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Proċedura : 2009/2502(RSP)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
Ċikli relatati mad-dokumenti :

Testi mressqa :


Dibattiti :

PV 14/01/2009 - 14
CRE 14/01/2009 - 14

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 15/01/2009 - 6.6
CRE 15/01/2009 - 6.6
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
L-Erbgħa, 14 ta' Jannar 2009 - Strasburgu Edizzjoni riveduta

14. Kommemorazzjoni tal-11 tal- Lulju bħala jum ta' tifkira tal-vittmi tal-massakru ta' Srebrenica (dibattitu)
Vidjow tat-taħditiet

  Przewodniczący. − Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego są oświadczenia Rady i Komisji w sprawie upamiętnienia 11 lipca jako dnia pamięci ofiar masakry w Srebrenicy.


  Alexandr Vondra, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, Srebrenica, as we all know, was a horrible crime. The massacre of more than 8 000 Bosniaks in and around Srebrenica marks one of the darkest historical moments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, of the former Yugoslavia and also of Europe as a whole. It is without a doubt the worst atrocity in Europe since the Second World War.

Looking back, much more could have been done, and earlier. Srebrenica was a collective failure of the international community, the EU included. That is a great shame and we deeply regret this fact. It is our moral, human and political obligation that a Srebrenica never happens again.

Marking the 10th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, the Council expressed its renewed condemnation of the crimes committed and extended it s compassion for the victims and their families.

The Council, recalling the UN Security Council resolutions 1503 and 1534, underlined that full and unrestricted cooperation with the ICTY remain an essential requirement for continuing progress towards the EU. The transfer to The Hague of the remaining fugitive indictees who continue to elude international justice would be a fitting tribute to the victims of Srebrenica as well as a major stride towards permanent peace, stability and reconciliation. Therefore, the Council remains determined that the perpetrators of crimes in Srebrenica and in Bosnia and Herzegovina in general, as well as elsewhere in the region of the Western Balkans, must be brought to justice.

At the same time, throughout history European integration has proved helpful to heal wounds and injustice of the past, so we need to concentrate on the future as well. The EU as the integrating factor brought peace, stability, trust and prosperity to Europe in the second half of the last century. Helping the Western Balkans on the path towards the EU therefore belongs to the priorities of the Czech presidency in the domain of external relations. Reconciliation is vital for integration and reconciliation is difficult if justice is not served fully.

After 13 years it is time to bring the shameful Srebrenica episode to a closure. Karadžić’s arrest has proved that there is no impunity for such monstrous crimes as those against humanity. Still, Ratko Mladić needs to be brought to The Hague so that the families of the Srebrenica victims can be helped to deal with the past and embrace their future.

The EU will keep doing everything in its power to make this happen. But also a lot more needs to be done so that Srebrenica turns from a sad historical memory to a place where life does offer prospects. The international community’s engagement does not take place in a vacuum: it is actively combined with the local actions on the state level, as well as by both entities. A lot of good endeavours have been carried out.

Srebrenica’s future can be best secured through economic development and job creation to improve economic and social conditions of the population of the Srebrinica region. The Republika Srpska authorities, as well as the Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers and the Federation, provided funding and investment for the Srebrenica region. The allocated assets were aimed for Srebrenica recovery including construction, reconstruction, infrastructure development, business promotion, improvement of public services, projects with sustainable return and education.

All those local efforts were underpinned also with the donor conference for Srebrenica organised just over a year ago, in November 2007. This might be a good occasion for an appeal to provide more new investment for this city and its region.

It is of the utmost importance that Srebrenica is never forgotten and that a joint effort continues. We all in the EU, the international community and the local authorities pursue working constructively together to improve living conditions in the Srebrenica area. Only the prospect of a better life can help to reduce the political tension, creating a space for dialogue and consequently allowing the still grieving victims’ relatives to move on. That would be the best possible tribute to the victims of Srebrenica.


  Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, in July 1995, close to 8 000 men and boys were murdered and disappeared in Srebrenica. The highest courts of international law have called this massacre by its proper name: genocide. While continuing our pursuit of justice against the perpetrators, I think it is right that we should remember the victims and express our compassion for their families. I therefore join you today in supporting this initiative to recognise 11 July as the day of the commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide.

Srebrenica stands as a symbol of horror and inconsolable grief. Remembrance is as painful as it is necessary. It is necessary because we cannot, and we must not, forget. It is necessary to counter the selective remembrance of those who remain in denial, until this day, about what really took place. Recognition of what happened in July 1995 is fundamental to reconciliation within Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the regional process. Proclaiming 11 July as the European commemorative day for the victims of Srebrenica should therefore be a further step towards reconciliation within Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. I think it would be an opportunity to send a message, not just of respect and memory, but also of hope for the future – a future within the European Union, built on reconciliation, allowing wounds to heal over time.

But recognition alone is not sufficient. Justice is equally essential. I think it is important that all perpetrators of those atrocities be brought to justice, be prosecuted and pay for the crimes that they have committed. It is therefore unacceptable after so many years that General Ratko Mladić remains at large. The Commission fully supports the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia, the ICTY. We welcome Bosnia and Herzegovina’s cooperation with the ICTY and its handling of cases transferred by the Tribunal to local jurisdiction. We, as the Commission, use every opportunity to encourage the authorities to continue their efforts and ensure that all crimes are duly prosecuted.

In addition to the justice of the courts, we can offer a second form of justice for the victims, and that is a better future for their loved ones who survived. This is at the heart of our EU’s efforts in the Western Balkans. We want the countries of the region to move towards a common European future. We want to see a prosperous Bosnia and Herzegovina within a stable, regional context where borders matter less and trust among neighbours is restored. We know this will be a long journey but, if the history of the European Union and its enlargement tells us anything, then it is that this journey is worthwhile for all concerned.

We cannot travel the road to the European Union for Bosnia and Herzegovina. It will itself have to meet the conditions and overcome its internal challenges by its own means, but we can help. We will help and we want this country to succeed as the triumph of the survivors over those who had other designs.


  Doris Pack, im Namen der PPE-DE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Ratspräsident, Frau Kommissarin! Nie wieder Krieg, nie wieder Konzentrationslager und nie wieder Völkermord! Nach den Gräueln des Zweiten Weltkriegs konnte sich in Europa niemand mehr vorstellen, dass es das wieder geben könnte.

Dennoch konnte es geschehen: Mitte der 90er-Jahre, sechs Jahre nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer, mitten, im friedlichen Zusammenwachsen von West- und Mitteleuropa geschah es in Bosnien und Herzegowina. Die Fehler, die die internationale Gemeinschaft machte – durch lange Jahre des Wegschauens, des fast sorglosen Umganges mit den Schergen dort, des freundlichen Händeschüttelns mit solchen Kriminellen wie Ratko Mladić –, haben ihn und seine Mittäter in der Annahme bestärkt, sie würden ungestraft davonkommen, wenn sie der jahrelangen ethnischen Vertreibung, der ethnischen Säuberung auch noch einen Massenmord folgen ließen.

Bis heute muss sich Ratko Mladić nicht vor einem Gericht verantworten. Wer versteckt ihn? Wer hilft ihm und lädt so noch mehr Schuld auf sich und ihn? Viele weitere Täter sind ebenfalls noch auf freiem Fuß, leben sogar teilweise noch in Bosnien und Herzegowina und begegnen den Hinterbliebenen der Opfer. Darum müssen wir darauf dringen, dass nicht nur das Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag, sondern die örtlichen Kriegsverbrechertribunale in Bosnien und Herzegowina selbst korrekt arbeiten können.

Der von uns initiierte Gedenktag will aufrütteln, ein Zeichen wider das Vergessen setzen, will den Hinterbliebenen zeigen, dass wir mit ihnen trauern. Vielleicht kann ja dieser Tag dazu dienen, das Bewusstsein für diese schreckliche Schuld auch bei denen zu wecken, die bislang immer noch nicht glauben, dass es geschah, wie ja selbst Videoaufnahmen belegen. Dann könnte der Grundstein für eine notwendige Versöhnung gelegt werden. Ohne die Anerkennung der direkten und indirekten Verantwortung für dieses Massaker kann es keinen Frieden geben. Das zumindest und die Verurteilung der Täter sind wir den Opfern und Hinterbliebenen schuldig.


  Richard Howitt, on behalf of the PSE Group. – Mr President, each year in the United Kingdom when it comes to the commemoration of the wars of the 20th century, we use the words ‘at the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them’. These are very moving words for me and my generation, my parents who both served in the Second World War. And even for those generations that follow us, this commemoration is not simply a fitting tribute for all those who served. It is a reminder of the evils and of the human cost of war, a warning to those generations and a safeguard for peace and against conflict for future years.

That is the importance of commemoration and, as the Commissioner has said this evening, recognition is absolutely crucial for reconciliation for today’s generations.

We are all aware of the carnage that occurred in Srebrenica in 1995. Eight thousand Muslim men and boys were killed while seeking refuge in a safe area declared by the United Nations Security Council in Srebrenica.

Although it happened almost 14 years ago, it is only right and correct that we should commemorate the victims and be reminded of the events and the racial hatred which led to this terrible event.

Just last month, a group boasting over a thousand members was created on the networking site Facebook which openly glorified the genocide in Srebrenica. The group which had a name which translates as ‘Knife, Wire, Srebrenica’ promoted the killing of the men and boys of Srebrenica purely on the basis that they were Bosnian Muslims. It also spoke about their respect for the acts of Ratko Mladić, yet another bit of proof if it was needed that the ongoing freedom of Mladić proves only to fuel hatred and give ammunition to those who seek to foster the tensions of the past.

Thanks to a public outcry, the Facebook site was quickly taken down but not before over a thousand members in a single month between December 2008 and January 2009 had signed up.

Commemorating the victims of Srebrenica sends a clear message to those individuals who glorify the acts of Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić that we will not allow this to happen again, and that they are alone and isolated in their views.

A Bosnian court heard last month from psychologists about how survivors of the Srebrenica massacre are intensely traumatised. The court heard that the problems for many survivors is that they can never have a chance to say goodbye to their relatives.

Whilst we cannot turn the clock back to allow these relatives a second chance, we can make sure that this genocide is not forgotten and that those responsible are brought to justice.


  Jelko Kacin, v imenu skupine ALDE. – Naša Evropska unija temelji na spoznanjih druge svetovne vojne. Imamo urejen in skupen zgodovinski spomin, zato lahko skupaj gradimo skupno evropsko prihodnost. Srebrenica je grozovit primer, ki dokazuje, da so se tudi v Evropi strahote druge svetovne vojne ponovile v letu 95 na najbolj strašen način.

Srebrenica je simbol etničnega čiščenja. Srebrenica so neusmiljeni in nečloveški poboji otrok in odraslih – to je genocid. Srebrenica pa je tudi prikrivanje pobojev in uničevanje množičnih grobišč. Srebrenico moramo vgraditi v naš skupen zgodovinski spomin in v temelje širitve Evropske unije na območje zahodnega Balkana. Ne smemo pristajati na diskriminatorne in izključujoče stereotipe o posameznih narodih, boriti se moramo proti kolektivni krivdi. Odgovorni za genocid v Srebrenici morajo v Haag, morajo na sodišče, morajo v zapor, mi pa moramo skupaj pomagati graditi in omogočati evropsko prihodnost za Srebrenico, za tamkajšnje ljudi in celotno Bosno in Hercegovino.

Moramo se vsaj poskusiti vživeti v travme in muke ljudi, ki živijo z živim spominom na zločin brez svojih najdražjih. Rad bi se zahvalil konferenci predsednikov, ki je enoglasno podprla predlog, da mlade Bošnjake in Srbe iz Srebrenice skupaj vsako leto povabimo v Evropski parlament, da bi izven Srebrenice brez pritiskov in stresov domačega okolja razmišljali, načrtovali in gradili skupno in lepšo prihodnost za Srebrenico in celotno Bosno in Hercegovino. Ta resolucija ... (predsedujoči je govor prekinil)


  Milan Horáček, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Die Entschließung findet sehr klare und kritische Worte gegenüber der UNO, auch gegenüber den europäischen Institutionen. Die unzureichenden Entscheidungsmechanismen im Bereich der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik waren nicht geeignet, die schrecklichen Verbrechen in Srebrenica zu verhindern. Bis heute ist die fehlende einheitliche Stimme ein Mangel im Bereich der europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik, wie es sich in der heutigen Diskussion um den Gaza-Konflikt wieder einmal gezeigt hat.

Das Massaker in Srebrenica darf nie vergessen werden. Deswegen begrüßen und unterstützen wir die Initiative, den 11. Juni als Gedenktag für die Opfer dieses Völkermordes ins Leben zu rufen. Gleichzeitig muss es aber zu einer Aussöhnung auf beiden Seiten kommen. Dies kann nur durch eine konsequente Aufarbeitung des Geschehenen passieren. Es ist daher völlig inakzeptabel, dass sich die Schuldigen und Angeklagten dieses Verbrechens immer noch auf freiem Fuß befinden. Ich glaube, dass nicht nur Mladić, sondern auch die anderen Schuldigen vor Gericht gestellt werden müssen.


  Erik Meijer, namens de GUE/NGL-Fractie. – Voorzitter, de naam Srebrenica is wereldberoemd geworden vanwege de massamoord op 8000 moslimmannen in 1995. Terecht vragen de overlevende vrouwen en jongeren hiervoor blijvende aandacht. Na mijn bezoek aan Srebrenica in maart 2007 heb ik de Europese Commissie gevraagd om bij te dragen aan duurzame inkomsten en werkgelegenheid door projecten ter bevordering van het toerisme, waardoor Srebrenica meer te bieden heeft dan alleen de geschiedenis en de grote gedenkplaats. Srebrenica is daarnaast ook het symbool van de mislukking van optimistische denkbeelden over humanitaire interventies en safe havens.

Vanaf het begin had duidelijk moeten zijn dat buitenlandse militaire aanwezigheid alleen maar valse illusies kon bieden. Het maakte Srebrenica tot een uitvalsbasis tegen de Servische omgeving, terwijl het onvermijdelijk was dat het uiteindelijk door diezelfde omgeving zou worden opgeslokt. Zonder Nederlandse legermacht in Srebrenica zou er geen oorlogssituatie zijn ontstaan en zou er van Servische kant geen behoefte aan wraak zijn geweest. De slachtoffers zijn niet alleen reden om Mladic en Karadzic te berechten, maar ook reden om kritisch na te denken over de mislukking van militaire interventies en van alle pogingen om de eenheidsstaat tot stand te brengen in het etnisch verdeelde Bosnië.


  Bastiaan Belder, namens de IND/DEM-Fractie. – Mijnheer de Voorzitter, "Een stem uit Srebrenica, grote tranen biggelden over zijn wangen. Hij omarmde mij, kuste me en sprak: "Alsjeblieft, mama, ga!" Ze grepen hem beet; ik wilde niet gaan, knielde neer en vertelde hen: "Doodt míj maar, doodt me! Jullie hebben mijn enige kind genomen. Ik wil nergens heen. Doodt me en dat zal het einde voor ons zijn."

Het ontroerende relaas van een Bosnische vrouw die bij de massamoord van Srebrenica van juli 1995 zowel haar man als haar 12-jarige zoon verloor. Haar stem en die van haar lotgenoten komen vandaag tot ons, mede door het onwaardeerbare onderzoek van gewetensvolle wetenschappers als de Amsterdamse hoogleraar Selma Leydesdorff.

Zeker nu de Europese Unie aan de Westelijke Balkan een Europees toetredingsperspectief biedt, blijven de verschrikkingen van Srebrenica een teken en opdracht, allereerst in woord en daad. Kortom, werkelijke aandacht richting alle nabestaanden van deze genocide. Srebrenica, juli 1995. Ik was toentertijd buitenlandredacteur van een Nederlandse krant, volgde het Bosnische strijdtoneel op de voet. Wat voelde ik mij beschaamd en verslagen over het lege internationale concept van safe haven, zeker als Nederlands burger.

"Kom vanavond met verhalen, hoe de oorlog is verdwenen, en herhaal ze honderd malen, alle malen zal ik wenen." De woorden van die bekende dichter uit de herinneringscultuur van mijn land, de Tweede Wereldoorlog, begeleiden voortaan ook de 11e juli, de gedenkdag van de dierbare doden van Srebrenica en Potocari.


  Димитър Стоянов (NI). - Благодаря, господин Председателю. Тази вечер сме се събрали да си припомним едно страшно престъпление, неслучайно наречено геноцид, което представлява действително една огромна човешка трагедия в най-новата ни история. Но когато чета декларацията, която се предлага, резолюцията, проекта за резолюция, виждам, че той отразява само половината трагедия и само половината геноцид.

В него са споменати имена, които станаха световно известни: Ратко Младич, Радован Караджич, Кръстич и т.н. Но в него не виждам имената на мюсюлманите, които също извършваха престъпления в Сребреница и в този отвратителен конфликт. Къде е името на Насер Орич, командира на 28-ма мюсюлманска дивизия? Кой... защо не е споменато в тази резолюция клането в село Кравица на връх Коледа 1993 г., в това християнско село? Защо не са описани случаите на десетките християнски села, които бяха изгорени в района на Сребреница от мюсюлманските бойци? Всички ние не трябва да продължаваме да защитаваме едностранна позиция и да налагаме двойни стандарти, когато оценяваме такива ужасяващи събития. Който твърди, че само християните са избивали мюсюлмани в Босна и Херцеговина, а обратното не се е случвало, е лицемер. Кой някога си е направил труда да провери? Тук беше казано, че е пълна, изпълнена Сребреница с масови гробове, и това е вярно. Но кой си е направил някога труда да провери колко от тези масови гробове са на християни?

Нека не забравяме, че нещата се случваха двустранно там и не трябва да се правим, че християните не съществуват или нямат човешки права, все едно са някакви животни.


  Anna Ibrisagic (PPE-DE). - Herr talman! Vad hinner man säga på två minuter när vi ska prata om och beskriva det som hände i Srebrenica, när vi ska lära oss hur vi ska minnas, så att det aldrig mer händer? Vad har vi ännu inte sett, och vad har ännu inte sagts om Srebrenica? Vad kan jag som den enda ledamoten av detta parlament som är född i Bosnien och som är flykting från kriget i Bosnien förmedla idag från denna talarstol, och som jag som svensk ledamot inte skulle kunna förmedla om jag inte hade denna erfarenhet av kriget? Jag har, herr Stoyanov, a real story från den tiden.

Kanske främst kan jag förmedla känslan av hopp då jag fortfarande trodde att om bara någon ute i Europa skulle se vad som händer, så skulle världen reagera, eller hopplösheten när jag förstod att jag är lämnad åt min egen olycka och att ingen hjälp kommer att komma. Jag minns blodspår på asfalten, hungriga barns skrik, en 10-årig flickas tomma blick när hon berättade om hur hon och hennes syskon först fick begrava och sedan förflytta sina döda föräldrars kroppar till en annan grav, när soldaterna försökte sopa undan bevis efter massmord i en by nära min stad. Jag minns pappas ansikte när vi fick veta att min farbror och min kusin sitter i ett koncentrationsläger. Jag minns min egen desperation när jag en morgon inte hade ens en deciliter mjölk att ge till min ettårige son.

Vad jag minns allra tydligast och aldrig kommer att glömma är emellertid känslan av obeskrivlig ensamhet när man till slut förstår att ens egen olycka, desperation och agoni har utspelats inför öppen ridå, att man har sett hur vi led men att man inte förhindrade detta. Det är denna känsla som jag delar med människor från Srebrenica, herr Stoyanov. Det är denna känsla som jag förmedlar med alla andra offer från Balkankrigen.

Att Europaparlamentet imorgon kommer att rösta om minnesdagen för Srebrenicas offer är någonting som ger mig lite ro. Denna minnesdag kommer inte att ge Srebrenicaborna tillbaka deras mördade familjemedlemmar, men det kommer för oss alla som har varit krigsoffer att innebära ett erkännande att Europa har sett vårt lidande, att vi inte är ensamma, och att Europa vill minnas så att det inte händer igen.

Personligen hoppas jag och arbetar för att Srebrenica tillsammans med Bosnien och alla andra Balkanländer så fort som möjligt ska bli medlemmar av den europeiska familjen. Det är det allra minsta som man kan förvänta sig efter Europas skamliga oförmåga att förhindra detta folkmord och det faktum att Ratko Mladić fortfarande inte är gripen.



  Diana Wallis (ALDE). - Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner for her comments tonight in support of this initiative. Last July, I had the privilege, the obligation and the humbling experience to attend, on behalf of the President of our Parliament, the memorial ceremony at Srebrenica. It has marked me. It is something I will never, ever forget. Thousands of people gathered in the hot July sunshine: dignified, sad, a ceremony of memorial, of remembrance and, of course, of grief.

But we must remember because we, all of us as Europeans, have a sense of déjà vu about Potočari, a sense of complicity. We all saw on our TV screens the scenes before the massacre, before the flight to Tulsa. We have that helplessness and hopelessness that we perhaps shared. We can never say ‘never again’, but we can say that we will remember, we will learn and we will help people to move forward. That is what this European Day of Memorial should be about. I will never forget what I experienced. I will never forget the mothers, the daughters, the families that I met over that period. I hope that we can deliver something lasting and positive to them for the future.


  Zita Pleštinská (PPE-DE). - Podporujem stanovenie 11. júla ako dňa spomienky na genocídu v Srebrenici, v ktorej sa medzinárodnému spoločenstvu nepodarilo zasiahnuť do konfliktov a ochrániť civilné obyvateľstvo. Pokladám to za najlepší prostriedok na prejavenie úcty obetiam masakru. V priebehu niekoľkých dní plných krviprelievania po páde Srebrenice zahynulo viac ako 8 000 mužov a chlapcov. Uskutočnili sa deportácie tisícok žien, detí a starých ľudí a znásilňovania veľkého počtu žien.

Nikdy nesmieme zabudnúť na obete brutálnych činov počas vojny v bývalej Juhoslávii. Verím, že všetky krajiny západného Balkánu podporia uznanie tohto dňa.

Musíme vyslať jasnú správu budúcim generáciám, aby nedopustili nikdy viac žiadnu Srebrenicu. Verím, že bude vyvinuté ďalšie úsilie na postavenie zostávajúcich osôb, naďalej unikajúcich pred spravodlivosťou, pred súd, aby mnohé rodiny získali definitívnu istotu o osude svojich otcov, synov, manželov či bratov.


  Pierre Pribetich (PSE). - Monsieur le Président, dépasser les tensions du passé et déployer tous les efforts pour stabiliser les Balkans occidentaux, ceci ne peut reposer, justement, que sur le dépassement de sa propre histoire. En proposant cette journée européenne du souvenir, le 11 juillet, cet acte symbolique par excellence s'inscrit dans cette démarche et poursuit plusieurs objectifs. D'abord, rendre hommage à toutes les victimes des atrocités commises à Srebrenica et à leurs familles, ensuite, rappeler à l'ensemble des citoyens et des peuples la vigilance nécessaire et le fait que l'impuissance des États à agir conduit inévitablement à de telles atrocités. Rappeler aussi que l'Union européenne doit se doter d'une véritable politique de défense et de sécurité commune, pour être capable d'intervenir au nom des principes et des valeurs qui nous unissent, qui nous guident. Enfin, redire aux pays des Balkans occidentaux qu'ils ont vocation naturelle à nous rejoindre rapidement mais que ceci suppose une coopération sans faille, sans réserve, avec le Tribunal pénal international pour traduire en justice les criminels de guerre. Voilà notre message, le message du Parlement aux générations présentes et futures, pour que le temps ne soit pas comme la rouille et ne ronge pas le souvenir, mais au contraire, le ravive.


  Jelko Kacin (ALDE). - Rad bi dokončal svoj govor, ker so me sorodniki žrtev prosili, da danes izrečem zahvalo za vaše razumevanje in za vašo podporo pri obravnavi te resolucije.

Hvala vsem, ki ste se odzvali in sodelujete v današnji razpravi. Hkrati pa bi rad svoj nagovor končal z dvema stavkoma. Ta resolucija ni namenjena preteklosti, čeprav govori tudi o mrtvih, je namenjena živim in njihovi boljši prihodnosti.


  Călin Cătălin Chiriţă (PPE-DE). - Masacrul de la Srebrenica din iulie 1995, împreună cu toate atrocităţile comise în războiul care a însoţit destrămarea fostei Iugoslavii, reprezintă o pagină neagră în istoria Europei.

Este o lecţie tragică a istoriei, din care noi putem să înţelegem încă o dată necesitatea de a dezvolta capacitatea de acţiune eficientă în Uniunea Europeană, în politica sa externă de securitate şi de apărare, şi mai ales în politica europeană de vecinătate. De ce? Tocmai pentru a combate fenomene precum încălcarea drepturilor omului şi a principiilor dreptului internaţional, conflictele regionale, extremismele naţionaliste şi separatismele etnice, fenomene care au făcut posibile atrocităţile din Bosnia.

Europa are nevoie de o Uniune Europeană mai puternică şi mai extinsă, a cărei politică preventivă să nu mai permită asemenea atrocităţi.


  Alexandr Vondra, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, let me conclude today’s debate on Srebrenica.

First of all, I want to assure you that the Council remains determined that the perpetrators of crimes in Srebrenica, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as elsewhere in the region of the Western Balkans, must be brought to justice.

Our ESDP mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to provide support and assistance to the ICTY and relevant authorities.

Srebrenica is, and will remain, a sensitive and important factor in the political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina and also of the EU and wider international community.

Let me use this opportunity to call upon the political leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina to refrain from abusing this painful and unspeakable historical experience for their political purposes. They should, rather, engage proactively to lead their country towards a better future. There is a need to continue joint efforts, not just in Srebrenica but in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole. If Srebrenica happened because there was not enough European spirit, then we should do our utmost to help this country embark on the right path. This means towards the EU.

The first big step towards Europe was already achieved with signing the SAA agreement as the beginning of a long accession process, but much more is needed, more courage and confidence, to strive for wholehearted reconciliation underpinned by tangible prospects of integration.

We all have the obligation to the dead not to make victims out of the living. This is our obligation for generations to come.


  Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, Mrs Ibrisagic, I was one of those people watching on television when these terrible things happened. We all thought that safe havens would be safe havens. So I was, like many others, terribly shocked when we heard what had happened – or slowly experienced the reality.

In the European Union, I think we have only learned by hard lessons what we have to do, and we then slowly started the Common foreign and security policy. This was the first item, so to speak, and we have then gone on because we saw that this terrible massacre happened because we were not united.

Once again, I can only pay tribute to you for being here today and speaking so openly for reconciliation. For those who live with that memory, it must be very difficult, but at the same time I think that the possibility of Bosnia and Herzegovina becoming a member of the European Union in the future is perhaps something that can aid reconciliation with all these terrible atrocities.


  President. − I have received six motions for resolution(1) tabled in accordance with Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure.

The debate is closed.

The vote on the resolution will take place tomorrow (Thursday 15 January 2009).


(1)See Minutes.

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