Rule of law conditionality: EP co-rapporteurs’ statement on publication of guidelines
Following the European Commission’s publication of guidelines of the rule ow law conditionality regulation on 2 March 2022, the co-rapporteurs distributed the following statement:
“Changes in world politics have shown that we need weapons against oligarchy, kleptocracy and abuse. Whereas the Conditionality Regulation is about safeguarding the Rule of Law in the European union, it is also about fighting against oligarchy with clean weapons for a clean cause. In the current world situation, compliance with the rule of law and international treaties is more vital than ever”, said co-rapporteur Petri SARVAMAA (EPP, FI).
“With the guidelines adopted, the Commission has to show that it stands behind its words. Another delay in sending the first notification letter to a member state or member states would be harmful and detrimental to our common stand to make sure that everything is done to safeguard the rule of law in the European Union”, he concluded.
“With the adoption of the guidelines today the Commission has no more excuses for not taking action. The regulation is already in place since 1/1/21 and the European Court of Justice with the ruling of 16 February leaves no margin for interpretation. It’s high time to act“, said the co-rapporteur Eider GARDIAZABAL RUBIAL (S&D, ES).
On 16 February 2022 the European Court of Justice ruled to dismiss requests by the Polish and Hungarian governments and maintain the legal force of the budget conditionality regulation.
The regulation aims to protect EU funds from being misused by national governments that breach the rule of law. It entered into force on 1 January 2021, but so far the Commission has not yet applied it.
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