MEPs confirm agreements on reform of EU electricity market 

Press Releases 

The Committee on industry, energy and research today approved the provisional trilogue agreements on new electricity market rules, risk preparedness in the electricity sector and on ACER.

Following last year’s political agreements on the reform of the EU electricity market, the Committee on industry, energy and research today approved these agreements that are the last of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package to be adopted.

New electricity market rules

This legislation creates an internal market for electricity and defines its common rules. It tackles barriers to cross-border trade of electricity and create a real European electricity market, which will make it easier to integrate renewable energy in the electricity grid and hence support efforts to reach the EU’s binding goal of 32% renewables by 2030. In addition, it strives to make the EU’s electricity market more competitive and consumer-oriented.

The provisional agreement on the “Internal market for electricity” (Regulation) was approved by the Committee on industry, energy and research with 49 votes to 1, and 6 abstentions.

The provisional agreement on “Common rules for the internal electricity market” (Directive) was approved by the Committee on industry, energy and research with 51 votes to 1, and 5 abstentions.

Link to press release after trilogue agreement

Risk preparedness in the electricity sector

This legislation ensures that EU citizens will be better protected against sudden electricity supply shortages.

The provisional agreement on risk preparedness in the electricity sector was approved by the Committee on industry, energy and research with 53 votes to 1, and 4 abstentions.

Link to press release after trilogue agreement

ACER: better regulation of the electricity market

In order to be able to better regulate the EU electricity market, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) will receive new tasks.

The provisional agreement on ACER was approved by the Committee on industry, energy and research with 50 votes to 2, and 5 abstentions.

Link to press release after trilogue agreement

Next steps

The agreements will now have to be officially approved by the plenary of the European Parliament as well as by the Council before they can enter into force. The European Parliament is expected to vote on these files in the session 25-28 March 2019.