Parliament lifts immunity of MEPs Cozzolino and Tarabella 


MEPs on Thursday backed the decision to waive the immunities of Andrea Cozzolino and Marc Tarabella, following requests by the Belgian authorities.

Endorsing a proposal adopted by the Legal Affairs Committee on Tuesday, MEPs decided today to lift the immunity of Andrea Cozzolino (NA, IT) and Marc Tarabella (NA, BE) by show of hands.

Once the decision is formally communicated to both MEPs and to the requesting authorities, the procedure which started in January is completed.


EP President Roberta Metsola announced the start of the procedure on 16 January after receiving requests by the competent authorities in Belgium as part of an inquiry by the Belgian Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office. As established by the Parliament’s Rules of Procedure (Rule 6 and Rule 9), the requests were sent to the Legal Affairs Committee, which adopted its recommendations on Tuesday 31 January. The draft reports by rapporteur Manon Aubry (The Left, FR) recommended waiving the immunity of MEP Cozzolino and MEP Tarabella so the investigation by the Belgian authorities can proceed.

The consideration of each immunity case in the Committee on Legal Affairs foresees an initial presentation by the rapporteur, an optional hearing with the MEP whose immunity is under discussion, an exchange of views, and a vote on a draft report prepared by the rapporteur. After this committee vote, the draft report is added to the agenda of the following plenary sitting, where MEPs make their decision by a simple majority.

Votes on other immunity cases

Parliament also voted on unrelated cases on the immunity of three MEPs. MEPs decided not to waive the immunity of Nadine Morano (EPP, FR) following the request by the French authorities related to defamation. Parliament also decided to side with the request of Helmut Geuking (EPP, DE) on the defence of his privileges and immunities in connection with civil proceedings in Germany. Finally, MEPs took a decision to waive the immunity of Nicolas Bay (NA, FR) following a request by the French authorities in connection with an investigation into criminal charges.