Wednesday, 23 November
Declaring Russia a state sponsor of terrorism
In a vote at noon, Parliament is set to declare Russia to be a state sponsor of terrorism, in an attempt to pave the way for President Putin and his government to be held accountable for war crimes before an international tribunal.
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In search for an EU solution on asylum and migration policy
Starting at 9.00, MEPs will discuss with Commission Vice-President Schinas, Commissioner Johansson and Czech Minister for European Affairs Bek how to guarantee solidarity and burden sharing when managing migration flows into Europe, and to ensure coordination of sea rescue operations.
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New urgent €18-billion EU loan to Ukraine
In the afternoon, from around 15.00, plenary will debate with Commissioner Sinkevičius and Czech Minister for European Affairs Bek an €18-billion-loan for 2023 for Ukraine to cover its 2023 funding needs, in the context Russia’s war against the country. MEPs will vote on the proposal on Thursday.
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“Generators of Hope” campaign: press conference by President Metsola
EP President Roberta Metsola, Dario Nardella, President of Eurocities and Mayor of Florence, and Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, will hold a press conference at 13.00 on the “Generators of Hope” campaign to provide Ukraine with power generators and transformers to get through the winter. More info here.
In brief:
Energy interconnections. At 13.00, MEPs will look into the need to improve network interconnections to create a real energy single market, facilitating lower consumer prices and increased competitiveness for European companies, in a debate with Commissioner Simson and Czech Minister for European Affairs Bek.
Fight against gender-based violence. Ahead of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, MEPs will discuss the EU’s strategy with Commissioner Dalli and Czech Minister for European Affairs Bek at around 14.30.
Egypt. In a debate with Commissioner Lenarčič in the early evening, MEPs will assess the el-Sisi regime’s crackdown on human rights. A resolution outlining MEPs’ concerns over the alarming human rights situation in Egypt will be put to a vote tomorrow.
Human rights in the world. In the evening, plenary will assess the situation of human rights and democracy in Afghanistan, Belarus and the Democratic Republic of Congo with Commissioner Lenarčič. MEPs will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.
Between 12.00 and 13.30, MEPs will vote, among others, on:
- the 2023 EU budget;
- the EU strategy on enlargement;
- the situation in Libya,
- new sources of EU revenue, and
- prevention of diabetes in the EU.
Find here a detailed voting schedule.
Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.
All information regarding plenary, can be found here.
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