Petition No 0296/2022 by M.G.F.G. (Spanish) on the infringement of the right to equal access to the civil service in Spain

2 Supporters
Status: Closed

Petition data

Summary title: Petition No 0296/2022 by M.G.F.G. (Spanish) on the infringement of the right to equal access to the civil service in Spain
Petition number: 0296/2022
Topics: Fundamental Rights,  Constitutional Affairs
Country: Spain

Petitioner data

Name: M. F.

Petition Summary

The petitioner complains about her personal situation. She believes that she is being treated in a discriminatory manner in access to the posts advertised for the General Corps of the Justice Administration in Spain in comparison with other applicants who have previously had the opportunity to work in the Public Administration. She complains that, following the adoption of Law 20/2021 of 28 December 2012 on urgent measures to reduce temporary employment in the public sector, the inequality in access to the civil service between those who apply for a vacant post without having been able to provide public services previously and those who have had that option has become totally and completely disproportionate, without there being any material or legal reason to support such a clear violation of constitutionally protected rights in access to the civil service. According to the petitioner, this state of affairs is a breach of Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25 of the International Covenant of on Civil and Political Rights and a number of articles of the Spanish Constitution (Articles 14, 23 and 103.3).