
Date of birth : ,

9th parliamentary term Derk Jan EPPINK

Political groups

  • 02-07-2019 / 30-03-2021 : European Conservatives and Reformists Group - First Vice-Chair

National parties

  • 02-07-2019 / 19-12-2020 : Forum voor Democratie (Netherlands)
  • 20-12-2020 / 30-03-2021 : JA21 (Netherlands)


  • 10-07-2019 / 30-03-2021 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs


  • 02-07-2019 / 09-07-2019 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
  • 02-07-2019 / 30-03-2021 : Delegation for relations with the United States


  • 02-07-2019 / 30-03-2021 : Committee on Budgets
  • 02-07-2019 / 30-03-2021 : Committee on Budgetary Control
  • 02-07-2019 / 30-03-2021 : Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

Main parliamentary activities

Contributions to plenary debates

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

Opinions - as rapporteur

Committees may draft an opinion to a report of the responsible committee covering the elements linked to their committee remit. Rapporteurs of such opinions are also responsible for the drafting of compromise amendments and negotiations with shadow rapporteurs of the opinion. Rule 56, Rule 57, Annex VI

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Banking Authority (EBA) for the financial year 2019

04-02-2021 ECON_AD(2021)660353 PE660.353v02-00 ECON

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Insurance and Occupational Authority (EIOPA) for the financial year 2019

04-02-2021 ECON_AD(2021)660355 PE660.355v02-00 ECON

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for the financial year 2019

04-02-2021 ECON_AD(2021)660357 PE660.357v02-00 ECON

Opinions - as shadow rapporteur

Political groups designate a shadow rapporteur for an opinion to follow progress and negotiate compromise texts with the rapporteur. Rule 215

OPINION on recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

25-05-2020 ECON_AD(2020)648489 PE648.489v02-00 ECON

Motions for resolutions

Motions for resolutions are tabled on topical issues, at the request of a committee, a political group or at least 5% of the Members, and voted on in plenary. Rule 132, Rule 136, Rule 139, Rule 144.

Oral questions

Questions for oral answer with debate, addressed to the European Commission, the Council or the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union can be tabled by a committee, a political group or at least 5% of Parliament’s members. Rule 136

Human rights situation in Iran, in particular the situation of political prisoners sentenced to death

01-07-2020 O-000045/2020 Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Other parliamentary activities

Written explanations of vote

Members can submit a written explanation of their vote in plenary. Rule 194

The Syrian conflict - 10 years after the uprising (B9-0175/2021, B9-0176/2021, B9-0177/2021, B9-0178/2021, B9-0179/2021, B9-0180/2021, B9-0181/2021) NL


Normaal gezien onthouden wij ons van stemming bij stemmingen over buitenlands beleid omdat dit niet de bevoegdheid van de EU is.
Wij zijn hier in dit dossier van afgeweken, omdat amendement 8 werd aangenomen, dat pleit voor de terugkeer van kinderen van Syriëstrijders.
JA21 is hiertegen en daarom hebben wij tegen deze resolutie gestemd.

Proposed mandate for negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (B9-0098/2020) NL


Wij hebben voor deze resolutie gestemd.
Wij vinden dit een slechte en slordige tekst, soms verbitterd. Desondanks zijn wij van mening dat de onderhandelingen over de afwikkeling van de brexit zo snel mogelijk van start moeten gaan.
Deze resolutie is niet bindend en heeft voornamelijk een symbolisch karakter. Het is vanwege dit symbolische karakter dat wij er daarom voor gekozen hebben deze resolutie te steunen.

European Parliament's position on the Conference on the Future of Europe (B9-0036/2020, B9-0037/2020, B9-0038/2020) NL


FVD stemde tegen de resolutie over de Conferentie over de toekomst van Europa, omdat de resolutie is opgedrongen vanuit de meerderheid van het Europees Parlement, waarbij enkel de stem van de EU-federalisten aan bod kwam. Deze conferentie zal bevolkt worden door gesubsidieerde ngo’s en zal geen echte inbreng van de bevolking kennen.
FVD pleit voor een andere conferentie, een die een confederaal Europa centraal stelt, waarbij de nadruk ligt op het repatriëren van bevoegdheden naar de lidstaten.

Written questions

Members can submit a specific number of questions to the President of the European Council, the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union, for written answer. Rule 138, Annex III

Questions to the ECB and concerning the SSM and the SRM

Members can put questions for written reply to the ECB and questions concerning the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Single Resolution Mechanism. Such questions are first submitted to the Chair of the responsible committee.Rule 140, Rule 141, Annex III

Answers to questions to the ECB and concerning the SSM and the SRM

Reply to members’ questions to the ECB and questions concerning the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Single Resolution Mechanism. Rule 140, Rule 141, Annex III

Individual motions for resolutions

In accordance with Rule 143 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure, any individual Member may table a motion for resolution on a matter falling within the spheres of activity of the EU. These motions for resolution express the position of the individual Members who tabled them. Admissible motions are referred to the committee responsible, which shall decide whether to follow up the motion for resolution and, if so, which procedure is to be followed. Where a committee has decided to follow-up a motion for resolution, more detailed information is provided on this page, below the resolution in question. Rule 143


All declarations below have been signed by the Member, even if the signature is not visible in the online copy.