Last update/Dernière mise à jour:20/02/2006 - 09:04
Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
Délégation pour les relations avec la République populaire de Chine
Meeting / Réunion
22/02/2006 - 16:15 h.
Bruxelles - Salle

1369.075OJDraft agenda of meeting of 22 Februaryde en fr
2365.502PVMinutes of meeting of 14 December 2005de en fr
3 FDEP resolution of 15 December on human rights in Tibet and Hong Kongen fr
3 FDEP resolution of 17 January on bear bile farming in Chinaen fr
3 FDEP resolution of 17 January on EU/China relations in the field of air transporten fr
3 FDParagraph 37 of Brok report on CFSP 2006 adopted 2 February 2006en
4 CRReport of 21st IPM - October 2005de en fr
4 FDEU-China relations - Commision documenten
4 FDcurrent architecture of EU-china relationsen
4 FDEU-China dialogue seminar on humen rights on ICCPR ratificationen
4 FDEU-China Dialogue seminar on Human Rights - EU recommendationsen
4 FDICCPR covenanten
5 FDDeclaration by the Presidency on direct cross-strait flights over the Chinese New Yearen fr

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