Priority for Europeans in access to housing in the light of rises in poor housing and homelessness

Priority question for written answer P-000688/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Jean-Paul Garraud (PfE)

13-02-2025 P-000688/2025

Commission staff working document of 4 February 2025: implications for European wine sector

Priority question for written answer P-000672/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Anna Maria Cisint (PfE), Roberto Vannacci (PfE), Isabella Tovaglieri (PfE), Paolo Borchia (PfE), Raffaele Stancanelli (PfE)

12-02-2025 P-000672/2025

Rule of law concerns in Slovakia

Priority question for written answer P-000667/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Mélissa Camara (Verts/ALE)

12-02-2025 P-000667/2025

Just Transition Fund

Priority question for written answer P-000662/2025
to the Council
Rule 144
Marcin Sypniewski (ESN)

12-02-2025 P-000662/2025

Russian gas imports into the EU

Priority question for written answer P-000637/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Liudas Mažylis (PPE)

11-02-2025 P-000637/2025

Why did the Pfizer/BionTech agreement waive serialisation?

Priority question for written answer P-000624/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Christine Anderson (ESN)

11-02-2025 P-000624/2025

Follow-up questions to the question ‘EU Pact on Migration with Tunisia, Mauritania and Morocco – allegations of serious human rights violations’ (P-002453/2024)

Priority question for written answer P-000621/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Friedrich Pürner (NI)

11-02-2025 P-000621/2025

EU relations with Azerbaijan

Priority question for written answer P-000616/2025
to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Rule 144
Laurent Castillo (PPE)

11-02-2025 P-000616/2025

EU climate policy as the cause of the hardships facing chemical industry workers in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province

Priority question for written answer P-000611/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Kosma Złotowski (ECR)

11-02-2025 P-000611/2025

Democratic legitimacy and the Commission’s continued authorisation of genetically modified organisms despite Parliament’s objections

Question for oral answer O-000003/2025
to the Commission
Rule 142
Biljana Borzan
on behalf of the S&D Group

11-02-2025 O-000003/2025


Parliamentary questions

Parliamentary questions are questions addressed by Members of the European Parliament to other European Union Institutions and bodies. They are a direct form of parliamentary scrutiny of other EU institutions and bodies.
There are three categories of parliamentary question:

  • Questions for oral answer dealt with during plenary sittings, and included in the day's debates. They may be followed by a resolution ( Rule 142)
  • Questions for Question Time asked during the period set aside for questions during plenary sittings ( Rule 143)
  • Written questions with a request for a written answer ( Rule 144)

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