Petition No 1095/2019 by C.M.R.C. (Spanish) on the human rights violations suffered by peaceful activists in Cuba

28 Supporters
Status: Available to supporters

Petition data

Summary title: Petition No 1095/2019 by C.M.R.C. (Spanish) on the human rights violations suffered by peaceful activists in Cuba
Petition number: 1095/2019
Topics: Fundamental Rights
Country: Cuba

Petitioner data

Name: C. R.

Petition Summary

The petitioner alleges that the rights of peaceful human rights activists are being repeatedly violated in Cuba. The petitioner reports that José Daniel Ferrer García (General Coordinator of the Patriotic Union of Cuba, UNPACU), a member of the opposition, was forcefully removed from his home on 1 October 2019. He also points out that, according to a report by the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights, there are currently 119 political prisoners, and that in September 2019 some 481 arbitrary arrests were made of government opponents protesting peacefully. The petitioner calls for Article 85(2) of the ‘EU-Cuba Dialogue Agreement’ to be applied and for precautionary measures to be taken in order to safeguard the integrity and dignity of those at risk.

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