Statement by the Co-Presidents of 17 July 2023 on the 3rd EU-CELAC Summit in Brussels in July 2023
On the occasion of their participation the third European Union (EU) - Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Summit in Brussels on 17 and 18 July 2023, the Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Javi López and Óscar Darío Pérez, would like to express the following considerations:
We welcome that, after eight years, the third EU-CELAC Summit is being held with strong participation from Heads of State and Government, demonstrating the strong commitment of both regions to profoundly strengthen bilateral relations.
We reiterate the importance of holding regular EU-CELAC summits of Heads of State and Government in order to strengthen the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership as regards common topics and priorities to improve citizens' lives.
In this regard, we welcome the agreement to hold summits every two years, with the next summit taking place in the CELAC region in 2025, as well as the establishment of a permanent coordination mechanism between the EU and CELAC to ensure continuity and follow-up between meetings.
We reaffirm our support for the various regional integration processes in Latin America and Europe as a basic principle of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership, namely the Association Agreement between the European Union and Central America, the Association Agreements with Mexico and Chile and the Association Agreement between the EU and Mercosur.
- Video Message by Javi López, Co-Chair of Eurolat (European component) to the EU-CELAC Summit 2023 (MEDIA - 45 MB)
- Video Message by Oscar Dario Perez, Co-Chair of Eurolat (Latin American component) to the EU-CELAC Summit 2023 (MEDIA - 208 MB)
Full text of the Press Statement of 17 July 2023 EN(PDF - 137 KB) ES(PDF - 113 KB) DE(PDF - 140 KB) FR(PDF - 136 KB) PT(PDF - 134 KB)
Message by the EUROLAT Co-Presidents to the 3rd EU-CELAC Summit EN(PDF - 259 KB) ES(PDF - 264 KB) DE(PDF - 175 KB) FR(PDF - 271 KB) PT(PDF - 57 KB)
- Eurolat page on the EU-CELAC Summit(s)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 30 November 2022
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Óscar Darío Pérez, Member of the Colombian House of Representatives and Andean Parliament, and Javi López, Member of the European Parliament, pursuant to Article 18 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure and on the occasion of the meetings of the EuroLat committees, forums and working groups from 30 November to 2 December 2022 in Brussels, Belgium, hereby:
1. Condemn in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation's illegal, unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against and invasion of Ukraine, as well as Belarus's participation in it, demand that the Russian Federation immediately cease all military activities in Ukraine, unconditionally withdraw all military and paramilitary forces and equipment from all internationally recognised territory of Ukraine and fully respect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. Further condemn the illegal annexation by Russia and four Ukrainian regions by means of unlawful and illegitimate referendums; stress that the military attack and invasion constitute a grave violation of international law and, in particular, of the Charter of the United Nations; call on states and international organisations to establish access corridors and provide the necessary humanitarian aid to protect Ukraine's civilian population. Roundly condemn the Russian army's crimes of aggression and war crimes, indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population and numerous violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, which must not go unpunished. Call for a rapid solution including dialogue and diplomacy leading to peace and respect for the basic principles of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.
2. Highlight the stance taken by most Latin American countries supporting the Ukrainian people and rejecting Russia's aggression.
3. Express their concern at the economic and social consequences that have aggravated the already uncertain economic situation and possible economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic, which constitutes one of the deepest crises of recent decades.
Full text of the Declaration of 30 November 2022 EN(PDF - 202 KB) ES(PDF - 163 KB) DE(PDF - 207 KB) FR(PDF - 254 KB) PT(PDF - 198 KB)
Press Release by the Co-Presidents of 9 September 2022 on the assassination attempt against VP Kirchner
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly condemn in the strongest possible terms the assassination attempt against the Vice-President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, on Thursday 1 September 2022.
The episode is of a gravity rarely seen for the country's institutions and, therefore, we publicly reject any form of violence that strikes at the very foundations of democracy as a political system, and attacks democratically elected authorities expressing the will of the people, a guiding principle of the forms of government adopted by the countries of both regions.
We condemn and denounce this episode and stand for the guiding principles of democracy and the rule of law as a common way of life. It is the responsibility of all to create, promote and consolidate a culture of peace and democracy as a political system and as a form of expression within the public order enjoyed by citizens.
Eurolat Press Release of 9 September 2022 EN(PDF - 147 KB) ES(PDF - 143 KB) DE(PDF - 341 KB) FR(PDF - 144 KB) PT(PDF - 145 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 14 April 2022
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Óscar Darío Pérez, Member of the Colombian House of Representatives and Andean Parliament, and Javi López, Member of the European Parliament, pursuant to Article 18 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure and on the occasion of the Fourteenth Ordinary Plenary session held on 11-14 April 2022 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, hereby:
1. Welcome the virtual meeting held on 2 December 2021 between the leaders of the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean under the slogan 'Joining forces for a sustainable post-COVID recovery', which has given renewed impetus to revitalising and strengthening dialogue and cooperation between the two regions. Emphasise support for the production and distribution of vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean, the mobilisation of funding to support a long-term recovery and designation of the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss as an absolute priority for both regions.
2. Insist that this should be a step towards a full resumption of top-level political dialogue between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean. Accordingly reiterate their call for an EU-CELAC bi-regional summit to be organised as soon as circumstances allow, setting out the objectives, priorities and a strategy to tackle common challenges, accompanied by a specific action plan.
Full text of the Declaration of 14 April 2022 EN(PDF - 30 KB) ES(PDF - 30 KB) DE(PDF - 33 KB) FR(PDF - 33 KB) PT(PDF - 28 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 3 November 2021
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Óscar Darío Pérez, Member of the Colombian House of Representatives and Andean Parliament, and Javi López, Member of the European Parliament, pursuant to Article 18 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure and on the occasion of the meeting of its Executive Board held on 2-3 November 2021 in Bogota, Colombia, hereby:
1. Stress the urgent need to breathe new life into and strengthen dialogue and cooperation between Latin America and the Caribbean and the EU with a view for the bi-regional strategic partnership to serve as an efficient instrument for sustainable and inclusive economic and social recovery, in line with the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Call, further, for greater coordination between the two regions in multilateral institutions and fora with a view to defending our shared values and interests.
2. Encourage the development of all regional and sub-regional integration mechanisms, recognising that this is the best way to bring stability and prosperity to both regions. Welcome in this regard the First 'Integration of Integration' Summit of Latin American and Caribbean Parliamentary Bodies, held on 29 June 2021 in Bogota and the Sixth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), held on 18 September 2021 under the aegis of Mexico's pro-tempore presidency.
Full text of the Declaration of 3 November 2021 EN(PDF - 38 KB) ES(PDF - 41 KB) DE(PDF - 42 KB) FR(PDF - 45 KB) PT(PDF - 39 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 6 May 2021 on increased EU-LAC cooperation with a view to the equitable and fair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Óscar Darío Pérez, Member of the Colombian House of Representatives and Andean Parliament, and Javi López, Member of the European Parliament, pursuant to Article 18of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure and on the occasion of the ordinary meetings of the Assembly's bodies held from 3 to 6 May 2021 in Brussels, Belgium, hereby:
1. Reiterate their deep concern about the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected millions of people over the past 14 months, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives on both our continents and sparking an economic crisis that has crippled employment and productivity and exacerbated social problems such as poverty, malnutrition and hunger, gender violence, paternal-filial violence and child abuse. Stress the importance of public and universal health systems as a means of ensuring a comprehensive response to this pandemic.
2. Congratulate countries making progress with their mass vaccination drives and note that the increasing availability of vaccines and the intensification of campaigns constitute a decisive step towards overcoming the challenges posed by the pandemic, adding that providing universal and equitable access to high-quality, safe and effective vaccines thus constitutes an urgent priority. Call, therefore, on all states and governments to secure universal, free access to vaccines without undue delay, and to pursue transparent vaccination strategies that are underpinned by scientific and ethical criteria, giving priority to protecting the most vulnerable groups. Underline that the pandemic knows no geographical borders, merely social borders grounded in poverty and marginalisation; only by working together, at the global level, to promote multilateral solutions in a spirit of solidarity, equality and fairness will we be able to vanquish it.
Full text of the Declaration of 6 May 2021 EN(PDF - 38 KB) ES(PDF - 42 KB) FR(PDF - 44 KB) DE(PDF - 42 KB) PT(PDF - 39 KB)
Communiqué by the Co-Presidents of 14 December 2020 on its participation in the informal meeting of the foreign ministers of EU-27 and LAC
On the occasion of our participation as observers in the informal meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), organised physically and virtually in Berlin on 14 December by the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy and the German Presidency of the Council, we hereby state the following:
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) Co-Presidents endorse the conclusions of the deliberations of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the EU-27 and LAC, which call for post-COVID-19 relations between our regions to take the form of a reinforced, innovative partnership based on common interests and values to pave the way for a sustainable and inclusive economic recovery, bringing digital technologies to bear for the benefit of all, and with a view to meeting the challenges of climate change.
We applaud and endorse the call from the High Representative and the CELAC Presidency to hold a bi-regional EU-CELAC Summit during 2021 to bring fresh impetus to the high-level dialogue which has been suspended since 2015, and for this dialogue to be fleshed out with meaningful content. We also welcome the recognition of our Partnership's parliamentary dimension, particularly the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly and its work.
We are convinced that the post-COVID-19 reconstruction of our societies and economies must entail a true green transition that will create jobs, encourage circular economy models and facilitate the process of decarbonising our economies. We are pleased to have heard at today's meeting a strong commitment by to the Paris Agreement by Ministers and a willingness to find avenues for cooperation between the two regions to lend mutual support with a view to achieving our objectives more swiftly.
Full text of the Communiqué of 14 December 2020 EN(PDF - 15 KB) ES(PDF - 15 KB) DE(PDF - 16 KB) FR(PDF - 18 KB) PT(PDF - 14 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 5 November 2020 on a comprehensive and bi-regional EU-LAC strategy to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the President of the Latin American Parliament Jorge Pizarro and Javi López, MEP, in accordance with Article 18 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure and on the occasion of the 13th ordinary plenary session of the Assembly held from 4 to 5 November 2020 in Brussels, Belgium:
1. Note that the COVID-19 pandemic has claimed nearly one million lives in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean; that it has led to unprecedented economic losses; and that it has a profound negative impact on the employment, education, poverty, health, inequality and living conditions of our citizens.
2. Stress that in some countries health structures were inadequate even before the pandemic and that this has aggravated the effects of COVID-19, rendering the countries concerned conducive to the spread of the pandemic, hitting their already vulnerable and defenceless citizens even harder.
3. Emphasise that strengthening democracy, institutions and the rule of law, as well as safeguarding human rights and maintaining peace, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, will be key for the post-pandemic recovery. Call for the root causes of inequality to be addressed, and highlight the need for measures to ensure social inclusion and equality through universal access to education, food, health and opportunities for all, as key elements in the fight against the rise of xenophobia and the stigmatisation of vulnerable groups.
Full text of the Declaration of 5 November 2020 EN(PDF - 42 KB) ES(PDF - 46 KB) DE(PDF - 46 KB) FR(PDF - 48 KB) PT(PDF - 43 KB)
Statement by the Co-Presidents of 2 September 2020 on the new IDB Presidency
Joint statement by Javi López MEP (S & D, Spain) and Jorge Esteban Pizarro, President of the Latin American Parliament, Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly:
'The American continent is suffering the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and it is still too early to tell when and how Latin America and the Caribbean will be able to undertake the huge task of economic and social post-COVID reconstruction. We consider, however, that this task will call for development and cooperation policies based on multilateralism.
We are convinced that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), as the main financial institution for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean, with its experience of more than 60 years providing financial and technical assistance for the sustainable and inclusive development of the Americas, will be called upon to play a crucial role in this reconstruction process. As a result, we consider that the election of its president is of vital importance, all the more so at this critical time for the future of Latin America and the Caribbean.
We therefore regret that the nomination of a candidate for this post was not the result of a debate and a possible consensus among IDB Member States. We further regret that, at such a politically, economically and socially sensitive time, some IDB Member States are considering a departure from the customary practice in that institution whereby the presidency is assigned to a Latin American or Caribbean candidate and the vice-presidency to a candidate from North America.
We therefore consider that the conditions for a thoughtful debate and a careful decision on the election for the IDB presidency and vice-presidency are not currently given and we therefore join the call by many states, international organisations, regional and national parliaments, former political leaders, academics and experts, for the election of the IDB presidency and vice-presidency to be post-poned until the holding of the IDB Assembly, scheduled for March 2021 in Barranquilla, Colombia.
We call for the current customary arrangements not to be dispensed with and for the strong European and Latin American commitment to be maintained in support of multilateralism, which in the context of the current pandemic is all the more crucial.
We also consider it a priority that, in such extraordinary circumstances, IDB Member States urgently discuss the priorities and strategies that the Bank must weigh in order to help the American continent to emerge stronger from the current crisis caused by the pandemic and to face a future which should be based on a green, digital, innovative, and efficient economy, a more inclusive society, with greater opportunities for young people and women, and improved education and healthcare accessible to all."
Full text of the Communiqué of 2 September 2020 EN(PDF - 151 KB) ES(PDF - 132 KB) DE(PDF - 152 KB) FR(PDF - 152 KB) PT(PDF - 144 KB)
Communiqué by the European Co-President of 26 May 2020 on the international donors' conference in solidarity with Venezuelan refugees
At the International Donors' Conference in solidarity with Venezuelan refugees and migrants in countries of the region, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which was convened by the Government of Spain and the European Union and held via video conference in Brussels, I set out the following considerations:
The European Parliament is well aware of the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Venezuela and the tragic situation of millions of Venezuelans who, within and outside the country's borders, are calling for a strong response and solidarity from the international community. We are also aware that countries in the region are calling for urgent support and measures to ensure that their own capacities are not overwhelmed and their citizens are not neglected.
Therefore, on behalf of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), I have asked the public authorities of the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean to do everything necessary to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, and I have called on the international community to temporarily suspend restrictive or punitive measures, such as economic, trade or diplomatic embargoes. I have also advocated the partial or total restructuring, or even the cancellation, of debt in the most vulnerable countries. We must ensure that all countries are able to focus all efforts on fighting the pandemic.
At a time when the multilateral system is being increasingly called into question, we must advocate dialogue, international fora and common institutions as the best instruments with which to achieve effective solutions to complex and global challenges. The Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Assembly have therefore called for a Meeting of EU-LAC Heads of State and Government to be convened to establish enhanced cooperation to tackle COVID-19.
Both regions must emerge from this crisis united and successfully. The Venezuelan people have an ally in the EuroLat Assembly and we are not going to leave them behind.
Javi López
Member of the European Parliament
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 30 March 2020 on the COVID-19 pandemic
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the President of the Latin American Parliament, Jorge Pizarro, and Javi López MEP, hereby declare, pursuant to Rule 18 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure, the following on the COVID-19 pandemic:
1. The COVID-19 pandemic is probably the greatest challenge the international community has faced since the Second World War, with unpredictable consequences for human health and the economic and social systems in all the countries of Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. We therefore urge national authorities to rigorously apply and comply with international standards, and express our support to the World Organisation (WHO), in its efforts to combat the pandemic.
2. This global health crisis is also a human tragedy for our people, since it is causing the loss of thousands of human lives, poses enormous risks to the world economy and jeopardises the livelihood of a large number of our citizens, both entrepreneurs and, particularly severely, employees, the self-employed, informal workers and the unemployed. We wish to express our solidarity with each and every one of them and the countries affected by this crisis as well as our gratitude and appreciation to all professionals who are risking their health each day to save human lives and to ensure that essential services continue to function as normal in our towns and cities.
3. We are convinced that the current challenges posed by this pandemic call for a highly coordinated international approach, to which Europeans and Latin Americans must make a decisive contribution, an approach that must be grounded in science and experience, consistent with our democratic values and leave no room for ideological manoeuvres and political and partisan confrontation.
Full text of the Declaration of 30 March 2020 EN(PDF - 141 KB) ES(PDF - 32 KB) DE(PDF - 147 KB) FR(PDF - 224 KB) PT(PDF - 37 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 13 December 2019
1. Democracy, peace, human rights and fundamental freedoms cannot defend themselves alone and protecting, consolidating and building or developing them requires constant and dedicated work by the public authorities, political parties, civil society organisations and the people. The only way to strengthen our democracies is to accept the democratic rules laid down in the respective constitutional frameworks based on the values of democracy, the separation of powers and public freedoms, the independence of the judiciary and on respect for political pluralism and human rights.
Disinformation and fake news are being used to undermine institutions in countries the world over. These new circumstances call for global strategies and joint measures and action.
2. We express our firm belief that there is a need to promote solid institutional frameworks, to consolidate and boost democratic development on both continents and to achieve truly inclusive institutions that are based on respect for the constitutional order, the integrity and transparency of electoral processes, the rule of law and human rights.
3. We believe that, in light of increasing signs that climate change is accelerating, the international community must redouble efforts to combat it by making firm commitments. We therefore consider that COP25 in Madrid should mark a decisive turning point in this fight. We reiterate our firm support for the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and we therefore deeply regret the recent withdrawal of the United States from the Agreement. Furthermore, we greatly appreciate the recent call by the European Parliament for the European Union to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest, and to set an emission reduction target of 55% compared to 1990 levels by 2030, and call on both regions to strengthen their strategies to combat climate change with the same level of ambition.
Full text of the Declaration of 13 December 2019 EN(PDF - 42 KB) ES(PDF - 37 KB) DE(PDF - 47 KB) FR(PDF - 48 KB) PT(PDF - 42 KB)
Statement by the EU-LAC Foundation and European Co-President of 17 July 2018 on ratification of the new Statute of the EU-LAC Foundation
The President of the EU-LAC Foundation, Dr Leonel Fernández, and the Co-President of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Ramón Jáuregui Atondo, MEP, met in Brussels for the Second Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs from the European Union and from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).
At the end of the opening session, at which the Co-President of the EuroLat Assembly presented a message to the ministers on behalf of the parliamentarians of both regions, and following the EU-LAC Foundation Awards Ceremony chaired by the President of the Foundation, Dr Fernández and Mr Jáuregui Atondo held a lengthy meeting following which they called on the member countries of the EU-LAC Bi-regional Strategic Partnership that have yet to ratify the Agreement establishing the EU-LAC International Foundation and transforming it into an international organisation, to do so as soon as possible.
They also stressed the importance of completing the process of institution-building as well as providing the Foundation with the resources necessary to carry out its tasks, considering it essential to that end that voluntary and balanced financial contributions be made by the countries of the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States to enable the Foundation to achieve its objectives in a dignified and effective manner reflecting the Foundation's truly bi-regional nature.
Text of the Statement of 17 July 2018 EN(PDF - 109 KB) ES(PDF - 112 KB) DE(PDF - 130 KB) FR(PDF - 113 KB) PT(PDF - 140 KB)
Message by the Co-Presidents of 12 July 2018 to the EU and CELAC Foreign Ministers
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), President of the Latin American Parliament Elias Castillo and Member of the European Parliament Ramón Jáuregui Atondo, state the following pursuant to Article 17 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure:
1. The postponement of the third CELAC-EU Summit - initially planned for October 2017 in San Salvador - in response to a request from a number of Latin American countries and given the political situation in Venezuela, has effectively put on hold the bi-regional dialogue that had been conducted at the very highest level since the first summit of Latin American, Caribbean and European Union Heads of State and Government was held in Rio de Janeiro on 28 and 29 June 1999. We urge the governments to solve the political problems that have led to this suspension, with a view to returning as soon as possible to the regular schedule of summits between Latin American, Caribbean and European Union Heads of State and Government, which drive forward and direct the activities and programmes of the Strategic Partnership.
2. The general framework of EU-CELAC relations, alongside the strategic political partnership between the two regions, seeks to forge closer economic, commercial, financial and business ties between us, fostering the development of our countries. On the parliamentary side of the EU-LAC Bi-regional Strategic Partnership, we reiterate our support for political links between our continents and are committed to obtaining, as a result of those links, sustainable economic growth to generate decent employment, which in turn makes it possible to reduce inequality and improve living standards and welfare for the public. We urge our governments to continue pursuing these aims by means of the agreement, whilst always upholding the general principles of human dignity: human rights, ILO standards, gender equality, corporate social responsibility, etc.
3. Agreements between certain countries and groups of countries in Latin America and the EU lay down a sound network of relations between the two regions. We welcome the negotiation process in which our countries are involved for the purpose of modernising those agreements and extending them to cover all the States that make up our partnership. We take the view that those negotiations must be as transparent as possible and involve civil society, as well as the relevant sections of society, to the greatest possible extent. When it comes to the implementation of the agreements, this will pave the way for broader acceptance and a wider social consensus. With that in mind:
Full text of the Message of 12 July 2018 EN(PDF - 30 KB) ES(PDF - 30 KB) DE(PDF - 30 KB) FR(PDF - 34 KB) PT(PDF - 28 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 21 September 2017
Pursuant to Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), on the occasion of the 10th Plenary Session and meetings of the standing committees and other bodies of the Assembly from 18 to 21 September 2017 in San Salvador, El Salvador, the Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly, Senator Roberto Requião and Ramón Jáuregui Atondo MEP hereby declare:
1. We regret that events in Venezuela have prompted the decision to postpone the holding of the third EU-CELAC Summit at a time when it is more necessary than ever to strengthen the Bi-regional Strategic Partnership in order to tackle the great geopolitical and economic challenges facing the Member States in the Partnership; we reaffirm, in this context, the EuroLat Assembly's role and intention to continue to provide a privileged forum for meetings and debate in which to hold an intense, open and sincere parliamentary and political dialogue, which is particularly called-for in times of tension and crisis.
2. We call on our governments to hold the EU-CELAC Summit, if possible, in the first half of next year in San Salvador, where, it must be said, exceptional efficiency has been displayed in the organisation of our own meetings. EuroLat calls for the Bi-regional Partnership to be strengthened to tackle common tasks and challenges. Our economic and trade agreements must serve as a framework for greater and better ties between our economic interests in the face of other major powers. European cooperation is vital in many countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and it must be stepped up. Our shared vision of the social State based on the rule of law needs to gain ground across the world. Our leadership on climate change is crucial in this existential area.
3. We express our concern at the growing threats to world peace arising from the escalating tension in Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. We call on the major powers, the international community and the States directly affected to act cautiously and wisely in managing these crises. We take this opportunity to draw attention to the forgotten conflicts that are devastating many parts of the world and call on the United Nations Security Council to take firm and united action to guarantee peace and provide humanitarian aid where needed.
Full text of the Declaration of 21 September 2017 EN(PDF - 186 KB) ES(PDF - 168 KB) DE(PDF - 172 KB) FR(PDF - 166 KB) PT(PDF - 165 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 7 February 2017 on the Trump Administration in area of foreign policy and their repercussions on Latin America
Pursuant to Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), we, its Co-Presidents, and Senator Roberto Requião and Ramón Jáuregui Atondo MEP, wish to express grave concern at the international policy direction taken by the new US Administration, especially its decisions concerning certain Latin American countries, in particular Mexico. We therefore:
- Wholeheartedly endorse the recent statements by the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and the Secretary-General of UNASUR, Ernesto Samper, qualifying the new Trump Administration as a real foreign policy threat, and rejecting the US President's disrespectful decision obliging the Mexican people to pay for the construction of the humiliating wall he has ordered to cut the USA off from Mexico and Latin America.
- Roundly condemn the taking of arbitrary, unilateral and xenophobic measures, in breach of human rights and international law, and call for the overturning of the decision to build the aforementioned wall on the border with Mexico, the announced mass deportation of up to 11 million undocumented migrants and the ban on access to the USA for citizens of certain countries.
- Strongly reject the xenophobic and discriminatory policy of the new Trump Administration and its repeated disrespectful attacks on the dignity and sovereignty of Mexico, as well as the US President's insults to and shows of contempt for Latin Americans in general and citizens of Mexico in particular.
Full text of the Declaration of 7 February 2017 EN(PDF - 192 KB) ES(PDF - 189 KB) DE(PDF - 195 KB) FR(PDF - 189 KB) PT(PDF - 188 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 21 September 2016
Pursuant to Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, on the occasion of the 9th Plenary Session and meetings of the standing committees and other bodies of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly from 19 to 22 September 2016 at the Legislative Palace in Montevideo, Uruguay, the Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly, Senator Roberto Requião and Ramón Jáuregui Atondo MEP, hereby:
On the Colombian peace process
1. Fully support the historic Final Agreement sealed on 24 August 2016 by the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and expect and hope for its approval in the referendum to be held on 2 October 2016. Undertake to support the Colombian Government and civil society in implementing the agreement, ensuring gender mainstreaming at all steps of the process.
2. Reiterate in this regard their appreciation of the trust fund established by the European Commission with EUR 70 million from the EU budget - as well as contributions from multilateral conventions and other LAC countries - to finance socio-economic projects in the areas worst hit by the internal armed conflict.
3. Consider that, as soon as the agreement is approved and its implementation has been consolidated by the definitive and irreversible laying down of weapons, the FARC-EP should be removed from the EU's list of terrorist organisations. Call on the Government and the National Liberation Army-ELN to move forward in negotiations to conclude a settlement for a comprehensive and definitive peace in Colombia, which can only be built on the foundation of respect for victims, truth and justice.
Full text of the Declaration of 21 September 2016 EN(PDF - 1 MB) ES(PDF - 2 MB) DE(PDF - 1 MB) FR(PDF - 1 MB) PT(PDF - 2 MB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 17 May 2016
Pursuant to Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, on the occasion of the meetings of the standing committees and other bodies of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly from 16 to 18 May 2016 at the Assembly of the Republic in Lisbon, the Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly, Senator Roberto Requião and Ramón Jáuregui Atondo MEP, hereby:
Negotiations for an Association Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur
1. Reaffirm their support for an ambitious and balanced association agreement between Mercosur and the European Union in the firm belief that such an agreement will be beneficial for both parties, united as they are by their strong historical and cultural ties and powerful interests of all kinds.
2. Welcome the fact that the initial exchange of offers between the EU and Mercosur took place on 11 May 2016, enabling the resumption of trade negotiations; calls for the negotiations: to proceed swiftly with a view to concluding by the end of 2017; to cover the most important aspects of relations between the two regions, to take into account the differing interests of each party, including any asymmetries and to provide for additional measures to cover circumstances in which a country, region or sector could be disadvantaged.
3. Stress the geopolitical, economic and commercial importance of the future Association Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur, at a time when large countries such as the USA and China and large supranational unions such as Mercosur and the EU are building a new framework made up of economic and trade agreements which are important to ensure progress and the free exchange of goods and services in a globalised economy.
Full text of the Declaration of 17 May 2016 EN(PDF - 48 KB) ES(PDF - 50 KB) DE(PDF - 52 KB) FR(PDF - 51 KB) PT(PDF - 47 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 8 December 2015 on the legislative elections held in Venezuela on 6 December 2015
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the Senator Roberto Requião and the Member of the European Parliament Ramón Jáuregui Atondo, in accordance with Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, on the occasion of the legislative elections held in Venezuela on 6 December 2015, hereby declare the following:
• First, we would like to congratulate the people of Venezuela on the success of their democratic elections. High turnout, smooth running of the election process and respect for rules and freedom of expression are requirements in any democracy, and Venezuela has honoured these requirements.
• We would like to congratulate the opposition coalition Mesa de Unidad Democrática on their victory, and we applaud the Government for accepting the election results and upholding the Constitution.
• We hope that the cross-party relationship between the Presidency and the Parliament will be constructive, and based on both political dialogue and consensus on the major problems facing the country.
• We wish to congratulate the opposition and the government for defending and upholding the Constitution. Peace for Venezuela.
Text of the Declaration of 8 December 2015 EN(PDF - 160 KB) ES(PDF - 156 KB) DE(PDF - 161 KB) FR(PDF - 179 KB) PT(PDF - 157 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 18 November 2015 on the Paris attacks of 13 November 2015
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the Senator Roberto Requião and the Member of the European Parliament Ramón Jáuregui Atondo, in accordance with Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, on the occasion of the attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, hereby declare the following:
• On Friday 13 November, Paris suffered a brutal wave of attacks that left 129 people dead and many more injured, some of them seriously. The horror and outrage expressed throughout the world at the scale of this barbarity are equal only to the solidarity shown by millions, across all five continents, towards the city of Paris and the whole French nation.
• As Co-Presidents of EuroLat, we would also like to convey our condolences to the victims and their families, and we express our total condemnation of this terrorist attack, which is the result of fanaticism and random cruelty. In attacking France, fundamentalism has struck at the values of liberty, equality and fraternity that the country represents, and which are intrinsic features of democracy. As champions of democracy, faced with terror whose aim is to spread fear and unreason, we must stand united behind our principles, and trust that reason, democracy and the rule of law will eventually triumph. Latin America and Europe share these values, and, reflecting the sentiments of the Latin American and European Parliaments, we would like to reaffirm them at this tragic time.
Text of the Declaration of 18 November 2015 EN(PDF - 102 KB) ES(PDF - 102 KB) DE(PDF - 103 KB) FR(PDF - 102 KB) PT(PDF - 180 KB) PL(PDF - 124 KB)
Message by the EP Co-President of 5 June 2015 to the CELAC-EU Summit
The Co-President of the European component of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the parliamentary institution of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership between the European Union (EU) and the Latin American and Caribbean States (LAC), hereby submits, at the end of its Eighth Ordinary Plenary Session held in Brussels from 3 to 5 June 2015, the following recommendations and proposals to the Second CELAC-EU Summit with a view to strengthening the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership adopted by the majority of the component:
'Shaping our common future: working for prosperous, cohesive and sustainable societies for our citizens'
As regards the principles and priorities of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership:
1. Make the exercise of human rights and full compliance with them the cornerstone of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership; express concern at the fact that the principles and commitments, and the set of shared values and interests, have not been sufficiently developed in practice as required. Note that not enough progress has been made as regards the framework of political and economic relations between our two regions, which furthermore is not in line with common interests and values and the challenges we face as a result of globalisation;
2. Reaffirm its support for the various regional integration processes in Latin America and Europe as a basic principle of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership, and therefore:
- speed up the entry into force of the EU-Ecuador Trade Agreement so as to add to the new momentum created by the Trade Agreements in force in the context of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership;
Full text of the message of 5 June 2015 EN(PDF - 159 KB) ES(PDF - 170 KB) DE(PDF - 164 KB) FR(PDF - 164 KB) PT(PDF - 173 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 29 March 2014
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat),
1. Expresses its solidarity and support for the Andean Parliament as the deliberative body of the Andean Integration System, representing the peoples of the Andean Community;
2. Considers it important to help the Andean Community achieve the integration of the Andean peoples and not only their governments;
3. Stresses the importance of closely examining a situation in which the phasing out of the Andean Parliament will undermine democracy in the region and endanger the integration process;
4. Reaffirms its support for efforts by the Andean Parliament to adapt to the new vision and strategic guidelines embraced by the CAN and to the co-existence between the CAN and MERCOSUR subregional blocs, with the ultimate objective of achieving convergence at a higher level within the future South American Parliament.
Full text of the Declaration of 29 March 2014 EN(PDF - 139 KB) ES(PDF - 243 KB) DE(PDF - 264 KB) PT(PDF - 274 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 20 September 2013
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Leonel Búcaro, for the Latin American side, and José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, for the European side, in accordance with Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euro Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, on the occasion of the meeting of 19 and 20 September 2013 in Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic) of the Executive Bureau, with the participation of Co-Presidents Rabindranath Salazar, Sonia Escudero, Andrés Perelló, Jean-Pierre Audy and Willy Meyer:
Express their deepest concern at the devastating impact in Mexico of the recent meteorological phenomena 'Manuel' and 'Ingrid, which struck the country from the Pacific and Atlantic directions, respectively, causing catastrophic damage in two thirds of the country and affecting over 1.2 million people; emphasise the gravity and exceptional nature of the situation, as this is the first time since 1958 that the country has been simultaneously hit by cyclones from both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans;
On behalf of the Assembly, convey their heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and their boundless solidarity with the over one million Mexicans affected by these events, the Mexican people, their government and the Congress of the Union of the United Mexican States;
Reaffirm their unconditional support for the Mexican Government and people as a whole at this tragic time and declare their willingness to support the various operations to provide financial and humanitarian aid, including the provision of food, water, clothing, medicines, infrastructure, from the European Union and its Member States and from Latin America;
Stress that disasters such as this one illustrate the need to create the Biregional Centre for Disaster Prevention, as repeatedly proposed by the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly; furthermore consider it necessary to move towards the creation of an EU-Latin American Joint Fund to prevent natural disasters and alleviate their impact;
Express their concern at the situation created in connection with the overflight authorisation request made on behalf of the airplane of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on 19 September 2013 and appeal for calm and dialogue as the best means of avoiding any escalation which could lead to conflict;
Thank the Government, Congress and Senate of the Dominican Republic, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the city council and local authorities of Puerto Plata for offering their wholehearted support to the successful celebration of this meeting.
Text of the Declaration of 20 September 2013 EN(PDF - 150 KB) ES(PDF - 110 KB) DE(PDF - 154 KB) FR(PDF - 130 KB) PT(PDF - 149 KB)
Statement by the Co-Presidents of 16 July 2013 on the refusal of presidential plane of the Bolivian President Evo Morales to enter their airspace
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the Member of Parliament Leonel Búcaro and the Member of the European Parliament José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, in accordance with Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euro Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, on the occasion of the ordinary meeting of its four standing committees in the city of Vilnius on 16, 17 and 18 July 2013, and under the mandate granted by the Assembly's Executive Bureau at its meeting of 16 July:
Deplore the way in which Mr Evo Morales Ayma, President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, was treated while returning from a meeting in Moscow and consider this to be unacceptable and to conflict with the basic rules and principles of international law; Take note of the various statements made by the international, regional and national authorities of the EU Member States and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean;
Call for unconditional respect to be shown for the international principles, rules and conventions governing diplomatic relations between states and guaranteeing the peaceful coexistence of the countries making up the international community, and for the inviolability of heads of state, so as to ensure that this type of incident does not reoccur;
Call for a continuation of the responsible dialogue between the parties concerned, with a view to rebuilding trust by reactivating the mechanisms for peaceful dispute settlement;
Welcome, in this connection, the apologies presented by the states involved in this incident to President Morales' government, and consider this approach to afford the most suitable means of fully restoring the climate of trust, friendship and cooperation which should exist in the close relations between the various member countries of the Bi regional Strategic Association;
Announce that the Co Presidents of the Assembly are sending a message of friendship to the President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Mr Evo Morales Ayma.
Text of the Statement of 16 July 2013 EN(PDF - 68 KB) ES(PDF - 68 KB) DE(PDF - 68 KB) FR(PDF - 68 KB) PT(PDF - 68 KB)
Message by the Co-Presidents of 25 January 2013 to the CELAC-EU Summit
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the parliamentary institution of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership between the European Union (EU) and the Latin American and Caribbean States (LAC), hereby submits, on the basis of work undertaken at its Fifth and Sixth Ordinary Plenary Sittings, held at Montevideo from 17 to 19 May 2011 and at Santiago de Chile from 23 to 25 January 2013, the following recommendations and proposals with a view to strengthening the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership.
As regards the principles and priorities of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership
1. Reiterates the commitment made by the Eurolat Assembly at the Madrid Summit to continue promoting and strengthening the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership based on common principles, values and interests;
2. Reaffirms its support for the various regional integration processes in Latin America and Europe, as a basic principle of the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership;
3. Welcomes the ratification of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Central America by the European Parliament, the National Assembly of Nicaragua and the Honduran Congress, as well as the favourable elucidatory prior opinion given by the Central American Parliament; welcomes similarly the approval by the European Parliament and the Peruvian Congress of the Multi-Party Agreement between the European Union and Colombia and Peru; expresses its support for the process of negotiation to conclude a comprehensive, balanced and ambitious Association Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur; hopes, therefore that the Santiago Summit will lend fresh impetus to the negotiations enabling them to bear fruit earlier than expected;
Full text of the Message of 25 January 2013 EN(PDF - 266 KB) ES(PDF - 282 KB) DE(PDF - 256 KB) FR(PDF - 266 KB) PT(PDF - 245 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 17 May 2011 on the current situation in the Southern Mediterranean and in the Persian Gulf
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (European Parliament) and Mr Wilbert Bendezú Carpio (Andean Parliament), on behalf of the Assembly:
- express their total solidarity with the peoples of the southern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf in the pursuit of their legitimate democratic aspirations and categorically reject any form of authoritarian regime;
- staunchly support the democratic transition processes in Tunisia and Egypt and hope that the outcome of the reforms leading towards democracy, a state of law and social justice is successful; stress the importance of good governance, the fight against corruption, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, with special regard to freedom of conscience, religion and thought, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and media, freedom of association, women's rights and gender equality, the protection of minorities and the fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation;
- condemn and consider unacceptable the violent repression by the authorities of peaceful demonstrations in various countries in the region, particularly Libya, Syria, Bahrain and Yemen; express their deep concern at the deteriorating situation, escalating violence and high number of civilian casualties in those countries, and extend their sympathies and support to the families of the victims;
- call on the authorities in the above countries to immediately end the violence, show respect for human rights - including the rights to freedom of assembly, association and expression - and the full body of international humanitarian law, and enable a peaceful solution to be found to their peoples' legitimate aspirations;
- take note of the scope of Resolutions 1970 and 1973 of the United Nations Security Council condemning the widespread and systematic violation of human rights in Libya and call for the immediate establishment of a ceasefire and in particular the protection of civilians, creation of a no-fly zone, and enforcement of the arms embargo and freeze on assets;
- call for independent investigations to be carried out into the attacks on demonstrators in those countries, including an independent investigation by either the United Nations or the International Criminal Court; welcome the recent deployment in Libya of a United Nations mission to investigate human rights violations by Colonel Gaddafi's troops since the start of the conflict in February 2011 and await the presentation of its findings at the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2011.
Text of the Declaration of 17 May 2011 EN(PDF - 84 KB) ES(PDF - 84 KB) FR(PDF - 83 KB) PT(PDF - 91 KB)
Statement by the Co-Presidents of 17 May 2011 on the forthcoming UN Conference on Climate Change in Durban
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (European Parliament) and Mr Wilbert Bendezu Carpio (Andean Parliament), express their satisfaction, on behalf of the Assembly, with the results achieved at the Cancún Summit on Climate Change (COP16) in December 2010. In this context, they acknowledge and welcome the crucial role played by the host country, Mexico, in putting the international negotiations on a more constructive track, which yielded impressive, if limited, results: i.e. a greater collective effort to reduce carbon emissions by means of a mutual reporting system, major financial commitments to new structures of key importance (the Technology Mechanism, the Climate Fund and the Adaptation Committee) and a strong political signal sent to the private sector regarding the willingness to move towards a low-carbon economy.
Give that the current level of ambition on reducing emissions is 60% of what would be required to limit the increase in global warming to the 2°C agreed at Cancún, the Co-Presidents are concerned about the lack of agreement on a legal framework of objectives and actions to reduce emissions.
They support the role played by Latin America and Europe in these negotiations as their respective positions have made a decisive contribution towards achieving ambitious positions and commitments. Even though it bears little historical responsibility for the build-up of greenhouse gases, Latin America finds itself very vulnerable to climate change and has taken a stance which is both ambitious and constructive. Europe has decided to play a leading role among the developed countries - which bear most of the historical responsibility - in committing itself to substantial unilateral reductions and significant financial contributions in the hope that other regions responsible for high per-capita and absolute carbon emissions join it in choosing this essential course of action.
Full text of the Statement of 17 May 2011 EN(PDF - 89 KB) ES(PDF - 90 KB) FR(PDF - 89 KB) PT(PDF - 97 KB)
Message by the Co-Presidents of 15 May 2010 to the CELAC-EU Summit
Following on from the proceedings at its Third and Fourth Ordinary Sessions, held in Madrid from 8 to 9 April 2009 and in Seville from 13 to 15 May 2010 respectively, the Euro Latin America Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) - the parliamentary institution of the Biregional Strategic Partnership between the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) - tenders to the EU LAC Summit, to be held on 18 May 2010 in Madrid, the following recommendations and proposals for strengthening the Strategic Partnership, inviting it to:
• Support the various Latin American regional integration processes that form the basis of the Biregional Partnership;
• Maintain the biregional focus of the Strategic Partnership in order to safeguard the values and interests of the partners and to reinforce multilateralism;
• Maintain a global strategic vision for the Partnership, working towards its ultimate aim of creating a Euro-Latin American Global Interregional Partnership Area, by around 2015, that will cover the political, economic, trade, social and cultural fields and guarantee sustainable development for both regions;
• Adopt a Euro-Latin American Charter for Peace and Security that, based on the United Nations Charter and related international legislation, includes joint strategies and guidelines for political action and security in order to tackle the common threats facing the members of the Biregional Strategic Partnership; for that purpose, the EuroLat Assembly is presenting the Summit with the Articles of the Charter annexed to its Resolution of 8 April 2009;
Full text of the Message of 15 May 2010 EN(PDF - 131 KB) ES(PDF - 137 KB) FR(PDF - 138 KB) PT(PDF - 130 KB)
Statement by the European Co-President of 1 March 2010 on the recent earthquake in Chile
The Co-President representing the European Parliament in the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, on behalf of the 75 Members who make up the European Parliament's Delegation to the Assembly, which is the parliamentary arm of the European Union-Latin American and Caribbean Bi-regional Strategic Partnership and comprises, in addition to the 75 Members of the European Parliament, a further 75 Members of the Latin American integration parliaments (Parlatino, Parlandino, Parlacén and Parlasur) and the EU-Mexico and EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committees:
- Expresses his deep concern at the dramatic consequences of the violent earthquake that struck Chile in the early hours of Saturday 27 February, extends his sincere condolences to the victims' families and declares his complete solidarity with those affected, the Chilean people, their Government and the National Congress of Chile.
- Endorses the commitment to provide an initial EUR 3 million in humanitarian aid announced by the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) and also the efforts made by the European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, Kristalina Georgieva, and by the Services of the European Commission and the Council of the European Union to tackle the consequences of the disaster.
- Urges the Member States of the European Union, the Spanish Presidency, the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, to play an urgent and coordinated role in the emergency work to alleviate the effects of the earthquake and to respond with urgency to the request for help by the President of the Republic of Chile (temporary bridges, field hospitals with surgical facilities, satellite phones and relay stations, generators, equipment to assess structural damage to hospitals, schools and public buildings, salt water purification systems, field shelters, autonomous dialysis units, field kitchens, search and rescue experts, etc.), as well as the personnel needed to set them up.
Text of the Statement of 1 March 2010 EN(PDF - 86 KB) ES(PDF - 36 KB) FR(PDF - 84 KB) PT(PDF - 86 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 30 October 2009 on the political situation in Honduras
The Bureau of the Euro Latin America Parliamentary Assembly, on the occasion of the ordinary meeting of its three standing committees in Panama City on 29 and 30 October 2009:
1. Endorses the Declaration adopted by the Organisation of American States (OAS), and by the various authorities of the EU and of Latin America condemning absolutely and without reserve, the military coup in Honduras and the way in which the constitutional President was deposed, removed from his residence manu militari, and banished to a foreign country.
2. States its resolute support for the mediation efforts made by the Organisation of American States, in the shape of the initiatives taken by President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, and welcomes the fact that the parties involved in the talks of the Honduran National Bureau for Dialogue have, on the basis of the proposal set out in the San José Agreement, reached an agreement which provides for a rapid, peaceful, negotiated and constitutional solution, particularly with a view to the forthcoming presidential elections, so that the latter can be held in fair, transparent and free conditions.
3. Stresses the importance of initiatives such as the Truth Commission and the Verification Commission proposed by the San José Agreement, and likewise the need for these commissions to maintain strict impartiality.
4. Calls on all the parties and institutions to abstain from any violence or activities which could incite violence.
5. Voices its support for the free exercise of civic liberties and respect for human rights in the Republic of Honduras, and endorses the concern of Mrs Gloria Oqueli, the Honduran Member of the Central American Parliament, that she should be allowed fully to enjoy and exercise her political rights without any intimidation whatever.
6. States its willingness to place the Assembly's resources at the disposal of the parties to the Agreement, so as to help ensure that the agreement is implemented in a manner worthy of and consistent with the great values of democracy.
Text of the Declaration of 30 October 2009 EN(PDF - 88 KB) ES(PDF - 30 KB) FR(PDF - 97 KB) PT(PDF - 88 KB)
Message by the Co-Presidents of 8 May 2009 to the EU-Rio Group
Following on from the proceedings at its Third Ordinary Plenary Session, held in Madrid from 6 to 8 April 2009, the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the parliamentary institution of the Bi-regional Strategic Partnership between the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), is putting forward its proposals and suggestions for the main topics to be discussed at the EU - Rio Group XIVth Ministerial Meeting, which will take place in Prague on 13 May 2009. EuroLat seeks to oversee, and ensure compliance with, the Lima Agenda, adopted at the Vth EU-LAC Summit, held in Lima on 16 May 2008, which has charted the fundamental goals of the Bi-regional Strategic Partnership, focusing on the one hand on the eradication of poverty, inequality, and exclusion and, on the other, on sustainable development, the environment, climate change, and energy.
EuroLat considers that there is a unique opportunity at this point in time to achieve substantive results by adopting a coordinated approach to the economic and financial crisis, energy security, and climate change. That being the case, it hereby submits the following proposals and recommendations to the Ministerial Meeting between the EU and the Rio Group, one of the bodies responsible for developing the Bi-regional Strategic Partnership.
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly,
As regards the restoration of financial stability and world economic growth
· Urges the governments of the EU Member States and the Rio Group countries to intensify their cooperation in financial and macroeconomic matters and coordinate their fiscal stimulus measures in order to overcome the economic and financial crisis and cushion its effects on the most vulnerable individuals and economic sectors;
· Calls on those governments to implement further measures to boost demand, not least by bolstering household and business demand, supporting employment, and stimulating demand directly by means of public investment in research and development, technological innovation, education, and the modernisation of infrastructure;
· Reiterates that the credit markets must, as a matter of priority, be restored to normal operation so as to ease the flow of low-interest credit to families and credit to industry and small and medium-sized enterprises in particular, this being a sine qua non for the effectiveness of fiscal stimuli;
Full text of the Message of 8 May 2009 EN(PDF - 202 KB) ES(PDF - 247 KB) FR(PDF - 263 KB) PT(PDF - 248 KB) CS(PDF - 342 KB)
Declaration by the Eurolat Executive Bureau of 25 September 2008 on the political situation in Bolivia
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly is an institution for consultation, review and parliamentary monitoring of the European Union - Latin America and Caribbean bi-regional Strategic Partnership,
It is the task of the Assembly to forge closer relations of all kinds with the institutions and bodies of the partnership in the interests of respect for human rights, peace, democracy and integration,
It is inspired by the principles of international law, the Association Agreements between the European Union and the countries of Latin America currently in force or under negotiation, and the contents of the Declaration of the Andean Peace Zone signed by the Presidents of the member countries,
These principles are based on the responsible exercise of citizenship and full compliance with democratic values and practices, the rule of law, human rights, social justice, human development and national sovereignty,
The Republic of Bolivia is currently experiencing a political, social and institutional crisis, resulting in events posing a serious threat to democracy and the rule of law, which are the best guarantee of civil peace,
Full text of the Declaration of 25 September 2008 EN(PDF - 14 KB) ES(PDF - 82 KB) DE(PDF - 84 KB) FR(PDF - 83 KB) PT(PDF - 83 KB)
Press Statement from the Co-Presidents of 7 July 2008 on the release of Ingrid Betancourt in Colombia
On behalf of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, the Co-Presidents, José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (European Parliament) and Jorge Pizarro Soto (Latin American Parliament), express their joy and deep satisfaction following the recent release by the Colombian armed forces of Ingrid Betancourt, three US citizens and eleven members of the Colombian police and armed forces held hostage by the FARC, an organisation included on the EU list of terrorist organisations.
The Co-Presidents congratulate Mrs Betancourt and the other hostages released on their return to freedom and the enjoyment of their most fundamental rights and to their families and friends, as well as President Uribe, the Colombian Government, the Colombian armed forces, the Colombian people and all those who, in one manner or another, have fought and continue to fight for peace and the release of all the hostages in Colombia.
In keeping with the Assembly's remit of contributing within the Euro-Latin American area to the promotion of peace, human rights and humanitarian law, they call for the immediate and unconditional release of all the remaining hostages, many of whom have been held for long years in flagrant violation of their most fundamental rights and freedoms.
The Co-Presidents call for priority to be given to dialogue, life and peace in public life and political activity within Colombia, with a view to eradicating violence and human rights violations wherever they are to be found.
They reiterate their full willingness to facilitate dialogue leading to the release of the remaining hostages.
Text of the Press Release of 7 July 2008 EN(PDF - 80 KB) ES(PDF - 78 KB) DE(PDF - 82 KB) FR(PDF - 83 KB) PT(PDF - 81 KB)
Message by the Co-Presidents of 1 May 2008 on congratulations to the Peruvian delegation to the Andean Parliament
The Peruvian delegation to the Andean Parliament, headed by Mr Wilbert Bendezú Carpio, Vice-President of that Parliament, has given invaluable support to the organisation of the proceedings of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly - EUROLAT - and in so doing made an essential contribution to the success of the Second Ordinary Plenary Session.
SOLE ARTICLE: Congratulates the parliamentary representation of Peru in the Andean Parliament, in the person of Wilbert Bendezú Carpio, Vice-President of that Parliament, on its splendid work in organising, and providing logistical support for, the session of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly held in Lima, Peru, from 28 April to 1 May 2008.
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 1 May 2008 on the situation in Bolivia
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, meeting in its Second Ordinary Plenary Session on 1 May 2008 in Lima, Peru,
The Andean Parliament, meeting on 27 April 2008, addressed a fraternal appeal to all of the political and social protagonists in Bolivia, calling on them to achieve a nationwide consensus to bolster democratic institutions and the economic and social well-being of the Bolivian people.
One of the aims of parliamentary activity is to contribute to and promote good relations among, and the development of, the peoples represented.
It is important to ensure respect for human rights, under international legal instruments, and help consolidate peace and international justice.
Bolivia is currently undergoing an internal political and institutional crisis that poses a serious threat to peace, unity, and the undiminished force of the rule of law.
ARTICLE 1: Urges the Government, Congress, the prefects of the departments, and, more generally, Bolivian society as a whole to seek the necessary means, through dialogue, in order to resolve the present disputes by agreement.
ARTICLE 2: Urges all parties to bring careful thought to bear and strengthen national unity, thereby helping to restore institutional and democratic order, this being the most precious asset that Bolivian society and its citizens possess.
Text of the Declaration of 1 May 2008 EN(PDF - 76 KB) ES(PDF - 76 KB) FR(PDF - 74 KB) PT(PDF - 76 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 1 May 2008 on the progress in Central American integration
We welcome the strengthening of the Central American region's institutions following the ratification by the Guatemalan Congress of the Convention on the Statute of the Central American Court of Justice and the election of judges to that court. We also welcome the progress made in that connection by the State of Panama. We call upon the countries of the Central American Isthmus which belong to the Central American Integration System (SICA) and which have not yet endorsed the above-mentioned Convention to adopt it promptly.
We congratulate El Salvador on being the first state to ratify the reforms which give the Central American Parliament binding powers, and urge the parliaments and/or congresses of the other states belonging to the Central American Integration System to join in that institution building and progress towards smooth regional integration.
Text of the Declaration of 1 May 2008 EN(PDF - 72 KB) ES(PDF - 72 KB) FR(PDF - 74 KB) PT(PDF - 72 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 1 May 2008 on the state of relations between Ecuador and Colombia
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, meeting in its Second Ordinary Plenary Session on 1 May 2008 in Lima, Peru,
The Andean Parliament, meeting on 27 April 2008, declared that relations between the sister republics of Colombia and Ecuador had not yet been restored on a proper footing, a situation which clearly poses an obstacle to continuing integration.
One of the aims of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly is to consolidate the bi-regional strategic partnership, that is to say, a partnership between blocs and not between countries viewed individually.
SOLE ARTICLE: Endorses the appeal to the Presidents and governments of Ecuador and Colombia to observe the shared philosophy of integration, the hallmark of the bi-regional strategic partnership, and, on that basis, to seek jointly and without delay to re-establish diplomatic relations and move ahead in an open, honest dialogue both for the good of their citizens and to promote peace and stability in the Andean region.
Full text of the Declaration of 1 May 2008 EN(PDF - 73 KB) ES(PDF - 73 KB) FR(PDF - 71 KB) PT(PDF - 73 KB)
Message by the Co-Presidents of 1 May 2008 to the CELAC-EU Summit
Integrating diversity - moving forward together
For the first time since it was swiftly brought into operation following the Vienna Summit, the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly is offering the Heads of State and Government, on this significant date of 1 May, its proposals and recommendations for the forthcoming Summit, which is to take place in Lima on 16 and 17 May 2008. They express its commitment to the new responsibilities incumbent upon it as the parliamentary arm of the Biregional Strategic Partnership and summarise its work and that of its various bodies at its first two Ordinary plenary sessions held in Brussels on 18-20 December 2007 and in Lima on29 April and 1 May 2008. The launch of the Assembly (which will gradually incorporate all the member parliaments, the Congresses of Latin America and the Caribbean, and the European Parliament) demonstrates the benefits which in terms of mutual dialogue, knowledge and understanding and as regards the adoption of joint decisions and positions may be bestowed on the citizens represented. It also provides added value for the Strategic Partnership, the full legitimacy and influence of which are to be found in the work of ministers and of the Summit itself, in the work of Assembly as the parliamentary branch of the Partnership and in the work of a civil society which must play an ever-greater role in achieving the Strategic Partnership objectives.
Full text of the Message of 1 May 2008 EN(PDF - 131 KB) ES(PDF - 135 KB) DE(PDF - 144 KB) FR(PDF - 131 KB) PT(PDF - 132 KB)
Statement by the Co-Presidents of 7 March 2008 on the current crisis involving Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela
The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (European Parliament) and Jorge Pizarro Soto (Latin American Parliament), express their deep concern at the course of events that followed the confrontation which took place on 1 March 2008 between the Colombian army and the FARC, which is one of the organisations on the European Union's list of terrorist organisations.
In accordance with the aims of the Assembly to contribute, within the Euro-Latin American area, to the promotion of peace, respect for international law - including human rights and humanitarian law - and democratic governability and effective multilateralism, both Co Presidents call on the governments of the countries involved to seek a peaceful solution urgently, by using the various existing frameworks for political dialogue, negotiation and discussion, including the Assembly itself, and to renounce expressly the use, or threatened use, of force to resolve their differences.
They highlight the explicit recognition by the government of the Republic of Colombia to the effect that it entered Ecuadorian territory without permission, in clear violation of its sovereignty, as a positive move that will help settle this problem.
Full text of the Statement of 7 March 2008 EN(PDF - 86 KB) ES(PDF - 83 KB) FR(PDF - 82 KB) PT(PDF - 91 KB)
Declaration by the Mexican delegation to the Eurolat Assembly of 20 December 2007
The Mexican Delegation to this First Plenary Meeting of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly wishes to take the opportunity to extend heartfelt thanks, on behalf of the people of Mexico, to all the amicable governments and peoples, international organisations and civil society organisations, in Latin America and the European Union, for their invaluable demonstrations of solidarity, and humanitarian aid and technical assistance, on the occasion of the floods in Tabasco and Chiapas.
That support made it possible to mitigate the severe damage suffered by the people of Tabasco and Chiapas during the emergency stage.
The Delegation also wishes to take this opportunity to welcome the proposals made by various international forums to establish effective mechanisms for responding to natural disasters, and in particular those presented at the XVII Ibero-American Summit held in November 2007 in Santiago de Chile, as well as the proposal to create a Biregional Centre for Disaster Prevention set out in Paragraph 8(b) of the resolution tabled by the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights of this Assembly.
Full text of the statement of 20 December 2007 EN(PDF - 115 KB) ES(PDF - 94 KB) FR(PDF - 93 KB) PT(PDF - 97 KB)
Declaration by the Co-Presidents of 9 November 2006
The Euro-Latin American Assembly shall:
- Make a decisive contribution to achieving efficient democratic governability and to the presence of strong and democratic political parties;
- Actively promote effective national policies and mechanisms that ensure the protection of human rights;
- Foster multilateralism and the role of Latin America and the European Union on the international scene;
- Reaffirm the principle of shared responsibility and the maintenance of a global and integrated approach to combating illicit drugs, organised crime and terrorism;
- Emphasise that regional and biregional integration is in line with multilateral rules and is the best way of responding to economic globalisation and of reducing poverty with a view to achieving the Millennium Development Goals;
- Work towards establishing societies that are less exclusive and more just and unified;
- Make it clear that the unilateral decision to build a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico is not the most appropriate way of resolving the problem of migratory flows, as by its nature it is incompatible with good neighbourly relations between the two countries and in the region as a whole, and has a negative impact on the vulnerability of immigrants and the protection of their human rights; in this connection, the Assembly takes the view that dialogue and cooperation are the best ways of resolving the disputes;
- Adopt the texts of the declarations adopted by the three standing committees annexed to this final declaration.
Instructs its Co-Presidents to forward this declaration to the Council and the Commission, to the Latin American Parliament, the Central American Parliament, the Andean Parliament and the Mercosur Join Parliamentary Commission, and to the President of the Republic of Peru, in his capacity as President-in-Office for Latin America and the Caribbean in the dialogue with the European Union
Full text of the Declaration of 9 November 2006 EN(PDF - 108 KB) ES(PDF - 105 KB) FR(PDF - 106 KB) PT(PDF - 106 KB)