Rules of procedure

Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly

The Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly were adopted on 20 September 2018 at the 11th Eurolat Plenary Session in Vienna.

The Rules of Procedure for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (Eurolat) include the following articles:
  1. Nature and objectives
  2. Composition
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Presidency and Executive Bureau
  5. Relations with the EU-CELAC Summit, the Council of Ministers, the European Commission and other groups and ministerial conferences
  6. Observers and guests
  7. Plenary sessions of the Assembly
  8. Agenda
  9. Chairing of sessions
  10. Quorum
  11. Seating arrangements
  12. Official and working languages
  13. Public nature of debates
  14. Right to speak
  15. Voting rights and voting procedures
  16. Resolutions and recommendations of the Assembly
  17. Messages to EU-CELAC summits
  18. Statements
  19. Amendments
  20. Questions for written answer
  21. Questions for oral answer
  22. Requests for the Assembly's opinion
  23. Standing committees
  24. Temporary and follow-up committees
  25. Working groups, election observation and hearings
  26. Relations with Joint Parliamentary Committees
  27. Funding of costs of organisation, participation, interpretation and translation
  28. Secretariat
  29. Interpretation of the Rules of Procedure
  30. Points of order
  31. Amendment of the Rules of Procedure
The rules also include two annexes:
  • Powers, responsibilities, membership and procedures of standing committees
  • Length of texts