Priority for Europeans in access to housing in the light of rises in poor housing and homelessness
Priority question for written answer P-000688/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Jean-Paul Garraud (PfE)
Commission staff working document of 4 February 2025: implications for European wine sector
Priority question for written answer P-000672/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Anna Maria Cisint (PfE), Roberto Vannacci (PfE), Isabella Tovaglieri (PfE), Paolo Borchia (PfE), Raffaele Stancanelli (PfE)
Rule of law concerns in Slovakia
Priority question for written answer P-000667/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Mélissa Camara (Verts/ALE)
Priority question for written answer P-000662/2025
to the Council
Rule 144
Marcin Sypniewski (ESN)
Russian gas imports into the EU
Priority question for written answer P-000637/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Liudas Mažylis (PPE)
Why did the Pfizer/BionTech agreement waive serialisation?
Priority question for written answer P-000624/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Christine Anderson (ESN)
Priority question for written answer P-000621/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Friedrich Pürner (NI)
Priority question for written answer P-000616/2025
to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Rule 144
Laurent Castillo (PPE)
Priority question for written answer P-000611/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Kosma Złotowski (ECR)
Question for oral answer O-000003/2025
to the Commission
Rule 142
Biljana Borzan
on behalf of the S&D Group
Parliamentary questions are questions addressed by Members of the European Parliament to other European Union Institutions and bodies. They are a direct form of parliamentary scrutiny of other EU institutions and bodies.
There are three categories of parliamentary question: