New committee on Artificial Intelligence begins its work
On Wednesday, Parliament’s new special committee on Artificial intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA) held its constitutive meeting and elected its Chair and Vice-Chairs.
Committee members elected Dragoș Tudorache (Renew, RO) as Chair, by acclamation. The bureau will be composed of:
First Vice-Chair: Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (S&D, FI)
Second Vice-Chair: Geoffroy Didier (EPP, FR)
Third Vice-Chair: Edina Tóth (EPP, HU)
Fourth Vice-Chair: Birgit Sippel (S&D, DE)
“The digital transformation, besides the tremendous benefits it can bring to our citizens, is also an opportunity to strengthen the European Union and to build up our strategic resilience in the face of adversity. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of this transformation”, said Dragoș Tudorache.
“My first priority will be to ensure that we build and support AI that works for the wellbeing of our citizens. This means, on the one hand, respecting their rights and eliminating biases and discrimination, and it means, on the other hand, ensuring business and industry thrive and generate economic prosperity. We also have an opportunity in AIDA to look at AI diplomacy and at how we can support a European approach to AI on the world scene, alongside likeminded partners who share our values. Last but not least, AIDA plans to look beyond regulation, working on a medium- and long-term strategic plan for AI in Europe”, he added.
The Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age is composed of 33 members. It is mandated to analyse the future impact of artificial intelligence in the digital age on the EU economy, in particular on skills, employment, financial technology, education, health, transport, tourism, agriculture, the environment, defence, industry, energy and e-government.
Next steps
The Committee will hold its first working meeting during the week of 26-30 October.
Baptiste CHATAIN
Press Officer