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  • PT - português
Parliamentary question - E-013457/2015(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Ms Thyssen on behalf of the Commission

The Commission would invite the Honourable Member to consult the reply given to P-012714-15[1].

In line with Article 9 of the TFEU[2], policies geared to supporting growth, creating decent jobs and provide adequate social protection are at the centre of the policy agenda of the Commission. Social objectives are also embedded in the European Semester, the economic governance framework, and in the European Union's longer term growth strategy, Europe 2020.

The fight against tax avoidance and evasion is among the Commission's top priorities[3], and the Commission is fully committed to enhancing fairness in taxation policies[4]. In March 2015 the Commission presented a Tax Transparency Package to enhance the transparency in corporate taxation and in June, an Action Plan aiming at fairer and more efficient taxation in Europe. The Commission has also looked into whether certain tax rulings have distorted competition[5]. The Commission is fully committed to continuing this work.