FEMM - Women's Rights and Gender Equality
This FEMM interparliamentary committee meeting was organised around the topical subject of “Women in sport" on the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2024.
The interparliamentary committee meeting was organised around the topical subject of “Gender aspects of energy poverty”.
The European Parliament’s Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) with the Legislative Dialogue Unit of the Directorate for Relations with national Parliaments invited Members of the national Parliaments to attend an Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on 'Gender Mainstreaming'.
The EP Committees FEMM, LIBE and EMPL, together with the Legislative Dialogue Unit of the Directorate for Relations with national Parliaments, invited Members of the national Parliaments to attend an Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on “The rights of Ukrainian Women fleeing the war”.
An ambitious future for Europe's women after COVID-19: mental load, gender equality in teleworking and unpaid care work after the pandemic
The meeting was an exchange of views and reflection on the issue of eliminating violence against women.
This ICM provided a global forum for an exchange of best practices and knowledge sharing. At the same time, it allowed to gain insights into the recent developments in advancing women's empowerment during crises triggered by COVID-19.
This interparliamentary committee meeting provided a global forum for an exchange of experiences and best practices to advance women's representation in the politics.
In the presence of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and other distinguished guests, the meeting provided a global forum for an exchange of experiences and best practices in advancing women's empowerment in media and ICTs.
The aim is to assess what is the state of the ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention at EU and national levels and how it is being monitored by GREVIO.
On the occasion of the 2017 International Women's Day, the FEMM Committee invites Members of national Parliaments of the EU Member States, the enlargement countries, the countries in the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood and supranational parliamentary assemblies to attend an ICM.
On the occasion of the International Women's Day, the FEMM Committee invited Members of national Parliaments of the EU Member States,the candidate countries,Norway and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to attend an ICM on the theme "Women refugees and asylum seekers in the EU".
The meeting provided the opportunity to discuss experiences and best practices on how to strengthen the rights of women and girls through education, as well as strategic actions and ideas for the way forward.
To celebrate International Women's Day as a special event to recognise the progress achieved and look forward to future challenges, experiences and legislation at national level as well as strategic action and ideas for the way forward at European level were discussed.