Paziņojumi presei
President Metsola marked the one-year anniversary of terrorist attacks in Israel at the opening of the 7-10 October plenary session in Strasbourg.
Monday, 7 October
European Parliament’s spokespersons will hold a last-minute briefing on the 7 - 10 October plenary session today at 16.30.
Spokespersons for Parliament and for the political groups will hold a briefing on the 7 - 10 October plenary session on Friday at 11.00, in Parliament’s Anna Politkovskaya press room.
Eiropas Parlaments (EP) šodien publicēja 2024. gada pēcvēlēšanu apsekojumu, kurā aplūkoti ES pilsoņu balošanas paradumi un prioritātes.
On Wednesday, the Conference of Presidents (EP President and leaders of political groups) agreed on the calendar for the hearings of the Commissioners-designate.
Parliament’s press service will hold a technical briefing on the confirmation hearings for the new Commission and on the post-election Eurobarometer survey on 3 October at 10.30.
Ministers are holding a series of meetings in parliamentary committees to present the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council.
Political groups presented their candidates for Sakharov Prize 2024 during a joint committee meeting on Thursday. The three finalists will be selected in October.
The EU should do its utmost to ensure that Edmundo González Urrutia, the legitimate and democratically elected President of Venezuela, can take office on 10 January 2025.
MEPs are deeply concerned about the increasing intensity and frequency of extreme EU and global weather events, including large-scale floods, heatwaves, and wildfires
Ceturtdien pieņemtā rezolūcijā par cilvēktiesību jautājumiem deputāti pauž nopietnas bažas par Baltkrievijas politieslodzīto stāvokli.
Ceturtdien pieņemtā rezolūcijā deputāti aicina ES valstis atcelt ierobežojumus, kas Ukrainai liedz izmantot Rietumu ieroču sistēmas pret leģitīmiem militāriem mērķiem Krievijā.
On Thursday, the political groups and non-attached Members announced which MEPs have been appointed to each Parliament delegation for the 10th term.
Thursday, 19 September
Papildu informācija
Nedēļas darba kārtība:Nākamie pasākumi
Preses konferencesStrasbourg, Louise Weiss, N-1/201
Parlamenta komitejasStrasbourg, Louise Weiss, N1.3
Parlamenta komitejasStrasbourg, Winston Churchill, 100
Parlamenta komitejasStrasbourg, Winston Churchill, 200
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