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Procedure : 2006/2250(INI)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A6-0323/2007

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Debates :

PV 26/09/2007 - 2
CRE 26/09/2007 - 2

Votes :

PV 26/09/2007 - 6.7
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Wednesday, 26 September 2007 - Strasbourg
The fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals

European Parliament resolution of 26 September 2007 on Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals (2006/2250(INI))

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the Commission Communication on Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals (COM(2006)0402),

   having regard to the Commission Communication on the Policy Plan on Legal Migration (COM(2005)0669), and to its resolution of 26 September 2007(1) on that subject,

   having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions of 13 February 2007 on 'Policy Plan on Legal Migration, Fight against Illegal Immigration, Future of the European Migration Network'(2),

   having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 4 and 5 November 2004 and the Hague Programme included therein(3),

–   having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament entitled 'The Global Approach to Migration one year on: Towards a comprehensive European migration policy' (COM(2006)0735),

–   having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 15 and 16 December 2005 on the 'Global approach to migration: Priority Actions focussing on Africa and the Mediterranean', as reiterated in the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 14 and 15 December 2006,

–   having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 21 and 22 June 2007 and the mandate of the IGC in the area of justice and home affairs,

–   having regard to its resolution of 9 June 2005 on the link between legal and illegal migration and the integration of immigrants(4),

–   having regard to its resolution of 28 September 2006 on the EU common immigration policy(5), in which it regretted the fact that 'seven years after the adoption of the Tampere programme, the European Union does not have a coherent immigration policy',

–   having regard to its resolution of 15 February 2007 on refugees from Iraq(6),

–   having regard to Council Decision 2006/688/EC of 5 October 2006 on the establishment of a mutual information mechanism concerning Member States' measures in the areas of asylum and immigration(7),

–   having regard to Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection(8),

–   having regard to the outcome of the EU-Africa ministerial conference on migration and development held in Rabat on 10 and 11 July 2006,

–   having regard to the joint Africa-EU declaration on migration and development, adopted at the EU-Africa ministerial conference held in Tripoli on 22 and 23 November 2006,

–   having regard to the EU Action Plan against trafficking in human beings adopted by the Council on 1 and 2 December 2005,

–   having regard to its recommendation to the Council of 16 November 2006(9) calling for a new EU strategy to fight trafficking in human beings,

–   having regard to the Commission Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions 'Applying the Global Approach to Migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions Neighbouring the European Union' (COM(2007)0247),

–   having regard to the Commission Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on circular migration and mobility partnerships between the European Union and third countries (COM(2007)0248),

–   having regard to the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council providing for sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals (COM(2007)0249,

–   having regard to Regulation (EC) No 863/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 establishing a mechanism for the creation of Rapid Border Intervention Teams(10),

   having regard to the Treaty of Amsterdam and its conferral on the Community of powers and responsibilities in the areas of' immigration and asylum, and to Article 63 of the EC Treaty,

–   having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Development (A6-0323/2007),

A.   whereas migration is a global phenomenon which is growing and therefore also affects the European Union,

B.   whereas the number of third-country nationals in an irregular situation in the EU appears to be, according to somewhat conflicting estimates, between 4.5 m and 8 million; whereas the statistical data available need to be improved in terms of quality and consistency,

C.   whereas the extent of migratory movements is now such that Member States lack the capacity to manage them individually, and a global and coherent approach to immigration at European level is therefore required; whereas the lack of a suitable response to the arrival of irregular immigrants at the Union's borders points up both the low degree of solidarity among Member States and the failure to coordinate policy despite the existing declarations and commitments,

D.   whereas a common EU immigration policy requires that Member States abide by the principles of solidarity, shared responsibility, mutual trust and transparency,

E.   whereas immigration policy needs to be global and must take account of a whole range of aspects, especially: the fight against clandestine immigration and human trafficking , the need to improve and coordinate legal immigration channels, the causes of emigration from third countries (push factors such as under-development, poverty, wars, dictatorships, failing State institutions, the consequences of climate change and environmental disasters, etc), the factors of attraction to the Union (pull factors such as standard of living, democracy, peace, job opportunities including irregular employment, etc); the Member States' demographic and economic needs; the coherence of the measures taken at local, national and European level; issues of integration and cultural mixing; respect for fundamental rights, especially the right to asylum and non-refoulement; and the fight against racism and xenophobia,

F.   whereas the fight against human trafficking constitutes a priority for the Union, in particular with a view to combating trafficking in the most vulnerable groups such as women and children and to dismantling the gangs and mafias which benefit from it,

G.   whereas many people in an irregular situation originally enter the European Union legally, but then cease to fulfil their entry conditions;

H.   whereas illegal and legal immigration are closely interrelated and the fight against illegal immigration is vital for the establishment of a policy for legal immigration,

I.   whereas extending opportunities for legal immigration would reduce the number of illegal entries;

J.   whereas the reluctance of some governments to recognise the extent of the need of a migrant workforce can place employers in a difficult situation, when trying to fulfil business needs within legal requirements concerning documentation,

K.   whereas the cooperation of the EU and its Member States with the third countries of origin and transit is vital, and an effective and practical policy of co-development must be put in place with a view to addressing at an early stage in third countries the root causes of immigration,

L.   whereas both the causes of immigration and its positive aspects (notably its impact on the economy and demography and in the cultural enrichment of our societies) tend to be absent from the public debate, which focuses largely on its difficulties and problems,

M.   whereas within a few decades immigration has become a central issue of public debate throughout the European Union, a politically highly sensitive issue which can easily be exploited for demagogic and populist purposes, and whereas politicians and media representatives should be aware of the importance of using a correct discourse on this issue;

General approach

1.  Welcomes the Commission's approach, which will play a key role in stimulating more coherent and effective action by Member States;

2.  Welcomes the above-mentioned initiative on 'Applying the Global Approach to Migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions Neighbouring the European Union' ; calls on the Member States and the Commission to ensure that sufficient human and financial resources are allocated for the proper implementation of the comprehensive approach to migration;

3.  Welcomes the institutional implications of the draft Reform Treaty, as set by the IGC mandate, in particular the extension of codecision and qualified majority voting to all immigration policies, the clarification of EU competence on visas and border controls, the extension of EU competence on asylum as well as the extension of EU competence in respect of legal and illegal immigration;

4.  Believes it essential to collect and harmonise statistical data on migration; calls on the Member States and the Commission, together with Eurostat, to take steps to correct the existing lack of coherent and reliable data, in liaison with the European Migration Network (EMN) and with international organisations such as the OECD; welcomes the adoption of the above-mentioned Regulation (EC) n°862/2007; calls on all the Member States to produce statistics that are consistent with the harmonised definitions and to provide all the required information for the interpretation of the statistics produced;

5.  Believes that immigration is a challenge at European level and global level and must be responded to on the same levels; considers that the Union as a whole must equip itself with the means of seizing the threefold opportunity - economic, demographic and social - which immigration could represent for our societies;

6.  Considers it inappropriate to take hasty action to deal with migration flows, given that there has been a constant flow of immigrants for some years now, which therefore requires a medium- and long-term approach;

7.  Believes that, as part of its immigration policy, the Union must carry out coherent actions both within and outside its borders (the double dimension, internal and external);

8.  Emphasises that conflicts in the whole world with an international dimension trigger migrant influxes;

9.  Expects the Commission to submit a study of the impact of climate change on migration, in liaison with the UN;

10.  Stresses that the responsibility of transporters and the authorities of the countries of origin, as well as the strengthening of the criminal legal framework to fight trafficking rings, combating illegal employment and human trafficking, and exposing administrative corruption, form an essential part of the fight against illegal immigration, which needs also to based on an advanced level of police and judicial cooperation;

11.  Stresses the importance of development cooperation as a means of acting on the root causes of migration, and as an instrument that is not an alternative to but complementary to the Union's policies on integration and migration;

12.  Recalls that the EU's Mediterranean neighbours and eastern neighbours in particular receive the majority of immigrants originally en route to Europe; considers it crucial to ensure that the fundamental human rights of those immigrants are respected, with special attention being paid to the rights of unaccompanied minors; stresses the need for the EU to strengthen its cooperation with all Mediterranean partner countries as regards the management of migration flows, and to provide them with support in combating illegal immigration; points out the importance of strengthening links between North- and Sub-Saharan African countries and with the Asian countries of origin;

13.  Stresses that irregular migrants must not be treated like criminals; recalls that many of them risk their lives seeking freedom or the means of subsistence in Europe; considers that it is the politicians' responsibility to implement a coherent and effective policy to fight illegal immigration, whilst taking into account the safeguards and fundamental human rights, while at the same time reminding the public of the contribution made by legal immigration to economic growth and demographic patterns in Europe;

14.  Stresses that all measures to fight clandestine immigration and step up external border controls must be consistent with the existing guarantees and fundamental human rights, in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), especially with regard to the right to asylum and the right of non-refoulement;

15.  Emphasises that the temporary reception centres for irregular migrants both within and outside the Union must be run on a basis compatible with the protection of fundamental rights, for which best practices regarding in particular, accommodation, schooling and access to healthcare, financial means and rules of law must be exchanged between all levels and organisations involved such as local and national authorities, European institutions and NGOs;

16.  Is shocked by the inhumane conditions prevailing in various detention centres for migrants and asylum seekers visited by its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs;

17.  Reiterates its firm opposition to the idea of setting up reception or holding centres for illegal immigrants or asylum seekers outside the Union's borders and in immigrants' regions of origin;

18.  Takes note of the Commission's review of Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 ('Dublin II'); recalls the need for a revision of this Regulation and that this review should also address the Regulation's basic principle, that is, that the Member State responsible for handling an asylum application is the country of first entry, given that this places a disproportionate and unsustainable burden on some Member States;

19.  Stresses the need for specific precautions to be taken regarding women and children, especially unaccompanied minors, persons with serious health problems and people with disabilities, who require aid and adapted protection measures, notably in the case of return measures;

20.  Calls on the Member States to include in their respective migration policies a high level of health protection of immigrants by providing preventive care and medical treatment;

21.  Calls for closer cooperation among regional and local authorities and social partners with a view to exchanging best practices regarding, in particular, accommodation, schooling and access to healthcare;

22.  Stresses the need to pay greater attention to the language used to describe illegal immigration, in order to improve perceptions in society; believes that an effort must be made in education and in the information offered by the media to transmit such basic values of the Union as tolerance, solidarity, mutual respect and the need to fight discrimination and xenophobia;

Commission's priorities
Cooperation with third countries

23.  Believes that the multidimensional character of immigration calls for close cooperation with all the third countries concerned; considers that the Rabat and Tripoli ministerial conferences in 2006 and the UN Global Migration Forum held in Brussels in July 2007 (at which Parliament was represented) marked the start of the dialogue which is needed between the countries of origin and transit and the European countries receiving immigration, and that this dialogue must lay the bases of a full-scale partnership grounded in co-development; believes that, with regard to illegal immigration, it must aim to introduce readmission agreements or improve the workings of such agreements;

24.  Notes, as an example of good practice, the fact that certain Member States have signed cooperation agreements on immigration with various African countries, identifying the link between migration and development; encourages the Member States and the Commission to step up cooperation and continue to develop programmes of this nature;

25.  Calls on the Commission and the Council to pursue the development of the Regional Protection Programmes in cooperation with countries of origin and transit, and to inform Parliament of the experience gained with the pilot projects implemented so far; welcomes the launch of an EU Programme on Migration and Development in Africa of an initial amount of EUR 40 million, with the objective of creating new jobs in Africa, and asks the Commission to provide more information on practical modalities; applauds, in this context, the signing of the cooperation agreement with Mali by the Commission, with the support of Spain and France, with a view to the opening of the first Migration Information and Management Centre, to be created with funding from that Programme;

26.  Calls on the Commission to take all appropriate measures to expand the sources of information which are available in countries of origin on the possibilities of, and conditions attaching to, legal immigration into the EU;

27.  Calls on the Union, the ACP governments and governments of other countries of origin to implement and apply policies aimed at maximising the positive impact of remittances by ensuring that they pass through official transfer systems, thereby making them more substantial, swifter, less expensive to carry out and better channelled; takes the view that it is important to involve immigrants in the development of their countries of origin;

28.  Calls on the Commission to explore suitable means of supporting and developing the use of microcredit;

29.  Calls on the Union to pursue a coherent external policy, especially in terms of the compatibility and convergence of the objectives of the common commercial policy and development policy; an "EU ´Development Plan for Africa'" should be considered, where financial support and trade agreements are linked to democracy, human rights development and migration so as to offer an alternative to people to leaving their country of origin;

30.  Calls for questions concerning illegal immigration to have priority in the European Union's relations with third countries, especially the countries of origin and/or transit of illegal immigrants;

31.  Calls on the Commission to submit an annual state-of-play report to Parliament on the funds used for the fight against illegal immigration and on the legislation in force, its implementation by the Member States and the legislation in preparation;

32.  Recalls that particular stress should be laid on implementing Article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement, as regards both readmission and strengthening the dialogue procedures under the agreement; stresses the need to support capacity-building in the countries of origin and transit for the management of immigration, with a view to reinforcing the institutions and means available for its control (public administration and legal framework, training, border alert teams, anti-trafficking security corps, etc); points out that every ACP State is required to agree to the return and readmission of its own nationals illegally present on the territory of a Member State, at the latter's request; recalls that the countries of origin and transit must assume their responsibilities and fulfil their obligations to control illegal immigration, and that information campaigns are needed on the risks involved, the EU Member States' policies on return, and the agreements existing on legal immigration and the opportunities they offer;

33.  Takes the view that the granting of aid requested from the European Union by third countries with a view to combating networks of illegal immigrant smugglers active on their own territory should be made contingent on collaboration by those countries and the efforts they make in this area;

Security and integrated management of the external borders

34.  Stresses the importance of border controls in the fight against illegal immigration; reaffirms that border controls must be operated in a spirit of sharing of responsibilities and solidarity between Member States and with migrants being held in acceptable conditions and on a basis of full respect for the law on asylum and international protection, including the principle of non-refoulement;

35.  Believes that FRONTEX must have the resources that are necessary for its actions as is stressed in Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2007/2004 (management of technical equipment); deeply regrets the fact that some Member States have failed to honour their undertakings to provide logistic and human support for its operations; considers that the Centralised Record of Available Technical Equipment (CRATE) or the so-called "toolbox" can only be meaningful if Member States fulfil their pledges with respect to technical equipment; encourages FRONTEX to conclude working agreements with the countries participating in the ENP and other third countries;

36.  Welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament and by the Council of the above-mentioned Regulation establishing a mechanism for the creation of Rapid Border Intervention Teams on the basis of the principle of solidarity between Member States; notes that the RABITs legislative initiative has, for the first time, made solidarity in the area of immigration compulsory, rather than merely optional; calls on the Commission to put forward a new legislative proposal to the effect that, likewise, the principle of solidarity becomes compulsory with respect to pledges made by Member States to the CRATE; recalls that each Member State is to ensure the presence of a reserve of qualified personnel and therefore calls on the Member States to allow for the creation of genuine European rapid border intervention teams;

37.  Calls on the Member States to set up permanent joint monitoring patrols, operating throughout the year and coordinated by FRONTEX, in all high-risk areas and especially at the sea borders;

38.  Calls on the Council to take action for the swift establishment of the European patrol network and the implementation of the European monitoring system for the southern sea borders;

39.  Considers that steps should be taken to incorporate into the mandate of FRONTEX and rapid intervention teams at the EU's sea borders operations to rescue migrants and asylum seekers who are in emergency situations where their lives are at risk;

40.  Reminds all Member States and third countries to respect international law and international obligations relating to search and rescue of persons at sea; considers that Member States are jointly responsible for saving lives at sea; takes note of the proposal made by Malta in the JHA Council for an agreement among EU Member States by which illegal immigrants saved at sea by EU registered vessels in the search and rescue region of a non-EU state which is refusing to assume its responsibilities would be shared between EU Member States on a strictly proportional basis and according to a pre-accepted system;

41.  Considers that, in the face of the migratory flow from the African continent towards Europe, Southern Member States on the external frontiers of the Union, notably smaller Member States, such as Malta and Cyprus, are currently shouldering a disproportionate burden which calls for the strengthening of measures for the joint management of the Union's external borders;

42.  Asks the Commission to increase, in the framework of the ENP, concrete measures aimed at providing technical and financial support to neighbouring countries as concerns both the securing of their borders with the EU and their other borders;

43.  Recommends the use of technology in border controls, systematic recourse to the Visa Information System, and future implementation of a system for the automated registration of arrivals and departures;

Security of travel and identity documents

44.  Stresses the need to promote the issue of secure identity documents in the countries of origin in order to facilitate the identification of illegal immigrants entering Union territory;

45.  Welcomes the agreement reached by Parliament and the Council on the Visa Information System, which will facilitate the effective implementation of the Community visa policy and should help reinforce the fight against illegal immigration;

46.  Recalls that the development of biometric tools to reinforce document security and authenticity, which is essential to combat fraud, illegal immigration and trafficking in people, makes border crossing easier for bona fide travellers and that it must take place on a basis of respect for data protection pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC for activities falling under the first pillar; for those covered by the third pillar, awaits the adoption of a specific framework decision, and in this context supports the action undertaken by the German Council Presidency;

47.  Reiterates that without suitable data protection measures consideration cannot be given to introducing automated checks on persons entering and leaving Union territory; takes the view that such a system would facilitate verification of the status of third-country nationals entering European Union territory and would improve the Member States' ability to check whether a third-country national has outstayed his or her authorised period of residence;

The fight against trafficking in people

48.  Is convinced that particular attention must be paid to the fight against human trafficking and those who are victims of such trafficking, especially vulnerable persons, women and children, with action against traffickers becoming one of the Union's priorities; welcomes the Commission's action plan on the matter, and stresses that this plan should take account of the need to cooperate with the countries of origin and transit;

49.  Points out that combating trafficking in human beings, particularly trafficking in women and children, is an EU priority, making it necessary to allocate adequate financial resources to that activity;

50.  Recalls that it is high time to establish clear and concrete targets, for example that of halving the number of victims of human trafficking over the next ten-year period; considers, nonetheless, that the overriding goal must of course be to eliminate this form of crime entirely as soon as possible;

51.  Is aware that numerous women who are victims of trafficking are living in the Union as irregular immigrants, in most cases with no access to legal or social protection; calls on the Member States to take into account these people's situation and, in conformity with their national law, improve their situation or assist them in returning home;

52.  Stresses that these actions must avoid the victims of human trafficking being targeted or having their interests damaged;

53.  Recalls that illegal immigration involves the transfer of large amounts of money into the hands of the mafias who control the human trafficking gangs and promote corruption, fraud and the exploitation of immigrant labour, and that this is an obstacle in the fight against illegal immigration;

54.  Expresses deep shock at the sheer organisation of criminal networks responsible for boat crossings from Africa to Europe and at Europe's inability to stop them; boats crossing to Europe are of the same size, usually laden with thirty people, of the same colour, powered by the same engine and supplied with food, drink and other provisions which are of the same make and brand, all factors which amply demonstrate how criminality has so far proved more effective than common European action; is convinced that this cynical network is responsible for the death of hundreds of people whose lives are lost at sea; calls on the Commission and Council to redouble their efforts in the fight against human trafficking;

55.  Calls on the institutions, the Member States and Europol to mobilise to implement the medium-term action programme against trafficking in people, targeting it on traffickers, 'people smugglers' and mafias;

56.  Takes into consideration Council Directive 2004/81/EC of 29 April 2004 on the residence permit issued to third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings or who have been the subject of an action to facilitate illegal immigration, who cooperate with the competent authorities(11), the EU Plan on best practices, standards and procedures for combating and preventing trafficking in human beings(12) adopted in December 2005 and welcomes the above-mentioned joint Africa-EU declaration on migration and development;

57.  Recalls the important contribution by the Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings, set up in 2003 by the Commission, in terms of monitoring and policy recommendations and expects it to be continued;

The regularisation issue

58.  Recalls that numerous Member States have carried out regularisations or said they will do so, and that these decisions are, in the present state of law, a matter for the discretion of the Member States but quite often a signal of lack of appropriate measures in place to deal with a phenomenon which forms a part of societies in most Member States and believes that en masse regularisation of illegal immigrants should be a one-off event since such a measure does not resolve the real underlying problems;

59.  Is aware that changes to immigration policy in a Member State can influence migratory movements and trends in others; believes that, pursuant to the principles of loyal cooperation and mutual solidarity, Member States should operate a mutual information system (for national measures on migration and asylum that are liable to affect other Member States or the Community), and notes that such a system has begun to come into operation in 2007, as evidenced at the most recent JHA Councils, for the exchange of information and experience on best practice;

Combating a key factor of attraction: illegal employment

60.  Welcomes the Commission's above-mentioned proposal for a directive providing for sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals, providing essentially for administrative penalties, exclusion from public contracts, and, for the worst offences, criminal penalties;

61.  Calls on the Union and the Member States to take firm steps to combat the illegal employment of immigrants, activating a range of penalties on employers, stepping up workplace inspections on the basis of the human and material resources needed to fight illegal recruitment, and promoting measures to protect immigrants;

62.  Stresses that measures against illegal employment incorporate not only an economic and a social, but also a psychological dimension: by eliminating some of the factors which make Europe attractive (possibility of finding work, even if only under conditions flagrantly at odds with fundamental rights) they seek to reduce the incentive to emigrate to the EU and also help cut back the black economy;

63.  Believes that the adoption of measures against illegal employment has come late in the day, even though it is one of the main factors of attraction for illegal immigrants and a catalyst for exploitation;

64.  Urges the different Councils competent in the matter to redouble their coordination efforts in the discussion of this proposal for a directive;

65.  Calls on the Member States to rigorously apply their national legal provisions concerning undeclared work, that will soon have to be in line with the future Directive;

66.  Considers that Member States must make efforts to investigate illegal employment, specially in the sectors where immigrants are employed; calls upon the Commission and Member States to tackle this exploitation vigorously; notes that one element in this work could be information campaigns aimed at employers and employees to draw attention to the adverse impact which clandestine employment can have on national social insurance systems, public finances, fair competition, economic results and employees themselves; recalls the importance of including representatives of the two sides of industry in such a process;

Policy on return

67.  Recalls the responsibility of the countries of origin and transit concerning readmission, and believes there should be a Europe-wide policy on return that combines effectiveness with respect for the dignity and physical integrity of the individual, pursuant to the ECHR and the Geneva Convention;

68.  Calls for the adoption during the Portuguese presidency of the proposal for a directive on return, and for the definition at European level of the rules and conditions that should govern policy on return; stresses the importance of an effective return policy as one of the factors liable to deter illegal immigration;

69.  Calls on the Commission to undertake an evaluation of policy on return (effectiveness of the agreements in force of all Member States, analysis of the causes of delays in the negotiations regarding partnership agreements with third countries concerned, practices in countries of origin and transit, practical implementation of readmission agreements, including their compatibility with fundamental rights, etc);

70.  Calls on the Council and Commission, regarding the readmission of irregular immigrants, to develop European agreements with the third countries concerned;

Improving the exchange of information using the existing instruments

71.  Calls on all the players concerned to step up their exchanges of information, including, whenever necessary, FRONTEX and Europol; believes that cooperation between immigration liaison officers should be a priority; considers that Parliament should be kept regularly informed on the development and results of the ICONet network;

Transporters' responsibilities

72.  Believes it is necessary to evaluate the measures taken in this area, and, in particular, the implementation of Directive 2001/51/ECof 28 June 2001 supplementing the provisions of Article 26 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985(13) and the forum, set up in 2001, of representatives of the Member States, the transport sector and humanitarian organisations;

73.  Invites the Commission and Council to take part in an annual debate before Parliament on the Union's immigration policy; calls on the Commission to present, on that occasion, a comprehensive report on developments in immigration in Europe, including full statistical data;

74.  Calls on its competent committee to engage in close and regular dialogue with the committees on immigration of the national parliaments, and to continue its cooperation with the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;

75.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Governments and Parliaments of the Member States, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration.

(1) Texts adopted, P6_TA(2007)0414.
(2) OJ C 146, 30.6.2007, p. 1.
(3) European Council Conclusions, Annex I, point III.
(4) OJ C 124 E, 25.5.2006, p. 535.
(5) OJ C 306 E, 15.12.2006, p. 394.
(6) Texts adopted, P6_TA(2007)0056.
(7) OJ L 283, 14.10.2006, p. 40.
(8) OJ L 199, 31.7.2007, p. 23.
(9) OJ C 314 E, 21.12.2006, p. 355.
(10) OJ L 199, 31.7.2007, p. 30.
(11) OJ L 261, 6.8.2004, p.19.
(12) OJ C 311, 9.12.2005, p.1.
(13) OJ L 187, 10.7.2001, p. 45.

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