European Parliament decision of 15 September 2020 on the proposal for the appointment of an independent member of the CCP Supervisory Committee of the European Securities and Markets Authority (N9-0042/2020 – C9-0278/2020 – 2020/0908(NLE))
The European Parliament,
– having regard to the proposal of the Board of Supervisors of the European Securities and Markets Authority of 27 August 2020 (C9‑0278/2020),
– having regard to Article 41 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/77/EC(1),
– having regard to Article 24a(5) of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories(2),
– having regard to its resolution of 14 March 2019 on gender balance in EU economic and monetary affairs nominations(3),
– having regard to its resolution of 16 January 2020 on institutions and bodies of the Economic and Monetary Union: preventing post-public employment conflicts of interest(4),
– having regard to Rule 131 of its Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to the report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (A9-0153/2020),
A. whereas, on 27 August 2020, the Board of Supervisors of the European Securities and Markets Authority, following an open selection procedure, proposed to appoint Froukelien Wendt as independent member of the CCP Supervisory Committee, in accordance with Article 24a(5) of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012;
B. whereas, on 2 September 2020, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs held a hearing with Froukelien Wendt, at which she made an opening statement and then responded to questions from the members of the Committee;
1. Approves the appointment of Froukelien Wendt as independent member of the CCP Supervisory Committee of the European Securities and Markets Authority;
2. Instructs its President to forward this decision to the Council, the Commission, the European Securities and Markets Authority and the governments of the Member States.