
Schengen: MEPs to adopt their position on temporary checks at national borders 

MEPs want to set new time limits and conditions for internal border checks within the Schengen area.

The Schengen Borders Code, currently under revision, allows member states to temporarily carry out checks at internal borders of the Schengen Area in the event of a serious threat to the public order or to internal security.

Parliament will vote on Thursday to confirm its position that the initial period for border checks should be limited to two months (instead of the current six-month period) and a maximum of one year (instead of the current two-year limit). Parliament and Council negotiators started the talks on the revision of the rules earlier this year, but decided to suspend the negotiations after it became evident that a compromise was not feasible.


Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway currently have internal border checks in place due to the exceptional circumstances resulting from the unprecedented migratory crisis that started in 2015. In addition, France has internal border checks in place because of a persistent terrorist threat.

Procedure: Ordinary legislative procedure


Vote: Thursday, 4 April