
MEPs set to approve new rules to protect EU crafts 

Parliament will vote on new measures to protect geographical indications of EU crafts and industrial products.

The new scheme agreed by the Parliament and the Council in May 2023 will ensure that locally renowned crafts and industrial products such as glass, lace or natural stones will be protected within the EU and globally. The law unifies diverging national rules on registering, checking and enforcing the protection of geographical indications (GIs).

While for the first part of the registration process, EU countries will be able to choose whether a national authority or the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) will handle the application to protect a GI, the second part will be completed by the EUIPO. MEPs ensured that national authorities would help micro and small and medium-sized enterprises with their GIs applications. Member states will also handle control, including of goods sold online, and enforcement by making sure that products are placed on the market in accordance with their product specifications.

MEPs are also expected to confirm the role of EUIPO in protecting the GIs of EU crafts in a separate vote on the accession to the Geneva Act on Tuesday.


Unlike the protection of geographical indications of EU foods, which has been in place for years, protecting the geographical indications of EU crafts and industrial products became possible following the EU accession to the Geneva Act in 2019, which allows local non-food products to be recognised globally.

Procedure Code: 2022/0115(COD)

Procedure: Ordinary legislative procedure, first reading agreement

Debate: Monday, 11 September

Vote: Tuesday, 12 September

Press conference: Tuesday, 12 September, 13.30 with rapporteur Marion Walsmann (EPP, DE)