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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 28 March 2007 - Brussels OJ edition

Future of Professional Football in Europe - Security at Football Matches (debate)

  President. The next item is the joint debate on the reports:

- by Mr Belet on behalf of the Committee on Culture and Education on the future of professional football in Europe [2006/2130(INI)] (A6-0036/2007), and

- By Mr Catania on behalf of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on the initiative by the Republic of Austria with a view to adopting a Council decision amending Decision 2002/348/JHA concerning security in connection with football matches with an international dimension [10543/2006 C6-0240/2006 2006/0806(CNS)] (A6-0052/2007).

Právne upozornenie - Politika ochrany súkromia