Elisabetta GARDINI
Elisabetta GARDINI

Data di nascita : , Padova

8ª legislatura Elisabetta GARDINI

Gruppi politici

  • 01-07-2014 / 16-04-2019 : Gruppo del Partito popolare europeo (Democratici cristiani) - Membro
  • 17-04-2019 / 01-07-2019 : Gruppo dei Conservatori e Riformisti europei - Membro

Partiti nazionali

  • 01-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Forza Italia (Italia)


  • 13-10-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione per le relazioni con il Mercosur


  • 01-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Commissione per l'ambiente, la sanità pubblica e la sicurezza alimentare
  • 14-07-2014 / 12-10-2014 : Delegazione per le relazioni con il Mercosur
  • 14-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione all'Assemblea parlamentare euro-latinoamericana
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Commissione per l'ambiente, la sanità pubblica e la sicurezza alimentare
  • 02-02-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione per le relazioni con la Repubblica federativa del Brasile
  • 12-09-2017 / 14-11-2018 : Commissione speciale sul terrorismo

Membro sostituto

  • 01-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Commissione per il mercato interno e la protezione dei consumatori
  • 01-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Commissione per le petizioni
  • 14-07-2014 / 16-04-2019 : Delegazione per le relazioni con gli Stati Uniti
  • 01-09-2015 / 18-01-2017 : Commissione per gli affari esteri
  • 25-05-2016 / 18-01-2017 : Sottocommissione per i diritti dell'uomo
  • 19-01-2017 / 16-04-2019 : Commissione per gli affari esteri
  • 19-01-2017 / 16-04-2019 : Commissione per la pesca
  • 19-01-2017 / 16-04-2019 : Commissione per le petizioni
  • 19-01-2017 / 16-04-2019 : Sottocommissione per i diritti dell'uomo

Attività parlamentari principali

Contributi alle discussioni in Aula

Discorsi pronunciati durante le sedute plenarie e dichiarazioni scritte relative alle discussioni in Aula. Articolo 204 e articolo 171, paragrafo 11, del regolamento

Relazioni in quanto relatore

In seno alla commissione parlamentare competente viene nominato un relatore incaricato di elaborare un progetto di relazione su proposte legislative o di bilancio o su altre questioni. Nel redigere la relazione, i relatori possono avvalersi della consulenza dei pertinenti esperti o soggetti interessati. I relatori sono inoltre responsabili di elaborare gli emendamenti di compromesso e di condurre i negoziati con i relatori ombra. Le relazioni approvate in commissione sono quindi esaminate e votate in Aula. Articolo 55 del regolamento

RELAZIONE sulla proposta di regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio relativo alle prescrizioni in materia di limiti di emissione e di omologazione per i motori a combustione interna destinati alle macchine mobili non stradali

30-09-2015 A8-0276/2015 PE557.123v02-00 ENVI
Elisabetta GARDINI

Pareri in quanto relatore

Le commissioni possono elaborare un parere sulla relazione della commissione competente in cui trattano aspetti rientranti nelle proprie attribuzioni. I relatori per parere sono inoltre responsabili di elaborare gli emendamenti di compromesso e di condurre i negoziati con i relatori per parere ombra. Articoli 56 e 57 e allegato VI del regolamento

PARERE sulla proposta di regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio che stabilisce norme relative alla messa a disposizione sul mercato di prodotti fertilizzanti recanti la marcatura CE e che modifica i regolamenti (CE) n. 1069/2009 e (CE) n. 1107/2009

02-06-2017 ENVI_AD(2017)597640 PE597.640v02-00 ENVI
Elisabetta GARDINI

Proposte di risoluzione

Le proposte di risoluzione vertono su tematiche di attualità e possono essere presentate su richiesta di una commissione, di un gruppo politico o di almeno il 5 % dei membri che compongono il Parlamento. Esse sono poste in votazione in Aula. Articoli 132, 136, 139 e 144 del regolamento

Interrogazioni orali

Una commissione, un gruppo politico o almeno il 5 % dei membri che compongono il Parlamento possono rivolgere interrogazioni con richiesta di risposta orale seguita da discussione alla Commissione europea, al Consiglio o al vicepresidente della Commissione/alto rappresentante dell'Unione. Articolo 136 del regolamento

Interpellanze principali

Una commissione, un gruppo politico o almeno il 5 % dei membri che compongono il Parlamento possono rivolgere interpellanze principali con richiesta di risposta scritta seguite da discussione alla Commissione europea, al Consiglio o al vicepresidente della Commissione/alto rappresentante dell'Unione. Articolo 139 e allegato III del regolamento

Altre attività parlamentari

Dichiarazioni di voto scritte

I deputati possono rilasciare una dichiarazione scritta sul proprio voto in Aula. Articolo 194 del regolamento

Norme sui pagamenti diretti e sul sostegno allo sviluppo rurale per gli anni 2019 e 2020 (A8-0018/2019 - Czesław Adam Siekierski) EN


I voted in favour of this legislative resolution on a proposal to amend the current regulations that govern a series of rules on direct payments and support for rural development in respect of the years 2019 and 2020. This initiative is important with regard to ensuring policy continuity in the final years of the programming period and to ensuring a smooth transition to the next programming period for European farmers and rural areas. A key part of this proposal is the insertion of added flexibility into the funding, allowing for the possibility to transfer funds between direct payments and rural development.

Relazione annuale 2017 sulla tutela degli interessi finanziari dell'Unione europea - Lotta contro la frode (A8-0003/2019 - Marian-Jean Marinescu) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution on the 2017 report on the fight against fraud and the protection of the financial interests of the Union. Sound financial management and a comprehensive fight against corruption and fraud is fundamental for the legitimacy of the European project; citizens must be able to trust the fact that the institutions are working for their benefit and to show that Europe creates an added value, not just another level of bureaucracy.
It is good that progress in this field has been made and that the total number of irregularities has fallen in recent years, however it is important to underline the need for constant work to improve our practices. As such, one key step also highlighted by the report is to press for closer cooperation between Member States and to improve the exchange of information and data.
The new European Public Prosecutor’s Office will be a helpful addition in this regard and the office can serve to further enhance cooperation. This is especially true when it comes to VAT fraud, which by the Commission is estimated to cost the Union around 50 billion per year. This is unacceptable and further action is much needed to close the existing loopholes in this regard.

Attuazione e funzionamento del nome di dominio di primo livello ".eu" (A8-0394/2018 - Fredrick Federley) EN


. ‒ I voted to support this report on the implementation and functioning of the .eu top-level domain. This important domain was set up in 2002 and is nowadays in wide use by institutions and businesses all over Europe. Since then, however, the legal framework used for the domain has revealed itself to be outdated and in need of amending. The proposal voted on by the Parliament will set to correct this and ensure that the legal framework of the domain is more future proof.
The .eu top-level domain should be a clear label for the Union an serve to support the further development of the digital single market. This will require a flexible and sustainable regulatory environment — one that protects the integrity of the domain name, while ensuring a simple administrative framework for European SMEs and businesses.

Armonizzazione del reddito nazionale lordo ai prezzi di mercato ("regolamento RNL") (A8-0009/2018 - Roberto Gualtieri) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report on the harmonisation of gross national income at market prices (GNI Regulation). As gross national income at market prices serves as the basis for large parts of the Union’s general budget, including the own resources of the union. As such, the measuring and the GNI data that the calculations are based on must be on comprehensive, reliable and of overall the best quality. The report importantly outlines that the Commission, through Eurostat, will be able to carry our verification visits so to ensure the proper gathering and handling of the data. The further improvement of GNI data and verification is a key aspect for the well-functioning of the Union and in this sense, I think this report is a good step forward for us all.

Situazione in Venezuela (B8-0082/2019, B8-0083/2019, B8-0084/2019, B8-0085/2019, B8-0086/2019, B8-0087/2019) EN


I fully support this European Parliament resolution on the situation in Venezuela. Venezuela is in a staggering and multifaceted crisis; not only are the Venezuelan people suffering through a self-made economic meltdown, but also a human rights crisis with far reaching human rights violations. Up to 3 million Venezuelans have already left the country, fleeing poverty and repression. Those responsible for these acts must be held accountable and all freedoms and human rights fully respected.
In the midst of this crisis, the democratic opposition won the parliamentary elections in 2015. The response of the Maduro regime was to try to remove the democratic powers of the assembly and later to create a new one through a ‘special election’ in 2017. The May 2018 presidential elections were conducted without complying with any international standards, and they failed to respect democracy, transparency and the rule of law.
Given these developments, the only currently recognised democratic institution in Venezuela is the National Assembly. As such, I fully support this resolution and the European Parliament in recognising Juan Guaidó as the legitimate interim President of Venezuela until free and democratic elections can be held to in order to restore power to the Venezuelan people.

Relazione annuale sulla politica di concorrenza (A8-0474/2018 - Michel Reimon) EN


A proper and well-developed competition policy is a key fundament for the European economy and society as a whole. We must ensure the effective application of competition rules in the Union for the benefit of all EU citizens. An equal and level playing field in both regional and global terms serves to protect workers, consumers and businesses and must be a fundamental priority in all EU commercial and trade policy.
In this sense, I welcome the report’s call for the Commission to increase its support to European SMEs so that they are able to protect themselves and take action against unfair trade practises. In addition to this, the report also rightly underlines the importance of EU redress mechanisms to compensate affected parties in the face of unfair practices.
In a time of technological and economic transformation, it is key to adapt competition policy and measures to the changing realities. In this sense, the competition aspect of the developing and deepening digital sphere will be a very important issue, one where we must ensure the proper framework and appropriate rules. Lastly, I think it is very important that the report underlines the need for competition policy to take a leading role in trade policy and agreements.

Obiezione a norma dell'articolo 106: sodio bicromato (B8-0548/2018)


Ho votato contro a questa obiezione perché il processo di autorizzazione della sostanza sodio bicromato (già verso la sua finalizzazione) non deve essere bloccato: questa sostanza viene usata in sistemi chiusi e con riduzione a cromo trivalente (NON DANNOSO) del cromo esavalente non reagito, come dimostra il fatto che i valori riscontrati di cromo esavalente sul prodotto finito sono sempre sotto il limite di rilevabilità. L'utilizzo di questa sostanza permette la produzione di articoli di moda di altissima fascia prodotti in Italia. Non esistono alternative al momento. Vietarne l'utilizzo significherebbe mettere in ginocchio un'azienda fiore all'occhiello della produzione tessile italiana.

Relazione interlocutoria sul quadro finanziario pluriennale 2021-2027 - Posizione del Parlamento in vista di un accordo (A8-0358/2018 - Jan Olbrycht, Isabelle Thomas, Janusz Lewandowski, Gérard Deprez) EN


. ‒ I voted to support this report on Parliament’s position on the new MFF for the 2021-2027 period. This is a crucial time for Europe with many new challenges and priorities and we need to have a budget that reflects these priorities. But this must be done in a way that ensures and protects the normal funding areas of the EU such as agriculture. This is important since farmers and rural areas are already in a difficult position; if this support is lowered we risk a severe and negative socio-economic impact on our rural areas.
For this MFF we must focus on the new challenges that we face, such as illegal migration, investments and research. In this sense, I am supportive of the report as it increases the budget for research and innovation, increases the funding for SMEs twofold and triple the current budget for the Erasmus+ Programme. In regard to illegal migration, the budget suggested would significantly strengthen EU capabilities including to act both at the external borders of the EU – such as in the Mediterranean – and in countries of transit, so as to stop the flow of people to North Africa.

Codice europeo delle comunicazioni elettroniche (A8-0318/2017 - Pilar del Castillo Vera) EN


I supported this report on new rules for telecom companies operating in the EU. This is an important step to make the EU market ready for the future and to create a basis for investment in 5G networks. These new rules are very positive and important, as they will serve to consolidate the EU market by abolishing excessive fees on intra-EU calls and text messages.
Improved connectivity and a more integrated market can serve as the foundations for a Europe that leads the way in new technologies, business-models and digital transformation, leading to increased competitiveness and new jobs and opportunities for European citizens. To facilitate this, I support the report in setting up a regulatory framework that ensures predictability and long-term investment that supports technological development. This is urgently needed as the EU is in need of major investments of around EUR 500-600 billion in the area of connectivity. Mostly, however, these rules will benefit consumers, who will find intra-EU connectivity easier and cheaper while reaping the benefits of a more competitive market.
Lastly, I support the new emergency measures included in the report. This includes, most notably, a warning message to all phones in the geographical area of an emergency.

Efficienza energetica (A8-0391/2017 - Miroslav Poche) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report on Energy Efficiency, a key part of the new Clean Energy Package that will enable a clear and business-friendly framework for the economic transition of the European Union. Increasing energy efficiency will not only lead to less emissions and energy waste, but will also lead to economic savings for households and companies.
In addition, these measures will provide a steppingstone for investment and European innovation in construction and other sectors where energy efficiency is important. These innovations will allow for European companies and technology to be world leading in the coming global energy transformation, bringing new jobs and opportunities to Europe.
In this sense, it is key that the Member States do their part in order to foster and boost innovation and investments in new technologies and materials.
Given the large potential for energy efficiency improvements in the building sector, this will be a key sector to look at – and where we need to see proper implementation and promotion of private investments.

Governance dell'Unione dell'energia (A8-0402/2017 - Michèle Rivasi, Jakop Dalunde) EN


. ‒ I supported this report on the Governance of the Energy Union. Together with the two other reports of the Clean Energy Package, this report forms the basis of the European Union measures to consolidate the European energy market and to ensure the supply of affordable and increasingly sustainable energy and all across the Union.
Some key issues of this report include the introduction and implementation of long-term climate and energy strategies and measures so to facilitate the energy transition in the Union. Another key point is the structuring of cooperation between Member States at a regional level so that accessibility and cross-border transfer of energy will improve and regional energy markets developed. In this regard, the reduction of trade barriers in and between Member States will be very important to foster investments and drive competitiveness.

Promozione dell'uso dell'energia da fonti rinnovabili (A8-0392/2017 - José Blanco López) EN


As with the other two reports on the Clean Energy Package, I also voted in favour of this report on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. It is clear that, in the future, sustainable energy will have to supply most of our energy needs. This transition is needed and inevitable; in this sense, we need the best possible framework to facilitate investments and innovations in the field of renewables. On the other hand, flexibility is also needed so as to ensure that regions and citizens are not left behind during this process.
The report calls for the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix to reach 32% of the EU’s total by 2030 and a target of 14 percent of biofuels in the transport sector by the same year. These are ambitious but reachable goals that will push our efforts forward.
While this Union—wide target is important, it must also be complemented with predictable support policies and regulations to form a good investment climate. We must ensure and support an energy transition to renewables which, crucially, will go hand-in-hand with maintaining EU competitiveness and growth.

Piano pluriennale per gli stock di piccoli pelagici nel Mare Adriatico e per le attività di pesca che sfruttano tali stock (A8-0337/2018 - Ruža Tomašić) EN


This report is a very important one for the communities and villages around the Adriatic, and in my work as a shadow rapporteur I really understood the fundamental impact that the Commission’s proposal could have on these people, their families and their communities.
Indeed, the original proposal of the Commission would have had a very negative impact for the many rural coastal villages and communities in Italy and would have led to a substantial loss of jobs and incomes based there. Not only was this approach dangerous, it was also based on non-factual and faulty information.
With this in mind, I am very happy that the EPP managed to successfully convince a majority in the European Parliament to amend this report and protect the livelihood of the Adriatic fishing fleet and those many thousands of workers and their family members who depend on the fishing industry in and around the Adriatic.
In the end I think we achieved a very good result, and thus I was happy to support this report in plenary.

Situazione in Venezuela (RC-B8-0351/2018, B8-0351/2018, B8-0502/2018, B8-0504/2018, B8-0506/2018, B8-0507/2018, B8-0509/2018) EN


I voted to support this important resolution on the situation in Venezuela and the suffering of its citizens by the Government. The developments in the country is very worrying, both in terms of the human suffering and societal collapse and in terms of human rights. This can be seen in the recent death of the municipal counsellor of the opposition, Fernando Alban, who was brutally killed in custody and the forced exile of many opposition leaders, including Sakharov Prize laureates. The crimes of the President’s Maduro regime has led to the biggest humanitarian and refugee crisis in the region with hundreds of thousands on the run. With this in mind the EU must take firm action against the regime and offer our support to its victims.

Bilancio generale dell'Unione europea per il 2019 - tutte le sezioni (A8-0313/2018 - Daniele Viotti, Paul Rübig) EN


I voted in favour of this report on the budget on the EU in 2019. This report calls for the proper funding of key European programmes such as Horizon 2020, Erasmus+ and the Youth Employment Initiative.
The challenges facing Europe require smart investments that will bring additional value for the Member States and our European citizens. Therefore, I especially support the focus of budgetary resources on SMEs and on research and innovation. Measures will also be needed to strengthen the role of farmers and reverse the negative trend we see in our rural areas, where depopulation, poverty and social exclusion are posing challenges to our societies.

Riduzione dell'incidenza di determinati prodotti di plastica sull'ambiente (A8-0317/2018 - Frédérique Ries) EN


. ‒ I voted against this proposal as the Commission has been unable to answer key questions regarding the proposed directive’s impact and the hasty way it has been put to plenary, undermining full scrutiny of the proposal and its effects.
Given the issues surrounding the proposal, the European Ombudsman began on 1 October an investigation into alleged shortcomings in the procedures followed by the Commission when it comes to this proposal.
The absence of an appropriate impact assessment is striking as the Commission seeks to prohibit or seriously limit the use of products that are used daily without proposing a shred of alternative to our citizens.
By the same logic, I still do not understand how one can claim the right to bring a whole industrial sector to its knees from one day to the next when 95% of all plastic marine litter originates from Asia and Africa – not from the European Union.

Istituzione, esercizio e uso del sistema d'informazione Schengen nel settore delle verifiche di frontiera (A8-0347/2017 - Carlos Coelho) EN


I voted in favour of this draft regulation on the establishment and use of the new and improved SIS or Schengen Information System. This report on borders checks makes up part of the update that will enhance the system and make it better applicable in the field. As the SIS is the biggest and most widely used database system for security and border checks in Europe its function and implementation is of fundamental importance.
The new SIS should allow for better cooperation between Member States when it comes to security and allow for a much more comprehensive approach when it comes to border checks, with the necessary information more easily reaching the personnel in the field.

Istituzione, esercizio e uso del sistema d'informazione Schengen nel settore della cooperazione di polizia e della cooperazione giudiziaria in materia penale (A8-0349/2017 - Carlos Coelho) EN


I voted in favour of this draft regulation on the establishment and use of the new and improved SIS or Schengen Information System. This report on police and judicial cooperation makes up part of the update that will enhance the system and make it better applicable in the field. As the SIS is the biggest and most widely used database system for security and border checks in Europe its function and implementation is of fundamental importance.
This new and updated version of SIS should allow for better cooperation between Member States when it comes to fighting and preventing crime. An important aspect of this is that Europol now also will be given access to the system, and that new alerts have been established regarding persons connected to serious crimes and terrorism. Including an obligation on National authorities to share all relevant information and data when it comes to terrorist acts and attacks with their counterparts in other Member States.

Uso del sistema d'informazione Schengen per il rimpatrio di cittadini di paesi terzi il cui soggiorno è irregolare (A8-0348/2017 - Jeroen Lenaers) EN


I voted in favour of this draft regulation on the establishment and use of the new and improved SIS or Schengen Information System. This report on the return of illegally staying third country nationals makes up part of the update that will enhance the system and make it better applicable in the field. As the SIS is the biggest and most widely used database system for security and border checks in Europe its function and implementation is of fundamental importance.
Currently third country nationals obliged to return can often avoid this by going to another Member State due to the lack of cross-border cooperation. This update should make return policies more effective and enforce return decisions in all Members States. It is fundamental that this loophole is closed rapidly and that this new update is implemented in full.

Agenzia dell'UE per la cooperazione giudiziaria penale (Eurojust) (A8-0320/2017 - Axel Voss) EN


. ‒ I voted to support this report on new rules and a new governing framework for Eurojust. Eurojust is an EU agency, which facilitates Member States’ cooperation in the fight against organised crime, which often takes a cross-border nature. With these new rules the Agency and thus the Member States will be better equipped to meet current and future challenges when it comes to organised crime.
The legislation streamlines the current governance structure and ensures that Member States can trust the Agency with information as their data will not be shared without permission. This is a key aspect for cooperation as national authorities will otherwise be unwilling to provide the necessary data.

Interrogazioni scritte

I deputati possono rivolgere un numero definito di interrogazioni con richiesta di risposta scritta al Presidente del Consiglio europeo, al Consiglio, alla Commissione e al vicepresidente della Commissione/alto rappresentante dell'Unione. Articolo 138 e allegato III del regolamento

Proposte di risoluzione individuali

A norma dell'articolo 143 del regolamento del Parlamento europeo, ogni deputato può presentare individualmente una proposta di risoluzione su un argomento rientrante nell'ambito delle attività dell'Unione europea. Tali proposte di risoluzione esprimono le posizioni dei singoli deputati che le hanno presentate. Le proposte ricevibili sono deferite alla commissione competente, la quale decide se dare seguito alla proposta di risoluzione e, in caso affermativo, quale procedura seguire. Quando una commissione decide di dare seguito a una proposta di risoluzione, questa pagina riporta informazioni più dettagliate sotto la risoluzione in questione. Articolo 143 del regolamento

Dichiarazioni scritte (fino al 16 gennaio 2017)

**Questo strumento non esiste più dal 16 gennaio 2017** Una dichiarazione scritta era un'iniziativa riguardante un argomento rientrante fra le competenze dell'Unione europea. Poteva essere cofirmata dai deputati entro tre mesi dalla sua pubblicazione.

DICHIARAZIONE SCRITTA sui diritti degli anziani e l'invecchiamento

24-10-2016 P8_DCL(2016)0109 Decaduta
Monica MACOVEI Raffaele FITTO Filiz HYUSMENOVA Elisabetta GARDINI Miroslav POCHE Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ Marijana PETIR Ivan JAKOVČIĆ Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ Enrico GASBARRA Piernicola PEDICINI Nicola CAPUTO Deirdre CLUNE José BLANCO LÓPEZ Eleftherios SYNADINOS José Inácio FARIA Patricija ŠULIN
Data di apertura : 24-10-2016
Scadenza : 24-01-2017
Numero di firmatari : 66 - 25-01-2017

DICHIARAZIONE SCRITTA sulle regioni europee senza OGM

12-09-2016 P8_DCL(2016)0072 Decaduta
Marijana PETIR Bas BELDER Elisabetta GARDINI Pavel POC Andrej PLENKOVIĆ Ivana MALETIĆ Norbert ERDŐS Ulrike MÜLLER Franc BOGOVIČ Barbara KAPPEL
Data di apertura : 12-09-2016
Scadenza : 12-12-2016
Numero di firmatari : 80 - 13-12-2016

DICHIARAZIONE SCRITTA sul dolore cronico non oncologico nei pazienti di età superiore ai 65 anni

12-09-2016 P8_DCL(2016)0065 Decaduta
Giovanni LA VIA Françoise GROSSETÊTE Gianni PITTELLA Mercedes BRESSO Alessandra MUSSOLINI Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI Elisabetta GARDINI Pavel POC Santiago FISAS AYXELÀ Remo SERNAGIOTTO Ian DUNCAN Francisco de Paula GAMBUS MILLET
Data di apertura : 12-09-2016
Scadenza : 12-12-2016
Numero di firmatari : 136 - 13-12-2016


Tutte le dichiarazioni riportate di seguito sono state firmate dal deputato, anche se la firma non è visibile nella versione online.