European Parliament hearing on “One of Us” European Citizens’ Initiative 

Press Releases 

The “One of Us” European Citizens’ Initiative campaign to ban EU funding for activities that “presuppose the destruction of human embryos” will get a public hearing in the European Parliament on Thursday 10 April at 09.00. Its petition has been signed by 1.7 million EU citizens.

The "One of Us" campaign group wants the European Commission to propose a ban on EU funding for “activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid and public health”.

At the hearing, organised by Parliament's Research, Legal Affairs and Development committees in association with the Petitions Committee, campaigners will advocate banning “life-destroying policies in the EU budget”, in order to "greatly advance the protection of human life from conception in Europe, within the possibilities of the competency of the EU”.

Participants will include “One of Us” campaigners, MEPs, and European Commission officials.

This will be the second European Parliament hearing of a European Citizens' Initiative petition.

European Citizens' Initiative

The European Citizens' Initiative petition format, introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, enables EU citizens eligible to vote in European elections to help shape the EU agenda and request legislation.

To be heard, a Citizens' Initiative petition must be signed by at least one million EU citizens, from at least seven of the 28 member states, within 12 months of the registration date. Its requests must also fall within the European Commission's remit.



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