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 Pilns teksts 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 28 March 2007 - Brussels OJ edition

One-minute speeches on matters of political importance

  John Attard-Montalto (PSE). – (MT) Post-studies carried out on the building of this Marsascala plant are considered to be a farce by everyone, including officials of the Maltese Environment Authority. This process ignored a number of articles of the terms of reference and ran counter to a number of European Union directives. The study carried out on the technology required remains undisclosed, whilst comparative analysis of alternative sites is viewed as lacking seriousness and as being rigged and even flawed.

Socio-economic research into the area’s residents was not carried out diligently and in compliance with the terms of reference, while the study on the environmental health impact was completely ignored. It has to be borne in mind that this plant is to be built in a residential area, only 250 metres away from inhabited areas.

Juridisks paziņojums - Privātuma politika