Grupp tal-Partit Popolari Ewropew (Demokristjani)


l-Irlanda - Fine Gael Party (l-Irlanda)

Data tat-twelid : , Killarney

Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot (in writing.) Seán KELLY

Il-Membri jistgħu jressqu spjegazzjoni bil-miktub tal-vot tagħhom fis-sessjoni plenarja. Artikolu 194 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura

Is-sitwazzjoni umanitarja f’Gaża, il-ħtieġa li jintlaħaq ftehim ta’ waqfien mill-ġlied u r-riskji ta’ eskalazzjoni reġjonali (RC-B9-0068/2024, B9-0068/2024, B9-0069/2024, B9-0071/2024, B9-0073/2024, B9-0075/2024, B9-0077/2024) EN


I voted to support this resolution, which calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.
The resolution stresses deep concern for the humanitarian toll of the conflict, particularly the loss of life and injuries suffered by many young children and people living in Gaza. The Fine Gael delegation in Parliament has repeatedly called for a humanitarian ceasefire and for a peaceful end to the conflict in Gaza, as well as the release of any remaining hostages.
We have raised our concerns over the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza and the huge loss of life there. We also fully condemn the actions of the terrorist organisation Hamas, and underline Israel’s right to exist. All hostages taken by Hamas should be released immediately.
We voted for every version of a ceasefire in this resolution, recognising the importance of having a united Parliament position across the political spectrum.
A ceasefire is the only way of achieving a peaceful resolution to this conflict, and a two-state solution should be revisited.

Inizjattiva Riveduta dwar il-Pollinaturi – Patt ġdid għall-pollinaturi (B9-0463/2023) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution, recognising the vital role that pollinators play in our ecosystem. This resolution addresses the alarming decline in pollinators, urging Member States to take prompt and decisive action. It emphasises the need for timely measures, urging states to implement them by 2030 at the latest to safeguard this critical link in our ecological chain.

Ftehim UE-Montenegro: attivitajiet operazzjonali mwettqa mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Gwardja tal-Fruntiera u tal-Kosta fil-Montenegro (A9-0369/2023 - Lena Düpont) EN


I voted in favour of the agreement on border cooperation between the EU and Montenegro. This agreement allows the European Border and Coast Guard Agency to conduct joint operations and deploy teams at the borders between Montenegro and the EU, while Montenegro remains responsible for border protection with Frontex providing technical and operational support. This agreement will enhance security at the EU’s external borders, benefiting both the EU and Montenegro.

Ftehim ta’ Kummerċ Ħieles UE-New Zealand (A9-0305/2023 - Daniel Caspary) EN


I voted in favour of the EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, as it presents a significant opportunity to bolster and strengthen economic ties between the European Union and New Zealand. This agreement not only removes tariffs on a wide range of goods but also promotes transparency, ease of trade for small businesses, and fair dispute resolution mechanisms. I particularly support the commitment to sustainable practices and animal welfare while facilitating investment and trade in services between the two partners. Overall, I believe this agreement is a positive step towards creating a more interconnected and mutually beneficial trading relationship between the EU and New Zealand.

L-Att dwar id-Data (A9-0031/2023 - Pilar del Castillo Vera) EN


As technology, particularly in the realm of harnessing data, evolves rapidly, our regulations need to catch up. I voted in favour of this Act as it lays out clear rules on who can use and access data generated in the EU, unlocking its full value.
This clarity is particularly positive for SMEs who lacked the leverage to negotiate data-sharing agreements with industry giants. I support removing barriers to data access across public and private sectors, all while preserving incentives for continued investment in data generation.

Ftehim ta’ Sħubija UE-Madagascar dwar is-Sajd Sostenibbli u l-Protokoll ta’ Implimentazzjoni tiegħu (2023-2027) (A9-0299/2023 - Clara Aguilera) EN


I commend that this report recommends a new agreement aimed at supporting and securing the fishing industry in Madagascar while also avoiding overexploitation and protecting its economy. This proposed agreement grants Union vessels access to Madagascar’s fishing zone and aims to foster stronger connections while advocating for decent working conditions in the fisheries sector.

It-tisħiħ tad-dritt ta’ parteċipazzjoni: il-leġittimità u r-reżiljenza tal-proċessi elettorali fis-sistemi politiċi illiberali u r-reġimi awtoritarji (A9-0323/2023 - Nacho Sánchez Amor) EN


I support this report that endorses the collaborative efforts of the EEAS and other institutions in fortifying the global right to participate in democratic processes.
It also emphasizes the role of election observers. Recognizing their importance, this report strengthens the link between election observation work and the EU’s broader support for human rights and democracy, using political, commercial, and cooperation tools.
This report also highlights the work of authoritarian and illiberal regimes, stating that they have the mandate from their citizens as a result of genuine elections. This report gives the EU a strategy and tools to counter these regimes in this regard.

L-invażjoni Russa fl-Ukrajna: Miżuri temporanji fir-rigward tad-dokumenti tas-sewwieqa maħruġa mill-Ukrajna (C9-0201/2022) EN


I supported this report, which concerns the specific and temporary measures applicable to driver documents issued in Ukraine and held by persons afforded temporary protection in the EU. These measures will ensure that such documents are recognised within the Union for as long as the document holder is afforded temporary protection status.

Identifikazzjoni tal-ksur tal-miżuri restrittivi tal-Unjoni bħala reati skont l-Artikolu 83(1) tat-TFUE (C9-0219/2022 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar) (votazzjoni) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which calls for effective and proportionate penalties for the violation of Union restrictive measures. A harmonised classification of the violation of Union restrictive measures as an area of crime across Member States would ensure the effective implementation of such penalties.

L-għoti ta' assistenza makrofinanzjarja eċċezzjonali lill-Ukrajna (C9-0221/2022) EN


I voted in favour of this text concerning the provision of €1 billion in the form of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine. This represents the first part of the assistance package of up to €9 billion, which was announced earlier this year. These funds form part of the EU’s overall financial assistance to Ukraine to help Ukraine address its immediate financial needs arising as a result of Russia’s unjustified invasion.



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