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Förfarande : 2011/2888(RSP)
Dokumentgång i plenum
Dokumentgång : B7-0129/2012

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Debatter :

PV 14/03/2012 - 7
CRE 14/03/2012 - 7

Omröstningar :

PV 14/03/2012 - 9.12
CRE 14/03/2012 - 9.12

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Onsdagen den 14 mars 2012 - Strasbourg Reviderad upplaga

7. Utvidgningsrapport för Bosnien och Hercegovina (debatt)
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  Der Präsident. − Als nächster Punkt folgen die Erklärungen des Rates und der Kommission über den Erweiterungsbericht über Bosnien und Herzegowina [2011/2888(RSP)].


  Nicolai Wammen, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, our third debate this morning concerns Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am happy to be able to give you a more positive assessment of the situation than that given in last autumn’s progress report and reflected in the Council’s conclusions of December 2011. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Doris Pack for her work on this issue.

Important developments have taken place since then, and we have reason to be cautiously optimistic. We expect the newly established Council of Ministers to deliver on a range of issues – economic as well as political – in an effort to ensure the proper functioning of the state and to enhance the European integration agenda. Let me briefly mention some of them.

The most pressing need now is for agreement to be reached on a state budget for 2012 and for it to be adopted. Institutions that have a role in EU integration should be properly financed, and specific policies also need to be funded. A global fiscal framework for 2012-2014 must also be developed to ensure sound fiscal management. Crucially, EUR 100 million of macro-financial assistance from the Commission cannot be released until this framework and an agreement with the International Monetary Fund are in place.

In its conclusions of last December, the Council urged all political leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina to live up to their responsibilities and to develop a shared vision of the future of their country. It has therefore been encouraging to see the different steps taken by the political actors since then in an effort to progress towards the EU. In particular, the recent adoption of the law on state aid and the law on the population census moved Bosnia and Herzegovina in the right direction.

However, a very important step on the path to European integration remains. This concerns the need for Bosnia and Herzegovina to make credible efforts to bring its constitution into full compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights in line with the Sejdić-Finci ruling. The Bosnian authorities must address this urgently. Improving and strengthening the efficient functioning of the state and its institutions is essential, including through the necessary constitutional changes. The European Union will need to see credible effort made in this regard for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement to enter into force.

Finally, I want to take the opportunity to underline that establishing an effective coordination mechanism for dealing with EU matters is crucial. Bosnia and Herzegovina will need to be in a position to adopt, implement and enforce EU laws and rules in a more efficient manner than has been the case so far.

From my intervention this morning, it is clear that much remains to be done in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Certain developments have been encouraging, and that is very welcome. We will, however, continue to encourage and assist Bosnia and Herzegovina in delivering on the important political and economic reforms which are needed. I know that we can count on the support of this Parliament in this regard. We in the Danish Presidency are also very much looking forward to our continued cooperation with the Commission on these matters.


  Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, let me first of all thank Doris Pack for an excellent report on Bosnia and Herzegovina as the basis for discussion with all of you today.

When speaking to this House about Bosnia and Herzegovina it is difficult to be overly positive: there is light but there is also shadow. As your resolution points out, in the past year as a whole, progress has been limited. I therefore want to join you in reminding all political actors in the country of the road map towards European Union integration. In the face of last year’s political stalemate the European Union has consistently maintained this road map and demonstrated its commitment in a variety of ways.

Firstly, the European Union has prolonged the mandate of the EUFOR Althea mission, with a new focus on capacity-building and training the armed forces of the country. This mission now confirms on a regular basis that there is no threat to the safe and secure environment.

Secondly, in light of improvements in law enforcement we have also been able to decide on terminating the European Union Police Mission in June this year. However, follow-up will be ensured by a technical assistance mission on the ground.

Thirdly, citizens continue to enjoy travelling to the Schengen area without visas, while implementation of the agreement is closely monitored. This demonstrates to the citizens that the European Union perspective is real and tangible.

Fourthly the European Union has enhanced its presence in Sarajevo by appointing Peter Sørensen in a double-hatted capacity as Head of Delegation, and as European Union Special Representative. The delegation has strengthened outreach and diplomatic activities.

These efforts start to show results. The European Union perspective has finally begun to dominate the political agenda. A series of joint initiatives have been launched in areas ranging from the Structured Dialogue on Justice to the fiscal and budgetary framework and on infrastructure development in transport and energy. The recent developments show that this determination has been rewarded.

After a year of stagnation, there is now a new positive momentum on the European Union agenda in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A state aid law and a law on the population census were adopted and a new state-level government has taken up work in February. The new Chair of the Council of Ministers, Mr Bevanda, whom I met last week, has put European Union integration at the forefront of his government programme.

The first indications are that Bosnia and Herzegovina wants to take great strides towards becoming a member of the European Union. This in turn bodes well for the steps that we can undertake once the country fulfils all the necessary conditions.

One of the many important points which you mention in your resolution is the necessary constitutional changes needed to be undertaken in order to enable the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. The European Union needs to see a ‘credible effort’ with regard to the implementation of the Sejdić and Finci ruling to bring the constitution into compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights.

We are in close consultation with your neighbours across the river, the Council of Europe, on what this entails exactly. Decisive movement by Bosnia and Herzegovina here could unlock many new fruitful avenues for our cooperation.

Overall, 2012 will be a crucial year for the progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the path towards the European Union. The Commission wholeheartedly supports this endeavour and – as I understand – so does this House.


  Doris Pack, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Vorsitzender, in sechs Wochen hat sich in Bosnien und Herzegowina mehr ereignet, als wir in fünfzehn Monaten erwartet haben. Ich beglückwünsche alle, die diesen Weg gegangen sind. Hoffentlich haben die politischen Führer im Lande gemerkt, dass sie den Anschluss an Europa verlieren und sich nicht ständig in ethnisch motivierten Querelen verlieren sollten.

Mein Bericht umfasst neunundfünfzig Ziffern, ich kann leider nur auf einige eingehen. Das meiste wurde ja auch schon von den beiden Vorrednern gesagt. Ich möchte daran erinnern, dass die Änderung der Verfassung in Sachen Verfolgung des Urteils des Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte in dem Fall Sedjić und Finci unbedingt notwendig ist. Wir brauchen Fortschritte im Justizbereich, gerade auch in dem durchstrukturierten Dialog. Wir brauchen endlich ein Staatsbudget. Wir brauchen auch die Einsetzung der nötigen Institutionen, die für das Verhandeln der Europäischen Union mit dem Lande notwendig sind. Wir müssen einen Kampf gegen die Korruption wahrhaftig spüren, wir brauchen die Schaffung eines internen Marktes in Bosnien und Herzegowina, das ist im Interesse der Arbeitnehmer und auch im Interesse der Investoren. Wir brauchen die Verstärkung des Umbaus des Erziehungswesens und wir brauchen auch das Ende der zwei Schulen unter einem Dach. Wir brauchen eine EU-taugliche Struktur für das Veterinärwesen und die Nahrungsmittelversorgung, gerade angesichts der Tatsache, dass das Nachbarland Kroatien ja in die EU aufgenommen wird.

Es muss überprüft werden, ob das Büro des Hohen Repräsentanten angesichts der positiven Entwicklungen vielleicht bald zu schließen ist, damit die Eigenverantwortlichkeit der Politiker vor Ort gestärkt wird.

Wir begrüßen das große Engagement des EU-Botschafters, der wirklich mit großem Einsatz in diesem Lande arbeitet. Und wir schlagen vor, dass er für seine Tätigkeit mehr Möglichkeiten im Lande bekommt. Bosnien und Herzegowina ist das einzige Land, das den Bürgern des Kosovo nicht die Einreise in das Land gewährt, und es gibt viele Bosnier, die im Kosovo leben, in Bosnien und Herzegowina Familie haben und gern zurück möchten, wenigstens zum Besuch. Ich erwarte, dass dies bald geschieht. Ich wünsche dem Land, dass es in diesem Jahr zumindest den SAA-Status beendet und vielleicht seinen Beitrittsantrag stellen kann.

(Die Rednerin ist damit einverstanden, eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“ gemäß Artikel 149 Absatz 8 Geschäftsordnung zu beantworten.)


  William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFD), blue-card question. – Mrs Pack, do you think that it is a good thing for the nation states of Europe for Bosnia-Herzegovina to join the euro, because that is what is required under the Treaty if Bosnia-Herzegovina should in fact become a Member of the European Union, which is what you seem to be in favour of?


  Doris Pack (PPE), Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der blauen Karte Ich weiß nicht, warum Sie so weit in die Zukunft schauen. Erst muss das Land ja mal beitrittsfähig werden, dann wird es beitreten, dann muss es die Kriterien erfüllen und wenn es sie erfüllen kann, wird es auch gern der Eurozone beitreten. Wir werden das begrüßen, aber das wird nicht morgen und nicht übermorgen sein, dass wissen Sie so gut wie ich. Sie kennen die Zeiträume. Außerdem hat das Land heute schon die kompatible Mark, insofern ist es schon sehr nahe am Euro. Machen Sie sich mal keine Gedanken! Sie werden vielleicht nicht beitreten, aber Bosnien und Herzegowina sicher, wenn es das Ziel erreicht hat.


  Emine Bozkurt, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, there is progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the new government, the State Aid Law and the Census Law. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina still needs to find a durable solution for refugees and implement Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Agreement. The main and last step necessary to comply with the conditions of the SAA (Stabilisation and Association Agreement) is implementing the Sejdić-Finci ruling. The parliamentary committee working on this failed to come up with concrete results – that is regrettable.

If you are already late for the train, small steps to catch that train will not help, especially if that train is already moving. We want Bosnia and Herzegovina to jump in, but quick and well considered reforms are needed. If Bosnia and Herzegovina wants to apply for candidate status in June, the leaders need to deliver to us and most of all to their own citizens. The desire of the Bosnia and Herzegovinian people to join the EU crosses all national, ethnic and religious lines and the young people need perspective, and an EU one.

A better coordination mechanism and the country speaking with one voice to the EU are necessary, so is political will and leaders to talk about what binds rather than what divides the country. Divisive nationalism and extremism can divide a country, especially in a fragile region with a fresh war history such as the Western Balkans. All forms of extremism must be condemned and addressed in the region as a whole.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country with many faces, but it is definitely not one of Wahhabites. Therefore, the only reference in the report to Wahhabites is far from reflecting the reality and this reference should disappear. For reconciliation, justice is necessary. The obstruction of justice and the denial of history and of genocide is taking the country backwards not forward. People should also be free to choose whether they want to see a movie or not. Banning the movie of Angelina Jolie is a wrong message for freedom of thought and expression, crucial in any democracy.


  Sarah Ludford, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, Ms Pack’s report observes that the lack of job perspectives, especially among young people, is hindering the progress of the country and contributing to social discontent. One of the reasons I was so pleased to push hard in support of Ms Fajon on visa-free travel for Bosnians 18 months ago – with which we succeeded – was to allow travel for study and business in the hope of an economic boost, as well as widened horizons.

Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot prosper economically or otherwise, or find its future in the EU, without a functional state that can take decisions. Progress has been made, as Mr Wammen and Ms Pack and Commissioner Füle have said – formation of the government, adoption of state aid and census laws, for instance – but, as Mr Wammen said, without a budget, BiH cannot get EU aid. Without tackling crime and corruption and having an independent judiciary, business will not invest. Being an epicentre of trafficking in human beings is a huge shame for the country.

There needs to be local ownership of reforms, but international support and guidance – especially from the EU – is still highly relevant. That is why the ALDE Group is backing the amendment from the S&D Group reintroducing the explicit mention of the ‘5+2 Agenda’ as a basis for closing the OHR, and that is also why ALDE has retabled its amendment calling for the EU to sponsor a constitutional conference in cooperation with the Council of Europe across the road, which has great expertise in its Venice Commission. Thank you again to Ms Pack for a very good report.


  Marije Cornelissen, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, religious extremism, like all extremism, is deplorable. A group that refuses to allow women in political posts, wants to base legislation and justice on a religious book and discriminates against other religions, and whose followers put their children in medical danger, should have no place in political institutions. I am of course speaking of the Netherlands here, where the party of Mr Belder does all these things out of Christian religious extremism. Aside from the luckily very limited group of voters for his party, most other Christians in the Netherlands are very, very moderate.

In the same vein, almost all Muslims in BiH are very, very moderate, and in the same vein it would be as disproportionate to adopt a resolution here that warns of the threat of Wahhabism in BiH as it would be to adopt a resolution on Christian extremism in the Netherlands. We will of course adopt a text on the Netherlands tomorrow, but without mention of this.

There is undoubtedly extremism in BiH, as there is in the rest of the Balkans. Let us warn of all extremisms that are intolerant and discriminatory. I for one have up to now been attacked by nationalist, Orthodox and Catholic extremists at the diverse Gay Prides I have been at, not yet by Wahhabis up to now. I hope you will support us in taking out the specific mention of Wahhabism in the report and let us worry about extremism in general. Otherwise it is a brilliant report and if this is taken out we will happily vote in favour.


  Oldřich Vlasák, za skupinu ECR. – Pane předsedající, frakce Evropských konzervativců a reformistů plně přivítala balíček o rozšíření z října loňského roku. Plně podporujeme nařízení a doporučení Komise. Jsme plně pro rozšíření a věříme, že další urychlení jednání s Chorvatskem a jeho přijetí v roce 2013 bude velmi dobrým impulzem a vzorem pro další země západního Balkánu včetně Bosny a Hercegoviny. To však neznamená, že je proces dalšího rozšiřování bezproblémový. Konstatování o nedostatku reformního pokroku Bosny a Hercegoviny v některých oblastech tak považujeme za objektivní hodnocení současné situace v této zemi. Kromě lepší spolupráce na všech úrovních je zejména potřeba posílit soudní systém a nastavit pravidla boje proti korupci. Nad rámec tohoto bodu bych rád zdůraznil, že plně podporujeme rychlý vstup a jednání s Islandem a osobně dlouhodobě zdůrazňuji strategický význam plnohodnotného členství Turecka v Evropské unii.


  Bastiaan Belder, namens de EFD-Fractie. – Volgens paragraaf 27 van de resolutie heerst er in het Europees Parlement zorg over het wahhabitisch extremisme in de Westelijke Balkan. En deze verklaring is voor mij direct aanleiding tot een tweetal vragen aan Eurocommissaris Füle.

Deelt de Commissie deze zorg over de wahhabitische manifestaties in Bosnië-Herzegovina en zo ja, wat doet de Commissie ter bestrijding van het wahhabitisch extremisme in Bosnië-Herzegovina?

In paragraaf 27 wordt ook lof toegezwaaid aan de grootmoefti van Bosnië vanwege diens stellingname tegen terrorisme en geweld. Vooraanstaande Bosnische kunstenaars en mensenrechtenverdedigers als Refik Hodzic en Fedja Stukan stellen daarentegen dat grootmoefti Cerić juist persoonlijk verantwoordelijk is voor het aanwakkeren van etnisch wantrouwen en regelrechte haattaal, inclusief bedreigingen jegens "goddelozen".

Graag wil ik van de commissaris vernemen hoe Brussel nu precies de maatschappelijke rol, respevctievelijk bijdrage van de grootmoefti inschat?


  Ewald Stadler (NI). - Herr Präsident, meine geschätzten Damen und Herren! Zunächst bin ich der Meinung, dass wir den Wahhabismus und die Gefahr eines islamischen Fundamentalismus in Bosnien und Herzegowina sehr wohl im Bericht erwähnen müssen, und insoweit stimme ich auch der Berichterstatterin zu.

Im Übrigen ist aber aus der Wortmeldung der Berichterstatterin, Frau Pack, und auch von Minister Wammen die Enttäuschung über die Entwicklung von Bosnien und Herzegowina sehr deutlich geworden. Wir müssen, glaube ich, ganz nüchtern erkennen, dass es dort schlicht und einfach keinen Willen zur gesamtstaatlichen Zusammengehörigkeit gibt. Es gibt auch keinen Willen zu einer gemeinsamen bosnisch-herzegowinischen Identität in diesem Staat.

Die Ethnien stehen sich nach wie vor grundsätzlich skeptisch, wenn nicht sogar feindlich gegenüber. Daher muss ich von einer falschen Romantik in Bezug auf die Entwicklung von Bosnien und Herzegowina warnen. Wir sollten auch nicht krampfhaft an einem gesamtstaatlichen Konzept festhalten. Wir müssen, wenn wir die Verfassungsentwicklung dieses Landes sehen, auch darüber nachdenken, ob es nicht Alternativen in Form einer losen Föderation – die vielleicht überlebensfähig ist – und einer völligen Kantonisierung dieses Landes gibt, um wenigstens einen Ansprechpartner zu haben. Dieses Land ist noch lange nicht fähig, der Union beizutreten. Der Kandidatenstatus ist noch lange nicht in Reichweite.


  Bernd Posselt (PPE). - Herr Präsident! Im nächsten Jahr wird die Europäische Union an Bosnien und Herzegowina grenzen, und in diesem Jahr ist es zwanzig Jahre her, seit dort der Krieg ausgebrochen ist und entfesselt worden ist von Belgrad. Und wir müssen uns darüber im Klaren sein, dass es Zeit ist, wirkliche Reformen durchzusetzen. Die Vertreter Inzko und Sørensen machen beide eine hervorragende Arbeit und verdienen beide unsere Unterstützung. Aber die Impulse, wie Doris Pack mit Recht sagt, müssen aus dem Land kommen. Deshalb brauchen wir dort die Heranbildung einer neuen jungen Führungsschicht in allen drei Nationalitäten, eine Stärkung der kommunalen Ebene und eine Europäisierung des Bildungssystems einschließlich einer europäischen Universität.

Wir brauchen dringend eine Staatsreform, die dieses Land in eine symmetrische Föderation von drei Völkern verwandelt. Dies alles mag schwierig sein, aber ich bin nicht der Ansicht, dass wir einen Zerfall von Bosnien und Herzegowina riskieren dürfen, denn dabei wären die zentralbosnischen Kroaten, von denen niemand spricht, die sehr isoliert leben, die Verlierer, die Muslime wären die Verlierer, und selbst die, die vermeintlich die Gewinner wären, nämlich die Republika Srpska und die Herzegowina, würden verlieren. Für alle wäre es eine Katastrophe.


  William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFD). - Mr President, the UK is not a particularly rich country. Nevertheless, income per head in the United Kingdom is eight times that in Bosnia-Herzegovina. This is a problem: how it will be met is by massive subsidies from the British taxpayer and the other EU taxpayers. In fact, the gravy train of EU subsidies has started already. In the last ten years Bosnia-Herzegovina – not an EU member, not yet even a candidate – has received EUR 1.6 billion in assorted subsidies. There will be more to pay if it becomes a candidate and much, much more if in fact Bosnia-Herzegovina does become a member of the EU.

On the evidence of this debate, nobody is properly counting the cost. The idea of Bosnia-Herzegovina being a member of the EU is a complete non-starter, on financial grounds alone, and I urge you all to forget it.


  Anna Ibrisagic (PPE). - Herr talman! Om Bosnien ska lyckas måste EU också göra en del. Vi måste hjälpa Bosnien att stärka statens koordinationsmekanismer. Det måste också vara klart att det är ministerrådet i Bosnien som är ansvarigt för detta arbete. När EU:s representanter vänder sig till Bosnien borde det vara till just ministerrådet.

Vi har under så många år diskuterat Bosnien, och både Bosnien och EU har haft politiska mål och ambitioner. Det här året finns det emellertid en ny sorts hopp, ett positive momentum. Premiärminister Bevandas förklaring att hans högsta prioritet kommer att vara Bosniens EU-perspektiv, och att landet så fort som möjligt bör ansöka om kandidatstatus. Det inger gott hopp. Vi ska absolut stödja detta mål.


„Catch the eye“-Verfahren


  Jan Kozłowski (PPE). - Panie Przewodniczący! Na wstępie pragnę serdecznie pogratulować pani Doris Pack bardzo dobrego, wyważonego sprawozdania. Cieszę się, że w Bośni-Hercegowinie został powołany nowy rząd; wierzę, że jest to szansa na przyspieszenie reform – o których mówili moi przedmówcy – jak również na dalsze postępy w integracji z Unią Europejską.

Uważam, że w centrum zainteresowania rządu powinny znaleźć się kwestie edukacji i polityki zatrudnienia, kluczowe dla wzrostu i rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego tego kraju. Reformy systemu kształcenia powinny zmierzać do lepszego dostosowania oferty edukacyjnej do wymogów rynku pracy i tym samym zwiększyć szanse zatrudnienia, szczególnie ludzi młodych. Temu celowi powinno służyć także wykorzystanie europejskich programów edukacyjnych wspierających mobilność młodzieży, a także działania zmierzające do wzajemnego uznawania kwalifikacji w regionie. I tymi kwestiami mogłaby się zająć Platforma Bałkanów Zachodnich do spraw Edukacji i Szkolenia.


  Zita Gurmai (S&D). - Mr President, may I thank, among others, Doris Pack, for her great report.

First, let me underline that I firmly believe in the European future and prospects of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with its Western Balkan neighbours. I also welcome the recent appointment of Mr Bevanda as Prime Minister, which puts an end to 15 months of political crisis. However, though progress has been made, much remains to be done regarding fundamental reforms with a view to EU integration.

I would like to insist here on the human and social rights issues. Though human rights and protection of minorities are broadly ensured, constitutional changes still have to be made regarding compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the effective implementation of major human rights conventions. Moreover, though state-level anti-discrimination legislation has been put in place, its implementation remains very weak, particularly with regard to the protection of women against violence and the social protection of children.

Finally, I would like to highlight my concerns regarding the number of divided schools and mono-ethnic schools. I know that the scars of the past take time to heal, but I believe that much progress needs to be made in terms of inter-ethnic relations.


  Jelko Kacin (ALDE). - Mr President, now that Serbia has been granted candidate status and neighbouring Croatia will join the EU next year, Bosnia and Herzegovina leaders should at last put an end to their internal conflicts along national lines. They need to reach a consensus on constitutional changes and strengthen state-level institutions so that they are capable of carrying out EU-related reforms and eventually accession negotiations. Bosnia and Herzegovina needs a proper government, not a council of ministers.

Some of the outstanding issues are the property of the Bosnia and Herzegovina military and the need to follow up the ECHR ruling on the Sejdić-Finci case. The newly-elected council of ministers is doing a good job by dealing with the burning economic issues and moving away from nationalistic discourse. Unemployment and a balanced budget are the real issues that Vjekoslav Bevanda, the Chair of the Council of Ministers (not a Prime Minister), is right to deal with.

Lastly, I would add that Bosnia and Herzegovina needs at least one new ministry at state level, a Ministry of Agriculture. Agriculture is one of the most important topics of the negotiations, and Bosnia needs to have adequate institutions to deal with this topic.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD). - Citlivá a konštruktívna politika Európskej únie na Balkáne prináša svoje výsledky aj v Bosne a Hercegovine. Vstup Chorvátska do Európskej únie, ako aj začatie prístupových rokovaní so Srbskom iste pôsobí stimulujúco aj na politické pomery v tejto krajine. Ingerencia Európskej únie v tejto krajine by mala byť, myslím si, aj naďalej orientovaná na stabilizáciu miestnych demokratických pomerov a upokojovanie či utlmovanie etnických napätí.

Motivácia európskej perspektívy pre občanov Bosny a Hercegoviny, ako aj pre jej politických predstaviteľov môže byť výrazným stimulom pre vykonávanie potrebných reforiem politického systému, ako aj inštitúcií verejnej správy. Netreba si robiť ilúzie o tom, že cesta Bosny a Hercegoviny smerom k európskej politickej kultúre bude jednoduchá. Musíme však byť trpezlivý a mali by sme vedieť oceniť každú pozitívnu zmenu, ktorá sa v tejto krajine udeje.


  Franz Obermayr (NI). - Herr Präsident! Wünsche und Realität weichen in Bosnien leider Gottes voneinander ab. Dass die Jungen natürlich über alle Grenzen hinweg in die EU wollen, ist verständlich, doch in der Realität schaut es eben, wie gesagt, anders aus.

Ökonomisch liegt das Land am Boden. Ethnische Gruppen stehen sich mehr als skeptisch gegenüber. Die Verwaltung ist ineffizient, und vor allem ist für mich der islamische Fundamentalismus ein Problem. Auch wenn viele Damen und Herren hier im Saal es nicht glauben wollen, er greift sogar bis in die Grundschulen nach Österreich hinein, und das ist wirklich nicht zu unterschätzen.

Ein Staat muss also seine Aufgaben erfüllen, um als Staat als solcher akzeptiert und anerkannt zu werden. Ich glaube, dass eine schnelle Flucht nach vorne, eine Flucht in die EU, der falsche Weg ist.

Noch ein Wort zum christlichen Extremismus, der ja heute schon von einer Vorrednerin angesprochen worden ist. Christlicher Extremismus mag nicht besonders cool sein, aber im Gegensatz zu Salafisten, Wahhabisten und Scharia stellt er für mich keine Bedrohung der abendländischen Kultur, der europäischen Kultur in unserer Europäischen Union dar.


  Der Präsident. − Herzlichen Dank, Herr Obermayr! Es ist nicht meine Aufgabe als Präsident, Inhaltliches anzusprechen. Als auch für die Fragen des Extremismus zuständiger Vizepräsident erlaube ich mir dennoch klarzustellen, dass jeglicher Extremismus für eine Gesellschaft schädlich ist.


  Franz Obermayr (NI). - Herr Präsident! Ich glaube, es ist auch notwendig, dass ich das klarstelle. Wenn ich unter Anführungszeichen von Extremismus spreche, meine ich nicht das, was wir herkömmlich unter gewaltbereitem Extremismus verstehen, sondern das, was Vorredner bereits festgestellt haben, nämlich einen christlichen Extremismus. Bei einer Religion, die für mich per se die Nächstenliebe predigt – und so verstehe ich es auch –, kann ich diese Form von Extremismus, die Sie zu Recht ablehnen und die auch ich ablehne, nicht unter christlich subsumieren.


  Boris Zala (S&D). - Mr President, most of us would like to see Bosnia and Herzegovina developing strong and effective institutions at state level.

It is obvious that without a functioning state no country can cope with the demands of European integration. But there is a real risk here that we, the EU, can overshoot it. If we push too hard for central institutions our efforts might backfire. It will stoke precisely those centrifugal and nationalist dynamics that we want to prevent, because in the end, for any state to function, it requires democratic legitimacy and that cannot be imposed by outsiders.

Let me be clear: European integration can indeed transform the politics and economics of candidate countries as it has done in my country, but it cannot construct democratic legitimacy of states and their institutions. Only its citizens and its political elites can.

Of course Bosnia and Herzegovina can only join the EU as a single state, but it needs to be a single state that its citizens and politicians from the three entities will agree upon amongst themselves.


  Ivo Vajgl (ALDE). - Imamo odlično poročilo pred seboj in zahvaljujoč dolgoletnemu trudu in poznavanju naše poročevalke Doris Pack.

Poročilo odpira in podpira evropsko perspektivo Bosne in Hercegovine in to je edina prava smer. Rad bi se pridružil vsem kolegom, ki so mnenja, da je referenca na vahabite kot nevarnost v Bosni in Hercegovini popolnoma odveč. Pravzaprav zavaja in nekako spodbuja sum v neko bistvo Bosne in Hercegovine, ki je vedno bilo kulturna, verska in narodnostna raznolikost.

Končal bi z mislijo, da je treba omogočiti prebivalcem Bosne in Hercegovine, da v čim večji meri odločajo o svoji usodi, vključno z ustavno ureditvijo njihove države. Pri tem Dayton, ki je končal vojno v Bosni in Hercegovini, ne more biti edini tabu.


  Andrew Henry William Brons (NI). - Mr President, so yet another part of the former Yugoslavian federation is to give up its independence to a new federation, the EU. The federation is dead; long live the federation.

Is Bosnia’s embracing of the free movement of people going to extend to the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina, or simply to the rest of the EU? Many Bosnians will regard the EU as an attractive escape-route from the fragmented and still dangerous Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the point of view of the EU’s existing members, Bosnia will be yet another net recipient of EU funds and, of course, an opportunity for the rest of us to import some of their interesting and enriching ethnic friction, just in case we have not got enough of that already.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8))


  Bernd Posselt (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der blauen Karte. Herr Kollege Brons, ich möchte Sie nur fragen, ob Sie a) wissen, dass Jugoslawien eine kommunistische Diktatur war und die EU eine demokratische Gemeinschaft ist und ob Sie b) wissen, dass man aus der EU auch austreten kann. Wir freuen uns auf den Eintritt von Bosnien und Herzegowina. Aber wann ergreifen Sie die Initiative zum Austritt Ihres Landes? Dann wüssten wir, ob Ihr Volk wirklich dafür ist oder nicht.


  Andrew Henry William Brons (NI), blue-card answer. – I will answer the last part first. I have been continuously asking my country to leave so at least we are in agreement on that, Mr Posselt. Your mention of Yugoslavia being a Communist dictatorship is absolutely right and therefore some might say that it is appropriate that it should join the EU, another dictatorship.


  Norica Nicolai (ALDE). - Mr President, I want to welcome the report by Doris Pack. It is realistic and balanced, but it is difficult to accept paragraph 27 of the report because it is not – shall I say – ‘politically correct’ to label an entire community as extremist.

I believe for all of us Bosnia and Herzegovina is important because we must avoid the failure of a state. The crucial issue for this state is to make the appropriate constitutional reforms to benefit the entire community, because it is multicultural and multi-ethnic. How we deal with this community depends on us, and for this reason we must back increased EU support for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Another issue that I want to tackle is the question of impunity. All of us know that in Bosnia and Herzegovina there have been a lot of war crimes in the form of rape, but impunity still exists. I would like to welcome the current measures, but I consider they are not enough for a realistic approach.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8))


  Ewald Stadler (NI), Frage nach dem Verfahren der blauen Karte. – Kollegin Nicolai, Sie und Ihr Fraktionskollege haben zum wiederholten Male gemeint, man sollte den wahhabitischen Extremismus im Bericht nicht erwähnen. Sind Sie und Ihre Kollegen wirklich der Meinung, dass man diesen Extremismus verschweigen soll? Dass man trotz der durchaus moslemisch-liberalen Tradition dieses Landes den Einfluss Saudi-Arabiens, mit sehr vielen Geldern von wahhabitischen Extremisten, in diesem Land tatsächlich verschweigen soll? Glauben Sie wirklich, dass dann der Extremismus weg ist, nur weil man ihn nicht nennt? Ich glaube, dass das eine Gefahr für die europäischen Werte ist, die Sie ja auch immer wieder beschwören, und daher erscheint es mir wichtig, diesen Extremismus auch wirklich zu erwähnen.


  Norica Nicolai (ALDE), Răspuns „cartonașului albastru”. – Niciodată ceva nu dispare dacă este menționat într-un raport. Extremismul este o amenințare, însă nu este o abordare deloc europeană să considerăm comunități întregi ca fiind extremiste, atâta vreme cât doar reprezentanți ai lor se manifestă în acest sens. Sigur, Arabia Saudită susține comunitatea wahhabită din Bosnia şi Herțegovina, dar sper ca acest lucru să nu fie generat de o abordare extremistă a acestui stat.


Ende des „Catch the eye“-Verfahrens


  Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, honourable Members, it has been a very useful debate indeed and many important aspects have been mentioned.

If I come back to the honourable Member Belder’s question, let me say the following: while continuing to denounce and reject all forms of extremism, the Commission is not commenting on specific religious orientation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. You will not find that in our last progress report.

There are many statements from religious leaders, from all sides on an almost daily basis and we urge restraint and a spirit of cooperation and reconciliation from all responsible religious and political leaders.

Let me also highlight some other important issues which have been voiced in your debate. As also raised in your draft resolution, it is important that the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina carry out necessary technical preparations for a population census as a matter of urgency. The Commission is ready to give technical support for this and to be actively involved in the census so essential for the socio-economic development.

Your resolution also highlights the urgent need for all levels of authorities to strengthen coordination in all sectors relevant for the transposition of European Union legislation and for financial cooperation. It is evident that in this area Bosnia and Herzegovina need to undertake substantial efforts.

The debate overall has shown that a large majority of colleagues here share our views. We are united in our joint commitment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European future and we are clear in what we expect from the country in the next months in order to move forward and make up for lost time.

It will not be easy with the election campaign starting very soon for the local elections in October. There will be many challenges ahead and we need to make sure that the politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina are ready to take up a greater part of the ownership of the process.

It is time for Bosnia and Herzegovina to catch up with its neighbours. What we need more than anything else for this is a positive spirit towards compromise. All of us should thus encourage politicians in the country to make compromises in the European spirit, to leave the past behind and to move the country towards its European future.


  Nicolai Wammen, formand for Rådet. − Hr. formand! Ærede medlemmer, kommissær Füle! EU har givet Bosnien-Hercegovinas borgere et håb om en fremtid i familien. Derfor er det glædeligt, at der nu er dannet en ny regering, og at de politiske ledere tager et fælles ansvar for landets udvikling.

Der er tegn på, at den nye regering vil tage en række initiativer, økonomiske såvel som politiske, for at kunne levere fremskridt til landets borgere og fremme integrationen i forhold til EU. Der er således allerede sket fremskridt med hensyn til to af de tre betingelser for ikrafttræden af en stabilitets- og associeringsaftale, nemlig for det første vedtagelse af loven om statsstøtte, for det andet loven vedrørende folketælling. Spørgsmålet om at bringe landets forfatning i overensstemmelse med den europæiske menneskerettighedskonvention udestår. Der kan ikke herske nogen tvivl om, at en troværdig indsats i den henseende er afgørende for, at landet opfylder sine forpligtelser.

Næste milepæl er ikrafttræden af en stabilitets- og associeringsaftale. En sådan vil systematisere dialogen mellem EU og Bosnien-Hercegovina og gøre det muligt at arbejde mere målrettet med reformbestræbelserne. Et vigtigt signal at sende er, at EU fortsat vil bistå Bosnien-Hercegovina, bl.a. via EU's særlige repræsentant Peter Sørensen, som har gjort en flot og værdsat indsats.

Det primære ansvar for fremdrift ligger dog naturligvis hos Bosnien-Hercegovinas ledere. Det er op til dem at vise lederskab, og det er op til dem at træffe de nødvendige beslutninger og fortsætte reformsporet, således at Bosnien-Hercegovina også kan gøre fremskridt på EU-sporet.

Vejen mod EU er et langt, sejt træk. Det er og bør være baseret på hårdt arbejde og egne meritter. Kroatiens optagelse i EU og Serbiens nylige kandidatstatus viser, at EU-tilnærmelsen er på bordet for de lande, som er villige til at reformere og tage de afgørende skridt. Jeg håber, at dette vil være en kilde til motivation for Bosnien-Hercegovina, og ønsker både Parlamentet, Kommissionen og Rådet god arbejdslyst i forbindelse med de vigtige opgaver, der i den henseende ligger foran os.


(Die Sitzung wird um 11.40 Uhr unterbrochen und um 12.05 Uhr wiederaufgenommen.)

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149 GO)


  Владко Тодоров Панайотов (ALDE). - Along with other Western Balkan countries, Bosnia is currently facing the double challenge of integrating the EU while consolidating the constructions of its nation. If political, economical, social and structural improvements are unquestionable; this duplicity remains one of the main differences with the 2004 enlargement and could represent an extra burden to achieve the integration. Nevertheless, I believe the EU could make this task easier for the future member states. In fact, 20 years ago Europe intended to defend the values of multiculturalism in the Balkan region. Nowadays it appears that some of the EU's main leaders have stopped believing in these values. If the principle of enlargement itself is not at stake, how can multiculturalism be promoted in the Balkan region when multiculturalism is discarded by the founding countries of the EU? It is not easy to expand when there are doubts at the core, yet it is desirable and pressing for us to set and a good example and structure for these future member states.



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