
Date of birth : , Roma

9th parliamentary term Luisa REGIMENTI

Political groups

  • 02-07-2019 / 20-06-2021 : Identity and Democracy Group - Member
  • 21-06-2021 / 07-07-2021 : Non-attached Members
  • 08-07-2021 / 03-04-2023 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) - Member

National parties

  • 02-07-2019 / 05-07-2021 : Lega (Italy)
  • 06-07-2021 / 03-04-2023 : Forza Italia (Italy)


  • 02-07-2019 / 09-02-2020 : Committee on International Trade
  • 02-07-2019 / 20-06-2021 : Delegation for relations with Canada
  • 10-02-2020 / 20-06-2021 : Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
  • 14-09-2020 / 20-06-2021 : Special Committee on Beating Cancer
  • 08-07-2021 / 19-01-2022 : Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
  • 13-09-2021 / 19-10-2022 : Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament
  • 20-01-2022 / 03-04-2023 : Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
  • 17-02-2022 / 03-04-2023 : Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
  • 24-03-2022 / 03-04-2023 : Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and recommendations for the future
  • 20-10-2022 / 03-04-2023 : Delegation for relations with the United States


  • 02-07-2019 / 09-02-2020 : Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
  • 02-07-2019 / 20-06-2021 : Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee
  • 10-02-2020 / 20-06-2021 : Committee on International Trade
  • 03-03-2020 / 20-06-2021 : Committee on Legal Affairs
  • 21-06-2021 / 07-07-2021 : Committee on Legal Affairs
  • 08-07-2021 / 19-01-2022 : Committee on Legal Affairs
  • 20-01-2022 / 03-04-2023 : Committee on Legal Affairs
  • 17-02-2022 / 10-01-2023 : Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries
  • 11-01-2023 / 03-04-2023 : Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia

Main parliamentary activities

Contributions to plenary debates

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

Reports - as rapporteur

A rapporteur is appointed in the responsible parliamentary committee to draft a report on proposals of a legislative or budgetary nature, or other issues. In drafting their report, rapporteurs may consult with relevant experts and stakeholders. They are also responsible for the drafting of compromise amendments and negotiations with shadow rapporteurs. Reports adopted at committee level are then examined and voted on in plenary. Rule 55

Reports - as shadow rapporteur

Political groups designate a shadow rapporteur for each report in the responsible committee to follow progress and negotiate compromise texts with the rapporteur. Rule 215

Opinions - as rapporteur

Committees may draft an opinion to a report of the responsible committee covering the elements linked to their committee remit. Rapporteurs of such opinions are also responsible for the drafting of compromise amendments and negotiations with shadow rapporteurs of the opinion. Rule 56, Rule 57, Annex VI

OPINION on the new EU forest strategy for 2030 – sustainable forest management in Europe

03-06-2022 ENVI_AD(2022)704550 PE704.550v02-00 ENVI

OPINION on a pharmaceutical strategy for Europe

14-07-2021 JURI_AD(2021)692709 PE692.709v02-00 JURI

OPINION on Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy

14-07-2021 JURI_AD(2021)693676 PE693.676v02-00 JURI

Opinions - as shadow rapporteur

Political groups designate a shadow rapporteur for an opinion to follow progress and negotiate compromise texts with the rapporteur. Rule 215

OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Combating violence against women and domestic violence

28-03-2023 JURI_AD(2023)734177 PE734.177v02-00 JURI

OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data (Data Act)

26-01-2023 JURI_AD(2023)736696 PE736.696v02-00 JURI

OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Contestable and fair markets in the digital sector (Digital Markets Act)

05-11-2021 JURI_AD(2021)693727 PE693.727v03-00 JURI

Oral questions

Questions for oral answer with debate, addressed to the European Commission, the Council or the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union can be tabled by a committee, a political group or at least 5% of Parliament’s members. Rule 136

Other parliamentary activities

Written explanations of vote

Members can submit a written explanation of their vote in plenary. Rule 194

Farm to Fork Strategy (A9-0271/2021 - Anja Hazekamp, Herbert Dorfmann) IT


. – La relazione sulla strategia UE "Dal produttore al consumatore" ha lo scopo di indicare alla Commissione europea le posizioni rilevanti del Parlamento. La strategia nasce con l'obiettivo di migliorare la qualità della catena alimentare in Europa nel suo complesso e di rendere l'alimentazione più equilibrata e più sana, che condivido, ma il testo finale presenta alcuni elementi problematici per le nostre filiere agro-alimentari e che spero saranno attentamente valutati dalla Commissione. Esempi ne sono il sistema di etichettatura Nutrizionale uniforme obbligatorio, che rischia di stigmatizzare alimenti sani, come le eccellenze del "Made in Italy" o i prodotti a indicazione geografica protetta o con denominazione d'origine protetta, e danneggiare la dieta mediterranea, che è patrimonio culturale dell'umanità, oltre ad essere fuorviante per il consumatore. Ancora, la prescrizione di sanzioni per il mancato rispetto dell'obiettivo di ridurre le vendite di antimicrobici per gli animali d'allevamento del 50% entro il 2030, considerando che l'impatto di questo obiettivo non è stato ufficialmente valutato cumulativamente con gli altri obiettivi F2F e di biodiversità.
Buona la relazione nel suo complesso, ma al momento dell'attuazione concreta e legislativa della strategia sarà necessario essere vigili per evitare gli effetti negativi menzionati nello studio del Joint Research Center, come l'aumento dei prezzi, i cali di produzione in Europa o la delocalizzazione di parte dell'agricoltura.

Written questions

Members can submit a specific number of questions to the President of the European Council, the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union, for written answer. Rule 138, Annex III

Current political and electoral situation in Bangladesh

01-12-2022 E-003904/2022 Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Questions to the Bureau, the Conference of Presidents and the Quaestors

Members can submit questions to the President concerning the Bureau, the Conference of Presidents and the Quaestors as regards their respective duties. Rule 32(2)

Questions to the ECB and concerning the SSM and the SRM

Members can put questions for written reply to the ECB and questions concerning the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Single Resolution Mechanism. Such questions are first submitted to the Chair of the responsible committee.Rule 140, Rule 141, Annex III

Answers to questions to the ECB and concerning the SSM and the SRM

Reply to members’ questions to the ECB and questions concerning the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Single Resolution Mechanism. Rule 140, Rule 141, Annex III

Individual motions for resolutions

In accordance with Rule 143 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure, any individual Member may table a motion for resolution on a matter falling within the spheres of activity of the EU. These motions for resolution express the position of the individual Members who tabled them. Admissible motions are referred to the committee responsible, which shall decide whether to follow up the motion for resolution and, if so, which procedure is to be followed. Where a committee has decided to follow-up a motion for resolution, more detailed information is provided on this page, below the resolution in question. Rule 143


All declarations below have been signed by the Member, even if the signature is not visible in the online copy.



Date, Place:
Shadow rapporteur
Meeting related to procedure:
Code of associated committee or delegation
Meeting with:


Date, Place:
Shadow rapporteur
Meeting related to procedure:
Code of associated committee or delegation


Date, Place:
Shadow rapporteur
Meeting related to procedure:
Code of associated committee or delegation
Meeting with: