
How do I support a petition?

Citizens round dance around European Parliament logo

How do I support a petition?

User account, search, support, not available to support, withdrawal of my support

Important notice :
Petitions can be supported only after their publication on the Petitions web portal.

Step 1: User account

You need to create a user account on the PETI Portal in order to be able to submit and support petitions and receive information about them.

Step 2: Search

Search for the petition you want to support either by using our "Find a petition" form or the quick search bar located on the header of the PETI Portal.

Step 3: Support

If you agree with a petition, you can support it by clicking on "support the petition" at the bottom the page.

For privacy reasons, only the number of supporters is visible to the public and petitioner.

Step 4: Not available to support

The support function is not available for inadmissible or closed petitions.

Step 5: Withdrawal of my support

You may withdraw your support for a petition at any time, as long as it is open.

If you do so, you will not be able to support the same petition again.

Read more (FAQ)