European Parliament legislative resolution of 26 September 2007 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Institute of Technology (COM(2006)0604 – C6-0355/2006 – 2006/0197(COD))
– having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2006)0604),
– having regard to Articles 251(2) and 157(3) of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C6-0355/2006),
– having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to the report of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and the opinions of the Committee on Culture and Education, the Committee on Budgets, the Committee on Budgetary Control and the Committee on Legal Affairs (A6-0293/2007),
1. Approves the Commission proposal as amended;
2. Considers that the compatibility of the Commission proposal with the ceilings of the multiannual financial framework is not ensured;
3. Calls on the Council to enter into negotiations with the Parliament on the financing of both the European Institute of Technology (EIT), in accordance with point 47 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (IIA)(1) and the financing of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities, using all possibilities offered by the IIA;
4. Recalls that the position does not pre-empt the outcome of the procedure laid down in point 47 of the IIA which applies to the setting up of the EIT;
5. Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text;
6. Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.
Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 26 September 2007 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EC) No .../2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Institute of Innovation and Technology
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 157(3) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission║,
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(2),
Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions(3),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty(4),
(1) The Lisbon Growth and Jobs Agenda underscores the need to develop conditions which are attractive to investment in knowledge and innovation in Europe to boost competitiveness, growth and jobs in the European Union.
(2) Member States are primarily responsible for sustaining a strong European industrial, competitive and innovative base. However, the nature and scale of the innovation challenge in the European Union also requires ║ action to be taken at Community level.
(3) The Community should provide support to foster innovation, in particular through the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, the ║ Lifelong Learning Programme and the Structural Funds.
(4) A new initiative at Community level hereafter referred to as "the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (the EIT)" should be established as a complement to existing Community and national policies and initiatives by fostering the integration of the knowledge triangle − innovation, research and education − across the European Union, thereby facilitating cooperation and exchange and creating synergies between centres of excellence and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular.
(5) The Brussels European Council of 15 and 16 June 2006 invited the Commission to prepare a formal proposal for the establishment of the EIT to be presented in autumn 2006.
(6) The EIT should mainly have the objective of contributing to the development of the Community and the Member States innovation capacity, by █involving education, research and innovation activities at high standards of excellence, aiming at facilitating and enhancing networking and cooperation and creating synergies between innovation communities in Europe.
(7)In order to strengthen effectively the ties and links between innovation, research and higher education, the transfer of these three components to the industrial context and their application must be given priority and made the main focus of the actions of the EIT.
(8) Through its Governing Board, the EIT should identify strategic long-term challenges for innovation in Europe, particularly in trans- and/or inter-disciplinary areas including those already identified at European level in the strategic research agendas of the European technology platforms and joint technology initiatives as well as the near-market cluster projects of the intergovernmental EUREKA initiative, and should provide a transparent and excellence-based selection process for Knowledge and Innovation Communities (hereinafter referred to as "KICs") in these fields. Membership of the Governing Board of the EIT should balance experience from the business and the research/academic worlds.
(9)Academic and business freedom should be secured for the EIT and the KICs so that they can develop their own entrepreneurial and innovative culture.
(10)A pilot phase, with a limited number of KICs, is needed in order to properly evaluate the functioning of the EIT and the KICs and where necessary introduce improvements. During this pilot phase, the Governing Board of the EIT should select KICs in areas that help the European Union to face today's challenges and those of tomorrow, such as climate change, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency or the next generation of information and communication technologies.
(11) In order to contribute to the competitiveness and to reinforce the international attractiveness of the European economy and to make European innovation capacity more visible, the EIT should be able to attract partner organisations, researchers and students from all over the world and to cooperate with third-country organisations by encouraging mobility for researchers and students.
(12)Since the EIT is intended to be a flagship for European innovation and research, it should be located near existing centres of European excellence and academic reputation in order to best benefit from existing infrastructure.
(13)In order to increase its attractiveness, the EIT, together with partner institutions, should create an appropriate structure allowing students and graduates to obtain an apprenticeship and/or recruitment in leading partner organisations within KICs.
(14) The EIT should primarily operate through excellence-driven long-term strategic partnerships on an inter- and/or trans-disciplinary basis of key potential economic and societal interest for Europe. These partnerships should be selected by the EIT Governing Board and designated as KICs. While they should be legally autonomous, the relations between the EIT and the KICs should be based on contractual agreements which ║ set out the ║ rights and obligations of the KICs, ensure an adequate level of coordination and outline the mechanism for monitoring and evaluation of the KICs activities and outcomes.
(15) There is a need to support education as an integral but often missing component of a comprehensive innovation strategy. The agreement between the EIT and KICs should provide that the qualifications awarded bythe higher education institutions which are partner organisations of the KICs should bear the EIT mark. The EIT should promote the recognition of EIT qualifications bearing its mark of excellence in the Member States and outside the European Union. All these activities should be carried out without prejudice to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications(5).
(16) The EIT should establish clear and transparent guidelines for the management of intellectual and industrial property, which should take due account of the contributions made by the various partner organisations of the KICs and foster the use of intellectual and industrial property under appropriate conditions, including through licensing and should provide appropriate incentives for the EIT and partners, including individuals involved, KICs and partner organisations as well as for spin-offs and for commercial exploitation. Where activities are funded under the Community Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, the rules of those programmes should apply.
(17)In order to guarantee structured cooperation and regular exchanges of views, the EIT should ensure periodic dialogue between the KICs and civil society.
(18) Appropriate provisions guaranteeing the liability, autonomy and transparency of the EIT █should be adopted in its statutes║.
(19) In order to guarantee the functional autonomy and independence of the EIT, it should possess legal personality and administer its own budget whose revenue should include a contribution from the Community as well as contributions from Member States and private organisations, national or international bodies or institutions, revenues generated by the EIT's own activities in connection with intellectual and industrial property management or endowments. The EIT should seek to attract an increasing financial contribution from private organisations.
(20) The Community budgetary procedure should be applicable as far as the Community subsidy and any other grants chargeable to the general budget of the European Union are concerned.
(21) This Regulation establishes a financial framework for the period 2008 to 2013. However, by virtue of point 14 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (IIA)(6), no act adopted under the codecision procedure by the European Parliament and the Council nor any act adopted by the Council which involves exceeding the appropriations available in the general budget of the European Union or the allocations available in the financial framework should be implemented in financial terms until the general budget of the European Union has been amended and, if necessary, the financial framework has been appropriately revised in accordance with the relevant procedure for each of these cases.
(22) The EIT is a body set up by the Communities within the meaning of Article 185(1) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(7) (hereinafter referred to as "the ║Financial Regulation")and point 47 of the IIA, and should adopt appropriate financial rules accordingly.
(23) The Governing Board of the EIT should adopt a rolling triennial work programme that should be examined by the Commission, with regard to its complementarity with Community policies and instruments, and an annual report, including a full statement of accounts, which should be transmitted to the Commission,█ the European Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors.
(24) It is appropriate that the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission should be entitled to address an opinion on the EIT work programme and its annual report, including the statement of accounts.
(25)Since the establishment of the EIT is a new initiative, the effects of which are uncertain and difficult to predict, the Commission should extensively and regularly review the operation and effects of the EIT, taking into account alternative design options for the EIT and, where necessary, make proposals for the amendment of this Regulation.
(26)Since the proposal for the establishment of the EIT was submitted after the adoption of the multiannual financial framework and the Community multiannual programmes in the fields of education, research and innovation under the codecision procedure, funds allocated to such Community programmes should not be used to finance the EIT, and all possibilities offered by the IIA should be explored.
(27) Since the objectives of the proposed action cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States acting alone, and can therefore, by reason of scale and of trans-nationality, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives,
Article 1
Subject matter
A European Institute of Innovation and Technology (hereinafter referred to as "the EIT"), is hereby established. The EIT is a body within the meaning of Article 185 of the Financial Regulation and point 47 of the IIA.
Article 2
For the purpose of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
"Innovation" means the process and the outcomes of the process through which new ideas respond to societal or economic demand and generate new products, services, or organisational models that are successfully introduced in an existing market or that are able to create new markets.
"Knowledge and Innovation Community ("KIC")" means a legally autonomous partnership between higher education institutions, research organisations, companies and other stakeholders in the innovation process in the form of a strategic network with a common mid to long-term innovation plan designed to achieve the EIT´s objective.
3."Participating State" means a Member State or any country having an agreement with the Community in relation to the EIT.
"Higher education institution" means any type of █institution which offers recognised degrees or other recognised tertiary level qualifications, irrespective of its denomination in the national context.
"Research organisation" means any public or private legal entity which undertakes research or technological development as one of its main objectives.
"Partner organisation" means any organisation which is member of a KIC and may include in particular: higher education institutions, research organisations, public or private companies, financial institutions, regional and local authorities, foundations.
"Partnership" means a group of potential partner organisations who have come together to be a candidate for a KIC.
"Qualifications" means diplomas, degrees and other awards awarded by participating higher education institutions on completion of higher education activities.
Article 3
The objective of the EIT is to enhance European competitiveness and contribute to sustainable economic growth by reinforcing the innovation capacity of Member States and the Community. It shall do this by promoting and coordinating innovation, research and higher education at the highest levels.
Article 4
1. In order to achieve its objective, the EIT shall:
identify its priority areas;
raise awareness among potential partner organisations and promote their participation in its activities;
select and designate KICs in the priority areas, provide them with appropriate support, apply appropriate quality control measures, continuously monitor and periodically evaluate their activities ║ and ensure an appropriate level of coordination between them;
mobilise the necessary funds from public and private sources and use its resources in accordance with this Regulation; it shall in particular seek to raise a significant and increasing proportion of its budget from private sources and from income generated by its own activities;
encourage the recognition of qualifications awarded by higher education institutions which are partner organisations in a KIC and bear the EIT mark in the Member States;
promote the dissemination of good practices for the integration of innovation, higher education and research in order to develop a common culture of innovation with a high level of knowledge transfer;
seek to become a world class body for excellence in innovation, higher education and research;
ensure complementarity and synergy between EIT activities and other Community programmes;
complement existing national and regional policies, instruments and networks in the field of innovation, research and higher education in Europe.
2. The EIT shall have power to establish a Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "the EIT Foundation") █ with the specific objective of promoting and supporting the activities of the EIT.
Article 5
The Knowledge and Innovation Communities
1. KICs shall undertake in particular:
innovation and investment activities of an appropriate scale that offer European added value and have research and higher education dimensions, stimulating the dissemination and exploitation of results;
cutting-edge technological and innovation-driven research in areas of key economic and societal interest, drawing on the results of European and national research, with the aim of strengthening Europe's competitiveness at international level;
education and training activities at master and doctoral level, as referred to in Article 8, in disciplines that will meet future European economic needs and which promote the development of innovation related skills, the improvement of managerial and entrepreneurial skills and the mobility of researchers;
the dissemination of best practices █in the innovation sector with a focus on the development of co-operation █ between higher education, research and business.
2. KICs shall have substantial overall autonomy to define their internal organisation and composition, as well as their precise plan of activities and working methods.
3. KICs shall aim to be open to new partner organisations, wherever they can add value to the partnership.
4.KICs shall be legally independent from the EIT. The relationship between the EIT and each KIC shall be governed by contractual agreement.
5.Each KIC shall submit a business plan to the Governing Board of the EIT for approval.
6.A KIC may include partner organisations from third countries that can make a positive contribution to its objective║.
Article 6
Selection of KICs
1.A partnership shall be selected and designated by the EIT to become a KIC on the basis of a competitive, open and transparent procedure. Detailed criteria for the selection of KICs, which shall be based on the principles of excellence and innovation capacity, shall be adopted and published by the EIT, and external and independent experts shall be involved in the selection procedure.
2.In accordance with the criterion of excellence mentioned in paragraph 1, in the selection of a KIC particular account shall be taken of:
current and potential innovation capacity within the partnership as well as its potential excellence in innovation, higher education and research, and in particular its ability to include these elements in its activities;
the partnership's capacity to achieve the goals set out in the Strategic Innovation Agenda, as set out in Article 28;
the partnership's capacity to secure sustainable, long-term funding, including substantial financial commitments from the private sector;
the participation in the partnership of partner organisations active in research, higher education and innovation, including at least one higher education institution and one private company;
where appropriate, the existence of a plan for the management of intellectual and industrial property appropriate to the sector concerned and consistent with the EIT principles and guidelines for the management of intellectual and industrial property;
the involvement of and cooperation with the private sector, and in particular SMEs and the financial sector;
measures to support the creation of start-ups and spin-offs;
the partnership's capacity to interact with other organisations and networks outside the KIC with the aim of sharing good practices and excellence.
3.In accordance with the criterion of excellence mentioned in paragraph 1, each KIC shall have at least three partner organisations, situated in at least two different participating States, each of which shall be independent of the others within the meaning of Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1906/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 laying down the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the Seventh Framework Programme and for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013)(8).
4.A KIC may include partner organisations not established in a participating State, subject to the approval of the Governing Board of the EIT.
Article 7
Pilot phase
1.No later than ... (9), the EIT shall select and designate two or three KICs in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.
2.The EIT may select additional KICs after the adoption of its first Strategic Innovation Agenda, in accordance with Article 28.
Article 8
1. The agreement between the EIT and the KICs shall provide that, in the disciplines and areasin which higher education, research and innovation activities are carried out through KICs, qualifications awarded through KICs shall bear theEITmark.
2. The EIT shall encourage ║ higher education institutions which are partners in a KIC to award joint qualifications reflecting the integrated nature of the KIC. However, these may also be qualifications awarded by one higher education institution as well as double or multiple qualifications.
3. The Member States shall cooperate in recognising the qualifications awarded by higher education institutions within KICs and bearing the EIT mark, without prejudice to Directive 2005/36/EC.
4.Partner organisations within a KIC shall contribute to policy on education and training in the disciplines and sectors covered in the EIT Governing Board's strategies.
Article 9
Mobility of researchers and students
1.Through its activities the EIT shall help to promote mobility within the European Higher Education Area pursuant to the agreements concluded under the Bologna Process.
2.The transferability of grants awarded for KIC activities, in particular grants awarded to researchers and students, shall be ensured.
Article 10
Independence of the EIT and consistency with Community, Member State or intergovernmental action
1. The EIT shall carry out its activities independently from national authorities and external pressures. █
2. The activities of the EIT and the KICs shall be consistent with other actionsand instruments at Community level, in particular in the fields of innovation, research and higher education.
3. The EIT shall also take appropriate account of policies and initiatives at regional, national and intergovernmental levels in order to make use of best practice, proven concepts and existing resources.
Article 11
The EIT bodies
1. The bodies of the EIT shall be:
a Governing Board composed of high level members experienced in innovation, business, research and higher education; it shall be responsible for steering █the activities of the EIT, for the selection, designation and evaluation of KICs, and for all other strategic decisions;
an Executive Committee which shall oversee the running of the EIT and take such decisions as are necessary between meetings of the Governing Board;
a Director who shall be responsible to the Governing Board for the administrative and financial management of the EIT and shall be the legal representative of the EIT;
where appropriate, an internal auditing unit which shall advise the Governing Board and the Director on financial and administrative management and control structures within the EIT, on the organisation of financial links with KICs, and on any other subject requested by the Governing Board.
2. The Commission may appoint observers to take part in the meetings of the Governing Board and the Executive █Committee.
Article 12
Composition of the Governing Board
1.The Governing Board shall consist both of appointed members with a balance between those with business experience, those with academic experience and those with research experience (hereafter "appointed members") and members elected by and from among the innovation, research, academic, technical and administrative staff, students and doctoral candidates of the EIT and the KICs (hereafter "representative members").
2.There shall be 21 appointed members in the Governing Board. They shall, except as provided for in paragraph 4, have a six-year non-renewable term of office. They shall be appointed by the Commission in accordance with a transparent procedure that shall include a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the selection process.
3.In appointing the appointed members of the Governing Board the Commission shall have regard to the balance between academic, research and business experience as well as to gender balance and shall consider innovation, research and education environments across the European Union.
4.One-third of the appointed members shall be replaced every two years. The members whose term of office is to expire after the second or fourth year following the initial nomination of the Governing Board shall be drawn by lot.
5.There shall be four representative members in the Governing Board. They shall have a three-year term of office, renewable once. Their term of office shall cease if they leave the EIT or a KIC and they shall be replaced under the same procedure for the remainder of the term of office of the outgoing member.
6.The conditions and modalities for the election and replacement of the representative members shall be approved by the Governing Board on the basis of a proposal from the Director before the first KIC is established. They shall ensure appropriate representation of the diversity of and shall take into account the evolution of the EIT and the KICs.
7.In the event that a member of the Governing Board is unable to complete his term of office, a substitute member shall be appointed or elected by the same procedure as was the outgoing member for the remainder of his term of office.
Article 13
Responsibilities of the Governing Board
1.The Governing Board members shall act in total independence in the interests of the EIT, safeguarding its goals and mission, identity and coherence.
2.The Governing Board shall, in particular:
define the areas in which to establish the KICs;
approve the EIT strategy as enshrined in its triennial rolling work programme;
approve the EIT´s budget, annual accounts and balance-sheet and the annual activity report on the basis of a proposal from the Director;
adopt rigorous, transparent and user-friendly procedures for the selection of KICs; these procedures shall include external expert evaluation and shall cover the relations between the EIT and the KICs;
select and designate a partnership as a KIC or withdraw the designation if necessary;
ensure continuing evaluation of the activities of KICs on the basis of clear criteria established in advance;
adopt its rules of procedure, and those of the Executive Committee;
define, with the Commission's agreement, appropriate honoraria for its members and the members of the Executive Committee; these honoraria shall be benchmarked against similar payments in the Member States;
adopt a procedure for choosing the members of the Executive Committee, the members of the internal auditing unit, where appropriate and the Director;
appoint and if necessary dismiss the Director, appoint the EIT´s accounting officer and the members of the Executive Committee and, where appropriate, the members of the internal auditing unit;
exercise disciplinary authority over the Director;
establish where appropriate advisory groups which may have a defined duration;
promote the EIT globally, so as to raise its attractiveness and make it an "international player" for excellence in innovation, research and higher education;
adopt a code of conduct regarding conflicts of interest;
define principles and guidelines for the management of intellectual and industrial property rights;
approve agreements relating to intellectual and industrial property rights concluded among the partner organisations within KICs;
decide whether to set up an internal auditing unit in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2343/2002 of 19 November 2002 on the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(10).
3.The Governing Board may delegate specific tasks to the Executive Committee.
4.The Governing Board shall elect its Chairperson from among the appointed members. The term of office of the Chairperson shall be for a period of three years, renewable once.
Article 14
Functioning of the Governing Board
1.The Governing Board shall generally adopt decisions by simple majority of all its members.
However, decisions under Article 13(2) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (j) and under Article 13(4) shall require a majority of two thirds of all its members.
2.The Governing Board shall meet in ordinary session at least three times a year, and in extraordinary session when convened by its Chairperson or at the request of at least one third of its members.
3.For a transitional period, the Governing Board shall consist exclusively of appointed members until elections for representative members can be held, after the first KIC has been established.
Article 15
The Executive Committee
1.The Executive Committee shall consist of five persons including the Chairperson of the Governing Board who shall also chair the Executive Committee.
The four members other than the Chairperson shall be chosen by the Governing Board from among its appointed members.
2.The Executive Committee shall meet on a regular basis when convened by its Chairperson or at the request of the Director.
3.The Executive Committee shall take its decisions by simple majority of all its members.
4.The Executive Committee shall:
prepare the meetings of the Governing Board;
oversee the implementation of the EIT's rolling triennial work programme;
oversee the selection procedure for KICs;
take any decisions delegated to it by the Governing Board.
Article 16
The Director
1.The Director shall be a person with expertise and high reputation in the fields in which the EIT operates. He/she shall be appointed by the Governing Board for a term of office of four years. The Governing Board may extend that term of office once by four years if it considers that the interests of the EIT are best served by so doing.
2.The Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the EIT and shall be its legal representative. He/she shall be accountable to the Governing Board to which he/she will report on an ongoing basis on the progress of the EIT's activities.
3.The Director shall in particular:
support the Governing Board and the Executive Committee in their work and provide the secretariat for their meetings;
prepare the draft strategy and the EIT´s budget for submission to the Governing Board through the Executive Committee;
administer the selection process for KICs and ensure that the various stages of that process are carried out in a transparent and objective manner;
organise and manage the activities of the EIT;
ensure the implementation of effective monitoring and evaluation procedures relating to the performance of the EIT in accordance with Article 29;
be responsible for administrative and financial matters, including the implementation of the EIT's budget; in this connection the Director shall take due account of advice received from the internal auditing unit;
be responsible for all staff matters;
prepare the draft rolling triennial work programme and annual report on the EIT's activities and submit them to the Governing Board;
submit the EIT´s draft annual accounts and balance sheet to the internal auditing unit, and subsequently to the Governing Board, through the Executive Committee;
ensure that the obligations of the EIT with regard to the contracts and agreements it concludes are met;
provide the Executive Committee and the Governing Board with all information necessary for the performance of their functions.
Article 17
Staff of the EIT
1.The staff of the EIT shall consist of personnel employed directly by the EIT under fixed term contracts. The conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities shall apply to the Director and the staff of the EIT.
2.Experts may be seconded to the EIT for a limited duration by Member States or other employers.
The Governing Board shall adopt provisions enabling seconded experts from Member States or other employers to work at the EIT and defining their rights and responsibilities.
3.The EIT shall exercise, with regard to its staff, the powers which are devolved to the authority authorised to conclude contracts with the staff members.
4.A member of staff may be required to make good, in whole or in part, any damage suffered by the EIT as a result of serious misconduct on his/her part in the course of or in connection with the performance of his/her duties.
Article 18
Principles guiding the organisation and management of KICs
1.The Governing Board shall adopt a framework of guidance on which it shall base the conditions and terms of the agreements with KICs and on financing, monitoring and evaluating their activities. It shall be made public before the selection process for KICs begins.
2.The Governing Board shall in particular provide guidance on:
monitoring and evaluating KICs and on the participation of the EIT in their governance;
the integration of the business dimension into research and higher education activities, including the planning and implementation of educational activities and research and development efforts; staff and student/researcher mobility between the business and the academic/research sectors; the provision of educational content that takes into account business, management and innovation-related issues; the sharing of results and revenues arising from results of cooperation between partners; the dissemination of outcomes and good practices to non-partner organisations including SMEs;
how to ensure that curricula and internal practices foster an entrepreneurial and innovation mindset.
3.Within the terms of their agreement with the EIT, KICs shall have substantial autonomy to define their internal organisation as well as their precise agenda and working methods.
Article 19
Principles for the evaluation and monitoring of the KICs
The EIT shall organise continuous monitoring and periodic independent evaluations of the outcomes and results of each KIC. These evaluations shall be based on good administrative practice and results-oriented parameters and avoid unnecessary formal and procedural aspects.
Article 20
Duration, continuation and termination of a KIC
1.Subject to the outcome of periodic evaluations and to the specificities of particular fields, a KIC shall normally have a duration of 7 to 15 years.
2.The Governing Board may exceptionally decide to extend the duration of a KIC beyond the period initially set if this is the most appropriate way to achieve the objective of the EIT.
3.In the event that evaluations of a KIC show inadequate results, the Governing Board shall take appropriate measures including reduction, modification or withdrawal of financial support to the KIC or termination of the agreement with the KIC.
Article 21
Winding up of the EIT
In the event of winding up of the EIT, its liquidation shall take place under the supervision of the Commission in accordance with applicable law. Agreements with the KICs and the act establishing the EIT Foundation shall lay down appropriate provisions to address such a situation.
Article 22
Management of intellectual and industrial property
1. The EIT shall adopt guidelines for the management of intellectual and industrial property rights based, inter alia, on the principles set out in Chapter II, Section 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1906/2006.
2. On the basis of these guidelines, the partner organisations of each KIC shall conclude among themselves an agreement on the management and use of intellectual and industrial property rights, which shall be subject to the approval of the Governing Board.
Article 23
Legal Status
1. The EIT shall have legal personality. In each of the Member State, it shall exercise the widest possible legal powers accorded to legal persons under national legislation. In particular, it may acquire or dispose of tangible or intangible assets and be a party to legal proceedings.
2. The Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities shall apply to the EIT.
Article 24
1. The EIT shall be solely responsible for meeting its obligations.
2. The contractual liability of the EIT shall be governed by the relevant contractual provisions and the law applicable to the contract in question.
Contracts entered into by the EIT shall provide that the Court of Justice of the European Communities shall have jurisdiction.
3. In the case of non-contractual liability, the EIT shall, in accordance with the general principles common to the laws of the Member States, make good any damage caused by it or its servants in the performance of their duties.
The Court of Justice of the European Communities shall have jurisdiction in any dispute relating to compensation for such damage.
4. Any payment made by the EIT to cover the liability referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 and the costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith shall be considered expenditure of the EIT and shall be covered by the resources of the EIT.
Article 25
Transparency and access to documents
1. The EIT shall ensure that its activities, including those of the KICs, are conducted with a high level of transparency. In particular, the EIT shall set up an accessible, free, multilingual website providing information about its activities and the activities of individual KICs.
2. The EIT shall make public and transmit to the budgetary authority:
its rules of procedure
its rolling triennial work programme as well as its annual activity report.
3. Without prejudice to paragraphs 4 and 5, neither the EIT nor the KICs shall ║divulge to third parties confidential information it has received for which confidential treatment has been requested and is justified.
4. The members of the EIT bodies shall be subject to the confidentiality requirement referred to in Article 287 of the Treaty.
The information gathered by the EIT in accordance with the present Regulation shall be subject to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data(11).
5. Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents(12) shall apply to the documents held by the EIT. The Governing Board shall adopt practical arrangements for applying the said regulation no later than six months after the EIT has been set up.
Article 26
1. The EIT and the KICs shall be financed █ through:
contributions from businesess or other private organisations, preferably from companies being partner organisations in the KICs;
contributions from the general budget of the European Union, as provided for in Article 30, as well as from unspent funds which would otherwise be returned to the Member States; where Structural Funds are used, decisions shall be made by the Member State or local, regional and managing authorities concerned;
contributions from participating States, third countries or their public authorities;
bequests, donations and contributions from individuals, institutions, foundations or any other national bodies;
revenue generated by its own activities, including royalties from intellectual and industrial property rights or capital endowments █ managed by the EIT Foundation █;
contributions from █ international bodies or institutions;
loans and contributions from the European Investment Bank.
These may include contributions in kind.
2. In the event that a KIC or its partner organisations applies directly for █ assistance from Community programmes (including the Risk Sharing Finance Facility), the Commission shall ensure that these applications are in no way privileged over other applications. Such assistance shall not be granted for activities already funded through the Community budget.
3.No contribution may be made from the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme or the Lifelong Learning Programme to the establishment and/or administration costs directly associated with the EIT or the KICs.
Article 27
Programming and Accountability
1. The EIT shall adopt:
a rolling triennial work programme containing a statement of its major priorities and planned initiatives including an estimate of financing needs and sources;the work programme shall be in accordance with the available financial and human resources;
an annual report by 30 June each year; the report shall outline the activities conducted by the EIT during the preceding calendar year and assess the results with respect to the objectives and timetable set, the risks associated with the activities carried out, the use of resources and the general operation of the EIT.█
2. The EIT shall submit the rolling triennial work programme and the annual report to the Commission, █ the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee for the Regions for information.
3.The presentation of the EIT's accounts and accounting shall comply with the general rules laid down in Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2343/2002.
Article 28
Strategic Innovation Agenda
1.By 31 December 2011 at the latest and every seven years thereafter, the EIT shall draft a seven-year Strategic Innovation Agenda (hereinafter referred to as "the SIA") and submit it to the Commission.
2.The SIA shall highlight the long-term strategic areas of the EIT in the fields of key potential economic and societal interest which are likely to generate the greatest innovation added value at European Union level. A more concrete and detailed strategy shall be drawn up in the triennial work programmes as defined in Article 27 , allowing the EIT to respond to internal and external developments in the fields of science, technology, innovation and other relevant areas.
3.The SIA shall take into account the results of the evaluation of the EIT and the KICs provided for in Article 29.
4.The SIA shall include an estimate of financial needs and resources for the long-term development and funding of the EIT.
5.The European Parliament and the Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt the SIA in accordance with Article 251 of the Treaty.
Article 29
Evaluation of the EIT
1. The EIT shall ensure that its activities, including those managed through KICs, are subject to continuous monitoring and periodic independent evaluation, to ensure both the highest quality of outcome and the most efficient use of resources. The EIT shall forward annually to the budgetary authority any information relevant to the outcome of the evaluation procedures.
2. By 31 December 2010 at the latest and every seven years thereafter, the Commission shall carry out an evaluation of the EIT. This shall be based on an independent external evaluation, and shall examine how the EIT fulfils its mission. It shall cover all activities of the EIT and the KICs and shall examine the impact, effectiveness, sustainability, efficiency and relevance of the activities pursued and their relation with Community policies. It shall take into account the views of stakeholders, at both European and national level.
3.The Commission shall forward the results of the evaluation, together with any proposals for the amendment of this Regulation, to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
4. The Governing Board shall take due account of the findings of evaluations in the programmes and operations of the EIT.
Article 30
Budgetary Commitments
The indicative financial envelope of Community funding for the implementation of this Regulation during the period of six years as from 1 January 2008 is set at EUR 308 700 000, subject to agreement by the two arms of the budgetary authority in accordance with the IIA, and in particular part C and point 47 thereof. The annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial framework.
Article 31
Preparation and adoption of the annual budget
1. The expenditure of the EIT shall include ║ staff, administrative, infrastructure and operational expenses. Administrative expenditure shall be kept to a minimum.
2. The financial year shall correspond to the calendar year.
3. The Director shall draw up an estimate of the revenue and expenditure of the EIIT for the following financial year and shall forward it to the Governing Board.
4. Revenue and expenditure shall be in balance.
5. The Governing Board shall adopt the draft estimate accompanied by the preliminary rolling triennial work programme and a draft establishment plan, and forward them by 31 March to the Commission.
6.The estimate shall be transmitted by the Commission to the budgetary authority together with the preliminary draft general budget of the European Union.
7. On the basis of the estimate, the Commission shall enter in the preliminary draft general budget of the European Union the estimates it deems necessary for the establishment plan and the amount of the subsidy to be charged to the general budget, which it shall place before the two arms of the budgetary authority in accordance with Article 272 of the Treaty.
8. The budgetary authority shall authorise the appropriations for the subsidy to the EIT. The budgetary authority shall adopt the establishment plan.
9. The Governing Board adopts the EIT budget, which shall become final following the final adoption of the general budget of the European Union. Where appropriate, it shall be adjusted accordingly.
10.The Governing Board shall, as soon as possible, notify the two arms of the budgetary authority of its intention to implement any project likely to have significant financial implications for the funding of the EIT´s budget, in particular any projects relating to property such as the rental or purchase of buildings. It shall inform the Commission thereof.
11. Any substantial modification to the EIT´s budget shall be subject to the approval of the budgetary authority.
Article 32
Implementation and control of the budget
1. The financial rules applicable to the EIT shall be adopted by the Governing Board after consulting the Commission. They may not depart from the provisions of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2343/2002.
2. The Director shall implement the budget of the EIT.
3. The accounts of the EIT shall be consolidated with the Commission's accounts.
4.The EIT shall be subject to the same budgetary control rules as other European Union agencies.
5.The Court of Auditors shall exercise its scrutiny in accordance with Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2343/2002.
6. Upon a recommendation from the Council, the European Parliament shall, before 30 April of the year n + 2, give a discharge for the year n, to the Director in respect of the implementation of the EIT´s budget █.
Article 33
Protection of the financial interests of the Community
1. With a view to combating fraud, corruption and other illegal activities, Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)(13) shall apply to the EIT in its entirety.
2. The EIT shall accede to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 25 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the Commission of the European Communities concerning internal investigations by the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF)(14). The Governing Board shall formalise this accession and adopt the necessary measures to help OLAF carry out internal investigations.
3. All decisions adopted and contracts concluded by the EIT, shall provide explicitly that OLAF and the Court of Auditors may carry out on-the-spot inspections of the documents of all contractors and sub-contractors which have received Community funds, including at the premises of the final beneficiaries.
4. The provisions set out in paragraphs ║1║, ║2║ and ║3║ shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the EIT Foundation.
Article 34
Review clause
By 31 December 2010 at the latest and every seven years thereafter, the Commission shall report to the European Parliament and to the Council on the implementation of this Regulation and on the operation of the EIT. The report shall include an assessment of the added value of the EIT, its complementarity with existing national and Community instruments to support innovation, research and higher education, and the achievement of its objective as set out in Article 3. On the basis of this report, the Commission shall make any appropriate proposals for the amendment of this Regulation.
The Commission reports shall take account of the annual reports from the Governing Board provided for under Article 27 and the external evaluations provided for under Article 29.
Article 35
Entry into Force
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Right to vote and stand in elections to the European Parliament for Union citizens residing in a foreign Member State *
European Parliament legislative resolution of 26 September 2007 on the proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 93/109/EC of 6 December 1993 as regards certain detailed arrangements for the exercise of the right to vote and stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament for citizens of the Union residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals (COM(2006)0791 – C6-0066/2007 – 2006/0277(CNS))
– having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2006)0791),
– having regard to the Communication from the Commission (COM(2006)0790)(1),
– having regard to the Act of 20 September 1976 concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage(2),
– having regard to Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003of 4 November 2003 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding(3),
– having regard to Article 39 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union(4),
– having regard to Article 19(2) of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0066/2007),
– having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to the report of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (A6-0267/2007),
1. Approves the Commission proposal as amended;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially;
5. Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.
Text proposed by the Commission
Amendments by Parliament
Amendment 1 RECITAL 1
(1) The Commission report on the application to the 2004 elections of Council Directive 93/109/EC laying down detailed arrangements for the exercise of the right to vote and stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament for citizens of the Union residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals revealed the need to amend certain provisions of the Directive.
(1) The Commission report on the application to the 2004 elections of Council Directive 93/109/EC laying down detailed arrangements for the exercise of the right to vote and stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament for citizens of the Union residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals revealed the need to amend certain provisions of the Directive. Union citizenship guarantees the same rights for all EU citizens, whether they were born, or live, in the Union itself or in a third country. The Community institutions must therefore be vigilant in ensuring that citizens of the Union resident in a Member State other than their own are able to exercise their rights in the case of elections to the European Parliament.
Amendment 2 RECITAL 1 A (new)
(1a)The increasing mobility of people across the internal borders of the Union reinforces the need to provide fully portable democratic rights in the case of both European Parliamentary and municipal elections, as well as the need to ensure that citizens do not lose their democratic rights because they live in a Member State other than their own.
Amendment 3 RECITAL 2 A (new)
(2a)The latter prohibition goes beyond what is necessary to ensure that citizens of the Union are not discriminated against on grounds of nationality when exercising their right to stand as a candidate. Member States should have the discretion to decide whether to allow candidacies in more than one State for the same election, and political parties should be left to decide whether to encourage such multiple candidacies.
Amendment 4 RECITAL 2 B (new)
(2b)The Act of 20 September 1976 concerning the election of members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage1 provides that, where the primary law is silent, electoral law shall be subject to national provisions; moreover, the primary law expressly prohibits multiple voting but is silent on the issue of multiple candidacy. –––––– 1 OJ L 278, 8.10.1976, p. 5. Act as last amended by Council Decision 2002/772/EC, Euratom (OJ L 283, 21.10.2002, p. 1.).
Amendment 5 RECITAL 3 A (new)
(3a)The mandatory recognition, by the Member State of residence, of a disqualification with regard to the right to stand as a candidate is an additional condition for the exercise of that right, which is not covered by either the letter or the spirit of Article 19(2) of the EC Treaty. The Member State of residence should be entitled to establish whether an individual would have been deprived of the right to stand for election under the national law of that State under the same circumstances and in the same manner, and to decide on its own behalf whether to recognise the disqualification applicable in the home State.
Amendment 6 RECITAL 3 B (new)
(3b)The Council should not go beyond the intention expressed in the primary law provisions, and the 'detailed arrangements' prescribed in Directive 93/109/EC under the terms of Article 19(2) of the EC Treaty should be limited to what is strictly necessary in order to give effect to the two intended rights, i.e. the right to vote and to stand for election in a State other than one's own, and should not introduce conditions for the exercise of those rights other than, or in addition to, those provided for in the law of the State of residence.
Amendment 7 RECITAL 5
(5) The requirement for candidates to submit this attestation should accordingly be abolished and replaced by an item to that effect in the formal declaration that candidates must produce.
(5) The requirement for candidates to submit this attestation should accordingly be abolished and replaced by an optional item to that effect in the formal declaration that candidates must produce.
Amendment 8 RECITAL 6
(6)Host Member States should be placed under an obligation to notify the home Member State of this declaration in order to ensure that the Community candidate was not actually deprived of this right in the Member State of origin.
Amendment 9 RECITAL 9
(9) The exchange of information should accordingly be abolished but the obligation for the voter or candidate to produce a declaration undertaking to exercise his right to vote or to stand as a candidate only in the Member State of residence should be maintained.
(9) The exchange of information should accordingly be abolished but the obligation for the voter to produce a declaration undertaking to exercise his right to vote only in the Member State of residence should be maintained.
Amendment 10 RECITAL 10
(10) Moreover, as a deterrent to voting or standing as a candidate twice and to exercising the right to vote or stand despite being deprived of these rights, Member States of residence should take measures to ensure that violations of the obligations provided for by the Directive are subject to proper penalties.
(10) Moreover, Member States of residence should take measures to ensure that inaccuracies in formal declarations made by citizens of the Union and provided for by the Directive are subject to proper sanctions.
Amendment 11 RECITAL 10 A (new)
(10a)Member States have a duty, under Article 12 of Directive 93/109/EC, to fully inform citizens of the Union of their right to vote and to stand as a candidate in their Member State of residence in good time before each European Parliamentary election; Member States should be supported by the European Parliament and the Commission, and by political parties at both European and national levels, in choosing best practice in that regard, in order to improve the degree of participation in the elections.
Amendment 12 RECITAL 11
(11) In the report that it is required to prepare on the application of the amended Directive to the elections to the European Parliament in 2009, the Commission, on the basis of the information provided by the Member States, should base its analysis in particular on the results of checks and inspections conducted by the Member States after the elections with a view to measuring the frequency of double voting and double candidacies, if any.
(11) In the report that it is required to prepare on the application of the amended Directive to the elections to the European Parliament in 2009, the Commission, on the basis of the information provided by the Member States, should base its analysis in particular on the results of checks and inspections conducted by the Member States after the elections with a view to measuring the frequency of multiple voting, if any.
Amendment 13 RECITAL 12
(12) A routine check of all the votes and of all the candidacies would be disproportionate to the problems identified, and there would be problems of feasibility since there are in the Member States no uniform electronic methods of recording and storing data on the actual turnout at the poll and on the candidacies deposited; Member States should accordingly target their checks on the situations where there is a greater probability of double voting or double candidacies,
(12) A routine check of all the votes would be disproportionate to the problems identified, and there would be problems of feasibility since there are in the Member States no uniform electronic methods of recording and storing data on the actual turnout at the poll; Member States should accordingly target their checks on the situations where there is a greater probability of multiple voting,
Amendment 14 ARTICLE 1, POINT 1 A (new) Article 3 (Directive 93/109/EC)
(1a)Article 3 shall be replaced by the following:
"Article 3
Any person who, on the reference date:
(a) is a citizen of the Union within the meaning of Article 17(1) of the Treaty;
(b) is not a national of the Member State of residence, but satisfies the same conditions, in respect of the right to vote and to stand as a candidate, as that State imposes by law on its own nationals,
shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in the Member State of residence, unless precluded from exercising those rights by the Member State of residence pursuant to Articles 6 and 7.
Where, in order to stand as a candidate, nationals of the Member State of residence must have been nationals for a certain minimum period, citizens of the Union shall be deemed to have met that condition when they have been nationals of a Member State for the same period."
Amendment 15 ARTICLE 1, POINT 1 B (new) Article 4, paragraph 2 (Directive 93/109/EC)
(1b)In Article 4, paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:
"2. Community voters may stand as a candidate in more than one Member State for the same election, as long as the law of the Member State of residence does not exclude that possibility in respect of its nationals, and the Community voter satisfies the conditions in respect of the right to stand as a candidate as provided for in the law of the other Member State concerned."
Amendment 16 ARTICLE 1, POINT 2, POINT (-A) (new) Article 6, paragraph 1 (Directive 93/109/EC)
(-a) paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following:
"1. The Member State of residence may provide that citizens of the Union who, through an individual criminal or civil law decision, have been deprived of the right to stand as a candidate under the law of their home Member State, are to be precluded from exercising that right in the Member State of residence in elections to the European Parliament if they would have been deprived of that right under the national law of that State for the same misdemeanour and in the same manner."
Amendment 17 ARTICLE 1, POINT 2, POINT (A) Article 6, paragraph 2 (Directive 93/109/EC)
2. The Member State of residence shall check whether the citizens of the Union who have expressed a desire to exercise their right to stand as a candidate there have not been deprived of that right in the home Member State through an individual civil law or criminal law decision.
2. The Member State of residence may check whether the citizens of the Union who have expressed a desire to exercise their right to stand as a candidate there have not been deprived of that right in the home Member State through an individual civil law or criminal law decision.
Amendment 18 ARTICLE 1, POINT 2, POINT (B) Article 6, paragraph 3 (Directive 93/109/EC)
3. For the purposes of paragraph 2 of this Article, the Member State of residence shall notify the home Member State of the declaration referred to in Article 10(1). To that end, the relevant information that is normally available from the home Member State shall be provided in good time and in an appropriate manner; such information may include only details which are strictly necessary for the implementation of this Article and may be used only for that purpose. If the information provided invalidates the content of the declaration, the Member State of residence shall take the appropriate steps to prevent the person concerned from standing as a candidate.
3. For the purposes of paragraph 2 of this Article, the Member State of residence may notify the home Member State of the declaration referred to in Article 10(1). To that end, the relevant information that is normally available from the home Member State shall be provided in good time and in an appropriate manner; such information may include only details which are strictly necessary for the implementation of this Article and may be used only for that purpose.
Amendment 19 ARTICLE 1, POINT 2 A (new) Article 7 (Directive 93/109/EC)
(2a)Article 7 shall be replaced by the following:
"Article 7
1.The Member State of residence may provide that citizens of the Union who, through an individual criminal or civil law decision, have been deprived of their right to vote under the law of their home Member State, are to be precluded from exercising that right in the Member State of residence in elections to the European Parliament if they would have been deprived of that right under the national law of that State for the same misdemeanour and in the same manner.
2.For the purposes of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Member State of residence may notify the home Member State of the declaration referred to in Article 9(2). To that end, the relevant information that is normally available from the home Member State shall be provided in good time and in an appropriate manner; such information may include only details which are strictly necessary for the implementation of this Article and may only be used for that purpose.
3.The home Member State may, in good time and in an appropriate manner, submit to the Member State of residence any information necessary for the implementation of this Article."
Amendment 20 ARTICLE 1, POINT 3, POINT (-A) (new) Article 10, paragraph 1, point (b) (Directive 93/109/EC)
(-a) point (b) of paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following:
"(b) where applicable, that he or she is standing as a candidate for election to the European Parliament in another Member State, and"
Amendment 21 ARTICLE 1, POINT 3, POINT (A) Article 10, paragraph 1, point (d) (Directive 93/109/EC)
(d) that he has not been deprived of the right to stand as a candidate in the home Member State.
Amendment 22 ARTICLE 1, POINT 3, POINT (C) Article 10, paragraph 3 (Directive 93/109/EC)
(c) paragraph 3 is renumbered paragraph 2.
(c) paragraph 3 is renumbered paragraph 2 and amended as follows:
"The Member State of residence may also require Community nationals who are entitled to stand as candidates to produce a valid identity document. It may also require them to indicate the date from which they have been nationals of a Member State and whether they have been deprived of the right to stand as a candidate in their home Member State."
1. The Member State of residence shall take the necessary measures to ensure that such inaccuracies in the formal declarations provided for by Articles 9(2) and 10(1) as have the effect of a violation of the obligations imposed by this Directive are subject to effective, proportional and dissuasive penalties.
1. The Member State of residence shall take the necessary measures to ensure that inaccuracies in the formal declarations provided for by Articles 9(2) and 10(1) are subject to effective, proportional and dissuasive penalties.
European elections 2004, Commission report on the participation of European Union citizens in the Member State of residence (Directive 93/109/EC) and on the electoral arrangements (Decision 76/787/EEC as amended by Decision 2002/772/EC, Euratom).
European Parliament legislative resolution of 26 September 2007 on the proposal for a Council regulation derogating from Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers, as regards set aside for year 2008 (COM(2007)0523 - C6-0302/2007 - 2007/0194(CNS))
– having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2007)0523),
− having regard to Article 37 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0302/2007),
− having regard to Rules 51 and 134 of its Rules of Procedure,
1. Approves the Commission proposal as amended;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially;
5. Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and the Commission.
Text proposed by the Commission
Amendments by Parliament
Amendment 7 Recital 3
(3) It is therefore appropriate, for 2008, to allow the use of land set aside for agricultural purposes,
(3) It is therefore appropriate, for 2008 and 2009, to allow the use of land set aside for agricultural purposes,
Amendment 10 Recital 3 a (new)
(3a)The set aside system has positive effects on soil quality and biodiversity. The consequences of abandoning set aside and the means by which the positive effects thereof may be preserved should therefore be examined,
Amendment 9 Article 1
By way of derogation from Article 54(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, for 2008, farmers shall not be obliged, in order to be entitled to the amount fixed by the set aside entitlements, to set aside from production land eligible for those entitlements.
By way of derogation from Article 54(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, for 2008 and 2009, farmers shall not be obliged, in order to be entitled to the amount fixed by the set aside entitlements, to set aside from production land eligible for those entitlements.
Amendment 11 Article 1 a (new)
Article 1a To assist the development of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Commission shall assess the environmental impact of abandoning set aside.
Dangerous toys manufactured in China
European Parliament resolution of 26 September 2007 on the safety of products and particularly toys
– having regard to Council Directive 88/378/EEC of 3 May 1988 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the safety of toys(1) (the Toys Directive),
– having regard to Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 December 2001 on general product safety(2),
– having regard to opinions of the scientific committees of the Commission and to various studies undertaken by the Commission on the issue of toy safety,
– having regard to existing international agreements with third countries in the area of product safety, especially that of toys,
– having regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas in August and September 2007 a series of large-scale voluntary recalls relating to unsafe toys that are harmful to health raised public concern in the EU,
B. whereas these recalls have raised awareness of the problem that in spite of product harmonisation and an EU-wide market surveillance system, unsafe products are still produced, imported and marketed within the EU,
C. whereas responsibility for a high level of consumer protection is a political and social priority, and rests with the legislator, who must ensure product safety throughout the chain of economic operators (suppliers, manufacturers, importers),
D. whereas these voluntary recalls are due partially to injuries, partially to monitoring of the undertakings concerned, but not to efficient market surveillance; whereas there is a real concern that not all producers and importers act in accordance with the rules,
E. whereas in 2006, 48% of detected unsafe products originated from China, 21% from the EU-25 and 17% were of unidentified origin; whereas 24% of all detected unsafe products are children's toys; whereas a very high proportion of toys marketed in the EU are sourced from China,
F. whereas recalls of unsafe toys are fully justified, but are merely a means of last resort that does not provide effective consumer protection because, apart from the fact that they often come late, the average return rate for toy recalls is very low, meaning that the vast majority of unsafe toys normally remain with consumers,
G. whereas the supervision of markets and of entry into the EU and bans on the marketing of defective products are the responsibility of the Member States,
H. whereas the Commission has brought forward a proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a common framework for the marketing of products (COM(2007)0053) and a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products (COM(2007)0037),
1. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take all necessary legislative and administrative action to ensure that consumer goods that are marketed within the EU not only comply fully with existing EU standards but also do not put the health and safety of consumers at risk;
Revision of the Toys Directive
2. Calls on the Commission to present the planned revision of the Toys Directive by the end of 2007, making sure the revised directive includes efficient and effective requirements for product safety; as public health and consumer protection considerations play an important part in the Toys Directive, is of the opinion that much clearer provisions are needed to ensure the safety of products and to provide consumers with confidence in their safe use;
3. Calls on the Commission in the revision of the Toys Directive to follow an approach in which specific implementing measures for the key requirements are to be adopted in comitology by means of the regulatory procedure with scrutiny, thus allowing Parliament a certain level of control over the implementation of toy safety provisions;
4. Calls on the Commission in the revision of the Toys Directive to propose unconditionalprohibitions of certain hazardous chemicals, such as all substances that are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction in categories 1, 2 or 3, and of other toxic substances of similar high concern, such as endocrine disrupters, sensitisers or fragrances;
5. Calls on the Commission to improve enforcement of the Toys Directive, including by providing effective sanctions for non-compliance;
Control of CE and other markings
6. Calls on the Commission to ensure that the CE marking is a guarantee of compliance with EU technical legislation, and stresses that the CE marking, given its self-regulatory character, was never intended to be an EU-wide safety mark;
7. Urges the Commission to assess the added value of creating a common European Consumer Safety Label, complementary to the CE marking, to be used by all economic operators, thus helping the consumer to make an informed choice between products;
8. Underlines that this European Consumer Safety Label must be voluntary and, when adopted by a producer, should replace all national safety labels;
9. Encourages the Commission to strongly intervene, together with the Member States, to defend consumers" rights whenever there is evidence of deceptive behaviour and/or use of fraudulent or misleading origin markings by foreign producers and importers;
10. Urges the Commission and the Member States to establish strong credibility for the CE marking through early adoption of legislative proposals for stronger control and surveillance of the market supported by proper customs surveillance and enforcement mechanisms;
11. Calls on the Commission to clarify the liability of producers and importers in the event of misuse of the CE marking; considers that adequate penalties for misuse should be provided for; calls for misuse of other voluntary markings also to be made subject to penalties;
RAPEX system
12. Calls on the Commission to increase the effectiveness of the Community Rapid Information System (RAPEX system) so as to ensure that Member States can detect the maximum number of unsafe products in order to ensure their withdrawal or recall from the market;
13. Calls on the Commission to include monitoring and reporting in the RAPEX system in order to make it possible to measure the effectiveness of product recalls;
Product traceability and measures against counterfeiting
14. Considers that consumers are entitled to know the origin of products imported into the EU and that surveillance authorities must have proper information with which to trace the source of products;
15. Calls on the Council to agree without delay on the current Commission proposal for a Council regulation on the indication of the country of origin of certain products imported from third countries (COM(2005)0661);
16. Notes the growing threat to consumer safety caused by counterfeit products and calls on the Council and the Commission to step up information exchanges and cross-border cooperation in order to control and destroy counterfeit imports;
Ban on imports of dangerous consumer goods
17. Calls on the Commission to clarify, on a case-by-case basis, the procedure to be followed as regards import bans when safety standards are regularly not met;
18. Urges the Commission to use its powers to ban consumer goods from the market if they are found to be unsafe;
Cooperation with China and other third countries
19. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to reinforce cooperation with the relevant authorities in those third countries that are major exporters of consumer goods to the EU, and in particular with the Chinese General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), in particular by providing technical assistance in order to implement health and safety rules and improve customs cooperation;
20. Calls on the Commission to provide technical assistance to third country authorities in order to ensure the implementation of health and safety rules throughout the entire production chain, as well as to improve inspection and customs cooperation;
21. Calls on the Commission to clarify its current trade policy in relation to potential dangerous products in general, and toys and textiles in particular, and to clarify how it intends to ensure consistency between the restrictive application of current rules and the compelling necessity to guarantee the right of European citizens to safe products;
22. Calls on the Commission to include common health and safety standards in the negotiations on the next generation of Partnership and Cooperation Agreements and Free Trade Agreements and to set up mechanisms to monitor how such standards are met;
23. Calls on the Member States to cooperate actively with all trading partners with regard to market surveillance and product safety; calls on the Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC) to include those issues on its list of items for consideration;
Role of the Member States
24. Calls on the Member States to ensure the strict enforcement of product safety laws, particularly in relation to toys, and to step up efforts to improve market surveillance and national inspections in particular;
25. Calls on the Member States to make sufficient resources available so as to be able to carry out comprehensive and effective checks; calls on the Member States actively to follow all instructions concerning defective products, including the testing of potentially unsafe consumer goods;
26. Calls on the Member States to make full use, in compliance with Community law, of all possible legal means available to them of ensuring that non-compliant or unsafe toys are prevented from being placed on the market or are withdrawn or recalled from the market;
27. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the governments of the Member States.
– having regard to the Commission green paper entitled "A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy" (COM(2006)0105),
– having regard to the first meeting of the EU Network of Energy Security Correspondents (NESCO), held on 10 May 2007 in Brussels,
– having regard to the joint paper by the Commission and the Council's Secretary-General/High Representative (SG/HR) entitled "An external policy to serve Europe's energy interests", submitted to the European Council of 15-16 June 2006,
– having regard to its position of 18 May 2006 on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion by the European Community of the Energy Community Treaty(1),
– having regard to its resolution of 23 March 2006 on security of energy supply in the European Union(2),
– having regard to its resolution of 1 June 2006 on Energy efficiency or doing more with less – Green Paper(3),
– having regard to the Commission Communication to the European Council of 12 October 2006 entitled "External energy relations – from principles to action" (COM(2006)0590),
– having regard to its resolution of 14 December 2006 on a European strategy for sustainable, competitive and secure energy – Green Paper(4),
– having regard to its resolution of 16 November 2006 on a Baltic Sea Strategy for the Northern Dimension(5), in particular Part II thereof,
– having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the European Council of 23-24 March 2006, concerning the European Council's endorsement of the Green Paper on an Energy Policy for Europe, and of 15-16 June 2006 concerning the joint paper by the Commission and the SG/HR on the external aspects of energy security,
– having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the European Council of 21-22 June 2007, concerning the mandate for the Intergovernmental Conference to draw up a Reform Treaty amending the existing Treaties,
– having regard to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, under which energy is a field in which there is shared competence with the Member States,
– having regard to the Communication from the Commission to the European Council and the European Parliament entitled "An Energy Policy for Europe" (COM(2007)0001),
– having regard to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament entitled "Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy" (COM(2006)0726),
– having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the European Council of 8-9 March 2007, and the European Council's Action Plan (2007-2009) for an Energy Policy for Europe (EPE),
– having regard to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament entitled "Black Sea Synergy – A New Regional Cooperation Initiative" (COM(2007)0160),
– having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, the Committee on Development, the Committee on International Trade and the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (A6-0312/2007),
A. whereas energy security must be regarded as an essential component of the overall security of the European Union, as well as a key element for the pursuit of economic and social development in Europe, for which, however, there is still no basis under the Treaties,
B. whereas, due to current existing and increasing energy supply dependency on largely unstable and undemocratic countries, efforts to ensure security of supply exclusively at the national level have proved to be insufficient and do not guarantee the long-term interests of all EU Member States; whereas the EU's external energy policy is closely linked to its internal energy policy and there is a need to create a common energy policy with regard to internal market regulation as well as external aspects that take into account the political and economic interests of all Member States,
C. whereas the present vulnerability and high energy dependency of the EU on countries with authoritarian regimes deeply undermine the development of a credible, effective and consistent common foreign and security policy with regard, in particular, to respect for, and the support and promotion of, the values upon which the EU is founded,
D. whereas the EU internal energy market principles could serve as a basis for constructive policies with external EU energy partners, taking into account the particular characteristics of the third countries concerned, especially with a view to supporting sustainable energy development, including the development of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources,
E. whereas security of supply at affordable and predictable prices has to be guaranteed at EU level by strong political cooperation as well as the completion of the internal energy market through further steps towards energy liberalisation,
F. whereas energy should not be used as a tool for the exertion of political pressure on transit and recipient countries,
G. whereas the gas sector is currently very vulnerable to external threats; whereas new forms of closer cooperation are being developed between gas exporting countries, which could endanger European energy security,
H. whereas a common European foreign policy on energy, based on solidarity and diversification and on the promotion of sustainability, would create synergies ensuring security of supply for the European Union and would enhance the EU's strength, capacity for action in foreign policy matters and credibility as a global actor,
I. whereas a sustainable, reliable and affordable energy supply must be secured; whereas international oil and gas prices are very volatile and a coherent EU foreign policy for energy is therefore in the interest of EU citizens,
J. whereas close cooperation in the field of supply of energy constitutes one of the most effective and indispensable confidence-building measures in relations between the European Union and neighbouring countries,
K. whereas a basis for solidarity in the area of energy policy can become a precedent for future solidarity in other areas and thus help to strengthen the role of the EU in its external relations,
L. whereas a reliable risk assessment of energy security should be established as part of a common European foreign policy on energy, and whereas in this connection the recently established NESCO should play a decisive role, in which the necessary monitoring capacities for an early warning system must also be in place,
M. whereas joint efforts should be redoubled in the field of research into, and utilisation of, renewable energies and energy efficiency, both within the EU and in cooperation with external partners and third countries,
1. Calls for the development of a common European foreign policy on energy which would significantly contribute to guaranteeing energy security for the whole of the EU, while at the same time pursuing the objective of sustainability at the international level, thus providing EU citizens with substantial added value to efforts made at national level;
2. Considers that energy policy must be an integrated and prominent part of the common foreign policy, and that energy policy should be taken into account in all foreign policy contexts;
3. Stresses that, whilst the Member States should retain their sovereign right to make strategic choices concerning the energy mix, to exploit their energy resources and to decide on the supply structures, there is a need to elaborate concrete provisions, to be included in the Treaties, leading to the creation of a common European foreign policy on energy, covering security of supply, transit and investment related to energy security, and the promotion of energy efficiency and energy savings as well as clean and renewable energy sources, particularly in relations with countries whose energy consumption is growing rapidly;
4. Calls for a suitable Treaty basis for energy and energy security;
5. Stresses that a comprehensive European foreign policy on energy must contribute to the promotion and implementation of the values and interests of the European Union and the main aims of its foreign policy, namely the safeguarding of peace and the primacy of human rights, democracy and the rule of law; recognises that the EU's dependency on imported energy may have significant effects on the independence of its decision-making in other policy areas;
6. Regards it as vital for the EU to continue to lead the global fight against climate change, which among other risks may lead to substantial migratory movements and security threats, and to fulfil the targets of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; in this context, fully supports the ongoing efforts to forge a multilateral post-2012 framework to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; considers it necessary to integrate the EU's endeavours in the development of renewable and clean energy sources and energy-saving technologies, including carbon capture and storage, into all external relations;
7. Welcomes the creation of NESCO; calls on the Member States and the Commission to consolidate its activity with a view to fully developing its operational capabilities and using it as an effective early warning system in case of energy security threats, as well as a system of information exchange in the field of energy;
8. Supports a gradual approach in progressing towards a common European foreign policy on energy;
9. Calls on the Council and the Commission to set up, by the end of 2007, a precise road map leading to the formation of such policy, indicating short, medium and long-term objectives, targets and steps, with a specific time-frame for implementing them;
10. Calls on the Commission to submit an annual progress report concerning the implementation of the above-mentioned objectives, in order to allow the Parliament to be closely involved in the monitoring of the common European foreign policy on energy;
11. Calls on the Commission to prepare annual reports concerning observance of the rules governing the internal market in the energy sector, notably as regards transparency and compliance with EU competition law, by third-country companies, especially main suppliers, together with all of their subsidiaries; welcomes the invitation extended by the European Council of 8-9 March 2007 to the Commission to assess the impact of vertically integrated energy companies from third countries on the internal market and how to implement the principle of reciprocity;
12. Supports the Commission's intention to take appropriate measures to prevent uncontrolled investment by state-owned foreign companies in the EU's energy sector, in particular the gas and electricity transmission networks;
13. Calls for closer coordination between the Presidency, the Commission and the SG/HR so that they may speak and act jointly with one voice on issues concerning a common foreign policy on energy; considers it necessary to strengthen the role of the Commission and the Parliament in defining the common foreign policy on energy in the forthcoming revision of the Treaties; proposes, after the new Reform Treaty enters into force, to appoint, with the approval of the Council and the Commission, a High Official for Foreign Energy Policy, who, wearing a "double hat", would act under the authority of the newly created strengthened High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, a Vice-President of the Commission, thus being anchored both in the Council and in the Commission, and who should be responsible for coordinating all policies under the scope of the common European foreign policy on energy, thereby contributing to the EU's ability to protect its energy security interests in negotiating with the EU's external partners;
14. Is convinced that the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) should be the cornerstone of the common European foreign policy on energy as it is the international community's most significant instrument for the promotion of cooperation in the energy sector, provides a basis for fair and equitable treatment, ensures security of investments and guarantees a right to compensation in the event of expropriation and/or nationalisation; calls on the Commission and the Council to strongly demand the application of the ECT, and to include the substance of its Transit Protocol in all treaties and agreements with its energy partners;
15. Encourages the Member States and the Commission to pursue efforts to promote within the EU neighbourhood, in cooperation with third countries, the extension of the principles and norms of the internal market; urges the Commission, therefore, to consider extending the European Energy Community comprising the EU and South Eastern Europe, to other third countries, as appropriate, and creating new regional energy markets modelled thereon, such as a Euro-Mediterranean energy community, to ensure security of supply;
Underlying principles and recommendations for action within a common European foreign policy on energy A.Diversification
16. Is of the opinion that, taking into consideration the increasing dependence of the EU on a limited number of energy sources, suppliers and transport routes, it is essential to support the priority initiatives aimed at their diversification, both geographically and by developing sustainable alternatives; believes that special priority should be given to environmentally safe and renewable energy sources; considers that security of supply at affordable and predictable prices must be a major goal for the EU;
17. Supports the prioritisation of all the energy diversification projects realised within the neighbourhood – especially those aimed at creating new transport corridors which diversify both suppliers and routes, such as the Trans-Caspian/trans-Black Sea energy corridor – in particular the construction of the Nabucco pipeline, liquefied natural gas infrastructure (LNG), the interconnection of electricity grids and the completion of the Euro-Mediterranean electricity and gas infrastructure rings as well as the realisation of new oil infrastructure projects of European interest such as the Odessa-Gdańsk and Constanta-Trieste projects which should be included in the list of high-priority projects of European interest;
18. Welcomes the nomination of EU coordinators for priority projects of European interest, as defined by the European Council in the Presidency Conclusions of March 2007, in particular for the Nabucco project and the Power-Link between Germany, Poland and Lithuania;
19. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to pursue active policies at the highest political level so as to enable the Community to diversify its natural gas sources; expects that any cooperation between gas exporting countries would respect an open, transparent and competitive market; considers that an initiative to create a gas version of OPEC would be contrary to that aim;
20. Notes that it is essential to move beyond declarations and open bids for concrete priority projects, and calls for the High Official for Foreign Energy Policy, upon being appointed, to be also responsible for coordinating the engagement in developing external energy infrastructure, such as the Nabucco and Odessa-Gdańsk projects; meanwhile, calls on the Commission, the Presidency and the SG/HR to strengthen the commitment to developing external energy infrastructures, together with the European coordinators;
21. Considers that the realisation of the energy diversification projects should be one of the priorities of the strengthened European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), and calls for enhanced support for improvement of the investment climate and the regulatory framework, based on the principles of the ECT, in the energy sectors of the producer and transit countries;
22. Calls for recognition of the diversity of situations in which various Member States find themselves when it comes to energy mix, import dependency and infrastructure, and supports all efforts aimed at overcoming the existing dependencies of Member States on dominant suppliers, on infrastructure limitations, on carbon-intensive sources of energy and on energy imports from countries that systematically violate the letter and spirit of the UN Charter;
23. Supports all efforts aimed at establishing new sources for financing all important undertakings, including special loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB), as well as earmarking for that very purpose special budgetary lines within the EU budget, provided that they do not undermine the security of any Member State;
24. Calls for the improvement of cooperation with the EIB and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), with a view to using financial instruments to back up priority projects;
25. Considers potential import dependency on biofuels to be as worrying as dependence on external supplies of oil or gas; calls on the Commission to develop, together with the EU's partners, a global certification scheme which can ensure the sustainability of the production and use of biofuels that do not pose a threat to biodiversity, together with standards for the cultivation and processing phases as well as for the overall life-cycle balance of greenhouse gases;
26. In the context of incentives for biofuel or biomass use in the EU, regards it as imperative for the EU to ascertain that such use does not threaten global food security or lead to increased pressure on natural forests, an expansion in monocultures or exotic species plantations, or the exacerbation of climate change through tropical deforestation;
B.Unity in defending the EU's interests
27. Considers it inevitable for the Union to develop a long-term strategy and framework leading to the creation of a common foreign policy on energy, in order to adopt a strong position in dialogue with main supplier countries and to enhance the ability to speak with one voice in the discussions held at the EU, Member State and industry levels, which will provide a platform for solidarity in other policy areas and for strengthening the external role of the Union;
28. In the short term, calls on the Member States to keep each other and the Commission informed of, and moreover to consult each other and the Commission on, strategic decisions concerning major bilateral agreements with third countries on energy projects which could affect the interests of other Member States and the EU as a whole, as should be done in respect of all foreign policy questions of common interest; and, where bilateral agreements have been reached that run contrary to the interests of other Member States and the EU as a whole, calls on the Member States and, where appropriate, the Commission to work together to reach agreement ensuring the neutralisation of any negative effects, in particular as regards environmental impact, in accordance with the principle of solidarity;
29. Calls on the Member States and the Commission to ensure that a full environmental impact assessment is carried out before deciding on major infrastructure investments; in particular, urges them to consider the threat to ecosystems and human life represented by the planned North European Pipe Line/Nord Stream due to the existence of ammunition and weapons dumps on the seabed along the path of the planned pipeline at the bottom of the Baltic Sea; points out that, should a major ecological disaster occur, the financial responsibility should lie with the parties involved;
30. In the medium term, calls for the Commission to be vested with institutional competence to negotiate EU framework agreements with third countries concerning energy supply;
C.Solidarity in crisis situations
31. Considering that solidarity and energy security are necessary for the smooth functioning of the internal market, including equal access to energy for all economic operators, calls on the Council and the Member States to create a solidarity mechanism, in accordance with the spirit of solidarity between Members States referred to in the new Reform Treaty agreed upon by the European Council in June 2007, which would allow the EU to act efficiently, swiftly and coherently in crisis situations caused by disruption of supply, damage to critical infrastructure or any other event;
32. Calls on the Commission to support the so-called "energy security clause" to be included in trade, association, and partnership and cooperation agreements with producer and transit countries, which would lay down a code of conduct and explicitly outline measures to be taken in the event of disruption, or any unilateral change in the terms of the contract or in the terms of supply by one of the partners;
33. Supports the creation of an efficient mechanism, to include NESCO, with which to react in the event of supply disruptions, including measures to make effective use of warning systems and build up an interconnecting EU energy crisis infrastructure, especially for gas and electricity, which could be used to assist Member States in need, taking into account the geological and geographic features of those Member States, particularly as regards storage capacities and their proximity to sources of energy supply;
D.Strengthened cooperation with major producer, transit and consumer countries
34. Calls on the EU and the Member States to further engage actively in a close dialogue between the EU and all major producer, transit and consumer countries and, in particular, to step up relations in the energy sector with Algeria, Egypt and the other producer countries in the Mashreq/Maghreb region; encourages those countries to fulfil their international commitments and to adhere to international law;
35. Supports all steps aimed at promoting transparency, the rule of law and improved governance in the energy sector through energy partnerships with third countries, with the objective of creating mutually beneficial, open, transparent, non-discriminatory and stable legal conditions for access to upstream assets and for energy investment and trade, to be based on the principle of reciprocity and fair and transparent competition, ensuring that the income from energy trading will not be misused and diverted to finance terrorism;
36. Stresses the need to pursue research and development partnerships with major consumer and transit countries outside the EU, in order to tackle the challenge of global warming and develop alternative and renewable energy sources; underlines that enhanced energy cooperation with such third countries, including the United States, should be carried out with particular regard to the development of energy-efficient technologies and the promotion of combined heat and power from renewable and sustainable biomass production and use;
37. Calls on the EU to build a dialogue with developing countries on energy issues in order to enhance the decentralisation of renewable energies, energy accessibility and sustainability as well as energy infrastructure of common interest;
38. Underlines, in particular, the importance of enhanced energy dialogue with the United States and other key energy partners that share EU values; calls on the Community institutions to aim at establishing an Energy Security Partnership with the United States;
39. Calls for the active involvement of European countries that are not Member States – such as Norway, the world's third largest oil exporter – in a common European foreign policy on energy;
40. Calls for a coherent energy policy in all European foreign policy areas, such as the Northern Dimension, Black Sea Synergy and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership;
41. Supports the initiatives of the Commission to develop a closer energy dialogue with the countries in the South Caucasus, Caspian and Central Asia regions, as well as the Mediterranean region and the Middle East; welcomes the EU's move towards an approach of "critical and constructive dialogue" vis-à-vis the countries of the region which balances the EU's interest in diversifying its oil and gas supplies and the goal of achieving political reforms in those countries;
42. Calls for the development of the existing mechanisms, and the creation of new ones, within the ENP and the Black Sea Synergy leading to a deepening of the cooperation with the transit countries – Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the countries of South Caucasus, the Mashreq and the Maghreb – in order to allow for greater transparency of market operation and provide for stability of supply and transit;
43. Underlines the importance of Turkey as a transit hub for the diversification of gas supplies to the EU; expects Turkey to fully cooperate with the EU in facilitating transit;
44. Encourages Turkey to join, as a full member, the European Energy Community, which currently extends to the South Eastern European countries and provides a structured regulatory framework for deepening regional energy cooperation, thus improving energy security and underpinning investment; supports the application by Ukraine, Norway and Moldova for membership of the European Energy Community;
45. Calls on the Commission, in addition to NESCO, to develop tools and mechanisms allowing it to cooperate better with its neighbours in analysing and monitoring the situation in the transit areas, thus increasing the EU's ability to prevent crisis situations and to react in a more effective and rapid manner if a crisis were to occur;
46. Stresses the importance of the EU's energy partnership with Russia, while pointing out that Russia continues to be almost entirely dependent on the EU market and its individual larger-scale European consumers in its energy exports; urges the EU to emphasise the mutual interdependence aspects in the EU-Russia energy dialogue; draws attention to the fact that the energy partnership between the EU and Russia can only be based on the principle of non-discrimination and fair treatment and on equal market access conditions;
47. Emphasises that Russia is already bound by the ECT pursuant to Article 45 thereof(6); is convinced that, in addition to the need for Russia to ratify the ECT, the EU should negotiate a formal framework document on energy relations with Russia in the context of the future Partnership and Cooperation Agreement; regards the mere transposition of the ECT principles into the future Partnership and Cooperation Agreement as redundant, while acknowledging the added value of provisions clarifying or supplementing the obligations contained in the ECT, in particular those contained in its Transit Protocol;
48. Stresses that the ratification of the ECT would be a visible and tangible demonstration of Russia's commitment to a reliable energy supply and to energy cooperation based on common principles and values;
49. Calls on the Council and the Commission to use their leverage to persuade Russia to commit itself to open, fair and transparent markets for energy production and supply; considers that the ratification by Russia of the ECT and its Transit Protocol would have a positive influence on the European Union's support for Russian accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO);
50. Expresses its concern about the general inefficiency of the Russian energy system, both in terms of exploration and transport and in industrial and domestic use, which may have severe implications for Russia's supply obligations; calls on the Commission to address this issue in its technical cooperation with Russia;
51. Stresses that the principle of developing environment-friendly and energy-efficient technologies should be incorporated into a new agreement between the EU and Russia; emphasises the importance of increasing EU-Russia cooperation on environmental matters within the framework of the Northern Dimension, in particular as regards the Arctic region;
52. Calls on the Commission to demand, within the dialogue with the main suppliers of hydrocarbons to the EU, the equal treatment of European companies, exclusively based on economic criteria and without any interference by political factors in the establishment of acquisition prices;
53. Calls on the Commission to prepare a report on the destination clauses regarding gas supplies, which are de facto preventing re-export of gas within the internal market, and calls on the Commission to enforce the abolition of any such clauses contained in any contracts for natural gas on the EU market, inasmuch as they are prohibited by EC law;
54. Calls for the stepping-up of the dialogue with China, India, Brazil and other emerging countries and developing countries, in order to build a stable and predictable global energy market which is based on fair and transparent rules and is in addition aimed at a united effort in combating global warming and maintaining sustainable development;
55. Calls for an intensified relationship with the Middle East and North Africa in the energy sector; outlines the importance of the future EU-Africa Energy Partnership, the launch of which is planned to take place at the EU-Africa Summit on 7-8 December 2007 in Lisbon as one of the main initiatives within the Joint EU-Africa Strategy; considers that the energy partnership should contribute to strengthening the Africa-EU dialogue on access to energy and energy security, scaling up investment in energy infrastructure and in renewable energies and energy efficiency, amplifying the development-oriented use of oil and gas revenues, promoting transparency and mainstreaming climate change into energy and development cooperation;
56. Calls on the Commission to promote fair competition at the international level by taking action within the WTO in support of specific rules on the transparency of the energy market and, in particular, on trade-distorting measures;
57. Recommends that the Commission evaluate, within the WTO, the possibility of negotiating plurilateral agreements for specific energy markets, such as biofuels, and that it report back to the Parliament as soon as possible;
58. Calls on the Commission and the Council to actively and resolutely counteract any oligopolistic tendencies, such as the danger of the creation of a gas cartel;
59. Encourages those Member States which are members of the G8 and the Commission to use that forum to promote the EU's energy interests, including in the G8+5 format which brings together key producers and consumers;
60. Stresses the importance of the EU proposal within the framework of the Gleneagles Action Plan to support the development of clean technologies in the form of a new Global Forum for systematic cooperation and exchange of best practices amongst the states, regions, mega-cities and other public entities that have considerable energy consumption levels;
61. Supports all measures aimed at strengthening multilateral technical initiatives, such as the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, the Financial Action Task Force, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Equator Principles and Inogate;
62. Stresses that a common European foreign policy on energy is not in itself sufficient, and that a common European energy policy needs to be developed which should include a common European policy on research and technologies concerning energy;
63. Calls on the Council to create a strategy to protect critical energy infrastructure inside the EU and the immediate neighbourhood of the EU against terrorist threats;
64. Calls on the Commission to put forward proposals for regulatory reform, based on the best practices identified in each Member State, and in particular full ownership unbundling of energy production and energy transmission and distribution, stronger independent national regulatory supervision and better coordination of the activities of regulators at EU level, with a view to encouraging the development of new and renewable energy sources and a clear framework for enhancing investment in transmission infrastructures;
65. Stresses that the creation of interoperable energy grids through a well-coordinated trans-European energy network will contribute to competitiveness in the electricity and gas markets, reinforce security of supply and advance environmental protection, as well as strengthening the EU's position vis-à-vis supply and transit countries;
66. Stresses that pollution from the exploitation of energy resources, particularly oil, may not only cause serious and irreversible environmental damage but also pose serious security risks regionally and globally, such as in the Middle East; calls for new safeguard measures and investment in greater security and efficiency in the exploitation of energy resources;
67. Calls for a public debate to raise awareness of a common European foreign policy on energy among EU citizens and underline the positive aspects of such a policy, by means of a public information campaign;
68. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the governments and parliaments of the Member States.
Article 45(1) of the ECT provides for states that have signed but not ratified the ECT to be provisionally bound thereby from signature to ratification, unless they have opted out pursuant to Article 45.
Legal migration
European Parliament resolution of 26 September 2007 on the policy plan on legal migration (2006/2251(INI))
– having regard to the communication from the Commission on the policy plan on legal migration (COM(2005)0669) ("the Action Plan"),
– having regard to the communication from the Commission on policy priorities in the fight against the illegal immigration of third-country nationals (COM(2006)0402),
– having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions of 13 February 2007 entitled 'Policy plan on legal migration, fight against legal immigration, future of the European migration network'(1),
– having regard to conclusions of the European Council presidency of 4 and 5 November 2004 and the Hague Programme included therein(2),
– having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament entitled 'The global approach to migration one year on: towards a comprehensive European migration policy' (COM(2006)0735),
– having regard to its resolution of 9 June 2005 on the links between legal and illegal migration and integration of migrants(3),
– having regard to the Green Paper on an EU approach to managing economic migration (COM(2004)0811) and its resolution of 26 October 2005 on that topic(4),
– having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions entitled 'A Common Agenda for Integration - Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals in the European Union' (COM(2005)0389), and to Parliament's resolution of 6 July 2006 on strategies and means for the integration of immigrants in the European Union(5),
– having regard to Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection(6),
– having regard to the outcome of the EU-Africa ministerial conference on migration and development held in Rabat on 10 and 11 July 2006,
– having regard to the EU-Africa joint declaration on migration and development adopted at the EU-Africa ministerial conference held in Tripoli on 22 and 23 November 2006,
– having regard to the comprehensive approach as reaffirmed in the conclusions of the European Council presidency following the Brussels European Council of 14 and 15 December 2006,
– having regard to the resolution of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly on migration of skilled workers and its effect thereof upon national development adopted on 28 June 2007,
– having regard to the communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions entitled 'Applying the Global Approach to Migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions Neighbouring the European Union' (COM(2007)0247),
– having regard to the communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on circular migration and mobility partnerships between the European Union and third countries (COM(2007)0248),
– having regard to the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council providing for sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals (COM(2007)0249,
– having regard to the Treaty of Amsterdam, pursuant to which powers and responsibilities in the field of immigration and asylum are conferred upon the Community, and to Article 63 of the EC Treaty,
– having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on Development, the Committee on Culture and Education and the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (A6-0322/2007),
A. whereas according to Eurostat the number of third country nationals legally resident in the 27 Member States is approximately 18,5 million, whilst nearly 9 million EU citizens are resident in a Member State other than their own,
B. whereas migration is an international phenomenon in which EU citizens also participate as migrants themselves,
C. whereas pursuant both to the existing Treaties and to the new draft treaty, the Member States are responsible both de jure and de facto for setting the number of economic migrants allowed into the EU for work purposes,
D. whereas a comprehensive and consistent approach to immigration is required at European level, since a change to immigration policy in one Member State influences migrant flows and developments in other Member States,
E. whereas the reality of ageing and demographic changes necessitate rethinking immigration policies, since the current and future situation of the EU labour market can be broadly described as in demand of well-managed legal immigration (according to Eurostat the working-age population within the population as a whole will shrink by over 50 million by 2050),
F. whereas the mandate for the IGC, as defined by the June 2007 European Council, provides for the extension of the Community method to all matters concerning legal immigration, thus eliminating a disparity and improving the effectiveness of decision-making,
G. whereas a more comprehensive and inclusive definition of migrants, including a definition of the status of people that are not refugees but cannot however be returned to their country of origin, is needed in order to reflect developments in migratory flows,
H. whereas it is stated in the section of the Action Plan entitled 'Knowledge-building and information' that further studies of permits for job-seekers should be carried out,
I. whereas it is important to recognise that increased migration flows should be seen as a global phenomenon with numerous causes and effects,
J. whereas in this area, cooperation by the EU and its Member States with third countries of origin and transit is essential,
K. whereas controls on legal immigration have become steadily tighter; whereas a number of countries have introduced different legal immigration schemes based on quotas or on points; whereas it is wrong to spread the belief that immigration is uncontrolled,
L. whereas overly restrictive means for legal entry to the EU indirectly encourages irregular immigration, and whereas opening channels for legal immigration will contribute to the fight against illegal immigration and human trafficking,
M. whereas the principle of Community preference applies as regards economic migration and whereas transitional measures apply to the free movement of people from the new Member States,
N. whereas the fight against illegal immigration and human trafficking is as inseparable from policies concerning the admission of economic immigrants as from measures on integration,
O. whereas legal immigration should be accompanied by effective integration policy; whereas integration is a two-way process involving both immigrants from third countries and Europe's population; whereas it should be made easier for the individual to live with her or his partner and children,
P. whereas in the space of a few decades, immigration has become a central topic of public debate throughout the EU of great political sensitivity which may easily be exploited for demagogic and populist purposes,
Q. whereas politicians and media representatives should be aware of the importance of using correct discourse on this issue,
R. whereas both the causes of immigration and its positive consequences should be more evident in the public debate on the issue,
S. whereas in view of the role played by immigration in respect of economic development, growth and hence employment in Europe, it would be useful if trade union, employer and civil society representatives were more extensively involved in the public debate on such matters,
T. whereas those in charge of social and economic policy must inform the general public of the role of legal immigration in growth and employment,
General approach
1. Welcomes the Commission's response to the European Council's request for a policy plan on legal migration, including admission procedures capable of responding promptly to fluctuating demands in the labour market;
2. Endorses the approach adopted in the Action Plan to overcome the obstacles within the Council to the 2001 proposal for a Council directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of paid employment and self-employed economic activities (COM(2001)0386);
3. Welcomes the above mentioned communication from the Commission on applying the global approach to migration to the eastern and south-eastern regions neighbouring the EU; calls on the Member States and the Commission to ensure that sufficient human and financial resources are allocated to the proper implementation of the comprehensive approach to migration; stresses the need for enhanced regional dialogue and cooperation on legal migration and welcomes the idea of setting up regional cooperation platforms for migration, bringing together all relevant actors from the EU side and the regions concerned;
4. Maintains that illegal immigration cannot be tackled unless means and channels of legal immigration are established at the same time, since the two phenomena are closely linked;
5. Considers the collection of consistent and reliable statistics on migration to be essential; expects Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 to be implemented swiftly and effectively by all Member States; calls upon the Commission to submit, in cooperation with the Member States, an assessment of the number of people who could be affected by the four specific directives; expects the European Migration Network (EMN) to make a rapid and substantial contribution in this area (in collaboration with Eurostat); hopes that particular attention will be paid to the place of women, who account for half of migrants;
6. Welcomes the institutional implications of the draft reform Treaty, as set by the IGC mandate, which extends qualified majority voting and co-decision powers to police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters and also entails the extension of competences in respect of EU asylum and immigration policies; welcomes in particular the extension of the ordinary legislative procedure to cover legal migration and considers it reasonable that Member States will continue to keep the sovereign right to determine the volume of economic migrants they can accept on their territories;
7. Calls upon the various Council formations with responsibility in this area (Justice and Home Affairs, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Protection) to increase their efforts to coordinate their discussions of the Action Plan;
8. Supports the intention of the Commission to define the conditions of entry and stay for other selected categories of economic migrants, including unskilled or low-skilled workers;
9. Calls upon the Commission to carry out a short- and medium-term forecast of the requirements for additional labour in the various Member States; calls on the Member States to provide the Commission with a statistical estimate in order to enable it to make suitable forecasts concerning labour requirements in the EU; emphasises that these estimates must also take into account non-economic migrants, refugees and persons in need of subsidiary protection, as well as family reunifications;
10. Considers that particular attention should be paid to the situation of minors, who may find themselves disadvantaged due to their parents' movement, and proposals brought forward to mitigate such negative effects;
11. Considers that a clear definition of each category of economic migrant concerned by the directives currently being drawn up must be adopted; calls upon the Member States to coordinate amongst themselves and to exchange best practices by means of the mechanism for the exchange of information concerning asylum and immigration matters provided for by Council Decision 2006/688/EC of 5 October 2006 on the establishment of a mutual information mechanism concerning Member States' measures in the areas of asylum and immigration(7);
12. Believes that the transitional internal barriers to the free movement of workers from the new Member States should be lifted as soon as possible;
13. Supports the establishment of an EU immigration portal; in this context, welcomes the expansion of the EURES services to support the management of the economic migration of third country nationals;
Proposal for a general framework directive
14. Considers there to be an essential need for a directive designed to provide third country nationals who are legally employed within the EU with a common framework of rights, together with the requirement to fulfil a certain number of obligations, and insists that a proposal for a framework directive be submitted in advance of the four proposals for specific directives envisaged in the Action Plan;
15. Recalls the need to avoid double standards of rights amongst different categories of workers and to safeguard particularly the rights of seasonal workers and paid trainees, who are more vulnerable to abuse;
16. Endorses the idea of a single application for a joint residence and work permit;
17. Also considers that the directive should contain proposals enabling migrants to change their status or their job whilst remaining in the EU;
18. Agrees that mutual recognition of diplomas and other qualifications is necessary in order to avoid a loss in terms of income and skills for the migrant as well as for the countries of residence and origin;
19. Considers that measures should be explored in order to investigate the possibility for migrants, when they return to their country of origin, to transfer their pension entitlements and accumulated welfare rights acquired as a result of their employment and for which they were required to pay contributions;
20. Questions the reference in the Action Plan to the collection of the 'most advanced' biometrical data; considers that the protection of personal data should be respected in all cases, particularly the principles of proportionality and purpose limitation;
21. Supports the ratification by all Member States of the International Convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and their family members;
Circular migration, return migration and mobility partnerships
22. Welcomes the above mentioned communication from the Commission on circular migration and partnerships for mobility between the EU and third countries; agrees that the damaging effects of brain drain must be avoided, and the "brain circulation" instead must be promoted;
23. Calls furthermore upon the Commission to explain the link between circularity and integration; points out that, according to the Commission, "supposedly circular migration may very rapidly become permanent and thus fail to meet the intended objective";
24. Stresses furthermore the importance of establishing stable and lawful labour relations between businesses and workers to increase productivity and the competitiveness of the EU; calls on the Commission therefore to consider the effects circular migration could have in this regard;
25. Supports the idea of long-term multiple-entry visas, as well as the possibility of granting priority to former immigrants wishing to obtain a new residence permit with a view to further temporary employment;
26. Calls on the Commission to take account of the possibilities raised by both Parliament and the Economic and Social Affairs Committee and to bring forward a comprehensive study on the possible implementation of a blue-card system and a job-seekers visa;
27. Expresses interest in the planned Migration Information and Management Centre which is due to be set up in Mali; calls upon the Commission to provide the relevant parliamentary committees with detailed information on the legal base of and budgetary provisions for the project, as well as regular updates on this and similar initiatives envisaged in other third countries; supports the idea of applying the same approach to the Union's eastern border region;
Proposal for a directive on the entry and residence conditions of highly skilled workers
28. Supports any measure designed to increase the attractiveness of the EU to the most highly skilled workers so as to meet the needs of the EU labour market in order to ensure Europe's prosperity as well as to meet the Lisbon targets; to this end, calls on the Commission and the Member States to:
explore ways to grant such workers the right to move freely within the EU;
explore ways to allow such workers to remain within the EU for a limited period at the end of their contract or following redundancy to allow them to look for a job;
29. Supports therefore any simplification measure designed to facilitate the entry of such workers into the EU, whilst leaving the definition of specific needs and quotas for economic migrants to the Member States;
30. Considers it important that the risks of a brain drain be taken into account when EU legal immigration measures are laid down; refers to the above mentioned report by the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly on the migration of skilled workers and the effects thereof on national development; calls upon the Commission, in conjunction with the countries of origin, to carry out statistical studies with a view to identifying the areas of expertise in which there is a clear risk of brain drain;
31. Supports the creation of an EU work permit (the so-called blue card) to facilitate the free movement of 'brains' within Europe and the transfer of personnel within multinational companies;
Proposal for a directive concerning the entry and residence conditions of seasonal workers
32. Points out that seasonal workers from third countries make an essential contribution to sectors such as agriculture, construction and tourism; stresses the increasing importance of irregular employment in such sectors in a number of Member States and therefore considers the proposed scheme essential; in that sense, welcomes the Commission's proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council providing for sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals (COM(2007)0249);
33. Draws attention at the same time to the crucial importance of speedy, flexible recruitment procedures in seasonal work; highlights the importance of local experience, with particular regard to the agricultural sector; stresses the need, therefore, to take this into account;
34. Considers that seasonal workers who abide by the rules laid down for this kind of migration should be granted priority access to other forms of legal migration;
Proposal for a directive on the procedures governing the temporary entry, stay and residence of persons transferred within their company
35. Endorses the Commission's idea of strengthening the legal framework in order to promote mobility within Europe; points out that the situation of the persons concerned is governed by GATS;
Proposal for a directive on the entry and residence conditions for paid trainees
36. Considers that the notion of paid trainee should be clearly defined (age limit, language skills, maximum length of training period, possibility of converting the status into some other kind of residence permit, and so on) and that checks need to be devised in order to prevent abuse of the status;
37. Proposes that paid trainees should be issued with a European residence permit valid for between 6 and 12 months; supports the development of partnership programmes with universities in third countries;
38. Recalls its above mentioned resolutions of 9 June 2005 and of 6 July 2006,
39. Welcomes the holding in Potsdam on 10 and 11 May 2007 of an informal meeting of ministers responsible for integration; points out that EU immigration policy must be based on a comprehensive approach reconciling the requirements of the employment markets in the Member States and admission and integration policies; considers that a summary of the rights and duties of migrant workers should be drawn up in order to make it easier for such workers to participate in economic, social and political life in order to achieve integration; regards schools as an essential forum for intercultural dialogue and integration;
40. Reiterates that the celebration of 2008 as the year of intercultural dialogue must contribute to improving the integration of immigrants in host societies and neighbourhoods and to mutual understanding, thereby reducing outbreaks of mistrust, racism and xenophobia; urges the Commission to promote the work of civil society organisations in favour of inter-cultural co-existence and mutual respect and education at the service of peace and non-violence; points out that politicians at all levels should be aware of their responsibilities in using a correct discourse on this issue;
41. Invites Member States to apply Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification(8); calls on the Council, the Commission and the Member States to grant migrant women arriving under family reunification arrangements a legal status that is independent of that of their spouse;
42. Emphasises the particular responsibility of the media (in particular European public radio and television broadcasters) in the dissemination of an accurate image of immigration and in countering stereotypes;
43. Considers it essential that interested persons should be informed - wherever possible before their departure - regarding the terms and conditions of, and the opportunities for, legal migration into the EU; considers that such information should be widely disseminated within third countries by public bodies (either Member States' embassies or consulates or the local Commission delegation); with this in mind, calls for a European immigration internet portal to be created without delay;
44. Supports projects designed to establish training and language courses in the country of origin in order to help immigrants to develop skills and better adjust to labour needs in the EU;
Cooperation with countries of origin
45. Points to the need for an active co-development policy; supports the objective of concluding agreements with third countries to enable both legal and illegal immigration to be managed effectively; considers, nonetheless, that such agreements must be fully in accordance with human rights; in this connection, expresses reservations concerning the funding of projects in countries which do not uphold human rights;
46. Invites the Commission and the Member States to explore ways to facilitate the free movement of migrants between the country of residence and the country of origin;
47. Points out that the funds which immigrants send back to their country of origin contribute to the development of those countries; considers that the cost of transferring remits to countries of origin should be reduced in order to assist development, while at the same time ensuring an adequate level of control and security of transactions; emphasises that although every effort should be made to facilitate and make less expensive the transfer of remittances, they remain private funds that benefit primarily the families who receive them and should not be viewed as a substitute for Official Development Assistance;
48. Calls upon the Commission and the Council to take part before Parliament in an annual debate on EU immigration policy; calls upon the Commission to submit on such occasions a comprehensive scoreboard relating to the state of migration in Europe;
49. Calls upon its competent committee to engage in a close dialogue with its counterparts in national parliaments responsible for matters relating to immigration, and to continue working with the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly's committee responsible for migration, refugees and population;
50. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the Council of Europe, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organisation for Migration.
The fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals
European Parliament resolution of 26 September 2007 on Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals (2006/2250(INI))
– having regard to the Commission Communication on Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals (COM(2006)0402),
–having regard to the Commission Communication on the Policy Plan on Legal Migration (COM(2005)0669), and to its resolution of 26 September 2007(1) on that subject,
–having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions of 13 February 2007 on 'Policy Plan on Legal Migration, Fight against Illegal Immigration, Future of the European Migration Network'(2),
–having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 4 and 5 November 2004 and the Hague Programme included therein(3),
– having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament entitled 'The Global Approach to Migration one year on: Towards a comprehensive European migration policy' (COM(2006)0735),
– having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 15 and 16 December 2005 on the 'Global approach to migration: Priority Actions focussing on Africa and the Mediterranean', as reiterated in the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 14 and 15 December 2006,
– having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 21 and 22 June 2007 and the mandate of the IGC in the area of justice and home affairs,
– having regard to its resolution of 9 June 2005 on the link between legal and illegal migration and the integration of immigrants(4),
– having regard to its resolution of 28 September 2006 on the EU common immigration policy(5), in which it regretted the fact that 'seven years after the adoption of the Tampere programme, the European Union does not have a coherent immigration policy',
– having regard to its resolution of 15 February 2007 on refugees from Iraq(6),
– having regard to Council Decision 2006/688/EC of 5 October 2006 on the establishment of a mutual information mechanism concerning Member States' measures in the areas of asylum and immigration(7),
– having regard to Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection(8),
– having regard to the outcome of the EU-Africa ministerial conference on migration and development held in Rabat on 10 and 11 July 2006,
– having regard to the joint Africa-EU declaration on migration and development, adopted at the EU-Africa ministerial conference held in Tripoli on 22 and 23 November 2006,
– having regard to the EU Action Plan against trafficking in human beings adopted by the Council on 1 and 2 December 2005,
– having regard to its recommendation to the Council of 16 November 2006(9) calling for a new EU strategy to fight trafficking in human beings,
– having regard to the Commission Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions 'Applying the Global Approach to Migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions Neighbouring the European Union' (COM(2007)0247),
– having regard to the Commission Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on circular migration and mobility partnerships between the European Union and third countries (COM(2007)0248),
– having regard to the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council providing for sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals (COM(2007)0249,
– having regard to Regulation (EC) No 863/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 establishing a mechanism for the creation of Rapid Border Intervention Teams(10),
–having regard to the Treaty of Amsterdam and its conferral on the Community of powers and responsibilities in the areas of' immigration and asylum, and to Article 63 of the EC Treaty,
– having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to the report of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Development (A6-0323/2007),
A. whereas migration is a global phenomenon which is growing and therefore also affects the European Union,
B. whereas the number of third-country nationals in an irregular situation in the EU appears to be, according to somewhat conflicting estimates, between 4.5 m and 8 million; whereas the statistical data available need to be improved in terms of quality and consistency,
C. whereas the extent of migratory movements is now such that Member States lack the capacity to manage them individually, and a global and coherent approach to immigration at European level is therefore required; whereas the lack of a suitable response to the arrival of irregular immigrants at the Union's borders points up both the low degree of solidarity among Member States and the failure to coordinate policy despite the existing declarations and commitments,
D. whereas a common EU immigration policy requires that Member States abide by the principles of solidarity, shared responsibility, mutual trust and transparency,
E. whereas immigration policy needs to be global and must take account of a whole range of aspects, especially: the fight against clandestine immigration and human trafficking , the need to improve and coordinate legal immigration channels, the causes of emigration from third countries (push factors such as under-development, poverty, wars, dictatorships, failing State institutions, the consequences of climate change and environmental disasters, etc), the factors of attraction to the Union (pull factors such as standard of living, democracy, peace, job opportunities including irregular employment, etc); the Member States' demographic and economic needs; the coherence of the measures taken at local, national and European level; issues of integration and cultural mixing; respect for fundamental rights, especially the right to asylum and non-refoulement; and the fight against racism and xenophobia,
F. whereas the fight against human trafficking constitutes a priority for the Union, in particular with a view to combating trafficking in the most vulnerable groups such as women and children and to dismantling the gangs and mafias which benefit from it,
G. whereas many people in an irregular situation originally enter the European Union legally, but then cease to fulfil their entry conditions;
H. whereas illegal and legal immigration are closely interrelated and the fight against illegal immigration is vital for the establishment of a policy for legal immigration,
I. whereas extending opportunities for legal immigration would reduce the number of illegal entries;
J. whereas the reluctance of some governments to recognise the extent of the need of a migrant workforce can place employers in a difficult situation, when trying to fulfil business needs within legal requirements concerning documentation,
K. whereas the cooperation of the EU and its Member States with the third countries of origin and transit is vital, and an effective and practical policy of co-development must be put in place with a view to addressing at an early stage in third countries the root causes of immigration,
L. whereas both the causes of immigration and its positive aspects (notably its impact on the economy and demography and in the cultural enrichment of our societies) tend to be absent from the public debate, which focuses largely on its difficulties and problems,
M. whereas within a few decades immigration has become a central issue of public debate throughout the European Union, a politically highly sensitive issue which can easily be exploited for demagogic and populist purposes, and whereas politicians and media representatives should be aware of the importance of using a correct discourse on this issue;
General approach
1. Welcomes the Commission's approach, which will play a key role in stimulating more coherent and effective action by Member States;
2. Welcomes the above-mentioned initiative on 'Applying the Global Approach to Migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions Neighbouring the European Union' ; calls on the Member States and the Commission to ensure that sufficient human and financial resources are allocated for the proper implementation of the comprehensive approach to migration;
3. Welcomes the institutional implications of the draft Reform Treaty, as set by the IGC mandate, in particular the extension of codecision and qualified majority voting to all immigration policies, the clarification of EU competence on visas and border controls, the extension of EU competence on asylum as well as the extension of EU competence in respect of legal and illegal immigration;
4. Believes it essential to collect and harmonise statistical data on migration; calls on the Member States and the Commission, together with Eurostat, to take steps to correct the existing lack of coherent and reliable data, in liaison with the European Migration Network (EMN) and with international organisations such as the OECD; welcomes the adoption of the above-mentioned Regulation (EC) n°862/2007; calls on all the Member States to produce statistics that are consistent with the harmonised definitions and to provide all the required information for the interpretation of the statistics produced;
5. Believes that immigration is a challenge at European level and global level and must be responded to on the same levels; considers that the Union as a whole must equip itself with the means of seizing the threefold opportunity - economic, demographic and social - which immigration could represent for our societies;
6. Considers it inappropriate to take hasty action to deal with migration flows, given that there has been a constant flow of immigrants for some years now, which therefore requires a medium- and long-term approach;
7. Believes that, as part of its immigration policy, the Union must carry out coherent actions both within and outside its borders (the double dimension, internal and external);
8. Emphasises that conflicts in the whole world with an international dimension trigger migrant influxes;
9. Expects the Commission to submit a study of the impact of climate change on migration, in liaison with the UN;
10. Stresses that the responsibility of transporters and the authorities of the countries of origin, as well as the strengthening of the criminal legal framework to fight trafficking rings, combating illegal employment and human trafficking, and exposing administrative corruption, form an essential part of the fight against illegal immigration, which needs also to based on an advanced level of police and judicial cooperation;
11. Stresses the importance of development cooperation as a means of acting on the root causes of migration, and as an instrument that is not an alternative to but complementary to the Union's policies on integration and migration;
12. Recalls that the EU's Mediterranean neighbours and eastern neighbours in particular receive the majority of immigrants originally en route to Europe; considers it crucial to ensure that the fundamental human rights of those immigrants are respected, with special attention being paid to the rights of unaccompanied minors; stresses the need for the EU to strengthen its cooperation with all Mediterranean partner countries as regards the management of migration flows, and to provide them with support in combating illegal immigration; points out the importance of strengthening links between North- and Sub-Saharan African countries and with the Asian countries of origin;
13. Stresses that irregular migrants must not be treated like criminals; recalls that many of them risk their lives seeking freedom or the means of subsistence in Europe; considers that it is the politicians' responsibility to implement a coherent and effective policy to fight illegal immigration, whilst taking into account the safeguards and fundamental human rights, while at the same time reminding the public of the contribution made by legal immigration to economic growth and demographic patterns in Europe;
14. Stresses that all measures to fight clandestine immigration and step up external border controls must be consistent with the existing guarantees and fundamental human rights, in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), especially with regard to the right to asylum and the right of non-refoulement;
15. Emphasises that the temporary reception centres for irregular migrants both within and outside the Union must be run on a basis compatible with the protection of fundamental rights, for which best practices regarding in particular, accommodation, schooling and access to healthcare, financial means and rules of law must be exchanged between all levels and organisations involved such as local and national authorities, European institutions and NGOs;
16. Is shocked by the inhumane conditions prevailing in various detention centres for migrants and asylum seekers visited by its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs;
17. Reiterates its firm opposition to the idea of setting up reception or holding centres for illegal immigrants or asylum seekers outside the Union's borders and in immigrants' regions of origin;
18. Takes note of the Commission's review of Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 ('Dublin II'); recalls the need for a revision of this Regulation and that this review should also address the Regulation's basic principle, that is, that the Member State responsible for handling an asylum application is the country of first entry, given that this places a disproportionate and unsustainable burden on some Member States;
19. Stresses the need for specific precautions to be taken regarding women and children, especially unaccompanied minors, persons with serious health problems and people with disabilities, who require aid and adapted protection measures, notably in the case of return measures;
20. Calls on the Member States to include in their respective migration policies a high level of health protection of immigrants by providing preventive care and medical treatment;
21. Calls for closer cooperation among regional and local authorities and social partners with a view to exchanging best practices regarding, in particular, accommodation, schooling and access to healthcare;
22. Stresses the need to pay greater attention to the language used to describe illegal immigration, in order to improve perceptions in society; believes that an effort must be made in education and in the information offered by the media to transmit such basic values of the Union as tolerance, solidarity, mutual respect and the need to fight discrimination and xenophobia;
Commission's priorities Cooperation with third countries
23. Believes that the multidimensional character of immigration calls for close cooperation with all the third countries concerned; considers that the Rabat and Tripoli ministerial conferences in 2006 and the UN Global Migration Forum held in Brussels in July 2007 (at which Parliament was represented) marked the start of the dialogue which is needed between the countries of origin and transit and the European countries receiving immigration, and that this dialogue must lay the bases of a full-scale partnership grounded in co-development; believes that, with regard to illegal immigration, it must aim to introduce readmission agreements or improve the workings of such agreements;
24. Notes, as an example of good practice, the fact that certain Member States have signed cooperation agreements on immigration with various African countries, identifying the link between migration and development; encourages the Member States and the Commission to step up cooperation and continue to develop programmes of this nature;
25. Calls on the Commission and the Council to pursue the development of the Regional Protection Programmes in cooperation with countries of origin and transit, and to inform Parliament of the experience gained with the pilot projects implemented so far; welcomes the launch of an EU Programme on Migration and Development in Africa of an initial amount of EUR 40 million, with the objective of creating new jobs in Africa, and asks the Commission to provide more information on practical modalities; applauds, in this context, the signing of the cooperation agreement with Mali by the Commission, with the support of Spain and France, with a view to the opening of the first Migration Information and Management Centre, to be created with funding from that Programme;
26. Calls on the Commission to take all appropriate measures to expand the sources of information which are available in countries of origin on the possibilities of, and conditions attaching to, legal immigration into the EU;
27. Calls on the Union, the ACP governments and governments of other countries of origin to implement and apply policies aimed at maximising the positive impact of remittances by ensuring that they pass through official transfer systems, thereby making them more substantial, swifter, less expensive to carry out and better channelled; takes the view that it is important to involve immigrants in the development of their countries of origin;
28. Calls on the Commission to explore suitable means of supporting and developing the use of microcredit;
29. Calls on the Union to pursue a coherent external policy, especially in terms of the compatibility and convergence of the objectives of the common commercial policy and development policy; an "EU ´Development Plan for Africa'" should be considered, where financial support and trade agreements are linked to democracy, human rights development and migration so as to offer an alternative to people to leaving their country of origin;
30. Calls for questions concerning illegal immigration to have priority in the European Union's relations with third countries, especially the countries of origin and/or transit of illegal immigrants;
31. Calls on the Commission to submit an annual state-of-play report to Parliament on the funds used for the fight against illegal immigration and on the legislation in force, its implementation by the Member States and the legislation in preparation;
32. Recalls that particular stress should be laid on implementing Article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement, as regards both readmission and strengthening the dialogue procedures under the agreement; stresses the need to support capacity-building in the countries of origin and transit for the management of immigration, with a view to reinforcing the institutions and means available for its control (public administration and legal framework, training, border alert teams, anti-trafficking security corps, etc); points out that every ACP State is required to agree to the return and readmission of its own nationals illegally present on the territory of a Member State, at the latter's request; recalls that the countries of origin and transit must assume their responsibilities and fulfil their obligations to control illegal immigration, and that information campaigns are needed on the risks involved, the EU Member States' policies on return, and the agreements existing on legal immigration and the opportunities they offer;
33. Takes the view that the granting of aid requested from the European Union by third countries with a view to combating networks of illegal immigrant smugglers active on their own territory should be made contingent on collaboration by those countries and the efforts they make in this area;
Security and integrated management of the external borders
34. Stresses the importance of border controls in the fight against illegal immigration; reaffirms that border controls must be operated in a spirit of sharing of responsibilities and solidarity between Member States and with migrants being held in acceptable conditions and on a basis of full respect for the law on asylum and international protection, including the principle of non-refoulement;
35. Believes that FRONTEX must have the resources that are necessary for its actions as is stressed in Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2007/2004 (management of technical equipment); deeply regrets the fact that some Member States have failed to honour their undertakings to provide logistic and human support for its operations; considers that the Centralised Record of Available Technical Equipment (CRATE) or the so-called "toolbox" can only be meaningful if Member States fulfil their pledges with respect to technical equipment; encourages FRONTEX to conclude working agreements with the countries participating in the ENP and other third countries;
36. Welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament and by the Council of the above-mentioned Regulation establishing a mechanism for the creation of Rapid Border Intervention Teams on the basis of the principle of solidarity between Member States; notes that the RABITs legislative initiative has, for the first time, made solidarity in the area of immigration compulsory, rather than merely optional; calls on the Commission to put forward a new legislative proposal to the effect that, likewise, the principle of solidarity becomes compulsory with respect to pledges made by Member States to the CRATE; recalls that each Member State is to ensure the presence of a reserve of qualified personnel and therefore calls on the Member States to allow for the creation of genuine European rapid border intervention teams;
37. Calls on the Member States to set up permanent joint monitoring patrols, operating throughout the year and coordinated by FRONTEX, in all high-risk areas and especially at the sea borders;
38. Calls on the Council to take action for the swift establishment of the European patrol network and the implementation of the European monitoring system for the southern sea borders;
39. Considers that steps should be taken to incorporate into the mandate of FRONTEX and rapid intervention teams at the EU's sea borders operations to rescue migrants and asylum seekers who are in emergency situations where their lives are at risk;
40. Reminds all Member States and third countries to respect international law and international obligations relating to search and rescue of persons at sea; considers that Member States are jointly responsible for saving lives at sea; takes note of the proposal made by Malta in the JHA Council for an agreement among EU Member States by which illegal immigrants saved at sea by EU registered vessels in the search and rescue region of a non-EU state which is refusing to assume its responsibilities would be shared between EU Member States on a strictly proportional basis and according to a pre-accepted system;
41. Considers that, in the face of the migratory flow from the African continent towards Europe, Southern Member States on the external frontiers of the Union, notably smaller Member States, such as Malta and Cyprus, are currently shouldering a disproportionate burden which calls for the strengthening of measures for the joint management of the Union's external borders;
42. Asks the Commission to increase, in the framework of the ENP, concrete measures aimed at providing technical and financial support to neighbouring countries as concerns both the securing of their borders with the EU and their other borders;
43. Recommends the use of technology in border controls, systematic recourse to the Visa Information System, and future implementation of a system for the automated registration of arrivals and departures;
Security of travel and identity documents
44. Stresses the need to promote the issue of secure identity documents in the countries of origin in order to facilitate the identification of illegal immigrants entering Union territory;
45. Welcomes the agreement reached by Parliament and the Council on the Visa Information System, which will facilitate the effective implementation of the Community visa policy and should help reinforce the fight against illegal immigration;
46. Recalls that the development of biometric tools to reinforce document security and authenticity, which is essential to combat fraud, illegal immigration and trafficking in people, makes border crossing easier for bona fide travellers and that it must take place on a basis of respect for data protection pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC for activities falling under the first pillar; for those covered by the third pillar, awaits the adoption of a specific framework decision, and in this context supports the action undertaken by the German Council Presidency;
47. Reiterates that without suitable data protection measures consideration cannot be given to introducing automated checks on persons entering and leaving Union territory; takes the view that such a system would facilitate verification of the status of third-country nationals entering European Union territory and would improve the Member States' ability to check whether a third-country national has outstayed his or her authorised period of residence;
The fight against trafficking in people
48. Is convinced that particular attention must be paid to the fight against human trafficking and those who are victims of such trafficking, especially vulnerable persons, women and children, with action against traffickers becoming one of the Union's priorities; welcomes the Commission's action plan on the matter, and stresses that this plan should take account of the need to cooperate with the countries of origin and transit;
49. Points out that combating trafficking in human beings, particularly trafficking in women and children, is an EU priority, making it necessary to allocate adequate financial resources to that activity;
50. Recalls that it is high time to establish clear and concrete targets, for example that of halving the number of victims of human trafficking over the next ten-year period; considers, nonetheless, that the overriding goal must of course be to eliminate this form of crime entirely as soon as possible;
51. Is aware that numerous women who are victims of trafficking are living in the Union as irregular immigrants, in most cases with no access to legal or social protection; calls on the Member States to take into account these people's situation and, in conformity with their national law, improve their situation or assist them in returning home;
52. Stresses that these actions must avoid the victims of human trafficking being targeted or having their interests damaged;
53. Recalls that illegal immigration involves the transfer of large amounts of money into the hands of the mafias who control the human trafficking gangs and promote corruption, fraud and the exploitation of immigrant labour, and that this is an obstacle in the fight against illegal immigration;
54. Expresses deep shock at the sheer organisation of criminal networks responsible for boat crossings from Africa to Europe and at Europe's inability to stop them; boats crossing to Europe are of the same size, usually laden with thirty people, of the same colour, powered by the same engine and supplied with food, drink and other provisions which are of the same make and brand, all factors which amply demonstrate how criminality has so far proved more effective than common European action; is convinced that this cynical network is responsible for the death of hundreds of people whose lives are lost at sea; calls on the Commission and Council to redouble their efforts in the fight against human trafficking;
55. Calls on the institutions, the Member States and Europol to mobilise to implement the medium-term action programme against trafficking in people, targeting it on traffickers, 'people smugglers' and mafias;
56. Takes into consideration Council Directive 2004/81/EC of 29 April 2004 on the residence permit issued to third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings or who have been the subject of an action to facilitate illegal immigration, who cooperate with the competent authorities(11), the EU Plan on best practices, standards and procedures for combating and preventing trafficking in human beings(12) adopted in December 2005 and welcomes the above-mentioned joint Africa-EU declaration on migration and development;
57. Recalls the important contribution by the Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings, set up in 2003 by the Commission, in terms of monitoring and policy recommendations and expects it to be continued;
The regularisation issue
58. Recalls that numerous Member States have carried out regularisations or said they will do so, and that these decisions are, in the present state of law, a matter for the discretion of the Member States but quite often a signal of lack of appropriate measures in place to deal with a phenomenon which forms a part of societies in most Member States and believes that en masse regularisation of illegal immigrants should be a one-off event since such a measure does not resolve the real underlying problems;
59. Is aware that changes to immigration policy in a Member State can influence migratory movements and trends in others; believes that, pursuant to the principles of loyal cooperation and mutual solidarity, Member States should operate a mutual information system (for national measures on migration and asylum that are liable to affect other Member States or the Community), and notes that such a system has begun to come into operation in 2007, as evidenced at the most recent JHA Councils, for the exchange of information and experience on best practice;
Combating a key factor of attraction: illegal employment
60. Welcomes the Commission's above-mentioned proposal for a directive providing for sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals, providing essentially for administrative penalties, exclusion from public contracts, and, for the worst offences, criminal penalties;
61. Calls on the Union and the Member States to take firm steps to combat the illegal employment of immigrants, activating a range of penalties on employers, stepping up workplace inspections on the basis of the human and material resources needed to fight illegal recruitment, and promoting measures to protect immigrants;
62. Stresses that measures against illegal employment incorporate not only an economic and a social, but also a psychological dimension: by eliminating some of the factors which make Europe attractive (possibility of finding work, even if only under conditions flagrantly at odds with fundamental rights) they seek to reduce the incentive to emigrate to the EU and also help cut back the black economy;
63. Believes that the adoption of measures against illegal employment has come late in the day, even though it is one of the main factors of attraction for illegal immigrants and a catalyst for exploitation;
64. Urges the different Councils competent in the matter to redouble their coordination efforts in the discussion of this proposal for a directive;
65. Calls on the Member States to rigorously apply their national legal provisions concerning undeclared work, that will soon have to be in line with the future Directive;
66. Considers that Member States must make efforts to investigate illegal employment, specially in the sectors where immigrants are employed; calls upon the Commission and Member States to tackle this exploitation vigorously; notes that one element in this work could be information campaigns aimed at employers and employees to draw attention to the adverse impact which clandestine employment can have on national social insurance systems, public finances, fair competition, economic results and employees themselves; recalls the importance of including representatives of the two sides of industry in such a process;
Policy on return
67. Recalls the responsibility of the countries of origin and transit concerning readmission, and believes there should be a Europe-wide policy on return that combines effectiveness with respect for the dignity and physical integrity of the individual, pursuant to the ECHR and the Geneva Convention;
68. Calls for the adoption during the Portuguese presidency of the proposal for a directive on return, and for the definition at European level of the rules and conditions that should govern policy on return; stresses the importance of an effective return policy as one of the factors liable to deter illegal immigration;
69. Calls on the Commission to undertake an evaluation of policy on return (effectiveness of the agreements in force of all Member States, analysis of the causes of delays in the negotiations regarding partnership agreements with third countries concerned, practices in countries of origin and transit, practical implementation of readmission agreements, including their compatibility with fundamental rights, etc);
70. Calls on the Council and Commission, regarding the readmission of irregular immigrants, to develop European agreements with the third countries concerned;
Improving the exchange of information using the existing instruments
71. Calls on all the players concerned to step up their exchanges of information, including, whenever necessary, FRONTEX and Europol; believes that cooperation between immigration liaison officers should be a priority; considers that Parliament should be kept regularly informed on the development and results of the ICONet network;
Transporters' responsibilities
72. Believes it is necessary to evaluate the measures taken in this area, and, in particular, the implementation of Directive 2001/51/ECof 28 June 2001 supplementing the provisions of Article 26 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985(13) and the forum, set up in 2001, of representatives of the Member States, the transport sector and humanitarian organisations;
73. Invites the Commission and Council to take part in an annual debate before Parliament on the Union's immigration policy; calls on the Commission to present, on that occasion, a comprehensive report on developments in immigration in Europe, including full statistical data;
74. Calls on its competent committee to engage in close and regular dialogue with the committees on immigration of the national parliaments, and to continue its cooperation with the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;
75. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Governments and Parliaments of the Member States, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration.