
The Week Ahead 16 – 22 September 2024 
Plenarsammanträde i Strasbourg 

The Week Ahead 16 – 22 September 2024 


Plenary session, Strasbourg

Ursula von der Leyen/college of Commissioners. On Tuesday at 9.00, Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen is set to present the structure of the new Commission as well as the allocation of portfolios for the Commissioners-designate to Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political group leaders).

Hungarian Presidency/ Viktor Orbán. On Wednesday morning, MEPs will discuss with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán the programme for Hungary’s six-month Council Presidency, which started on 1 July 2024.

Mario Draghi/competitiveness. On Tuesday at 13.30, Mario Draghi will outline to plenary his blueprint for boosting Europe’s competitiveness. MEPs will debate the report’s findings after his address, from 14.00.

War against Ukraine. In a resolution to be put to vote on Thursday, MEPs are expected to urge EU countries to continue to provide military and financial support for Kyiv. A debate with the Commission will take place on Tuesday morning.

Gaza/Middle East. MEPs will discuss the war in the Gaza Strip and the situation in the Middle East with the Commission on Tuesday. Parliament has repeatedly called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.

Hungarian residence permits. On Wednesday, MEPs will discuss with the Commission and Council the Hungarian National Card residence permit scheme to include nationals of Russia and Belarus. MEPs have raised concerns over the possible security risks the scheme poses for the entire Schengen free-travel area.

Venezuela. Following presidential candidate Edmundo González flight from the country, plenary will discuss the EU’s response to the situation in Venezuela with the Commission on Tuesday and vote on a resolution on Thursday.

EU 2025 Budget. In a debate on Wednesday on Council’s position on next year’s EU budget, MEPs are set to criticise planned cuts to EU funding for 2025. In October, Parliament will set out its own detailed position for the budgetary negotiations taking place in November. The budget for 2025 has to be agreed between the Council and the Parliament by the end of this year.

LUX Audience Award. On Wednesday afternoon, the five films nominated for the 2025 LUX Audience Award will be unveiled in Strasbourg, during a press conference in the presence of the directors of the nominated films.

Last-minute briefing. On Monday at 16.30, Parliament will hold a press briefing on the plenary session, which starts at 17.00.

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september 2024 
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