Rules of procedure
Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
The Rules of Procedure of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly were adopted on 20 September 2018 at the 11th Eurolat Plenary Session in Vienna.
The Rules of Procedure for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (Eurolat) include the following articles:
The Rules of Procedure for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (Eurolat) include the following articles:
- Nature and objectives
- Composition
- Responsibilities
- Presidency and Executive Bureau
- Relations with the EU-CELAC Summit, the Council of Ministers, the European Commission and other groups and ministerial conferences
- Observers and guests
- Plenary sessions of the Assembly
- Agenda
- Chairing of sessions
- Quorum
- Seating arrangements
- Official and working languages
- Public nature of debates
- Right to speak
- Voting rights and voting procedures
- Resolutions and recommendations of the Assembly
- Messages to EU-CELAC summits
- Statements
- Amendments
- Questions for written answer
- Questions for oral answer
- Requests for the Assembly's opinion
- Standing committees
- Temporary and follow-up committees
- Working groups, election observation and hearings
- Relations with Joint Parliamentary Committees
- Funding of costs of organisation, participation, interpretation and translation
- Secretariat
- Interpretation of the Rules of Procedure
- Points of order
- Amendment of the Rules of Procedure
- Powers, responsibilities, membership and procedures of standing committees
- Length of texts
Rules of Procedure EN(PDF - 349 KB) ES(PDF - 105 KB) DE(PDF - 259 KB) FR(PDF - 359 KB) PT(PDF - 214 KB)