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Procedure : 2007/2016(REG)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A6-0139/2007

Texts tabled :


Debates :

Votes :

PV 22/05/2007 - 9.4
CRE 22/05/2007 - 9.4
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Texts adopted
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Tuesday, 22 May 2007 - Strasbourg
Cooperation between committees (amendment of Rule 47)

European Parliament decision of 22 May 2007 on amendment of Rule 47 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure - cooperation between committees (2007/2016(REG))

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the proposal for amendment of its Rules of Procedure (B6-0461/2006),

–   having regard to Rules 201 and 202 of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (A6-0139/2007),

1.  Decides to amend its Rules of Procedure as shown below;

2.  Points out that the amendment will enter into force on the first day of the next part-session;

3.  Instructs its President to forward this decision to the Council and Commission, for information.

Present text   Amendment
Amendment 3
Rule 47
Enhanced cooperation between committees
Procedure with associated committees
Where in the opinion of the Conference of Presidents a question falls almost equally within the competence of two committees, or where different parts of the question fall under the competence of two different committees, Rule 46 shall apply with the following additional provisions:
Where a question of competence has been referred to the Conference of Presidents pursuant to Rules 179(2) or 45, and the Conference of Presidents, on the basis of Annex VI, considers that the matter falls almost equally within the competence of two or more committees, or that different parts of the matter fall under the competence of two or more committees, Rule 46 shall apply with the following additional provisions:
- the timetable shall be jointly agreed by the two committees;
- the timetable shall be jointly agreed by the committees concerned;
- the rapporteur and the draftsman shall endeavour to agree on the texts they propose to their committees and on their position regarding amendments;
- the rapporteur and the draftsmen shall keep each other informed and shall endeavour to agree on the texts they propose to their committees and on their position regarding amendments;
- the chairmen, rapporteur and draftsmen concerned shall endeavour to jointly identify areas of the text falling within their exclusive or joint competences and agree on the precise arrangements for their cooperation;
- the committee responsible shall accept without a vote amendments from the committee asked for an opinion where they concern matters which the chairman of the committee responsible considers, on the basis of Annex VI, after consulting the chairman of the committee asked for an opinion, to fall under the competence of the committee asked for an opinion, and which do not contradict other elements of the report
- the committee responsible shall accept without a vote amendments from an associated committee where they concern matters which the chairman of the committee responsible considers, on the basis of Annex VI, after consulting the chairman of the associated committee, to fall under the exclusive competence of the associated committee and which do not contradict other elements of the report. The chairman of the committee responsible shall take account of any agreement reached under the third indent;
- in the event of a conciliation procedure taking place on the proposal, Parliament's delegation shall include the draftsman of any associated committee.
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