2017: Eurolat meetings
Eurolat Meetings of Standing Parliamentary Committees: in Florence (Italy) from 22-24 May 2017
The EuroLat meetings of the Standing Parliamentary Committees took place in Florence (Italy) from 22-24 May 2017.
After last year's Plenary in Montevideo in September, the first set of meetings in 2017 of the 4 EuroLat Standing Committees, Executive Bureau, Working Group on Security as well as the EuroLat-Civil Society meeting, Women Forum and EP-LAC political families took place in Florence, Italy, from 22-24 May 2017.
The Inaugural Joint Session took place on 23 May in the Palazzo Vecchio with the participation of the Mayor of Florence, Mr Dario Nardella, EP President Tajani and the two EuroLat Co-Presidents. A minute of silence was observed to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attack in Manchester.
EuroLat Members' participation in Florence was high, with some 92 Members (EP 36, LAC 56) participating. The meetings proceeded smoothly with one report (TTIP/TPP) adopted in the Trade Committee to be voted by the Assembly Plenary in Latin America in September 2017. Upon request from the LAC Members the Trade Committee vote on food price volatility was postponed to the next committee meeting. A first set of amendments to EuroLat's Rules of Procedure were also examined. Particular fruitful was also the meeting of the new Working Group on Security, Organised and Transnational Crime and Terrorism.
It was decided not to issue a Joint Declaration of the EuroLat Co-Presidents in Florence, but instead focus on the EuroLat Message to be transmitted to the III EU-CELAC Summit on 26-27 October 2017. However, this EU-CELAC Summit had been postponed.
After last year's Plenary in Montevideo in September, the first set of meetings in 2017 of the 4 EuroLat Standing Committees, Executive Bureau, Working Group on Security as well as the EuroLat-Civil Society meeting, Women Forum and EP-LAC political families took place in Florence, Italy, from 22-24 May 2017.
The Inaugural Joint Session took place on 23 May in the Palazzo Vecchio with the participation of the Mayor of Florence, Mr Dario Nardella, EP President Tajani and the two EuroLat Co-Presidents. A minute of silence was observed to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attack in Manchester.
EuroLat Members' participation in Florence was high, with some 92 Members (EP 36, LAC 56) participating. The meetings proceeded smoothly with one report (TTIP/TPP) adopted in the Trade Committee to be voted by the Assembly Plenary in Latin America in September 2017. Upon request from the LAC Members the Trade Committee vote on food price volatility was postponed to the next committee meeting. A first set of amendments to EuroLat's Rules of Procedure were also examined. Particular fruitful was also the meeting of the new Working Group on Security, Organised and Transnational Crime and Terrorism.
It was decided not to issue a Joint Declaration of the EuroLat Co-Presidents in Florence, but instead focus on the EuroLat Message to be transmitted to the III EU-CELAC Summit on 26-27 October 2017. However, this EU-CELAC Summit had been postponed.
Programme of the Eurolat Meetings from 22-24 May 2017 in Florence EN(PDF - 2 MB) ES(PDF - 2 MB) DE(PDF - 2 MB) PT(PDF - 277 KB) IT(PDF - 2 MB)