternity leave or parental leave;

26.  Calls on the Member States, in their fight against the high levels of exclusion faced by ethnic minorities and immigrants, to develop and implement measures, including measures to raise awareness, for the integration of these target groups into the formal labour market, to enforce anti-trafficking and anti-discrimination legislation, and to facilitate their social integration through specific provisions and complex programmes relating to special educational programmes, and decent living and housing conditions, as a precondition for social inclusion;

27.  Urges the Commission to put forward proposals aimed at setting up an appropriate legal framework to eradicate discrimination against people with disabilities, by promoting equal opportunities and the full participation of such people in work, society and politics, specifically by means of a proposal for a directive based on Article 13 of the EC Treaty to cover the areas still not dealt with;

28.  Stresses the need to improve housing conditions, especially accessibility, for those less-favoured groups which are particularly affected by poverty, such as people at a disadvantage and older people who cannot look after themselves; demands that more attention be paid to the homeless, especially by providing care, imparting basic skills, and promoting social integration, which will necessitate public policies, especially in the areas of housing, health and education, to ensure that such people have access to those facilities;

29.  Moreover, considers, in this respect, that such basic skills, the teaching of which would not only be aimed at cultivating the abilities people need in order to look after themselves but also at instilling solidarity with the less able, should be taught continuously to the whole of European society, starting during primary education;

30.  Fully supports the Commission's intention to organise a European year of Equal Opportunities for All in 2007; considers that this should assist in highlighting the significance of the issue, assessing the progress achieved throughout the EU and providing a framework for further policy measures and initiatives with a view to enhancing the EU's anti-discrimination legislation, addressing direct and indirect discrimination and covering gender-equality in all areas;

31.  Welcomes the recognition that the most socially deprived people generally experience the poorest socio-environmental conditions and that this should be given due consideration when tackling social exclusion;

32.  Calls on the Commission to take legal action against Member States that do not apply or have failed to transpose by the prescribed deadline the anti-discrimination directives based on Article 13 of the EC Treaty;

33.  Reasserts the need for an improvement in harmonised data collection and the development of common indicators that take account of age and sex differences, as indicators of this kind play a major role in the monitoring and evaluation of policies on poverty and social exclusion;

34.  Considers that a real mainstreaming of social inclusion in policy making should be implemented through the establishment of systematic ex-ante and ex-post policy assessments, both at national and EU level;

35.  Points out that the social-inclusion process should truly involve key actors at local or regional level, such as local authorities in charge of social inclusion policies, social partners, NGOs and people experiencing poverty and social exclusion;

36.  Supports the intention of Commission to devote special attention to the task of combating poverty by organising the European Year of Combating Exclusion and Poverty;

Social protection

37.  Considers that the rapid changes arising from globalisation and the wide use of information and communication technologies increase vulnerability to social risk and generate a need for more efficient social protection measures with a view to ensuring the right of all to social protection;

38.  Points out that social security and benefit systems are often slow to respond to more flexible forms of employment and self-employment and fail to offer appropriate support and that this can prove a barrier to people taking up employment; considers therefore that this should be taken in to account when modernising systems;

39.  Considers that the current demographic trends - an ageing workforce and the decline of the working-age population - constitute a challenge in the medium and longer term for the financial sustainability of social protection systems;

40.  Points, in this regard, to the necessity of promoting the development and implementation of comprehensive ageing strategies aimed at empowering workers to stay active longer and encouraging employers to hire and retain older workers;

41.  Urges the Commission to put forward proposals aimed at setting up an appropriate legal framework to eradicate discrimination against people on the basis of age;

42.  Considers, in this respect, that the European Social Fund may have an important role to play in the integration and reintegration of older workers into the labour market, and, more generally, in the social inclusion of vulnerable and/or socially-excluded groups;

43.  Considers that, in order for pension schemes to be financially sustainable, there is a need for economic growth and sufficient productivity, as well as high levels of employment and the active promotion of lifelong learning, quality of work and a safe and healthy working environment;

44.  Recommends that pension systems should not only consist of a wide range of forms of social and supplementary insurance (whether statutory or private) but should also guarantee, to the greatest possible extent, social justice in pension systems;

45.  Takes the view that, in order to prevent adverse effects on employment, reforms of public pensions systems should avoid increasing the total tax burden on labour, but achieve an appropriate balance between taxes on labour and taxes on other resources;

46.  Calls on the Member States to reinforce administrative and institutional capacity, including the improvement of equal access to high-quality services, particularly, in the fields of health and long-term care, social security, social services, including the provision of counselling in social rights, child-related services, transport and mobility services, reintegration services focused on the labour-market integration, and vocational training services;

47.  Awaits the Commission's document on minimum income as a potentially useful contribution to the debate on social inclusion and social protection;

48.  Welcomes the Council's decision regarding the application of the open method of coordination in the field of health and long-term care; points out that the organisation and delivery of services and medical care is and should remain an area of Member State competence; reiterates its support for the three fundamental objectives of health and long-term care: universal access, irrespective of income or wealth, a high level of quality, and financial sustainability;

49.  Stresses that particular attention should be paid to persons requiring long-term or expensive care, and to those facing particular difficulties in accessing care; emphasises that, if health is to be promoted and protected, health systems must be based not only on the insurance principle but also on the solidarity principle;

50.  Advocates, furthermore, the increase of all those social services necessary with regard to the care of dependent persons, i.e. those unable to perform basic everyday actions by themselves;

51.  Notes that, although public pension schemes should remain an important source of pensioners' income, private provision through occupational or personal schemes can play a complementary role in obtaining additional pension entitlements;

52.  Points out, in this context, the need for coordination of comprehensive information and monitoring systems highlighting the consequences for the income and living standards of individuals;

53.  Stresses the importance of a continuous evaluation of pension systems' effectiveness with regard to their financial sustainability, as well as the achievement of social objectives;

54.  Calls on the European Council, in the interest of streamlining and simplifying the open method of coordination, to adopt at its summit in Spring 2006 an integrated framework in the fields of social protection and integration and to agree on a uniform list of common objectives in the field of social integration, pensions, health and long-term care;

55.  Regards the creation of an integrated framework and the streamlining of coordination in the fields of social protection and integration as an opportunity, in the context of the Lisbon process, to boost the social dimension of social protection as a dimension with its own independent socio-economic significance as opposed to the coordination of social and employment policy;

56.  Calls on the Member States and the Commission, when applying the open method of coordination to social protection and integration, to pay greater attention in the future to issues of reconciling work and family life, with particular emphasis on access to childcare, family income situations and the employment rate of mothers;

57.  Calls on the Member States to make optimal use of the potential offered by the open method of coordination process, as an instrument of policy making in the fields of employment, social protection, social inclusion, pensions and health;

58.  Calls on the Member States - particularly the new Member States - to review their pension systems, taking account of the significantly lower life expectancy of men and the major pay differentials between men and women, which are reflected in the size of the pensions of widowed pensioners, often pushing them below the poverty line;

59.  Points out that the development and maintenance of the social security systems is closely linked to the Lisbon goals and can make an important contribution to increased employment and growth, greater solidarity and better social integration;

60.  Reiterates its conviction that its role in applying the open method of coordination – in its capacity as the body directly representing the citizens of Europe – must be clarified and enhanced in order to give the process democratic legitimacy;

61.  Calls on the Council and Commission to open negotiations with Parliament on an inter-institutional agreement setting out the rules for selecting the areas of policy to which the open method of coordination is to be applied, and providing for a coherent application of the method with the unrestricted and equal participation of Parliament;

62.  Stresses that such an inter-institutional agreement must contain rules for the participation of Parliament in the setting of objectives and indicators and in access to documents, participation in meetings, observation and supervision of progress, information on reports and best practices, and a procedure enabling the open method of coordination to evolve into a Community method;

o   o

63.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Social Protection Committee, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the accession countries and the candidate countries.

(1) OJ C 320 E, 15.12.2005, p. 164.
(2) OJ L 205, 6.8.2005, p. 21.
(3) OJ L 10, 12.1.2002, p. 1.
(4) OJ C 261 E, 30.10.2003, p. 136.
(5) OJ C 68E, 18.3.2004, p. 604.
(6) OJ C 77E, 26.3.2004, p. 251.
(7) OJ C 45 E, 23.2.2006, p. 134.
(8) Texts adopted, P6_TA(2005)0210.
(9) Texts adopted, P6_TA(2005)0244.
(10) UNICEF Report Card No 6- Child Poverty in Rich Countries 2005

Guidelines for the 2007 budget procedure - Sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and VIII (B)
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European Parliament legislative resolution on the guidelines for the 2007 budget procedure - Sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and VIII (B) and on the European Parliament's preliminary draft estimates (Section I) for the 2007 budget procedure (2006/2021(BUD))

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 272 thereof,

–   having regard to Council Decision 2000/597/EC, Euratom of 29 September 2000 on the system of the European Communities' own resources(1),

–   having regard to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(2),

–   having regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure(3), and in particular point 26 thereof,

–   having regard to the fourth report by the Secretaries-General of the Institutions of May 2005 on the evolution of heading 5,

–   having regard to the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2006,

–   having regard to the annual report of the Court of Auditors for the 2004 financial year on the implementation of the budget, together with the institutions' replies(4),

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgets (A6-0058/2006),

A.   whereas the 2007 budget marks the first year of the new financial framework and the negotiations to the new Financial Perspective 2007-2013 and the Interinstitutional Agreement have not, as yet, been concluded,

B.   whereas the 2004 enlargement has to be consolidated and preparations for the next enlargement continued to ensure that everything is in place by 1 January 2007,

C.   whereas, at this stage of the annual procedure the budgetary authority is awaiting the other institutions' draft estimates concerning their administrative needs,

General Framework

1.  Notes that, in the absence of an agreement on a new Interinstitutional Agreement amongst the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission for the period 2007-2013, point 26 of the current IIA would in principle apply; in the event that any of the Institutions denounce the current IIA, the provisions of the EU Treaty (Art. 272) applies;

2.  Expects a detailed report on the developments in heading 5 by the Secretaries-General in March 2006, which should serve as a basis for consideration of the preliminary draft 2007 budget;

3.  Underlines that the 2007 draft budget will have to take into account the accession of Romania and Bulgaria as of 1 January 2007;

4.  Notes the implementation of Accrual Based Accounting in all institutions commencing with the financial statements for the financial year 2005; considers that this process will ensure a more streamlined and harmonised approach for comparison purposes;

5.  Welcomes the implementation by the Council, the European Parliament and the Ombudsman of the new nomenclature; urges all other institutions to adopt, for purposes of clarity and comparability, the same nomenclature; invites the other institutions to indicate whether they consider that any changes or adaptations should be made to the new nomenclature in order to take into account their specific administrative constraints;

6.  Regrets the delays in the full recruitment of staff from the 10 new Member States and expects any outstanding recruitment to be finalised at the earliest possible date, and not later than December 2006;

7.  Notes that, over the years, staff complements of the various institutions have been increased through the creation of several additional posts; considers that a consolidation of the establishment plans, together with a redeployment exercise, is essential prior to the submission of any request for recruitment not directly linked to the enlargement process; calls on all institutions to harmonise their recruitment policies;

8.  Calls on all institutions to submit realistic requests which would have to be based on justified needs taking into account the tight financial situation; encourages the institutions to operate at the lowest cost base possible without compromising standards;

9.  Considers that in the smaller institutions substantial savings could be achieved by a rational pooling of administrative and human resources;

10.  Reaffirms that the policy of purchasing buildings is one to be pursued by all institutions; invites all institutions to submit medium-term plans for building policy taking into consideration all financial aspects, as well as statutory regulations, bearing in mind the future requirements of the smaller institutions and the eventual potential pooling of services and resources;

11.  Requests that, whenever possible, the institutions should present more comprehensive multi-annual plans reflecting future political, human resources and infrastructural needs;

12.  Notes that over the years European institutions have failed to convince European citizens that they truly represent their interests and aspirations; insufficient knowledge coupled with a poor perception makes understanding of EU policies difficult; takes the view that the existing information services have to be improved and that an effective strategy, accessible to all European citizens, should be implemented as a matter of priority for all institutions;

13.  Invites all European institutions to study the feasibility of setting up a Centre of European Houses in Brussels, utilising existing resources without incurring any significant additional expenditure; in this "European Heart", EU citizens would be able to participate freely in various areas, including cultural and technical events, training seminars and exhibitions on specific topics; in such a scenario a wider segment of European citizens can identify themselves with the intellectual and cultural diversity of all European Member States;

European Parliament

14.  Affirms Parliament's commitment to deliver on promises to the EU citizens in an efficient, tangible and accountable manner and in so doing strengthen the image and credibility of the European Institutions;

15.  Commits itself to fulfil its responsibilities as the only democratically elected representation of the people of the EU;

16.  Considers that, in view of the financial constraints being experienced at the moment, Parliament should reserve its position regarding the self-imposed limit of 20% of the expenditure under heading 5; reiterates that its estimates should reflect the real financial requirements in order to ensure an appropriate and efficient functioning of the institutions;

Budgetary rigour and added value

17.  Urges the Administration to make better and more efficient use of resources and avoid duplication of functions and reduce activities which do not add value to the overall objectives; expects more internal control on expenditure;

18.  Regrets the unnecessary and exorbitant costs due to the dispersion and duplication of activities in three different workplaces, which contribute to a highly inefficient cost structure; considers that this should be re-addressed in an effort to minimise costs and invites the Administration to present specific proposals by 30 June 2006;

19.  Invites the Administration to compare contracts with standards used in major private companies, in order to ensure the highest cost/benefit ratio for users, with particular reference to telecom providers, computer services, hardware and software providers, catering, sports facilities, car services and travel services;

20.  Expects a report on the progress registered in the area of interinstitutional cooperation and asks the Secretary-General to make recommendations on the possibilities and limits for further tangible interinstitutional cooperation;

21.  Contends that appropriations should relate to specific activities thus avoiding the cancellation of appropriations at the end of the year; recommends that sufficient funding should be allocated in areas where political decisions necessitate greater financial engagement, as in the case of the WTO; stresses that, wherever possible, amending budgets and transfers should be avoided;

22.  Stresses, once again, the importance of applying the principles of sound financial management and underlines the importance of the full implementation of Activity Based Budgeting which should result in having more effective, transparent, rational and analytical estimates;

23.  Recalls its decision to make the budget more comprehensive; notes the introduction of the revised nomenclature and requests the Administration to provide its relevant committee for the 2007 budget with a presentation which makes the comparison between the 2006 and 2007 budgets possible;

24.  Requests the Administration to identify activities which do not add value to its operations and to increase efficiency by rationalising working methods, thereby ensuring value for money for the European taxpayer;


25.  Reiterates that enlargement remains a key political priority and stresses its commitment to make enlargement a real success; acknowledges the efforts made by the Institutions in the last enlargement and calls on them to continue with their efforts to resolve any outstanding administrative issues by the end of 2006;

26.  Notes that an amount of EUR 23 526 000 was allocated in the 2006 budget for the pre-enlargement preparations for Romania and Bulgaria; invites the Administration to be prepared to offer adequate training programmes for staff coming from Romania and Bulgaria;


27.  Agrees with the Secretary-General that the European Parliament requires a strong and effective information strategy that addresses Parliament's objective of bringing Europe closer to its citizens; information tools and strategies which are not delivering the expected results should be discontinued; considers that spending more does not necessarily translate into better results; recommends that all Members, political groups and Administration should be involved and assume responsibility for their respective roles in the fields of information;

28.  Considers it extremely urgent that, in tandem with discussions on an enhanced media presence, the structure of debates be examined;

29.  Welcomes the new format of the EUROPARL website, which is more user-friendly, especially for non-professionals; nonetheless, a more powerful and structured presentation for internal use should be developed to facilitate the daily work of MEPs and their staff;

30.  Points out that a significant percentage of EU citizens do not have access to the Internet and do not necessarily use it to gather information about EU policies, and that therefore the role of Information Offices should be adequately defined and their management coherent when considering Parliament's information tools; attention should be given to ways of avoiding the duplication of information from various institutions;

31.  Emphasises that particular attention should be given to any information project, not only for its cost structure, but also for the value of its contents; recommends that all major publications and information-related projects be prepared and constantly monitored by regular meetings with the participation and cooperation of political groups in order to create balanced programmes respecting the pluralism of opinions; the level of success of any project will have to be measured in terms of its positive impact on EU citizens;


32.  Considers that Parliament's visitors' service is of utmost importance to MEPs; visitors groups are the only efficient way for Members to bring opinion-makers from their constituencies to the workplaces of the Parliament; regrets, therefore, the high number of complaints concerning the visitors' programme, particularly as regards the non-availability of time-slots and the difference between grants and real costs; stresses that an attractive and high value visitors' programme is one of the top priorities for the year 2007;

33.  Regrets that improvements in the visitors' programme are long overdue and considers that they should not be delayed any further; recalls that in 2006 budget EUR 5 million were allocated to increase the number of visitors and to reimburse expenses covering the actual cost of travel expenditure;

34.  Calls for a better reception service for visitors in the various places of Parliament plenary sittings and for appropriate and adequately equipped meeting areas to be provided; recalls that the visitors' programme is one of the most effective ways in which citizens can participate actively in Parliament's work thereby enhancing citizens' perception of the Parliament;

35.  Considers that direct contact with European citizens through an improved visitors' service will have a multiplier effect that will enhance the perception of the Parliament in the eyes of the citizens;

Assistance to Members - Raising the Game

36.  Acknowledges that the necessary structures for the implementation of the objectives of "Raising the Game" exercise are now in place;

37.  Welcomes the proposals by the Secretary-General to consolidate the "Raising the Game" reform of Parliament's Administration so as to improve services to Members;

38.  Notes that to date only a limited number of the objectives have been achieved and that Parliament has not yet experienced the full impact of this exercise;

39.  Expects that by 2007 the targets of the exercise will have been fully met and the necessary reform implemented, providing Members with a practical and efficient service, especially in legislative matters, research and language facilities;

40.  Supports the Secretary-General's intention to undertake an evaluation of the state of implementation of the project;

41.  Stresses that it is imperative to give more assistance to Members when it comes to responding to requests from concerned citizens regarding day-to-day issues;

42.  Recommends further promotion of the "Correspondence with Citizens Unit" so that Members can make better use of this service;

43.  Takes the view that Parliament's increased responsibilities in legislative decision-making require more resources to be allocated in support of this core activity, especially in the areas of research, library and specific expertise;

44.  Encourages the Administration to conduct a quality survey on the service and assistance being given to Members and to make the findings of the survey available to all Members by the first reading of the 2007 budget; asks the Secretary General to involve all Members in the survey in order to avoid any misleading results; expects immediate proposals for improvements in response to any major deficiency detected by the survey;

45.  Requests that a feasibility study be carried out as regards the possibilities for using free and open sources software and the staff and professional training needed for maintenance and security of such software;

Member's Assistant Statute

46.  Underlines the importance of personal assistants for Members' work and reiterates its position in support of the adoption of a real and meaningful statute for Members' assistants; regrets that very little progress has been achieved on the matter; urges the Council to take a decision on the EC Staff Regulation: EP Members' assistant statute (COM(1998)0312), which should come into force as soon as possible;

Training and development

47.  Notes the lack of immediate availability of training offered to assistants and staff on their arrival in the European Parliament; considers that a more holistic approach to training development and induction should be initiated in order to enable assistants and staff to fulfil their duties in a professional manner and achieve high standards of work, and to develop further the scope of the European Administration School;

48.  Suggests that a traineeship programme in favour of persons with disabilities be formulated in order to better facilitate their integration in the European working environment; invites the other institutions to formulate a similar programme;


49.  Points out that the policy on the purchasing of properties and buildings has yielded positive and tangible results providing Parliament with a strong asset base as well as generating savings, which in turn allowed it to use these funds for other projects;

50.  Calls on the Bureau to ensure that all Parliament's buildings are environmentally friendly as well as user-friendly, especially for persons with disabilities;

51.  Urges the Bureau to ensure that a call for offers widely published in local media is an integral part of the acquisition procedure for the purchasing of European Houses and that all offers received are included in the dossier presented to the relevant committee before a final decision is taken;

52.  Considering the envisaged financial constraints in the coming years, calls on the Bureau to consider a multiannual property investment plan instead of an annual plan and to continue with the policy of accelerated payments;


53.  Invites the Administration to ensure that human resources costs are in line with operational requirements and with the financial situation of the institution and effectively to examine the possibility of redeploying existing staff instead of relying on contract agents;

54.  Considers that the long-term quality of legislative work of the House has to be carried out by staff with a long-term commitment to Parliament rather than by utilising contract agents;

55.  Instructs the Administration to address the problem of staff shortages in a number of European Houses, including a press officer for each office; an identical request was made by the previous rapporteur but has not been fully implemented;

56.  Requests the Administration to identify all anomalous situations related to employment and to take the necessary action to resolve them as quickly as possible;

57.  Notes that problems are likely because of staff ageing and the resulting increasing number of individuals leaving the service (with some 180 staff members leaving the service each year from 2009 onwards); asks the Administration to make appropriation preparations for the likely increase in funding requirements;

58.  Recalls that the new Streamline software should be in place by the last quarter of 2006; this should result in a decrease in the number of posts in the coming years; maintains that, with the exception of enlargement and an extremely limited recruitment of specialised staff, no new employment should take place, which should result in real savings in the future;


59.  Takes note that in 2007 there will be no new major projects being undertaken by Parliament; therefore considers that now is the opportune time to examine, evaluate and carry out a meaningful stocktaking exercise; encourages the Secretary-General to implement the necessary changes resulting from this exercise;

Reports and information requested before the first reading of Parliament's budget

60.  Invites the Secretary-General to provide the following information by the end of June 2006 in order to allow an effective decision-making process:

   A report on "more effective budgeting", which was requested following the 2006 Budget Guidelines and which has not as yet been presented;
   A study of the financial impact of the introduction of the Irish language as the twenty-first working language of the European Parliament;
   A report on the state of preparation for the enlargement to Romania and Bulgaria on a regular basis, and at least in May and September on the evolution of recruitment of staff from Romania and Bulgaria;
   An updated report followed by reports on a regular basis, at least in May and September, on the recruitment situation in relation to the 2004 enlargement, with particular reference to the linguistic sector giving a breakdown between officials, temporary and contractual staff;
   Proposals on how to connect Parliament with those EU citizens who are not Internet users or who do not have access to it;
   A comprehensive report on the current situation as regards training and development in the Institution;
   An updated report on the acquisition of property by Parliament in the last two years accompanied by the relevant financial information and the needs in office space in relation to the 2004 and the forthcoming enlargement;
   An updated report on the allocation of running costs between the Commission and Parliament, reflecting the actual expenditure incurred by the two bodies;
   An inventory identifying short and medium term investment needs related to EMAS in order to obtain the best possible results in the long term;

61.  Requests by 1 September 2006:

   A report on a mid-term budgetary review on the state of implementation of the current year; this would place Parliament in a better position to properly assess the estimates presented for 2007;
   A presentation of the proposed information projects together with their related costs, benefits and staff needs, as well as any relevant information;
   A report on the stocktaking exercise and in particular:
   - on activities which do not add value to its operations and on increasing efficiency by rationalising working methods, thereby ensuring value for money for the European taxpayer,
   - on the progress registered on the EP Rome report and a comprehensive evaluation, focussing on the real progress registered over the years in the "Raising the Game" exercise including the conclusion of the survey;
   - on interinstitutional cooperation and on the possibilities for further tangible interinstitutional cooperation such as in the field of information where a more holistic approach by the institutions could avoid duplication, while having due regard for the institutions' independence;

Other Institutions

62.  Recalls that the gentlemen's agreement only applies to administrative expenditure; consequently, considers that budgetary rigour should also apply to the appropriation allocated to cover expenditure on CFSP;

Court of Justice

63.  Recalls that, in December 2005, the budgetary authority authorised Amending Budget No 6/2005 in order to establish the Civil Service Tribunal; it is expected that a significant decrease in the Court's workload will result from this restructuring;

Court of Auditors

64.  Welcomes the efforts made by the Court of Auditors to improve the services provided as well as the adoption of Accrual Based Accounting, developed jointly with the Council and the Court of Justice;

65.  Considers that an increase in the establishment plan should only be considered in a medium-term perspective and only after ensuring that all possibilities for redeployment of existing staff have been explored;

Committee of the Regions

66.  Acknowledging the fact that the Committee of Regions had to face a difficult situation in the linguistic service; recommends that the Committee seek a better balance in the staff available between support and political functions;

67.  Recognises the efforts made by the Committee of the Regions in the field of information and its cooperation with the Commission, in particular DG PRESS and DG REGIO, as well as with existing regional networks such as Circom Regional; invites the Committee of the Regions to share its experience in the communication field with other institutions;

European Economic and Social Committee

68.  Takes note of the renewal of the cooperation agreement between the Committee and the Commission; welcomes the initiative taken by the Committee to evaluate, in qualitative terms, the opinions it provides for the Commission; suggests that the Committee explore the possibility of reaching a similar cooperation agreement with Parliament;

Synergy between the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions

69.  Considers that the creation of the joint service has been beneficial for both Committees; Considers this joint service as an effective and dynamic way of avoiding duplication, reducing costs and developing team spirit without reducing the quality and efficiency of the service provided; invites the two Committees to assess which other services could be shared in the same manner; expects both parties to submit a detailed joint report on this matter before the first reading of the 2007 budget, incorporating specific recommendations;

70.  Takes note of the needs both Institutions are facing during their plenary meetings; invites the two Committees to evaluate their medium-term requirements for large meeting facilities with the aim of a better utilisation of Parliament's facilities; these requirements shall be presented to Parliament for its consideration at the earliest;

European Ombudsman

71.  Notes that the recruitment of additional staff was approved in the 2006 budget; expects therefore that no further requests for additional recruitment will be made and that a consolidation exercise of its establishment plan will be submitted for the 2007 budget;

72.  Invites the European Ombudsman to present its medium-term priorities, together with their financial implications, in order to enable Parliament to take them into consideration in the estimates for 2007;

European Data Protection Supervisor

73.  Notes that the administrative agreement for cooperation between the Secretaries-General of the European Parliament and the Commission, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Council and the Data Protection Supervisor will expire on 16 January 2007; considers that this administrative support is particularly to be welcomed in a situation of budgetary rigour; points out that this cooperation could be further strengthened in particular by facilitating access to computer facilities hosted in different buildings; invites the institutions involved to set up before the end of the year the framework for the next agreement which should be for a longer period;

74.  Invites the European Data Protection Supervisor to present to Parliament its medium-term priorities, including all the financial implications, in order to enable Parliament to evaluate these priorities, especially if they happen to be in areas where support is needed in terms of buildings and logistics;

o   o

75.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, the European Ombudsman and the European Data Protection Supervisor.

(1) OJ L 253, 7.10.2000, p. 42.
(2) OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1.
(3) OJ C 172, 18.6.1999, p. 1. Agreement as last amended by Decision 2005/708/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 269, 14.10.2005, p. 24).
(4) OJ C 301, 30.11.2005, p.1

More environmentally friendly fishing methods
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European Parliament resolution on more environmentally friendly fishing methods (2004/2199(INI))

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy,

–   having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on promoting more environmentally friendly fishing methods: the role of technical conservation measures (COM(2004)0438),

–   having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Fisheries (A6-0019/2006),

A.   whereas it is important to promote fishing methods that respect the environment,

B.   whereas the sustainability of fishing resources is essential for guaranteeing fishing activity and the viability of the fisheries sector in the long term,

C.   whereas fishermen and their representative associations should be involved in determining measures to protect the marine environment and rebuild depleted stocks,

D.   whereas appropriate socio-economic measures should be introduced to provide fishermen with compensation for the costs of reductions in work connected with the plans to rebuild depleted stocks,

1.  Welcomes the Commission's communication on the promotion of more environmentally friendly fishing methods;

2.  Reminds the Commission that it should take a more wide-ranging view of measures to protect the marine environment and rebuild depleted stocks, in particular by considering and studying other factors which have a considerable impact on the marine environment and the state of resources, such as coastal and offshore pollution, industrial and agricultural effluents, deep-sea dredging and maritime transport, so as to complement current management methods;

3.  Emphasises that all technical measures to protect the marine environment and rebuild depleted fish stocks should be based on scientific fishing research;

4.  Believes this to be an important step in achieving ecologically sustainable management of fisheries in order to reduce the impact of fishing on the marine environment, while recognising that a certain level of impact by fishing is unavoidable within reasonable limits; recalls also that pollution as well as overfishing and non-sustainable fishing methods have a great impact on fisheries, as illustrated, for example, by the fact that it has been scientifically demonstrated that some pollutants cause serious damage at various stages of the trophic chain, with grave consequences for commercial species which would need to be protected;

5.  Believes that, while ecological considerations are of major concern, future fisheries management policies must not be used to further penalise economically and socially vital fishing operations;

6.  Points out that it is essential to achieve a balance between socio-economic exigencies and environmental sustainability, while underlining the need to activate a mechanism for subsidising or compensating fishermen who are affected by the negative effects of environmentally friendly fishing, particularly those active in less developed areas;

7.  Calls for the adoption of technical methods to improve selectivity and, therefore, the possibility of catching fish at the right size, in order to maintain high productivity;

8.  Points out that only by ensuring that fish spawn and develop for a minimum specific period can the satisfactory reproduction of fish be made possible;

9.  Emphasises the need to limit any significantly negative impact of fishing on marine biodiversity through the establishment of marine reserves, real-time area closures and other appropriate and balanced management measures, to be implemented stringently at least until the marine habitats have returned to safe biological levels;

10.  Expresses particular concern over the issue of ghost fishing and urges the Commission to take all appropriate short and long-term action to combat the issue, including close monitoring of the effectiveness of any provisions that are adopted at EU level;

11.  Highlights the need to reduce discards, which produce detrimental biological effects as well as having negative economic impacts, through the adoption of appropriate technical measures, based on reliable scientific research, such as closed seasons, prohibited zones and mesh size regulations, taking account of the particular features of each marine area in which the technical conservation measures are implemented;

12.  Invites the Commission to bring forward, without further delay, proposals for pilot projects aimed at reducing discards;

13.  Suggests in particular that the option of discard bans accompanied by appropriate incentives for fishermen be considered;

14.  Urges the Commission to promote actively the adoption of an FAO International Plan of Action on bycatch reduction;

15.  Calls on the Commission to place emphasis on the development of environmentally friendly fishing as part of the overall package of management measures;

16.  Calls on the Commission to avoid conflicting objectives and superfluous regulations and to avail itself of this opportunity to simplify the overall regulatory system;

17.  Calls on the Commission to consider the application of environmentally friendly fishing technical measures as a complement to existing effort limitations in relation to stock recovery plans;

18.  Believes that, in this context, it is absolutely essential to develop and implement the satellite technology needed to detect the presence of unauthorised fishing vessels in closed areas and in Marine Protected Areas, in order to guarantee effective protection of fish, their critical habitat and other biodiversity;

19.  Points out the need to support the actions undertaken in the framework of the reformed CFP in order to further the goals of the Commission's communication, particularly:

   a) the adoption of a decentralised approach which takes account of the specificity of particular fish species;
   b) the development, in tandem with Regional Advisory Councils (RACs), of a decision-making process for the application of technical measures in which specific requirements and locally appropriate measures can be developed, implemented and monitored;
   c) the increase of technical and financial support through public aid to the RACs to enable them to contribute appropriately to the achievement of this aim;
   d) the development of scientific and technical research shared at Community level;
   e) the integration of environmentally friendly fishing rules in long-term management;

20.  Underlines the importance of the Commission's communication, which should play a greater role in sea governance in order to build a positive long-term future both for those whose livelihoods depend on fishing and for the marine environment;

21.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission.

Preparations for the European Council: the Lisbon Strategy
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European Parliament resolution on the input to the Spring 2006 European Council in relation to the Lisbon Strategy

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to its resolution of 9 March 2005 on the mid-term review of the Lisbon Strategy(1),

–   having regard to the Commission Communication of 12 April 2005 on the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs (2005-2008) (COM(2005)0141),

–   having regard to the Commission Communication of 20 July 2005 on Common Actions for Growth and Employment: The Community Lisbon Programme (COM(2005)0330),

–   having regard to the 25 national Lisbon reform programmes (NRPs) as presented by the Member States,

–   having regard to the Commission's 2006 Annual Progress Report on Growth and Jobs of 25 January 2006,

–   having regard to the Presidency conclusions of the Lisbon European Council of 23 and 24 March 2000, the Stockholm European Council of 23 and 24 March 2001, the Barcelona European Council of 15 and 16 March 2002, and the Brussels European Councils of 22 and 23 March 2005 and 15 and 16 December 2005,

–   having regard to conclusions of the Hampton Court informal Heads of State meeting of 27 October 2005,

–   having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

General observations

1.  Notes with satisfaction that the revised Lisbon Strategy, which was agreed by the Spring 2005 European Council, has led to the presentation by all Member States of national action plans, focusing on priority areas such as R&D, innovation, and education; reiterates its satisfaction at the fact that this has led to the clarification of competences at EU and national level as well as a better understanding of and cooperation in this complex strategic approach;

2.  Stresses, however, that the effective and speedy implementation of NRPs is necessary; stresses that economic growth requires, inter alia, a supportive economic framework; asks the Member States and the EU, therefore, to assess whether tax systems, research and industrial policy set incentives appropriately and to agree on a coherent EU investment strategy, focusing on the Commission's four proposed priorities, in particular, within that context, on R&D, innovation, education, life-long learning, and social services, as well as the creation of an environment favourable to business;

3.  Insists that political commitment regarding the Commission's four priority areas is incompatible with the Financial Perspective (2007-2013), which provides for major cuts in spending proposals on key Lisbon Strategy programmes and budget headings;

NRPs and European growth and employment strategy

4.  Stresses the importance of accomplishing fully the internal market through its four core principles, namely the free movement of capital, goods, persons and services; stresses in this context that the adoption of the Services Directive(2) is crucial to opening up the EU's vast services market and contributing to a strong European economy and long-term job creation in accordance with the revised Lisbon Strategy;

5.  Takes the view that placing the emphasis on competitiveness and growth alone would be a mistake, because public support for the Lisbon Strategy presupposes a genuine social dimension;

6.  Is convinced that research, innovation, promotion of entrepreneurship, improving the competitiveness of SMEs, and the provision of adequate transport, energy and telecommunications networks are key to delivering the Lisbon Strategy at regional and local governance levels;

7.  Believes that the long-term stability and sustainability of public finances are a precondition for achieving the aims of the Lisbon Strategy; calls on the EU to bring together its fragmented growth strategies into a single coherent and comprehensive strategy, in order to make the EU a global leader in a new generation of products and production methods, integrating information and communication technologies and resource-efficient technologies for sustainable development;

8.  Welcomes the fact that many Member States' NRPs indicate plans for public-private partnerships, whether in research, higher education, or other sectors;

9.  Points to the potential offered by eco-innovations and environmental technologies, for which global demand is growing steadily, to foster growth and employment and, as regards employment, to shift the burden of taxation from labour to resource use and environmental degradation; calls upon the Commission and the Member States to explore these synergies and reduce environmentally hazardous subsidies;

10.  Notes the diverse national approaches to the integrated guidelines taken in the NRPs; believes in the need to set a common structure as the basis for the NRPs, allowing a better comparative analysis of the impact of the proposed actions at Member State level, as well as an open and constructive dialogue on the progress achieved at EU level;

11.  Stresses that delaying action or a failure to address environmental challenges, is likely to be costly, with negative effects on quality of life as well as the financial burden on future generations; calls on the Commission, therefore, to intensify its work on identifying and quantifying the cost of inaction at Member State and Community level, as well as on the positive effects of preventive action;

12.  Believes that national parliaments are the appropriate forum in which to discuss, legitimise and communicate national goals and to promote public debate, in order to define the NRPs; calls on the Council and the Commission jointly to establish clear procedures for identifying legislation in need of simplification or codification; calls, furthermore, on the Commission to come forward with a proposal, to be agreed with the Parliament, for a strategy concerning how and where to apply co-regulation and voluntary agreements;

13.  Calls on the Member States to ensure the speedy and accurate transposition of EU legislation and the effective implementation of the NRPs, including timely information to allow the European Parliament to take follow-up action; believes that the budgetary impact of those measures should be evaluated; requests that an independent impact assessment be conducted and that there be enhanced consultation of stakeholders;

14.  Stresses the need to accelerate the simplification and consolidation of EU legislation and to put more effort into the better regulation, prompt transposition and correct implementation of EU legislation; calls on the Commission to consider the effective implementation of the 2003 Interinstitutional Agreement on better law-making, including the development of appropriate mechanisms for stakeholder consultation, to be a matter of priority;

15.  Welcomes the clarification of the responsibilities and competences of the different institutional economic and social actors at EU, national and regional levels, and believes this to be crucial for developing a genuine sense of ownership as well as visibility and accountability among those involved; emphasises that a solid institutional framework is the basis for increased trust among citizens; believes that successful experiences should be highlighted and shared and that best practice should be encouraged; emphasises the need to set a clear time-frame for the implementation and definition of targets, as well as an efficient monitoring scheme; values fair competition as being a positive element in improving the EU's overall competitiveness, wealth and high social standards;

16.  Believes that a well-functioning internal market and labour market safeguarding social and environmental standards, are a vital means of freeing the EU's competitive potential, economic growth and job creation; calls upon the Member States to move as fast as possible towards total freedom of movement for workers and other citizens within the EU and to undertake determined action to promote the quality of work in all its aspects; attaches great importance to developing stronger actions against poverty and to promotion social inclusion;

17.  Is deeply concerned about the actions of a growing number of national governments that seek to take or have already taken defensive and protective measures in favour of national industries or companies; considers these measures to be an assault on the basic principles of the internal market since they create obstacles to the right of establishment of nationals of other Member States as well as to the free movement of capital within the Community; calls on the Commission to be far more outspoken and unambiguous in the defence of the internal market, including in the field of energy and financial services;

18.  Believes also that unlocking the business potential of SMEs will create new opportunities to bring young people into business, strengthen innovation systems and encourage private-sector investment in R&D;

19.  Calls for a focused set of environmental pressure indicators to be included in the presentation and evaluation of NRPs and in the Commission and Council policy documents related to the Lisbon Strategy;

20.  Notes that indicators are of crucial importance not only to assess but also to monitor policy action at national and EU level;

21.  Considers that the EU lacks the basic data needed to compare its overall economic, environmental and social situation with those of other regions and countries, and requests that the Commission to bring forward proposals for such overviews;

22.  Calls on the Commission to ensure that the EU structural funds are used in line with the Lisbon Strategy to monitor systematically, in particular, European regions in order to track their performances as regards the Lisbon Strategy goals, given that this information and statistical data make it possible for the regions to establish effective benchmarks between them and consequently to define best practice;

23.  Recalls that the completion of the trans-European transport networks (TEN-T) will play a vital role in fulfilling the targets set out in the Lisbon Strategy and that, in order to support this growth, the EU urgently needs efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable transport networks covering rail, road, inland waterway and maritime transport, as well as ports and airports; calls, therefore, on all parties involved to ensure that the completion of the TEN-T becomes a reality;

24.  Deplores the fact that the European Council intends to cut back the appropriations for trans-European networks called for by Parliament under the next Financial Perspective; recommends using the possibilities offered by the forthcoming launch of the Galileo system to improve electronic traffic flow management, which will necessitate the gradual introduction of an electronic toll system, preventing congestion and involving users in paying the real price of mobility;

Ageing population: demographic challenges

25.  Notes that, in addition to providing new opportunities for our societies, extended life expectancy could give rise to inter-generational tensions because of social security and pension system funding problems related to a rapid increase in the inactive population and a reduction in or, at best, the stabilisation of, the active population; recognises that every Member State will have to make its own choices concerning its social security and pension systems; observes that low economic growth, excessive debt and high unemployment will dramatically accentuate this demographic challenge; concludes that, to minimise the negative consequences of demographic change, it will be essential to implement the Lisbon Strategy in full, to create an inclusive society based on the promotion of high employment, high productivity, innovation and health;

26.  Considers that demographic change will require new and enhanced educational and social infrastructure for young and elderly people alike, including increased facilities for life-long learning, affordable childcare, nursing care and care for the elderly; reminds the Member States of the commitment that they entered into at the Barcelona European Council in 2002, namely that by 2010 they would provide day-care places for more than 33% of children under the age of three and for 90% of children between the age of three and school starting age;

27.  Recalls that modernising the social framework across the EU is a political imperative; insists that it is equally important to place the social dimension of our economies – social rights, social protection and the social dialogue – at the core of how we ensure that people can face up to economic change with self-confidence and ease; confirms that reforms must promote a dynamic and adaptable economy while safeguarding employment security (flexicurity);

28.  Takes the view that European society must seize the opportunity to utilise the expertise and skills of a generation of "senior citizens"; calls on the Commission and the Member States to develop "active ageing strategies", including measures to facilitate their integration, such as incentives to introduce a more gradual shift from work to retirement; requests the Commission to disseminate the best practices of Member States regarding preparing for retirement and moving into new, freely chosen areas of activity;

29.  Considers that, in order to attain the Lisbon Strategy goals, suitable measures should be taken for the elderly generations to be able to cope with technological innovations, avoid finding themselves in a position of vulnerability and social exclusion and be more actively involved in the labour market;

30.  Calls on the Commission to relaunch its strategy for new sources of jobs, in particular by inviting Member States to promote local community-based services, social services, personal services, cultural services and environmental professions; takes the view that unbureaucratic initiatives along the lines of the French service-voucher scheme are likely to create many new jobs and indeed eliminate undeclared working;

31.  Calls on Member States to act vigorously to identify all obstacles to birth rate growth, including obstacles outside the work place, such as tax policies, access to the housing market, childcare, and shopping hours; stresses the need to promote flexible working hours, enabling the combination of work and family life, which should not be the corollary of abandoning one's career, but should result from free choice; underlines that a healthy environment and the promotion of health in general are key elements for long-term economic growth and social welfare;

32.  Stresses that, apart from the issue of the ageing population, a fundamental problem of solidarity between generations exists in all those Member States that finance current public expenditure by borrowing; insists that the concept of sustainable development must be understood as precluding the imposition on future generations of an unaffordable debt burden; underlines the need for a long-term perspective, in which we ought to avoid further burdening the young and future generations with excessive financial debt;

33.  Considers that the healthcare aspects of demographic change are of extreme importance and need to be addressed from both a human and a financial perspective; emphasises that, because of ageing populations, the demand for health and long-term care services is increasing; is convinced that investment in measures for preventing long-term illness is important; recalls that the longer people enjoy good health, the longer they can remain active and work;

34.  Considers that immigration policies should promote the successful economic, social and legal integration of migrants, with a view to alleviating Europe's demographic challenge, but recognises that this in itself will not resolve all the questions related to demographic change; considers that a successful policy of legal immigration also depends on the implementation of a comprehensive and pro-active strategy to achieve full integration, covering a range of social, economic and civic measures, induction programmes and language training;

35.  Points out that immigration policies that give priority to skilled workers also weaken the economies of the countries of origin of those immigrants, and such labour movements are only capable of solving the challenges of demographic change in the short term; points out, nevertheless, that there should be a detailed assessment of the impact of immigration policies that prioritise skilled workers on the economies of their countries of origin;

Innovation and research, intellectual property rights (IPRs), and life-long learning

36.  Believes that innovation is one of the main cornerstones of wealth creation, growth and jobs, that it strengthens the EU's competitiveness and that it contributes to achieving the overall policy of sustainable development;

37.  Believes that the EU and Member State budgets should give effect and fully translate to the Lisbon Strategy priorities by significantly reinforcing the EU's innovation and research capacity and by expanding life-long learning, including the use of new financial instruments; insists, however, on focusing such policies on areas of general interest;

38.  Encourages the Commission to propose pilot projects in the field of R&D that would allow the creation of an EU perspective and develop European thinking in this field;

39.  Notes that the public sector is lagging behind the Lisbon Strategy objectives for R&D, and that, in general, the private sector is also a long way from meeting the target of investing 2% of GDP in R&D; calls, therefore, on the private sector to step up its efforts to meet its part of the 3% objective;

40.  Notes that medium-sized companies in particular are not investing enough in research; calls on the Member States to maximise their efforts to encourage innovation by medium-sized enterprises, but also by the EU's 20 million small businesses, which are spearheading economic growth and job creation in Europe; considers improved access for SMEs to the seventh framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013) (FP7) as crucial to the strengthening of SMEs" capacity to create jobs;

41.  Notes that the fact that Europe is lagging behind Japan and the USA in research and development is reflected in the imbalance in the proportion of researchers working in the private sector (80% in the USA as opposed to 50% in Europe); calls for measures to improve the mobility of researchers and provide better infrastructure in order to attract more students to scientific careers; insists that universities must be able to invest their know-how in new companies (start-ups) and acquire additional resources from patents and licences ('capital building licensing');

42.  Calls for measures to equip EU universities in order to meet the highest standards of research, to strengthen cooperation between universities and the industrial and commercial sectors, and to ensure better communication, dissemination and application of the outcomes of research;

43.  Considers life-long learning to be a necessity; considers also that, to ensure that EU industry is competitive, the quality of education and training systems must be reinforced at various stages of life and access to higher education must be facilitated; believes that education and training systems must target those areas where the EU is lacking skilled people and must respond to the requirements and gaps of a rapidly changing labour market and technological society;

44.  Calls on the Member States to focus first and foremost on the school drop-out rate at primary and secondary level and to improve what is on offer as regards education and continuing learning; notes huge differences between Member States;

45.  Considers that the number of Internet users is constantly increasing; takes the view that all young Europeans must have the possibility of mastering electronic tools; calls on the Member States to ensure that, by 2010 at the latest, a computer is available to every pupil in the EU, information technology is fully integrated in school programmes and the take-up and effective use of such programmes are universal in schools:

46.  Stresses the need to reform the current IPR legislation; notes that the cost of registering a patent in the EU varies between EUR 37 500 and EUR 57 000 while the same process costs only around EUR 10 000 in the USA and that the length and notes complexity of the patent procedures are major obstacles to SMEs; calls on the Commission to ensure proper protection of IPRs and to present, as soon as possible, a proposal for the harmonisation of patent laws in Member States in order to create greater legal certainty and promote innovation;

47.  Strongly supports the Commission's first Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013) (CIP) and stresses that objectives, actions and financial means are inseparably linked in the context of a credible commitment to the Lisbon Strategy; calls on the Commission to make the CIP a successful cornerstone of the EU's innovation policy; stresses the need to reinforce the CIP's financial instruments operated by the European Investment Fund, to enhance SME finance with venture capital and guarantees, and to extend its activities to the financing of technology transfer; highlights the fact that Parliament identified innovation as a core priority in the Financial Perspective and calls on the European Council not to ignore this ongoing pledge;

48.  Notes that, of the world's 20 largest biotechnology enterprises, 19 are American and 1 is Swiss and notes that the EU can no longer afford to fall further behind in this area; calls on the Commission to apply the principle of subsidiarity also in the area of research, and to support fundamental research in all Member States;

Energy policies

49.  Considers that a coherent and efficient energy policy is essential for economic growth in the EU and for the durable prosperity of EU citizens; notes, in particular, that energy security constitutes a strategic responsibility in view of the EU's dependence on third-country imports; and insists that measures be taken to ensure a secure long-term balance between supply and demand;

50.  Agrees with the conclusions of the Hampton Court informal Heads of State meeting in October 2005 that a shared view on a strategy for security of supply should respect Member States" geographical, economic, regional, climate and structural differences, promote further market opening in the EU, be consistent with sustainable development as well as climate change commitments within the energy sector, and add value over action by individual Member States;

51.  Calls on the Commission, in view of the Hampton Court conclusions, to ask it to develop a revitalised Community energy policy and to expedite its drafting of proposals on the subject; calls on the Commission to take much more determined action to ensure competitive, low and non-CO2-emitting energy sources and environmentally friendly supplies of energy, sufficiently diversified to avoid over-dependence on a single form of energy;

52.  Calls on the Commission to react strongly to the market dominance and market imperfections described in DG Competition's findings of its Energy Sector enquiry, published on 16 February 2006, and to come forward with new proposals on how to combat market dominance and market imperfections with a concrete set of actions and instruments;

53.  Looks forward, therefore, to the Spring 2006 European Council discussions on energy issues, which should lead, in particular, to concrete actions in the field of energy saving, resource efficiency, and further promotion of renewable energy, thereby also contributing to the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets of the Kyoto Protocol and beyond;

54.  Considers that the fight against climate change is creating economic and social opportunities which can help to bolster the sustainable development strategy – the third pillar of the Lisbon Strategy; considers that the evolution of the Kyoto framework after 2012 requires active consideration now to allow the markets to take into account the cost of carbon in major investment programmes;

55.  Insists that R&D and innovation in the energy field should remain a priority; calls for a long-term commitment by Member States to increased funding for R&D and to the creation of a European Energy Research Area; recognises that a change in approach to energy use should lead to a reduction by some 20% of energy consumption in the EU, with no approach being ruled out as a matter of course;

56.  Stresses, therefore, that the EU should invest significant resources in developing cleaner and more efficient technologies, such as clean carbon and CO2 sequestration, new energy sources and improved nuclear safety, inter alia, in search of technological breakthroughs;

57.  Calls on the Commission, in view of the EU's very substantial wind energy potential, especially along the coasts most exposed to sea winds, to have an assessment made of this potential;

58.  Notes the considerable potential for energy efficiency gains, reductions in polluting emissions and a world-wide market for new equipment and systems from clean coal technology, and calls on industry and the FP7 to achieve a successful demonstration of clean coal power systems;

59.  Calls for increased efforts to ensure that Member States implement existing legislation on the internal energy market and that the established targets for renewable energy, biofuels and energy efficiency are met fully; welcomes the proposed directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services (COM(2003)0739) and calls for its speedy and consistent implementation throughout the EU;

60.  Considers that increased investments in cleaner and more efficient technology are crucial and that the EU could also benefit greatly by exporting these technologies to countries whose exponential increase in energy consumption will force them to invest considerable amounts in efficiency improvements;

61.  Calls on the Commission and the Council to offer wide-ranging cooperation on energy policy to all countries consuming high volumes of oil and natural gas, starting with the US, Japan, China and India; takes the view that such cooperation could ease tensions concerning oil and natural gas pricing, in particular if a code of conduct would not only eliminate rivalries in the major production regions, but would also, simultaneously, lead to an exchange of best technologies with regard to energy savings, energy efficiency and environmentally friendly energy sources;

62.  Recalls that the EU possesses globally acknowledged expertise in the area of nuclear energy, which is one possible response to energy dependence and climate change; notes that this expertise relates, inter alia, to the efficiency and quality of production installations, and to decommissioning processes ("decommissioning to greenfield", in IAEA terminology);

63.  Recognises the role that nuclear energy currently plays in maintaining security of electricity supply, constituting a significant part of the energy mix and avoiding an estimated 312 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, that is, 7% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU; points out that current estimates project a 12% increase in EU CO2 emissions by 2020, which is well short of the Kyoto target 8% reduction;

64.  Is aware that long-term energy security is not possible without the economically and ecologically meaningful development of renewable energies; calls on the Commission to establish market-based incentives in order to make renewable energies economic as rapidly as possible; calls on the Commission to help expand the use of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly and sustainable energy source; and on a long-term basis thereby to reduce dependence on politically unstable exporting countries; realises that renewable energy systems can technically provide a limited percentage of energy supply;

65.  Encourages the Commission, when evaluating the energy question, to consider it from different perspectives, such as the energy mix, market evolution, investment, research funds, as well as to consider the possibility of creating and developing a system providing an exchange of information between Member States;

66.  Considers that the lack of interconnections between Member States" infrastructures is a barrier to the single market and calls on the Member States to complete the trans-European energy networks in order to tackle this problem; considers that, at national level, Member States should ensure that generation plants are as evenly distributed across their territory and as close to the main consumption points as possible;

67.  Welcomes with interest the integrated approach followed by High-Level Group CARS21 as well as its conclusions, and expects the Commission to be guided by the road map adopted by CARS21 with a view to submitting proposals promptly to reduce pollutant emissions from light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles, in particular through improvements to vehicle technology, such as the development of hybrid vehicles, and the use of second-generation biofuels, derivable from a wide variety of raw materials; calls on the Member States to be guided by Sweden's initiative to make it compulsory for all service stations to sell biofuels;

68.  Believes that EU agriculture could find new markets thanks to the promotion of the crops being used to produce biofuel, which will contribute indirectly to the maintenance of food safety in Europe;

69.  69 Draws attention also to existing examples in the EU of the use of biomass for heating and electrical supply, which highlight capacity of alternative energies and the inter-relation among energy, environment and agriculture, for the ultimate benefit of citizens and their quality of life as well as the economic sectors involved, in the framework of sustainable development;

70.  Stresses the importance of fully accomplishing the internal market with well-functioning and non-discriminatory competition and pursuing the liberalisation of energy markets by 2007, as agreed by Member States;

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71.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission.

(1) OJ C 320 E, 15.12.2005, p.164.
(2) Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market, 5.3.2004 (COM(2004)0002.

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