Renew Europe képviselőcsoport


Románia - REPER (Románia)

Születési idő : , Bârlad

A szavazáshoz fűzött írásbeli indokolások Dragoş TUDORACHE

A képviselők írásbeli indokolást nyújthatnak be a plenáris ülésen leadott szavazatukhoz. 194. cikk

A gázai humanitárius helyzet, a tűzszünet szükségessége és a regionális eszkaláció veszélye (RC-B9-0068/2024, B9-0068/2024, B9-0069/2024, B9-0071/2024, B9-0073/2024, B9-0075/2024, B9-0077/2024) EN


Our political and moral responsibility is to avoid the loss of life as much as possible.
This is why calling for a ceasefire is our duty, and the duty of this House. The deaths of civilians most stop.
Asking however only for an unconditional and permanent ceasefire would mean to ask an aggressed state to stop defending itself from an ongoing threat. There has to be a direct link between the much-needed ceasefire and the dismantling of Hamas alongside the release and return of the hostages.

A Parlament által az európai intézmények integritásának erősítése érdekében kért intézkedések nyomon követése (RC-B9-0147/2023, B9-0147/2023, B9-0150/2023, B9-0152/2023, B9-0153/2023, B9-0154/2023) EN


The corruption scandal involving representatives of the European Parliament and Qatar shook us all to the core. The trust that our citizens have in our institution is broken. This House supports a zero-tolerance policy on corruption in any form and at any level. With this vote, we call for clear measures to strengthen the integrity of European institutions and a swift implementation of the necessary revised mechanisms to address transparency and accountability for all. We need to step up our efforts and restore the integrity of the Parliament and rebuild trust in the European project.

Az Oroszország által egy éve indított Ukrajna elleni invázió és agresszív háború (RC-B9-0123/2023, B9-0123/2023, B9-0126/2023, B9-0131/2023, B9-0132/2023, B9-0134/2023, B9-0139/2023) EN


It has been one year since the war alarms went off in the streets of Ukraine because of the unprovoked and unjustified Russian aggression, one year since this war has been killing thousands and forcing millions to leave their homes, but also one year since Europe showed immense mobilisation and solidarity matching the bravery and resilience of the people of Ukraine. With this resolution, we show our determination to continue with the necessary sanctioning measures in order to weaken Putin’s regime, and we underline the unwavering support for Ukraine by providing the necessary means to defeat Russia’s war machine. Ukraine must prevail!

A politikai reklámtevékenység átláthatósága és targetálása (A9-0009/2023 - Sandro Gozi) EN


Through its favourable vote, Parliament has backed the numerous changes to the proposed political advertising rules that will make future elections and referenda more transparent and resistant to foreign interference. Our citizens will soon be able to easily recognise when and why they are targeted by political advertisement and who paid for it.
These limitations on abusive political advertising practices are necessary in order to give our electorate greater transparency and a more open, free and democratic political debate. I fully support this report, which protects our citizens against the misuse of their personal data and defends our European democracies from interference, manipulation and disinformation by unscrupulous political players.

Az EU–Ukrajna-csúcstalálkozó előkészítése (RC-B9-0092/2023, B9-0092/2023, B9-0093/2023, B9-0094/2023, B9-0095/2023, B9-0096/2023) EN


Ahead of the EU—Ukraine summit that will take place in Kiev, the European Parliament calls, with this resolution that I fully endorse, for a clear pathway for the start of the accession negotiations, a much needed perspective for the morale of the Ukrainian people. Both Ukraine and Moldova have a long way ahead, but we need to be consistent in our actions and step up our financial, technical and political support in order for them to become full members of the European family. Victory for Ukraine is the only way forward. The security and democracy of the EU might depend on it. We must continue to show unity in the face of Russia’s aggression and focus on relief, recovery and the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Az Ukrajna elleni agresszió bűntettével foglalkozó törvényszék létrehozása (RC-B9-0063/2023, B9-0063/2023, B9-0064/2023, B9-0068/2023, B9-0069/2023, B9-0072/2023) EN


Putin’s unprovoked aggression and acts of terror against the people of Ukraine cannot remain unpunished as they are a blatant violation of any fundamental principle of international law and a threat to the foundational norms that underpin the modern legal world. I fully support this resolution that calls for an international tribunal to investigate and prosecute the crime of aggression committed against Ukraine by Russia’s leaders and allies. We owe it to the Ukrainian people that went already through enough; we owe it to our European citizens that await concrete actions from us; and we owe it to history, as we need to be remembered as the ones that stood tall and acted firmly against injustice.

Az Iránban zajló tiltakozásokra és kivégzésekre adott uniós válasz (RC-B9-0066/2023, B9-0062/2023, B9-0066/2023, B9-0067/2023, B9-0070/2023, B9-0079/2023, B9-0080/2023) EN


The Iranian Government is using criminal prosecution and the death sentence as weapons to punish protesters and terrorise the population in an effort to quell dissent. Iranian forces brutally suppressed peaceful demonstrations while violating international human rights laws and used excessive and deadly force against women, at the forefront of these demonstrations. With this resolution, the EU commits to harshen the sanctions mechanism in response to the Iranian regime and support any effort to collect and store evidence of international crimes in order to contribute to possible cases at the International Criminal Court as all perpetrators of violence must be brought to justice. The respect of fundamental rights and strengthening accountability for their violations across the world is at the core of the European Union and it is not negotiable.

A katari korrupció gyanúja és az európai intézményeken belüli átláthatóság és elszámoltathatóság iránti általánosabb igény (B9-0580/2022, RC-B9-0581/2022, B9-0581/2022, B9-0582/2022, B9-0583/2022, B9-0584/2022, B9-0585/2022, B9-0587/2022) EN


The revelations of Qatargate are a stain on European democracy. All those involved, members and staff of any European institution, must be held accountable. We have called for the creation of an independent EU ethics body and now, more than ever, this is needed. We must stand together, restore the integrity of this House, and regain the trust of our citizens. And we must never again allow for this kind of action to tarnish the true values upon which our Union is built on. I wholeheartedly support this resolution that sends a clear message: our values are not for sale!

90 évvel a holodomor után: az éheztetés révén végrehajtott tömeggyilkosság népirtásként való elismerése (RC-B9-0559/2022, B9-0559/2022, B9-0560/2022, B9-0561/2022, B9-0564/2022, B9-0566/2022) EN


2022-2023 marks the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor, the artificial famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine, a starvation that was planned and implemented by Stalin in order to force the Soviet Union’s regime of collectivisation of agriculture and to suppress the Ukrainian people. Millions lost their lives. With this vote, the European Parliament recognises the Holodomor as genocide against the Ukrainian people and calls on all Member States and third countries to raise awareness of these facts and other Soviet government crimes. Making a comparison to the Soviet era, we cannot allow Putin’s regime to manipulate the historical memory and continue destroying the identity and culture of the Ukrainian people.

A feltételrendszerről szóló rendelet szerinti jogállamisági feltételeknek való, Magyarország általi megfelelés értékelése és a magyar helyreállítási és rezilienciaépítési terv jelenlegi állása (B9-0511/2022) EN


The European Parliament has always said that no EU money should end up in the hands of governments that cannot guarantee that funds are protected from misuse. Hungary has had enough time to implement the 17 measures required to address systemic irregularities on the rule of law that the Commission asked for within the remit of the conditionality mechanism and did not deliver. The Orbán government is now pressing us through blackmail and dirty politics, but we cannot give in. I fully endorse this resolution that stresses that, for the sake of the Union, no European money for the recovery plan and no cohesion funds should be given to autocrats like Orbán.



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