Investor-state dispute settlement proposals debated with Commissioner Malmström 

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A lively debate on the proposal for “reformed system” to resolve disputes between foreign investors and states in the Transatlantic Trade and investment partnership (TTIP) deal, currently being negotiated between the EU and the United states, took place between Trade Committee MEPs and EU Trade Commissioner Malmström on Wednesday afternoon.

Opinions were divided on whether it would suffice to improve the current rules, whereby international investment disputes are decided by international arbitration tribunals (known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement - ISDS), or whether they should be settled under the two parties’ own – and different - legal systems. MEPs also broadly welcomed Ms Malmström’s proposal to create a permanent international investment tribunal as a long-term solution.

See the summary of the debate in live tweets, pictures in our Storify.

See all the tweets sent from within the EP (MEPs, political groups, EP services) on EP Newshub.

See the EU Commission's “concept paper” on the reformed investor protection system here.