Press Releases
The new rules would make it easier for persons with disabilities to travel in the EU by ensuring access to special conditions, including parking, in all member states.
The agreement agreed on Tuesday would ensure EU new anti-discrimination rules are effectively applied and enforced.
On Tuesday, the committees on Women’s Rights and Employment adopted their position on new rules to give national equality bodies more powers, resources and independence.
The new rules on asbestos aim to protect EU workers from the risks of asbestos and to detect the presence of asbestos as early as possible.
MEPs have called to raise national minimum income schemes in EU countries and improve their inclusivity and accessibility in order to deal with the current cost of living crisis.
On Saturday night, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement to set up a new fund to help vulnerable citizens most affected by energy and transport poverty.
EU companies will be required to disclose information on salaries to expose existing gender pay gaps.
MEPs have agreed to quiz the Council and Commission on how proposals to update national Minimum Income Schemes (MIS) will improve job market inclusivity in Member States.
MEPs backed a report aimed at strengthening democracy at work through a revision of the European Works Council (EWC) Directive.
The economic and social impact of the pandemic demonstrates the need for just, green, digital and demographic transitions and resilient health systems.
A revision of rules to protect workers of carcinogenic and other hazardous substances has been informally agreed on Thursday by Parliament and Council negotiators.
Parliament called for platform workers to receive the same protection as traditional employees in terms of social security contributions, health and safety protection.
Members of the social affairs and employment committee voted on Thursday for stricter EU rules to better protect workers from exposure to carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxic agents at work.
On Thursday, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on the EU Social Fund+ that contributes to social inclusion, job opportunities and fighting poverty.
Outside working hours, workers must be allowed to switch off digital devices without facing consequences, the Employment Committee agreed.
MEPs and the Commission agreed to classify the virus that causes COVID-19 as a risk group 3 biological agent, adding more safeguards to protect all workers.
Breaches of EU law on employment rights and health and safety of cross-border workers need to be addressed urgently, say MEPs in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.
The Employment and Social Affairs Committee questioned Nicolas Schmit, candidate for the Jobs portfolio, on Europe’s social dimension and the future of work.
Employment Committee negotiators struck a deal with EU ministers today on paternity leave and non-transferable parental leave to boost women’s chances in the labour market.
Employment MEPs adopted revision to European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, including broader range of reasons for dismissal reasons, lower eligibility threshold and a name change.
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