
LNG and gas storage in the EU: Parliament to vote recommendations  

Ideas to ensure that the EU uses its liquefied natural gas (LNG) import handling capacity and gas storage capacity more efficiently will be set out in a debate on Monday and non-legislative resolution voted on Tuesday. The draft text also looks at measures to complete the single gas market and at using LNG as an alternative fuel in transport, heat and power.

Parliament’s recommendations for the EU’s LNG and gas storage strategy will feed into EU Commission proposals for “Energy Union” legislation.


Background for editors


The EU has plenty of spare Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import capacity (only 20% is currently used), yet the location of LNG terminals is not well distributed geographically.


The bulk of LNG import capacity is located in north-western Europe, the largest importers being Spain, France and the UK (and to a lesser extent Italy, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands). There is far less LNG capacity across central and Eastern Europe, where pipeline supplies remain heavily dependent on Russia.


LNG currently accounts for 13% of total gas imports to the EU, according to EU Commission and Parliament studies.


Almost all the natural gas imported by the EU comes through pipelines from Russia (39%), Norway (30 %) and Algeria (13 %). EU gas production has fallen considerably, including in the largest producer countries (UK and the Netherlands).

Procedure:  non-legislative resolution


Debate:  Monday, 24 October

Vote:  Tuesday, 25 October

#EnergyUnion #LNG