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 Test sħiħ 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 12 March 2008 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Question Time (Council)

  President. − The next item is questions to the Council (B6-0013/2008).

The following questions have been put to the Council.

As they deal with the same subject, the following questions will be taken together:

Question No 1 by Marian Harkin (H-0077/08)

Subject: Lisbon Treaty

Are there any issues that still need to be clarified in the current text of the Lisbon Treaty, and have all the concerns of the Slovenian Presidency regarding substance, procedure and time-frame for implementation of the Treaty been met? If this is not the case, could the Council outline what the outstanding issues are?

Question No 2 by Gay Mitchell (H-0097/08)

Subject: Council President

Have there been any preliminary discussions in the Council on who is going to be the President of the EU Council once the Treaty of Lisbon is ratified?

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