EP Today 


Thursday, 16 December

Live coverage of debates and votes can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, including speakers’ lists, can be found here.

The threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine

Plenary is expected to adopt a resolution urging that the current tensions at the Russia-Ukraine border must be defused, as Moscow is assembling thousands of troops there, and warning against the consequences of a possible military move against Kyiv.

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Fundamental rights and rule of law in Slovenia

Following a plenary debate during the November session about the situation of EU values in Slovenia, MEPs will vote on a resolution expressing concern regarding media freedom, judicial independence and the cooperation with the EU Public Prosecutor’s Office.

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In brief:

Human rights and democracy resolutions. MEPs will discuss and vote on urgent resolutions regarding Cuba (jailed opposition activists), Serbia (forced labour in the Linglong factory and environmental protests) and Russia (human rights organisation Memorial, Sakharov Prize laureate 2009).

Banning circuses from using wild animals in the EU. MEPs will ask the Commission whether it plans to ban the use of wild animals in circuses, in an attempt to fight illegal wildlife trade and threats to public health and security.

#MeToo and harassment, and the consequences for the EU institutions. At 9.00, plenary will look into the progress made within the EU institutions to combat all forms of harassment, and especially sexual harassment. MEPs will then vote on a resolution.


There will be two voting sessions. The first one will take place between 9.45 and 11.00, where MEPs will vote on amendments to the resolutions on:

  • the situation at the Ukrainian border and in Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine,
  • fundamental rights and rule of law in Slovenia,
  • Nicaragua,
  • the continuous crackdown on human rights defenders in Russia, in particular the case of the organisation Memorial,
  • the situation of imprisoned activists in Cuba,
  • forced labour in the Linglong factory and environmental protests in Serbia, and
  • “MeToo” and harassment, and the consequences for the EU institutions.

The vote results will be announced at 13.00. The final vote on all these resolutions will be held from 13.45 to 15.00, with results announced at 16.00.
