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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 6 June 2007 - Brussels OJ edition

Roadmap for the European Union's constitutional process (debate)

  John Attard-Montalto (PSE), in writing. The process for a Constitutional Treaty was stalled through the referenda in France and the Netherlands. Some Member States continued with the ratification process, others did not. We went into a period of reflection.

Today the Constitutional Treaty is once again gaining momentum. The roadmap is indicating a Constitution by 2009, before the next elections for the European Parliament.

When the Constitution was rejected, everyone had their opinions. One which appeared throughout was that many citizens of Europe felt alienated.

First of all, a European Constitution is essential if one believes in the European process.

Secondly, the citizens of the European Union Member States must feel that they belong to the EU entity in the same way that they feel nationals of their respective states.

Thirdly, it is essential that these citizens know what the Constitution is all about.

I have listed these priorities, since not all the European Member States share the same enthusiasm for the process. Many Europeans do not feel citizens of the EU in parallel with their individual nationality. Finally, most Europeans are still unaware of the pros and cons of the Constitution. Unless we earnestly address these issues within two years we may well end up in the same position we are in today.

Právne upozornenie - Politika ochrany súkromia