Grupa Europejskiej Partii Ludowej (Chrześcijańscy Demokraci)


Malta - Partit Nazzjonalista (Malta)

Data urodzenia : , St Julians

Pisemne wyjaśnienia dotyczące sposobu głosowania Roberta METSOLA

Posłowie mogą przedkładać pisemne wyjaśnienie na temat stanowiska zajętego w głosowaniu na posiedzeniu plenarnym. Art. 194 Regulaminu

Nowa europejska przestrzeń badawcza na rzecz badań naukowych i innowacji (B9-0370/2021) EN


. – As this resolution highlights the importance of increased investment in research and innovation (including research and innovation cooperation) within the EU, I chose to support it.

Przegląd makroekonomicznych ram legislacyjnych (A9-0212/2021 - Margarida Marques) EN


. – The review of the EU Economic governance framework will make the framework simpler, operating on more observable and quantifiable metrics, as well as effectively enforceable. I voted in favour of this report, as it outlines the European Parliament’s position vis-a-vis this review, which is closely aligned with the proposals of the European Fiscal Board and recommendations issued by the European Commission. Notably, the report stresses that the economic governance framework should be reviewed in the context of the current economic environment and, whilst building on experiences of the existing framework and fully respecting the Treaties, the review shall be facts-based and future-oriented.

Sytuacja w Nikaragui (RC-B9-0400/2021, B9-0400/2021, B9-0401/2021, B9-0402/2021, B9-0403/2021, B9-0404/2021, B9-0405/2021) EN


. – I voted in favour of this resolution, as it underscores the seriously deteriorating conditions of human rights and democracy in Nicaragua in the recent months.

Represje wobec opozycji w Turcji, w szczególności Ludowej Partii Demokratycznej (HDP) (RC-B9-0406/2021, B9-0406/2021, B9-0407/2021, B9-0408/2021, B9-0409/2021, B9-0410/2021, B9-0411/2021) EN


. – As this resolution highlights the European Parliament’s concern over the constant attacks and pressure on opposition parties in Turkey, which undermines the proper functioning of the democratic system, I chose to support it.

Ustanowienie antarktycznych chronionych stref morskich i ochrona różnorodności biologicznej Oceanu Południowego (B9-0369/2021) EN


. – I voted in favour of this resolution as it expresses its full support for the efforts by the European Union and its Member States, Australia, Norway, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, United States and New Zealand to establish two new Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean, in particular in East Antarctica and in the Weddell Sea, under the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

Środki niezbędne do wykonania Protokołu w sprawie skutków finansowych wygaśnięcia Traktatu EWWiS i w sprawie Funduszu Badawczego Węgla i Stali (A9-0229/2021 - Johan Van Overtveldt) EN


. – The Commission manages the assets of the ECSC in liquidation in order to ‘ensure that funds are available when needed, while still generating the highest return available’. The Commission uses the returns on ECSC in liquidation to support research projects in the steel and coal sectors. I voted in favour of this report so as to render the ECSC portfolio more resilient when faced with these challenges, by enlarging the scope for investing in other asset classes and using other investment techniques.

Zarządzanie aktywami EWWiS w likwidacji i majątkiem Funduszu Badawczego Węgla i Stali (A9-0228/2021 - Johan Van Overtveldt) EN


. – The Commission manages the assets of the ECSC in liquidation in order to ‘ensure that funds are available when needed, while still generating the highest return available’. The Commission uses the returns on ECSC in liquidation to support research projects in the steel and coal sectors. I voted in favour of this report so as to render the ECSC portfolio more resilient when faced with these challenges, by enlarging the scope for investing in other asset classes and using other investment techniques.

Dialog obywatelski i uczestnictwo obywateli w procesie decyzyjnym UE (A9-0213/2021 - Helmut Scholz) EN


. – Since this report discusses possible mechanisms for the active participation of citizens in the EU decision-making process, also within the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe, I chose to support it.

Współpraca między UE a NATO w kontekście stosunków transatlantyckich (A9-0192/2021 - Antonio López-Istúriz White) EN


. – Since this report highlights the importance of EU-NATO cooperation to effectively address the broad array of security challenges the transatlantic community is faced with, I chose to support it.

Opracowanie wytycznych dotyczących stosowania ogólnego systemu warunkowości służącego ochronie budżetu Unii (A9-0226/2021 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Petri Sarvamaa) EN


. – I voted in favour of this report as it stresses the European Parliament’s position on the guidelines for the application of the general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget. Notably, the report stresses that developing guidelines must in no event cause further delay in the application of the conditionality regulation.



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