Prima pagină Alex AGIUS SALIBA
Activități recente
Acordarea în continuare de sprijin financiar și militar Ucrainei de către statele membre ale Uniunii EN
I fully support the people of Ukraine and agree that this war of aggression constitutes a blatant and flagrant violation of the UN Charter and the fundamental principles of international law. The ultimate goal is to achieve a just and lasting peace in Ukraine on its terms, ensuring the safety and dignity of its people in a peaceful and stable Europe. However, I did not support the Resolution's final text because some provisions inside call on all EU Member States to support Ukraine militarily, with no less than 0,25 % of their GDP annually. Such provisions are against my country's constitution and do not reflect or respect Malta's policy on neutrality. Provisions in the Resolution that impose obligations on Member States with neutrality clauses in their constitutions go against Malta's policy of non-alignment. Therefore, I could not support a final text that is not inclusive and creates obligations on neutral Member States, like Malta. My support for the people of Ukraine remains unwavering.
Criminalitatea organizată, o amenințare majoră pentru securitatea Uniunii Europene și a cetățenilor europeni(dezbatere pe o temă de actualitate) MT
Răspunsul Uniunii la epidemia de variola maimuței și necesitatea unei acțiuni continue(dezbatere) MT
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